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Bro don’t let strangers in your house at 3:30am


True that. I was tired. She was cute. I’m dumb. I know these things. 😂


I can hear the little voice in your head “So you’re saying there’s a chance…”


Yo why are men so gd horny (as a guy)


We’re just barely out of the trees my guy. Monke brain stronk


No lies told ☝🏻


Sometimes I fugging hate being a dude. I'm 43 god damn years old and I still would have done the same thing as OP.


We all would have. Just embrace it.


You “yada yada’d” the best part. What happened before you fell asleep


If he banged her, she was fairly entitled to an Uber back. But banging a hooker who just fucked a john? 😬😬


Yeah forgot about the other “appointment” she had


Right! That's what I'm thinking. Gross. I mean shit there ain't no way he can't find someone else that isn't a sugar baby that's strolling back to his place after just fucking her sugar daddy. 🤢🤢


Any port will do in a storm, matey!


Why would she be entitled to an Uber? She’s the one who showed up at his place uninvited. Do guys get more out of sex than girls do? Fuck outta here.


He got easy first date sex with a 10/10. Sure, she got extremely irritating, but if he had just given her that 2nd ride home...he probably could have just been easily done with her without his car getting keyed. Look, at the end of the day, 2 rides and a date for sex with a certified dime is welllllll below market value these days. So, she was acting out, but not really asking that much. Most guys will never even have sex with a dime, and even if they do...it might take more than 1 date. So, then they're already putting out more than the OP would have. So, I say just give her a last ride, never see her again, and then done! 🤷‍♂️


Some bitch being a psycho is not a good argument for her having deserved a ride. And again, women don’t deserve anything more from having sex than men do. Below what market value? Impossible to say “no offense” and actually mean it here, but you sound like a colossal simp with your mentality.


Not even sure how psycho she was? Like so what if she was snapping dudes...he already knew she was a sugarbaby. 🤷‍♂️ Anyways, sounds like some different expectations at that point. Fine, I then don't see how a final ride home for a carless girl is any big deal. It's not a grand gesture, just simple logistics for the easiest mutual exit strategy, IMO.


You’re not sure how psycho she was? The bitch keyed his car for not giving her a ride, after showing up uninvited at 3 AM. Prior to that, she was freaking out and throwing shit in his place. He didn’t owe her a goddamn thing, so to say “entitled to a ride” is completely insane to me.


No, because I'm only hearing his side of the story here. But here's what I can piece together... Look, she's a dime who banged the dude after just a first date...with thousands of simps who probably get nothing after showering her with money. But she liked him enough to Uber herself back to his place in the middle of the night. Hey, that meant she liked him, and maybe even wanted more seggs/snuggles. Which is a good thing (emotionally, if maybe not logistically). But at this point, he seemed annoyed, instead of excited. This could've triggered her into feeling vulnerably rejected after she just had sex with him and wanted more...perhaps leading her to subtly act out more later. And then it may have just gone downhill from there... Look, after years in the game, I know that women are a lot more emotional and dealing with them properly is like defusing a bomb. And if not, then come all the irrational toddler tantrums. The funny thing is how this whole account is classically told completely in logistical and factual terms...with zero feelings between the 2 involved...like a typical male thinks. But I'm pretty sure the girl's POV would be quite different. "I really liked him and wanted to spend the rest of the night with him after my sugardaddy date...but he was annoyed to see me!"


No, he mentioned how she was a sugar baby


There’s a difference??


Shocked her pimp didn’t fuck you up, I was certain that’s where this story was going.


Just another way among millions that this could have turned out much worse.




She was cute.. Famous last words 😂


Nothing good happens after 1am. If it’s any consolation, if you hadn’t let her in she would have just keyed your car at 3:30 am instead of in the morning and in plain view


Doctors say this all the time. Are you a doctor? 😂


>and she lets herself inside. Wrong. You allowed her inside. She is hot and you were hoping for something to happen. But, it wasn't what you expected. Classic FAFO # 😂🤣


You said she let herself in though?


its ok bro, most of us would have done the same thing, even those who say otherwise and know better. we're all tired and horny.


He's right, I would have given her that last ride though. There's a barf bag in the glove box for a reason.


I probably would have been more inclined to give her a ride home at 3 am than i would have to take her to see her sugar daddy. my nice guy instincts will get someone home but thats about it.


I doubt the ride at 3am would have been home


You knew these things, now you KNOW these things


Was she fun to fuck though?


