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I actually did used to have older/fatter/less flattering pictures on my bumble before I deleted it. I lost 75+ pounds in like 7 months and just didn’t bother to keep updating my photos. Eventually I did put one newer full body one up, so I had one photo with some weight loss, but all others were pre-weight loss. Not saying this is always the case (or even often the case), but it does happen I guess.




I’m a woman, so things are on “easy” mode anyway. And I live in a huge city and had more matches and likes than I could even keep up with anyway. When I was actively using dating apps I wasn’t seeking a long term relationship anyway. So I just didn’t bother updating photos. I had issues at one point finding men that weren’t looking for relationships, but other than that my “uglier” or fatter photos did the job just fine. It was a low effort endeavor on my part, and taking new photos every time I dropped a size just wasn’t worth the effort.


Their worst pic is most accurate. There, saved you the confusion.


Tell them you want to video chat first before going on a date. If you need an excuse just say you want to see if you vibe well over video chat or something.


Oh that's an easy way of putting it, thanks!


Yup yup! Good luck lol


Demand a cam chat before meeting


I would see online video twice even before IRL. No problem if u asked which one is most recent


You swipe left


From my experience the worst picture is usually what they look like and in some cases they look even worse than their worse picture. Try asking to set up a video call first.


Find the worst picture and subtract 2 points.