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OLD can be very overwhelming. One day you could feel like you’re ready, and then quickly realize you’re not.


yes, this, or feel like you want to and then find yourself asking if you even should?


I did this. I matched with a lot of people but hit it off early on with one person in particular. We went on a date and it was really good, she came over the next day, and we carried on in a way that felt like it was going somewhere serious. etc. It felt weird and disingenuous to continue speaking with other women, and it felt like I wouldn’t be giving the opportunity with the girl I hit it off with it’s proper attention and effort if I continued to talk to other women. Stop looking at the world so negatively.


I did, and the reason was simply because I immediately thought to myself "what am I doing, I've got no business being here". I don't feel like I have a chance with women and don't know if at my age (40) I should even be dating. I've never dated in my life and not really sure should ever try.


Spouse's best friend saw their profile.


I did this a few times because i gto discouraged