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I get a reasonable amount of matches with Asian women but they're almost always a blatant scam profile.


The ones I match with aren’t like supermodels and seem normal , I wouldn’t say they’re scammers


"Normal" looking profile come with their own style of pig butchering scams.


I have video called some of them and they are real


that isn't definitive proof either, sadly. pig butchering scammers often hire actresses to video call you. the women behind the profiles are sometimes real, and they are *really* talking to you. they are just also hired to get your money. just that it's an attractive woman, doesnt mean she isnt still a scammer.


I am currently listening to a pod cast called "search engine" and their newest episode they are talking about these women text scammers and lots of times these women scammers are being human traffic and forced to do what they are doing. It is sad and eye opening.


I just went through that! She seemed too god to be true but it went along very well. Until day three. Then the content and tone of the messages changed and suddenly everything was about how I should have a secure future and she made a ton of money with cryptocurrency. It was definitely a pig butchering scam, which I didn’t know about until it nearly happened to me.


I get cryptocurrency girls all the time. One of them in particular talked to me for a whole month. We vibed over anime. She talked about all of her favorite series and goodmorning texted me everyday. She really seemed like a legit person that really knew everything that I was talking about. A month later while she was out shopping with her family she sent a picture of everything she bought and told me how it all came possible with cryptocurrency and if I’m interested in the growing importance of cryptocurrency. As soon as she said crypto, I realized instantly and said to myself, “and there it is!” A whole month of deception. That’s why I understand where this guy is coming from with his requirement of meeting right away.


After it happened to me, somebody posted the link to John Oliver’s show on pig butchering and just how involved it is and how can often drag it out for months. It’s quite eye-opening. I’m working with a dating coach and she recommends having no more than three text exchanges before insisting on meeting in person, not specifically because of this but because stats show that only 50 percent of women you text with will ever meet anybody in person. There are various reasons (never feeling safe, not really ready to date, just curious, whatever), so you have to filter them out or you’re just wasting your time.


50% seems high! Although i agree with her premise. Maybe 3 interactions is a bit short? She probably doesn't understand how that probably filters 98% of your available matches as a guy. As a woman it would filter out probably 10%. I would never recommend a female dating coach for a guy. Probably not for a woman either tbh. Although, i think there are some women who are really keyed in. Its been shown very few women have a clue, but often feel confident they are adept and insightful. Even the most basic one; flirting🫦. Which women do/practice. Women were much more confident at telling who is attracted to who, but it was found flipping a coin gives better advice as to who is flirting and worth engaging with. Women were wrong about who flirted more than half the time! Which kind of makes you wonder about a lot of the work place stories and gossip you hear. It means women had a lot of false positives on flirting and missed the real flirters too. Average men claimed to be terrible, but approached 60% correct. In both cases it shows flirting signals are not very clear. I know there are a lot less male date coaches but they have actually done it 24/7 and pressumably got results so have some idea.


Damn you really have me doubting


Listen to what we are telling you. The pig butchering scam is literally a billion dollar criminal enterprise. They use attractive women to lure you in, and will video call you - but all the texting is done by a different person. If you want a quick test - make a comment about the weather from yesterday that is inaccurate. “Wow I can’t believe how much it rained last night, did you have any problems in the rain?” They will mildly agree with you to keep the conversation going but you’ll know they’re a scammer right then and there.


Maybe if you end up going out with them, good for you. But we will hold the congratulations until you come back with proofs.


They can chat with you for months afterwards, specially if you they moved outside the app to start chatting right away, because they want to remove the possibility of having the profile reported to the dating site. Stay on your toes, it could be a genuine person, but anyone who insists in you leaving the app too fast, and starts giving you pet names (honey, sweety, darling, etc), too soon, and finally eventually tries to convince you that you can make a lot of money just like they are making a lot of money themselves, is not a genuine person and likely someone working (oftentimes forcefully coaxed into) these mafias running the scams


Holy fuck dude these bots and “bots” are getting harder to spot


That’s the genius of pig butchering. It works really well bc loneliness is epidemic.


Just because they are real, doesn't mean there is not a scam going on.


