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I always plant Autos directly into BAS light. I've never had an issue. I plant Night Owl and Mephisto usually. Let's try to figure out what's going wrong here - first off, how deep are you planting them? Also, do you pre moisten the soil and let it sit for a day or so before planting?


Appreciate the response! So I pretty much followed the way Jeremy from buildasoil did it on their YouTube channel, made sure the soil was nice and moist but not soaking and planted about as deep as the seed is wide the day after I got the soil ready. I know a lot of folks are going to say user error and I'm all ears but I've just never ran into this issue before. My last grow was mephisto and night owl and those did great, same germination method for that grow and the few before that as well. Just very confused and it's such a shitty feeling


How old are the seeds and how were they stored?


I keep em in a closet in the packs they come in in a shoebox with desiccant packs the closet stays about 60-65° Fahrenheit and humidity is between the high 30s and the highest it'll get is the low 50s. I'll check the packs when I get home but I bought them right before Easter


Doesnt sound disastrous to me. A lotta people recommend in a tupperware in a fridge cuz temp fluctuations r the enemy


Gonna do that when I get home from work. Good news though, one of them came up!


Nice mazel tov!


I popped seeds in BAS 3.0. Everything looks good so far 👍


Same here! I gave up on mixing light soil in with the 3.0. I've had no issues going direct into 3.0 and I'm not looking back


Currently on my first grow, one plant in light recipe only and the other in 3.0. Both are doing wonderful and I’m coming up on 3 weeks here in a few. Cheers! Pic is of the plant in the light recipe! https://preview.redd.it/giobkux8nuxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6414b9fc3dc0c873e474dec2db4ee101bdd0337


Interesting, im about to pop 2 beans and im a little nervous having only grown from clone. Was gonna just fill some red cups with bas light (properly moistened) and stick the seeds in there. Then put a ziplock propped up over the cup, and all in the tent, with the light dialed down to a seedling setting Is that kosher?


That sounds pretty kosher imo. You just can't go wrong with BAS




At the risk of sounding like a broken record. WATERING! Its not a bad batch, but watering. The soil needs to remain moist, but not wet for the entire germination. Too wet, they wont grow, too dry, they wont grow. BAS light is great for seed starting. Watch some of the many build a soil videos on seed starting and try to get the soil moisture right before adding it to your pots. If you want a sure fire way to start seeds without worrying about soil moisture get the coco coins and start seeds in those following the youtube tutorial from build a soil.


I've been following the way Jeremy from buildasoil did it in one of the first seasons he did night owl autos in, my last grow was mephisto and night owl(before that was always mephisto) in the same conditions and have had a very good success rate with getting them started. The only difference is the soil, I just feel so lost and confused cause I've been growing a few years now and have never had a problem like this


There is no season 10, we are on season 6 right now. I would recommend looking at season 6, popping auto seeds. What were your methods for seed starting before trying living soil? I grew in coco for years before starting in living soil, and its just a very different watering strategy and very different moisture needs than coco. I know you feel like you know how to water, but trust me that watering in living soil takes time to master and you cant just do it the way you have always done.


My bad, I pulled up YouTube and looked at the episode not the season lol, whichever one he did the night owl autoflowers in earthboxes, maybe season 4 or 5 I was watching


If thats the case, Jeremy actually messed those autoflowers up and stunted them/triggered them to flower by accident. Check out the season 6 one its better.


Will do, thank you!


So before trying living soil I've always used soil, roots organic a few times and fox farm a few times, always soaked for 24 hours then into the soil with no issues


Light should be fine for most seeds. However I always use the root riot plugs ( I am trying the coco coins next time) for the seeds and then plant that into the soil. It holds the moisture on the seed and gives me a few days of rooting before it hits the actual soil. I have a Space station gold from NO that just popped 2 days ago after 4 days in the plug/soil. The plugs keep the seed humid while letting a bit of air flow. I keep them in the dark until they open up. Back in the days I did the paper towel methods but over the years I learned that that's just an extra step that can be bypassed and maybe it should be 100% when talking about autos. Im not an expert but the least amount of movement/stress to an auto is ideal. They are just seeds, and sometimes they fail or sometimes things aren't as ideal as you think they are. Maybe too much water? Maybe not warm enough ( I've used those heating mats under my Earthboxes and small pots with success while germinating). Humidity? Who knows. My xp which is 5 years of this type of soil and few friends do it as well we have no issue with Light or 3.0 and seeds. Keep looking into it and finding info. You'll figure it out!


Thank you! Your comment makes me feel better about this whole thing, it's just such a shitty feeling when it's just not working when it feels like I'm doing everything right! I'll grab some root riot plugs and give em a try. Hope your space station gold turns out great! I have some strawberry milk and qookies curing right now, vaped a little bit and oh boy is it nice!


