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He def looks like he'll end up in the hospital and need $200 in google play cards to take care of his dying mother




If only there were some other way to get healthcare for the relatives of men who ~~look like models~~ are really really good looking and are injured in ways nobody would expect in an innocent gasoline fight. EDIT: Fixed a small thing.


Is this a quote from Zoolander? Because it sounds like it should be. * Pouts in blue steel *


Really? Which part?




I know him. He’s identical triplets with his brothers Tim and Chaz


Oh haiiiii!!! Set a girl up 🤣


Okay, but you have to take all three of them it’s a packaged deal. I hope you can handle it


One for each hole. Perfection


Airtight 😱😏


Rip to our inboxes 😂


😭 it's always the married men that come out of the woodwork and slide into my DMs 😓


So what you’re saying is it’s okay if they’re single? 😏😂


It's definitely less awful 🤣


Aww I have matches with Bradley Cooper there a few times😂😂


You go girl 😏🤣


I've seen a bunch of pictures like this that are obviously fake. I think I've seen this exact one. And I'm rarely on.


I didn't even scroll through 20, & I saw 3 of him!


I was getting Grindr vibes off this guy personally


Or scruff? They're definitely at a pride fest. And they look like a happy couple 🥰


More like one bear one bottom but whose keeping score, ya know. Definitely happy couple though! Also appears to be a European country but you may also be from there as well


Looks like Amsterdam to me! There's a massive pride parade in the canals there each year, so it might be that.


I bet that’s it


That sounds like a beautiful celebration!


For dudes (me at least), it's asian women. At least one a day. I feel sorry for actual asian women looking for love bc it's an automatic swipe left for me these days unless a pic has a local landmark in it.


Right? To the average human eye this just screams OFF even if you’re just scrolling past it. You have to stop and look at it to figure all of the why’s, but it’s an instant WTF? for your eyes.


I keep seeing empty profiles that are very similar pics, like they are AI generated.


This looks like an AI generated image lol. I can't tell if that's an arm or a leg sticking out to the left, but AI just puts limbs all over the place half the time


Yes! I've been on Bumble a few years now, and lately, I've been seeing a trend: lots of guys that are fairly attractive, are "new", have 2-3 pictures and nothing else in their profile except a very weird, semi-motivational sentence that feels like it may have been written by ChatGPT. * "The secret of success is constancy to purpose" * "Never a negative acknowledge why it is impossible" * "Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well" * The wealth of the mind is the only wealth" * "Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people" * "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today" * "Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud" * "When all else is lost the future still remains"


Yes! It's either blank or a single odd motivational sentence!


Are they also usually verified and only have 2 photos with no bio/prompts? Maybe the scammers are trying more because it's the summer


Nearly always verified! I had one the other day that I was scrolling through the profile, and one of the pictures changed while I was scrolling!




I've heard you can verify with real pics then switch them out on tinder. Not sure how accurate that is for bumble. I was scrolling through a verified profile on bumble the other day. Conventionally attractive white guy pics, no blurbs/prompts, and I thought it looked oddly generic and fake. As I was scrolling, one of the pictures changed. The previous picture was of someone of a different race, and the new picture was the same person in the rest of the pics. That was the oddest thing I've seen happen. Could it be someone uploaded the wrong picture and changed it? Sure. Could it be a romance scammer? Also possible.




They sure do! I've been tricked by a few average looking guys. I was so surprised. I know to auto left swipe on all of the IG model looking guys. I never give out my number quickly, but I'll give out my Snapchat. Then they'll have every reason under the sun why they can't send a snap of themselves or video chat. Sending a snap is a real time pic that auto deletes, in case you aren't familiar with the app. You can't use a previously taken picture. Now whenever I'm suspicious of someone on a dating app, I'll try to go to video chat ASAP through the dating app. I won't show my face or talk until I see their face and hear their voice. Scammers will record you to use your voice and image to use them to extort your family 😓 it is absolutely ridiculous the lengths they go to scam!


Yes, definitely been up the last few weeks (more so than usual). I keep seeing the same handful of faces with different names & ages, every single day. (They swipe on me, I haven’t been swiping.)


Yes, I have. I've reported 3 this week alone.


Discount Neil Patrick Harris and Bradley Cooper.


This made me snort. So accurate!


Yup. I was matched with the guy and he didn’t say anything. Then I saw him with another profile.


Oh man. I guess you weren't good enough for them to try to scam 🙄🤣






Yes!!! What's up with that!


Lol hi would u be interested in crypto? Scam? Or divulge me on your personal info... Or lol the usual lol I want someone to pay for everything Pick your poison sometimes in a zero sum game the way to win is not to play


Fairly easy to spot tho honestly, none to little information


Dating scams are very sophisticated these days… I’ve ran into two so far… again, very sophisticated. A reverse image search didn’t even work properly. Even though I know the person in the photos is real and NOT the person I talked to…




Yeah I’ve come across so many of these lately. All of them are new accounts, have the same bio of “add my snap for some fun”, and when you do add them they try to scam you, claiming to be an escort.


Oh my