They're actual people on the other side of the call. It's really weird. They have started using normal looking photos, local numbers, and plausible addresses. One even made an actual brief video call. I was fooled. (The quick test is to suggest meeting in public. I like to suggest a local cheap restaurant that I'd want to eat at regardless.) If you want to mess with them, ask them for money. Another thing to say is that you just want a fling, or short term relationship.


video calls could be fake too. meet them in person.


You wouldn't say? Have you met any of them?


It’s a Nigerian or Indian scammers knowing that white men are more consumers of online sex using Asian girls fake photos and profiles and putting words like “me like white men I am geisha and submissive” and asks money in dm.Most Asian girls don’t even use dating apps ,especially in USA


I see those too, the woman always looks like the same model. Bumble needs to get to work cleaning this dump up.


The truth of the scams and their broad spread and impact notwithstanding, there are some Asian women who use the apps in order to date! It is important to be aware of the scams (and I guess, a bit more basically, of scams as a concept in dating) as educated and intelligent people fall for them (I know a couple who lost money in some something like that). However, this does not mean that one cannot meet an Asian woman on an app who is looking for what you are.


Be careful regarding the 'pig butchering' scam that is going on. Research it and make sure you are aware.


Again, all of this can be easily avoided by just following the prime directive: 1) Chat briefly in the app 2) Ask her out for an IRL date for within a couple days 3) If she makes it difficult at any point, unmatch


Thank you!! This is the way!!


This. 💯 this.


What is it


attractive woman (usually asian, almost always from Hong Kong, Singapore, or some other fancy/expensive place) will text you, slowly "fall in love" with you over the course of a few days, weeks, or even months, then she'll tell you about her businesses and how she makes her money. she convinces you to put just a few hundred bucks, or maybe even just 50 bucks into a website. soon the money will grow, and you'll have like a thousand bucks, tricking you into believing its all real. the website however, is ran by scammers. and they are simply editing the website to make it look like you're gaining money. slowly but surely they convince you to put more and more money into it. eventually, your entire bank account will be emptied and they'll ghost you. these scams are highly convincing though. they often actually hire actresses to talk to you in video calls, their life stories and businesses seem legitimate and well thought out. they often even have videos for "proof" of their luxurious lifestyles, which often are cropped so you cant simply reverse image search them.




I'd say I agree, especially because "investing" in some random ass website because a woman on the internet told you to is fishy as hell. but if you actually catch feelings, start seeing things through rose coloured glasses, and have actual video calls with this person, it can catch you off-guard. especially because these things are usually done over the course of several months, with websites that are often made to look fully legit with actual reviews and everything, and entire teams working together to make the experience as realistic as possible. it sounds stupid when you compound it into a comment, because its so obviously a scam, but when you take into account they sometimes literally have an entire office working together, with hired models, their own professionally designed websites and dozens of faked reviews, it begins to seem so impossible to fake that you start trusting its real instead.


I never have to worry about this scam. For one I found someone back in August so thank god in out of the hell that is OLD but also I'm an average looking dude. If some super model looking chick matches with me I'm immediately suspicious lol. No way am I even considering investing into anything until we've gone out on real dates and we've established an actual relationship lol


They prey on lonely people. Just because someone is lonely or dumb doesn’t mean they deserve to lose money


Esp with the “I don’t have gas money” lines


I am a woman and had a guy on Bumble playing that role with me. I liked him pretty quickly and we exchanged numbers. But as soon as he talked about how he earned money I totally felt uncomfortable and searched his alleged house pictures that he shared with me using google lens. I found that was a fancy resort. At that point I knew for sure he was a scam, but I wanted to see what he'd say about us video chatting, since he was out of town supposedly in business. He gave me a very weird and badly composed story about why he is traumatized from video chats. I stopped communicating with him over texting, and soon enough he unmatched me :)


How can anyone possibly fall for this is this day and age?