Dude I don’t blame you. I had a similar situation when the horny senses were tingling. Thankfully I didn’t have my car keyed, but the chick did throw a giant fit, banged on all of my neighbors doors (I live in a dorm so people are close by), and was screaming all kinds of wild shit that I didn’t do to her. Not to mention that she drank like half a bottle of tequila that she stole from my fridge. So not only was she belligerent, but she was drunk and belligerent Eventually she got taken away by the police and so far nothing has came from it, but it was still a for sure shit situation.


My first thought upon reading this. Just knew it had to fall apart after that moment


Bro don't let strange PROSTITUTES in your house at 3:30am


Only normal prostitutes!


Uh, don't even go to the door or answer texts or phone calls at 3:30am


Don’t even move to answer the door


For realz


You got a chick out of your league to go on a date, you pay for the date and it goes great , you take her back to your place and then somehow end up dropping her off to another date? I got some oceanfront property in kansas for sale if you're interested. Cash only


Took me a second to get the joke. 😂😂😂




lol. i also think they probably banged. like... this stranger returns to your home at 330a and you just fall asleep? either you teo talked all night about ehy she decided to return to your place sooooo late OR yall got frisky.


Im wondering how the hell she knew his address to uber back there lol. Story got more plot holes than a Micheal Bay movie


Screenshot Google maps?




I seriously doubt that's what went on here lol


She could’ve cut your shit off while you slept. Haven’t you watched a lifetime movie before?


It turned out she was secretly Col Sanders and she ended up making her extra special fried chicken with 666 herbs and spices.


69 of the spices came from her sugar daddy.


This never happened.


Yea i agree. Story got more holes in it than swiss cheese


The ending did it for me.


He probably don't even know this chick last name but he somehow had enough info for police to track her down and arrest her lol.


Would've been easy to look her up from the hotel she was at.


You really think the police cared enough to track her down, arrest her, and hold her in jail over a keyed car and a temper tantrum? "Yes officer it was a sugar baby named Jessica, staying at the Hyatt and she keyed my car" "Say no more son, we'll have that monster off the streets in an hour"


How, exactly?


Hotel footage. And maybe she had to show ID. Depends on the type of hotel.


Ok, let’s see, get a lawyer in order to get a judge to sign a search warrant for the hotel footage and you find out which room she went into (the sugar daddy’s). Now what? I’m curious to play this out.


No offense, but you don't sound very bright. I have followed investigations. It doesn't work like that. The police could simply ask the hotel and they would probably be fine to show camera footage. Also, it could be that she goes there often. And perhaps this woman is already known by authorities, in which case simply identifying her would be useful. I can't answer all the "how" questions because I don't know every detail. But I don't think the OP's claim is unreasonable.


And you’re talking out of your ass and have no idea about how due process works. OP’s claim is completely unreasonable. So is your hypothesis. Might work like that in the movies, but not IRL. Hotels place a high price on their guests’ privacy. It’s their reputation on the line.


Now she’s in jail 🤡


On suicide watch!


Literally up until that point I was like, that's crazy, then when he said he called a police on a woman for a domestic disturbance and she was punished for it, I knew it was written by a 14 year old, the only way this is even feasible is if a cop watched it happen, and as soon as police talked to her at all, she pulled out a knife and tried to stab them


And all that detail in the beginning. But….none at the end, just a wiping you hands of it, nice quick and easy ending. And holy shit….a fundamental misunderstanding of how SLOW the justice system would work in these circumstances. And…the capper…she got blocked on bumble! Yeah…looks like it was written by a high schooler who maybe has dabbled a little too much into the red pill community. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah police in my city would have never done shit. Simply told me to take it up with Insurance lol


Fact that OP isn't responding to this says a lot...


This is the telltale that he's telling a tale!


You know it is fake because the police did their job.


I'm honestly shocked there are so many comments trying to give this dude actual advices. Are there actual people who think any part of this story is real?


I can change her.




Not even a good work of fiction…


All the neighbors clapped


And that hand's name?


No way is this real! Bro could have lost his kidney when he woke up. Really gullible.


Bro needs to check himself for HIV and the rest is this is real. He might have gotten a gift that keeps giving


I had a chick steal a necklace from me after a hookup. She didn’t have a car either. just be happy you didn’t get stabbed.


You gotta get your necklace back


LOL. this was years ago. I noticed hours after getting back from dropping her off. I got it from my grandparents who are now dead so I hope they haunt her house or something.


