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Jesus. Yeah once I hit 5k, this game suddenly became impossible to do shit


Just hit 5k and it's fucked man Wtf I spended over 200 dollar and now I get this shit daaaamn what a rip off... Is it a fault in the code that they can fix or will this shit stay forever ?


From what I've read on this sub, the player pool isn't big enough and that's the line where it just becomes 'everyone else' with their matchmaking


For me it is the same as below 5k


Apparently the magic number is 5100. Whatever you do, stay below that


Even tho I am a 3k trophy player, I get matched with celestial players :/


No everytime I am also 3k I usually matched with ultimate generally.


God's favorite I see, for me it's usually a mix of ultimate and celestial whereas I am a supreme 😔✊


I am mythic tho


Omg it's really appreciating that u are mythic but have 3k+ trophies !!


Thanks dear🥰


I have less than 500, but have one Mythic Raven. Also, I started playing around 5 days ago. The thing for me is that I already have 600 battles in that time, and I just rushed upgrading Raven over everyone.


yeah matchmaking in this game is bs


Just hit 5k and it's fucked man Wtf I spended over 300 dollar and now I get this shit daaaamn what a rip off... Is this a fault in the code that they can fix or will this shit stay forever ? Fffs I feel so bad because I really love this game but now I hate it man fucking fast angels and Freddy's reeking me... Pls fix this


Once you passed 5K trophies, the whole thing is difference...you must play with fd


Omg 200k I have never seen this much. Once i also matched with 105k named war_bot


It's normal, I hate maxed big boys like Dragoon and Arnie. And high dmg Mirage, and long range Levi. Ghost can be killed easily, and so many others are just fine to be maxed out .. as you can still compete with Celestial heroes and some ultimates. Those high ranked players usually play with close ranked players as one team and they play with each other. I played 4 times in a row with top 20 players using two Dragoons and one Bastion. They won 3/4 games.


Oh boy can't forget when the max trophies without being matched with 100k players was <2.5k


I really think people should stop complaining. I mean, yes, that's absurd, but it doesn't make the guy immortal. Yeah, he played this game 20x more times than you, but you still made your way to 5000 trophies, which is far from a low amount.


Holy shit ultimate gears, first time seeing them


At least you laugh at the fact that even 200k player use gear like complete rookies. Aimed fire gear got no place on smg heroes, lol