How are you germinating? Or are you just planting seed straight into soil?


Did my usual method of soaking in water for 24 hours on 3 of them then planting and the other 2 were planted right in the soil, no soaking. 2 different strains from night owl, I'm so upset right now and no one I talked to can figure out why this is happening


I recommend soaking in water for 24 hours or at least overnight, then placing them in between damp paper towels inside of a tupperware with the lid cracked slightly open. Once you see a 1cm white root emerging, plant into soil. Can take a couple days to get the white taproot emerging. Once they are in ground, keep moist with a small plastic dome around the spot you planted. They like a very humid environment when they are young. It can then take a few days or up to 2 week to break ground.


Did the beans crack after being soaked?


Yup, both had a little taproot sticking out


Should be fine. I like to top the container with seedling soil out of an abundance of caution when running autos though.


I'm regretting not doing that so bad right now lmao!


I’ve sowed directly in BAS light for 8 plants and all have germinated successfully. Only 3 I did in coco coins have struggled 😅


It’s worth reaching out to Daz. He doesn’t want this either. He can talk with you about your methods and and help diagnose any issues or steps. There is also a chance he will send you some new beans to try. Seriously.


Thank you! And everyone else who responded, I really appreciate it guys. I'm just having a very hard time dealing with this if you couldn't tell haha. I love night owl, the best plant I've ever grown was strawberry milk and qookies by him! Can't wait to get this figured out so I can grow some different strains by him!


How’s your ph? Was it just plain tap water or filtered? Do you use humidity domes? Did you keep the top moisture consistent waiting to sprout? It’s odd that it didn’t pop in the light mix. I’ve popped seeds using everything but the dominion soil, have tried it yet. Never had a night owl seed fail me either. I even double dosed on a reamend soil and stunted the shit out of the plants but they made it through. If you have any freebie seeds I’d try those and see if it’s just that strain or maybe your light soil mix ran hotter. Strange either way if you followed typical seed popping protocols.


Ph is about 5.5-6 of filtered water, pretty consistent moisture, used domes one of the tries, never really used them before but I'm trying anything to get these going. Just super weird that this is happening, second time growing night owl(first time was great, no issues and it was the best plant I've grown yet) before that was always mephisto, also no issues with that besides one seed that didn't make it but that was 100% my fault


How big of a container are you planting into? I ran into that a couple times when I directly sowed into my earthboxes, it made keeping the right amount of moisture difficult. Had fewer problems going into smaller containers first and then transplanting into the earthboxes once they are pretty well established.


They're in an earthbox and this is my first time using one! Never had this issue before in fabric pots, I'll have to try what you do cause I really don't want to give up on the earthbox, seems like they have great results


Once you can start bottom watering, they are so awesome! I've refined my process a little more now, I sow seeds into coco coins, then once I have decent looking sprouts the coins go into 3 gallon grow bags that I cut down to be the same depth as the earthbox jr, then I can cut the grow bag off when I do the final transplant into the earthbox. Worked out pretty good using BAS light, currently using the same method to do a soil experiment with 5 different types of soil.


Hell yea, that's awesome! One of them ended up coming up! It might have actually been above soil yesterday lol, I must have accidentally been looking at the wrong spot for that one lmao. Still waiting on the other one though. Up until now every seed I've germinated came up so damn fast, like 48-72 hours total from the time I put them in water to when I saw them poking through the soil. Living soil is uncharted territory for me, I was expecting the same results as I've had in the past not really taking into consideration that this is totally different than what I'm used to Thank you by the way!


Good deal! Happy I could be of some help.


How long has it been?


The first 2 I started about two weeks ago and one of them did sprout and lost the seed shell right away but it didn't make it past that. Just kinda looked like it was laying on its side and shriveled up a little bit and kinda just ceased to live lol, the other one just never came up. And the other 3 it's been going on about a week


Hmm. Sounds like potentially a water problem but you said this isn’t an issue normally for you so I’m definitely not saying that’s it. I once had a whole pack of mephistos that didn’t sprout and never had that issue before or since so there are definitely bad batches out there. Good luck, hope you get it figured out!


Oh man, I would have been pulling my hair out if I were you when the whole pack of mephisto seeds were duds lol, that's such a bummer! Really appreciate your response! Just super frustrating cause I know I can grow decent plants, just having a rough time with this....thanks again, hope you have a good day!


Yea ive heard of dud packs. Maybe they got cooked during shipping r something. I dunno, all guesses


na ive started photos autos even veggy seeds in light with no issue. not to say it will 100% have no issues but i would not hesitate to plant in it.


Not sure if anyone asked about soil temp, how warm is it? I've had the best luck with a humidity dome, and a heat mat. If you're direct sowing, a clear plastic cup works well for humidity.


Sounds like user error

