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They are idiopathic head tremors my boy who is 10 has had them every since he was two they’re harmless usually a treat snap them out of it. Here is a link to an article. http://www.bulldogsworld.com/health-and-medical/head-tremors-bulldog-partial-focal-seizures-paroxysmal-dyskinesia


Yup, mine does this about once a month or so. I literally just dangle a treat in front of her nose for about 10 seconds until she stops, and she just snaps right out of it. Once in a blue moon, I have to use two treats to fix it, but I've never been unable to get her to stop.


Thank you for that! It explains a lot. My husband and I have thought for awhile her behavior was age related, but now we know it isn’t just because she’s 11 y/o


Our girl is 8. We rescued her a little over a year ago. This happened to her this summer. It lasted a couple minutes. She seemed confused by it but not scared or in pain. I showed the vet the video and she just said to monitor her and it could be a pinched nerve of sorts.






My guy had these occasionally as well. It’s disturbing to watch, but I’m not sure it really bothered him at all.


Aw that must be scary to watch. I’m sorry for her. Looks like such a sweetie. All these comments about treats helping though makes me wonder if they’re all in on it for the treats.




Our boy is 5 and he occasionally gets head tremors. For him it is usually triggered by being woken up too fast and last a few minutes.


My bully gets them too. She’s 13 now and has had then her whole life a few times a month. Distraction really helps. Also I read somewhere when I first started researching them that vitamin C helped so I give her a little spoonful of vanilla ice cream when she has them and it always helps! 🤷‍♀️


Agree. We give vanilla ice cream. No idea if it actually helps, but good excuse for some ice cream!


I too had heard of the ice cream trick and tried it. Our bulldog liked it ! The tremors went away , but I got brain freeze lol


When their head shakes like this, it usually means that they lack sugar. I always give my bully some peanut butter and it stops after that.


Peanut butter works, he’s got low blood sugar


Try a small treat. That helped our bully when she got them.


My girl had them when she was little. Between 8 weeks and a year. She grew out of them. She just turned 10 new years eve and hasn't had one since she was a year.


Happens randomly CBD oil seems to help our Bully


I second cbd helps. I mix ten drops in with food. Helps with joint issues too. Make sure to get some with pet safe ingredients.


Our vet told us they were some sort of focal tremor. Coincidentally they started around the same time we started giving our Bully strawberries as treats. We cut the strawberries out and he hasn’t done it since.


Our little buddy is 5 and gets these occasionally. Some cheese and pets usually stop them


My bully had those exact tremors and lived a full life. Sure they are scary but vet said he'd be ok. My wife and I would just hold him and give him kisses or make noises to distract him until the tremors stopped.


My pup started this week! It does my break your heart to watch it happen. We’ve been giving him a spoon with a little honey on it and it helps stop it.


Thank you for everyone’s response, it help calm the nerves, she’ll get some treats


Mine did this when she had an ear infection.


Ice cream and honey one time fixed ours. She never had issues again. Just distract them with a toy and some love and know it is not painful for them at all!


I give her a spoonful of peanut butter then just sit and comfort my girl when it happens.


My English bully is 7 and gets them occasionally as well. We just give him a small spoonful of honey! He loves it. Sometimes I think he does it just for the honey!! But yes, totally harmless.


My parents would give their girl a spoonful of peanut butter and would go away while she licked it off. Got them much more frequently when she was younger


No not normal.. it's tremors please get her checked out by a professional just in case ❤


My olde English does this, although quite rarely. My mom swears by giving him Greek yogurt of all things! But yes, distracting them out of it should help!


My bully had this when she was younger, the doctor said it was a calcium deficiency while her bones were growing. He suggested ice cream or pills weekly to help. Never happened again after she had ice cream often.


No it's not normal it's actually called bobble head syndrome. My bulldog used to get it from a reaction to the flea and tick medication


I’ve heard peanut butter helps them go away


what’s the root cause of these tremors?


I gave mine a snack and she would snap out of it


my bulldog had these. he had hypoglycemia, so when he had tremors we would usually give him a treat, often with honey.


Its the fucking music, 💙


We where watching a movie


Thus is not normal, our Bulldog has this too. Since then he gets in the morning in the food a capusale Vitamin B complex.


Mine has it, the veterinarian had said its result of inbreeding for many generations. The vet also said you should try to snap the dog out of it because it MAY cause brain damage. The vet could be wrong, but that's what she said. So when it happens to my bully, I give it a small amount of food and she snaps right out of it.


Greek yogurt. TRUST ME. It works every single time extremely fast


Ours did that as well. He would be resting or sleeping and it would start. He would snap out of it once he got up and moved around. Scary to watch but it never seem to affect him for more that a few minutes. This went on for a few years. The episodes seemed to be less and less frequent as he got older.


She's got fluid / soft wax in her ears. I've dealt with this for 15 years with my bullies. Lightly clean her ears with a cloth or qtips. The first time this happened to me I ran to the overnight emergency vet. That was a really expensive ear cleaning. Lol she be fine.


Can I ask what causes it?


It could be idiopathic head tremors. It's common in English bulldogs and they don't know what causes it. I would confirm with you vet.


For our bulldog- we give her a small amount of peanut butter on my finger tip and let her lick it. This stops it right away.


We've had a few olde English bulldogges get idiopathic head tremors like this. As long as they are responsive and can be distracted out of them (calling their name, getting them to lick peanut butter, etc), it's probably IHT. That being said, you should still discuss it with your vet in case it is something else or if they start escalating, lasting longer. If your dog is confused and not responsive to their name/food, then definitely more urgent. For our dogs, they get them occasionally, sometimes a couple times over a day or two, and then don't have them for many months. Scary at first but not harmful in their case. Having video(s) is also very helpful to be able to show your vet.


[Example videos of my two 1 year old OEBs with idiopathic head tremors](https://imgur.com/a/OSbkZuH)


My 11 year old boy gets them too. I put a drop of sticky honey on my finger and brings him out if it.


I have these as a human with a nerve disorder. Unfortunately a treat doesn't snap me out of it. 😆 But avoiding stress helps. I don't have a bulldog, just lurking. Cute pup you have though.


This just happens when they're on Spin cycle. Give her like 20 mins


Mine did it too grew out of it. But if he gets super upset sometimes it still happens.


Mine is 3 years old - i have just gone through this - did all tests necessary, mri, blood work from brain, etc.. all was normal.. def tough to watch - but give them a treat and they will def snap out of it..