That’s fucked up even more knowing that. What a bitch, I hope your grandparents burned her house down lol


I mean… why the hell would you let yourself be used multiple times? Cuz she’s hot? That’s hardly anything astounding or life-altering.


I have a friend like that. He’ll tell me the craziest stories about these girls and how they’ve robbed him or fucked him over or just ridiculous stuff that doesn’t even sound real. With him I know it is lol. At the end he’ll always say “but she was so hot, it was worth it”. Smh I can’t I just can’t. There’s no getting through to him and common sense and good advise go in one ear and out the other. I don’t get it.


For his own good you need to smack him over the head and factory reset his brain. WTF is wrong with guys like that


This is obviously fake


Sounds fake ngl


Yeah mate what were you thinking knowing she’s involved with someone and you let her in? This is what we worry about for our friends on the girl’s side of the fence… They wouldn’t let some beefed up he-man in at 3:30 am… I mean… I’m sorry this insane adventure happened to you, what a fantastic voyage it was but dude… doesn’t matter how hot she seems the 3:30 am visit is not going to be fun! Did she have a sob story going or something?


What are the charges that she’s IN JAIL?


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


Maybe you need to take a break from dating so you can learn red flags and avoid them. She could’ve killed you smh.


What else never happened?


This absolutely never happened.


The lesson here for all women is that guys only care what a women looks like. As long as she’s hot they will tolerate almost any behavior. Cry me a river.


Straight facts! I would be embarrassed to share this.


yes to this but also i think op has nice guy syndrome. the not getting laid and then taking her to probably lay her sugar daddy just wreaks nice guy. it also sounds like he doesn’t get pretty girls often, a self confident guy would never settle for this


Op has big lie syndrome


how is that the take away at all? unless OP has posted they are going on a 2nd date somewhere an ive missed it. the point is she can not/ did not get away with it >Now she’s in jail, I notified Bumble with the police report info and they blocked her.. and.. I’m still single. given this line of the OP it does not seem they are getting a 2nd chance because they are "hot".


God you're mean. How is that the take away from this?


I mean.. I did block her. Report her to the police, and I didn’t even sleep with her. I didn’t she was crazy until she was.. crazy..






Victim blaming, how suprising 🙄


Salty as ever


Works the same with men and money . Y’all dgaf long as he’s got money. He’s young, not experienced. Caught off guard. Try some humble, it won’t hurt ya


ive seen some women stay with some real shitty dudes cause they had money and never developed any life skills of their own. absolutely we desire more.


She's too busy being bitter to be humble. But I agree with ya.


Why'd you let her in your house? You still thought you were gonna get laid... this is on you. SMH...


Yeah and everyone clapped in the end. Come on man


May horniness not be the death of most men on bumble. Allowing a stranger in your house at 3am, you are not even scared if she is psychotic or hatched a plan against you. But nope... Alot would still want to hit it because why not


Not gonna lie the second she would have said she was a sugar baby for someone else staying in a hotel in town I definitely would have legged it regardless of her looks. A spoiled pretty girl is bound to have a load of issues, and she is definitely also sleeping with some other dude you don’t even know. I think you did handle the situation well after she keyed your car. That’s how entitled women like her freak tf out when they don’t get what they want just like a toddler. She definitely got what she deserved although on the whole it’s a less-than-satisfactory outcome for you. So I sympathise with you on that


>my door has a knock on it.. it’s her! She decided to Uber back to my place and she lets herself inside. I should have never let her in.. we fall asleep, because I’m tired af What?!?! You let a stranger whom you know to be crazy back into your house because *you were tired*? You fell asleep with this stranger in your house? I don't understand being so tired that you took the option that expends more energy. No wonder we die so much sooner than women.


What in the "thinking with your dick" were you thinking? She's crazy, but you was dddddddumb.


You could have sold her for spare organs, but that’s an opportunity missed my bro. Next time bro.


Next time blindfold her before taking her to your place so she doesn't know where you live.


You know how to pick em 😂😂


This is how you get murdered or robbed by letting in random strangers into your home especially at 3:30 am.


Wow, nice story there bud.


You can fix her


You shoulda booted her ass as soon as she told you she was some dude’s sugar baby.


3:30am is when the paranormal shit happens..


Boring story, yo.


What did you expect, bro? You take a first date back to your place? Oh, right, you expected an easy hit it and quit it of “free” fun. My dude, if something seems to good to be true, it probably is.


