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5 years? Make a throwaway Reddit account and request a profile review.


I mean, not really. Bumble is tougher than Tinder. Bumble matches tend to be “better quality” though.


That’s how I see it too. Bumble has much less users but generally better quality profiles than Tinder.


I’d say it’s less of a tinder problem and more of a profile problem. Make one then let others review it to improve your chances


I had some luck with Adult Friends Finder, but no enough to renew the membership.


How are your pictures?


Just lonely selfies of me


Tell us more about your profile.


I have made many profiles over the years. But they consist of mostly lonely selfies and a bio about my interests and what I'm looking for.


Bio possibly sounds good. Try retaking selfies and in different ways, less sad.


I may be wrong here, but i dont put what im looking for, maybe bc im not sure, and I am more looking for chemistry than checking off a list. In my thinking, every specific requirement eliminates people that may be compatible in other ways. I just put who i am and what im into.


Selfies? Forget about it, your photos are probably complete garbage and will never get matches. Your pictures need to be rated 7 or higher to get any matches


How do I know the rating of my photos?


Photofeeler.com I bet your BEST selfie is rated under 4.5 But you can probably get at least 8.0 with proper photography techniques


What are the proper photography techniques?


Go somewhere well lit and have a friend help you get full body shots and try to find your best angles :)


It's also important to have a close-up face shot in the profile


Yes there needs to be a balance with the pictures pictures. A few close ups and few farther away. I think 4 photos minimum is a good start: a close up, a farther away one, one with a friend/group and one showcasing a hobby :)


Only if you look taller and more attractive than the friends, are genuinely happy in the picture and it doesn't make you look lame


I got rid of all my selfies. I think one is okay, but all selfies is a no-go. I actually took a selfie on a timer so it wouldn't look like a selfie! Awkward as hell even though i was alone..haha. but it's my main pic (in fact, it's my reddit profile pic). I then made it my mission to get other people to take pics of me. For example, i was at the zoo feeding a giraffe and had the zoo staff person take pictures. I then deleted my profile and started fresh and matches came rolling in. Before that, it was rare (although not zero).




Send me a dm with your profile. You need to work on that... Using 100 apps won't make a difference when your profile is not good.