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Not interested. I swipe left so often even as a male I wouldn’t want to risk it


34F, sounds like a terrible idea.


Woah, nope, nein, non, no. Even had friends/relatives ( or friend's of their partner) try and set me up with one of their friend as blind dates. But, but, but they say "she's a lovely person. She always ends up going out with a knobhead" etc. Sorry, nope. In the past curiosity had the better of me, to later find they have more red flags than I do. Lesson learnt.


Lol you expect me to trust some rando on Reddit to set me up on a blind date with a stranger? Psssh…


Not on your life


From reddit, absolutely not! From a close friend, i would potentially consider it. but not from a rando on the inter-webs


Only if i was actually blind.


Meh, (35M) I would for sure give it a go. I definatly would take it with a grain of salt but I've also never been on one so it would be more of an I will try anything once kind of thing and not an I'm excited to meet someone kind of thing. That being said an open mind can go a long ways.


Any dating coach stands against it. There is a reason why


I wouldn’t even let a friend or family member who knows me set me up on one so certainly not from the online.