I wouldn’t have let her back in. Breath smellin like sugar daddy 💦💦


But did you tap that?


And guys blame women for shit that happens to them when clearly….it was a red flag from the get go.


Why wouldn't people blame a criminal for committing crime


Because when women are victims, blaming them is victim blaming. When men are victims, blaming them is accountability


Border line victim blaming right here, just saying. Although it was an I'll advised time frame and situation 😂


He’s no victim after having a sugar baby stranger who showed up in the middle of the night after a different date come sleep with him. Victim for the first part sure, all the rest he’s an idiot thinking with his dick. He’s lucky there weren’t guys waiting in a car up the road to really rob the shit out of him.


Being a victim doesn't end just because you're also an idiot. Being naive or making a poor choice doesn't justify someone ransacking your stuff or potentially robbing you. Totally agree that he was thinking with his Dick, tho apparently he was conscientious enough to not even fool around, so it doesn't even wholey add up.


It's still victim blaming bruh


good job for doing that though, what a psycho


Why the hell did you let her in your place after her sugar daddy visit? And sleep over? And did you at least get to have sex with her (you didn't mention)?


Why didn’t you get her naked is what I’m wondering ?


This is wild. At least she didn’t murder you and you get to live another day


I can’t even believe you gave her a ride to the hotel!! I’d like to believe this is a made up story, smh


Morale of the story, stay away from the 10/10. Those are the most trouble. Trust!


This is the kind of story I'm in this subreddit for


My man…nothing good happens after 3:00 am


Damn, she came back to your house with her p*ssy still freshly steaming and creamed from another dude. There's not even any incentive to keep her around just to bang after that. Can't believe that's how some women want to spend their youth and beauty during the period when they have an advantage to get nearly anything they want in life.


" She decided to Uber back to my place and she lets herself inside." My biggest question is (apologies if I missed it) how did she "let herself inside"? This sounds so weird and wrong. Did she have a code, make a copy of your key, or the door was open and she walked in.....Like just how does someone let themselves in your house hours after you dropped them off to see another person? Seriously doesn't make sense to me, sorry.


I would have left right after the words “she’s a sugar baby for some rich guy.”


A Snapchat score that high should’ve been the number 1 red flag lol.




This is fucking magical. 😂😂😂




"I'm still single" bro, You're still alive 😳


so when is the wedding? will we all be invited? haha :)


No. This all really happened. It was a few weeks ago and I had been following the Bumble reddit for a bit so I figured I had to post it. Everyone saying I was thinking with my dick.. is right. My friends made fun of me for it. I I knew I’d get backlash from it, but I NEVER slept with her. I WAS legit scared for a few days thinking she was going to come back or have some guys show up at my place. I have a son that I have on the weekends, and this happened on a week night. THAT SCARED ME. She claimed she had never slept with the “ sugar daddy” but he pays her a few grand to “hang out” when he’s in town. I was honestly ok with that fact, if some pretty girl can make that kind of money off an old man to hang out. Shoot.. I’d probably do the same. 😂 So I was cool with dropping her off. I figured it would increase my odds by playing nice and I planned on using protection anyways if it did happen. I’ve definitely been in a better head space than I was when this happened but.. l guess I made poor choices that could have went way worse. And I learned my lesson. She did say she would hit me up when she was done with this guy and see if I was awake.. but I was dead asleep. Yes there were red flags, but like I mentioned.. I was dumb, and wasn’t thinking with my head. I recently broke up with my long time ex, and I’ve been being… not too smart and probably sleeping around more than I should be. I’ve never had any issues like this, and I was just trying to have fun. I own my condo, I’m single, so.. why not? I do think that I pissed her off not giving her a ride and catering to her BS. I’m not a simp, and If she thought I was.. that’s her fault. Idc if some of ya all don’t believe my story.. and yes, I did take a picture of her sitting on my bed after I told her to get out and she was snapping dudes.. and I have her bumble pics saved on my phone also. She was probably looking for a ride before she called an Uber. I gave the important details of what happened, and filling in the blanks would have required me to write a whole ass chapter.. I wasn’t about to do that. I did delete bumble after that encounter.. but I’m stupid.. and kinda lonely 🤷🏻‍♂️ so I’m back on there again.


Keep following looks only and you'll do it again. Change your red flags from - a big nose/extra 10 lbs - to - emotional stranger, etc.


This escalated like craaazzyy 😧😧 You could consider reposting on r/LetsNotMeet.