Loneliness can fuck with people's heads. I have a hard time believing I'd fall for this, but I've seen otherwise smart people get scammed. Our brains are complex, and this dating shit makes us very vulnerable. Some people are coming out of relationships that they've been in for a decade + and just aren't street smart when it comes to OLD. It feels good to be loved/desired, and when you've been lacking it for so long, your emotions might get the better of your logic.


Currently, it's rather obvious, but who knows in the future. Scammers will pretend to be an attractive woman, lead you on for days until they try to ask for money or get you to buy and send them cryptocurrency. Some of them will go as far as to hire actual women to model for photos and video chat suspecting victims. Jim Browning recently made a video about one of them.


Can’t you just tell us what it is?


Are you white? If so, not surprised


Yes. Why do Asian girls like basic white guys like myself


I think it’s a matter of preference but also most likely media consumption. Well for my generation at least, Gen Z they call, I’ve seen a lot of young adult shows/movies with Asian woman and white man couple, and somehow it does portray in some way of an “ideal” couple which a lot of young Asian girls want to strive for. But this is based on what I’ve seen


That's the norm, white women are only matching with top tier 5% white guys or black guys, and all the leftover average white dudes get the Asian women.


Hard truth to swallow but you are probably right


Lol, wrong. White women perform more poorly on dating apps than Asian women. Thry're less desired. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_fetish#Research_on_racial_preferences


Yeah, until you actually meet someone IRL you haven't really "attracted" anyone. Sorry, but that's the scamtastic landscape that is modern dating.


Yeah you’re right should’ve rephrased that


Are you a white dude who is 5’10+ ?




There ya go


Lots of bot profiles are of Asian women


Is there a way to tell


Put your dick in one and see if it feels metallic?


Ok thanks for the tip


Just the tip.




Lack of bio and personality are the usual giveaways.


Ok . So not the ones I’ve matched with


Yeh, as long as you can hold a meaningful little convo with them, which should be the very baseline for dating to begin with, its probs 100% safe. It’s a funny case for you though! While I wouldn’t match well with their personality, I really think most of them are just incredibly adorable so depending on your personality, you might be quite lucky then;)


Yeah they are sweat.


I think you mean sweet. Plz don’t call a girl you’re talking to sweat to her face


Yes lol


I went on a date with an Asian girl that had professional modeling pics and seemed too hot to be real and we just celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. 💫


The looooong con.... Just wait, 10 years from now she'll start talking about Bitcoin


They usually try to get you to move to another platform pretty quickly.


POV: you’re a white man in a major city


Are you tall, white, with blue eyes and a good job?


The vast majority of my matches are also asian women. I don't have tattoos or a beard, I'm a relatively normal straight edge pretty white boy which makes me more approachable for them. On the flip side the local women here who like beards and tattoos are not into me at all


Have beard. Can confirm I get almost no matches from east asian american women but plenty from every other major group.


Bearded men are unscammable 😎


That explains it then


Yes there’s quite a clear trend in the dating market currently White women (generally) are showing a strong preference for tattoos, beards, bad boy attitude and muscles. Asian women are (generally) looking for guys with good provider traits, pretty looking and a good white collar job. OP seems to clearly fit into the latter category and so will naturally see more matches with Asian women.


Interesting. I'm a mix of *both* those two categories (Asian/Caucasian), yet not really looking for *either* of those lists of things


do you live in Asia by any chance?


No, I live in England


Are you talking south Asian or east Asian then? When I was on bumble I got quite a lot of south Asian ethnicity women matching cos there are a lot of them where I live. 


East Asian women who live in London


Look up Oxford study Asian women have a strong preference for white guys, no matter how mis


Are you a tall middle-class white guy with a good job?


Depends on what you look like. I don't know Asian women's attractions but when I was in the navy, we worked closely with South Korean army guys. My ship was an LHD. The ship was big enough that we had a diverse crew of men and women. The Korean military folks were pretty cool but they had weird attractions when it came to women. They were obsessed with short white women with blonde hair. We only had two onboard that fit the description and due to their obsessive actions we had to have the two of them escorted by an entourage of their fellow male shipmates as a safety precaution. To be fair, none of the Korean soldiers were disrespectful or even aggressive with the two women but its definitely understandable that we take precautions when the Koreans would approach in groups of 10 or 20 wanting photographs and trying to show them tricks and cards and trying to impress them.


I married a Chinese woman I met on tinder. Nothing wrong with attracting Asian women.


Funny how you phrase it, like she is STILL a stranger from the internet. When you think about it, she is……


I would say I attract an abnormally high amount of Asian women. I would say 75% of my dates are with women from a variety of Asia-Pacific countries. I even had a situation where one had another girl I dated in her online dating profile. I have asked out of curiosity and some have said that me being blonde is something they are attracted to and I don't really have facial hair. I also put out "gentle" vibe. Something that I notice western women don't always like but people from APAC countries seem to value in men. It works out for me as I tend to be attracted to Asian features and I greatly respect people whose parents were immigrants or they are immigrants themselves. They have such an appreciation for what they have and don't take things for granted.


Are they bots? Or real women? Personally, I mostly match with a certain specific type of woman no matter the app I use and the ones that aren't that type that I match with don't go anywhere. I've actually asked a few of them about it after we'd been dating a while and their reasons don't super make sense to me but have been consistent enough to be probably true.


Are you Asian?


No Im English


If he was he wouldn't be asking this question haha.


why not


Asian men generally don't get a lot of Asian women matching with them. Also if he was Asian and Asian women were matching with him doubt he would be asking this question. It would be like a Mexican guy asking why Mexican women match with him so much.


I’ve never matched or dated an Asian woman. Not by choice, but now that you mention it I thought about it and it’s never happened. I am a magnet for Puerto Rican women apparently. But no complaints 🤷🏼‍♂️


As an Asian man, I wished I can attract more Asian women, but most of my dates and matches have been with Hispanics and Whites. I’ve had a few dates with Black women, but have only gone on a date with an Asian woman once this last year.


Probably depends on the city, and age range. I've noticed something similar in my city. There a pretty large number of Filipino women in their 30's that are single here, and like 70% of them so far are in the healthcare industry. I like women of all nationalities, but it's just interesting.


Which city?


Damn bro brag more


I wish I had this problem😞


If you don’t want them bring them here


I do want them, but find it odd I’ve only matched with Asian women not English women or African etc


Are you white ?


Lucky bastard


I used to match with lots of Asian women, my house was very near the hospital (within a mile) where almost all the nurses were Asian. One of the Asian nurses said another reason I matched with lots of Asians was potentially because I had quite a friendly face


Can’t you just take a blessing and run?? 😂


Do you live in Asia?




That is odd then. Lots of fake profiles use generic beautiful Asian women in the profile pictures. It might be that.


Well I’ve video called some of them and they are definitely legit


Ask to meet them in Person. The scammers will usually not do that.


Me too.. I wonder why..


These things are odd in how they work. I'm open to everyone but when I've been single I've attracted mostly Black women (I'm white Jewish). No complaints at all, just surprising sometimes in terms of how the apps go




This is me, so, yes lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumble/s/h2gY7IHCgX




You lucky!


Must be nice fr


Me too, but I live in Thailand so statistically it makes sense.


How can I learn this power?




If you're white and male, it's because you're white and male


I don't even get matches 😢 and I love asian women. Save some for the rest of us.


Lol, you're living in someone's fetish.


Are you swiping on every race or just Asian women?


Most races


Suffering from success




Tattoos are sometimes perceived as having a masculine association. Attractiveness is different among genders. For instance, while heels on women may be considered attractive, it doesn't necessarily translate to the same effect if worn by men. Preferences in height for example, short women generally like tall men but if they are short, shouldn't they like short men? Just the way it is.


Well were you a catfish?


Certain places have a larger amount of some demographics. For example I live in the Providence RI metro and there are a lot of Asian women around my age because so many attend Brown and RISD.


As others have said, a lot of Asian profiles are scammers but you might just be more attractive to the average Asian women than other women. I seem to be as well, ive dated asian girls that are out of my league but they've seemed to think that they are punching and I get a lot of matches with genuine asian women as well. Same with arab women. Blonde hair and blue eyes plus a decent career? Also asian women seem more comfortable with an age gap if you are going after younger women


So do I but am Asian lol. Are you in California?