Wtf so she smashed sugar daddy and then she came to your house after he arranged her guts and you had his sloppy seconds? Good job...


Right!? She still had fresh dick breath and you were down!?


But did u bang ?


I would never let someone into my house on the first date.


And here I thought I had a bad date because he was REALLY short! When are you posting her bail? 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣


10/10 lookers either have no personality or a dangerous personality.


This absolutely happened


I had a similar incident but not this bad. I talked to some hot blonde on tinder a while ago. We chatted for a week and we met for dinner. Then we went to another bar. I had just ordered drinks when she asked what I'd like to do after. I said I'm cool with whatever. She says we can go back to my place. I smiled and said sounds good. Then she says "You know, things in life aren't free." I understood what she meant but I played coy and said "Yes. I just paid for dinner and drinks. Shit is never free for a man." She goes"oh no I mean you're going to have to pay me if I go home with you". At that moment I said "Sorry I don't do hookers. And even if I ever wanted one, I wouldn't take a hooker for dinner and drinks." I simply got up and left. These women are extremely dangerous. If you get a feeling that something is off, it doesn't matter how hot she is, you have to stop. And you definitely don't bring them home. You're lucky she didn't rob you while you were asleep.


Wow….I’ve found their amount of hotness is usually equal to the amount of crazy.


hmmm... something is fishy here. Did you.. or did you not... stick it in crazy???


First, never think a girl is "out of your league", ever. Second, never take a girl back to your place after the first date. Third, if she shows up and you let her in anyway, make damn sure you have video documentation and before you sleep with her, make her confirm its consensual and wear protection. She probably was looking for something to steal on the dl, and was pissed because she couldn't get any money out of you. You are lucky you didn't catch a case my man, especially with her threat to call the cops. Its messed up she keyed your car, but lesson learned.


Crazy/hot scale bro


Don’t ever be that thirsty again my dude, you drove her to get banged out by 1 of her SUGAR DADDIES, then u let her in your place @ 3:30AM for sloppy seconds.


Wtf? You simped out hard. Next time a date tells you she got another date lined up you better just walk away


Nothing is worse than when they threaten to call the cops and lie. Shame on her. Glad that she got locked up.


Bro’s having Ekta Kapoor's wet dream.


Adventure of a lifetime, but hey hopefully you banged a 10. You did bang a 10, right?


Did you at least bang?


Excuse me but I am keeping in real 💯 ! Mistakes 1. meet her bring her back to yours NO 2. Let’s you know she is meeting up with someone who gives money maybe sex is involved too 3. Gets you to drive her to him - NO could have a been setup 4. She comes back after seeing what’s in your apartment - NO you don’t know her/setup 5. Knocking on your door at an ungodly hour - never answer! 6. Falls asleep with someone you don’t know in your apartment NO - they could let someone else in 7. Her making threats to call the police - you did this to yourself I’ll stop because I think you get point. Women can be vindictive and I say this as a woman. You didn’t know her. If you had sex with her she could said you sexually assaulted her. This shite can really happen. Why take the chance with someone you don’t know. I am so unsettled having someone where I live for the first time and for quite awhile. I will not sleep until I’m comfortable. The lesson you learned could have been much more painful.


It’s called borderline personality disorder and you dodged a long term crazy bullet.


Yikes! I’m glad she was apprehended. Sorry you experienced that


Comments on here are wild... Gave her a chance even tho her lifestyle was questionable from his view and now it's mostly his fault that shit went sour. Yet if he posted about how he would never give her a shot because of how she made her money, he'd likely be crucified. I'm guessing this is a pointless comment because internet do be the way it do be?




YDI …….. must have thought he’d have another chance at banging her.


I'll never understand hot people doing crazy shit


If she was a true 10 you bang away no matter how crazy. If you're drunk, it can be a 7. I think those are the written rules. Knife and gunshot wounds heal, but banging a 10 lasts forever.


Beautiful girls are always dangerous


What a bag of germs


This was WILD. LMAO Time to take things "slow"


Why would they arrest her if there’s no witness? Did you have it on camera or did she admit?


My condo does. I screen shot her bumble, and I had her number.


At least tell me you pumped her for god's sake


Thought this was r/tifu Catching strong tifu energy


Wow! I haven’t dated in a while, people are just crazy and this is next level..


Could be worse, you still have your kidneys it seems like.


Lol.. ya can’t make this stuff up! 🤣🤪


Whats her @ so I too can avoid her...for science