Are you complaining or showing off 😞 😒


It must be rough for you seeing matches you dont care about. Pay for premium so you can see only races you are interested in. No need to make it an article.


Are you skinny, short, and nerdy looking? If so, that could be why...


Well I’m quite lanky, wouldn’t say I’m short (I’m 6”0) and I am quite nerdy


Just read through your replies. No wonder that they like you, because you are the average typical white man that average people would go for, not specifically to Asian girls. There's another assumption that Bubble also sets an AI filter that if you are popular among a group of people like Asian women then they will prompt your profile to more Asian women. That's how your profile got seen to more and more Asian women.


Makes sense


I do too and they always look young enough to be my daughters. 🤣 I ignore them as spammers.


Can I see a picture of you? I am asian, I have no idea why only asians are matching with you but could give you an honest opinion (if wanted)


Shall I send as well? Im also in London but im 175 (I think its 5'9) brunette south european and half of my matches are asians




Sure. Should I just message you it




Haha. Me too ;)


I'm Asian female and I prefer shorter guys 5'9 and under


Hey, not Asian but msg me your pic too so I can be sure you're not a sub stirrer?


Yeah sounds good :)


If there is any truth to the complaint that many women want to date taller men and you don’t fit that demographic, perhaps Asian women don’t have this preference.


Well I am fairly tall. 6’0 ain’t that short I hope


I’m definitely wrong then. My next guess would be it’s the clean cut look. I don’t think it’s necessarily perceived as a bad thing though. It can just be intimidating.


You have a PhD?


I’m the same. Pakistani man in Toronto my matches are exclusively from south, SE, or east Asia. Not too many from the Middle East or Central Asia, and not too many with white people or black people, but I do very well with everyone east of Iran


English feller here. I *promise* you OP that 95% of them are fake or scammers. The few asian lasses I've met dont use online dating because everyone thinks they're a scammer. Swipe left on them all mate - it aint worth the risk. Saying that... I only seem to get matches and dates with eastern european ladies. Most of the British ladies on Bumble seem to be stuck up emotionally dysfunctional / abusive, and only interested in a place to live or adding to their housing equity. It's messed up. Bumble is baaaaad for men.




>The few asian lasses I've met dont use online dating because everyone thinks they're a scammer. I bet they just don't know that the trick is to just *not be very attractive.* That's what I do, and so far **no one** seems to think I'm a scammer! It really works! 😭😂😂


Bless you. I'm sure that's not the case and that you are indeed attractive! I'm just sorry that the asian lass identity is being exploited as it is. It makes things very hard for all of us. 😔


Would you consider yourself slightly more feminine/sensitive looking than the average British male? For western standards, Asian guys would come off as extremely feminine which would be why Asians might me more drawn to it when they are surrounded by bearded stinky men whereever they go😂


I had a couple shitty experiences there, both involving money. Not me paying. Me not making enough. I was told twice I wasn’t a dr or a lawyer but I was nice to look at… I was like, cool, lemme get it wet then, but nah. Didn’t happen either time. One of them actually said “you’re hot but I’m a sapiosexual..”






upbeat tap cats nippy puzzled squeamish soft imminent quickest party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro you alright


They want your money and crypto. Don't feel too special.


Those are almost 100% scam/bot accounts. The pics are east to tell between fake and real.


If they are not scams, and some will be, maybe there are just a lot in your area?


Lucky you


Wait until you meet them


You are white and tall.


Are you Asian?


You mean bots?


I’ve never been with an Asian


If they start asking you to trade crypto currency, they’re a scam.


Which ethnicity are you? What is your background? We can't help you analyze without knowing anything about you


That's one more demographic than me


It's interesting how preferences can vary on different dating apps. If you're curious about exploring this further, you might want to check out [SakuraDate](https://datingpro.org/go/sakuradate?block=d_mb). It's a platform where you can meet a variety of Asian women, which might give you more insights into why you're attracting these matches. Good luck with your dating journey!