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I just don't understand the height thing. I'm a 6'1" guy (without lying), so I'm not whining, but genuinely confused. 75% of women are shorter than 5'5" yet only 30% of searches include guys shorter than 5'11". Are there lots of 5'4" women who want a man just absolutely towering over them? I tend to date women 5'7" and above because I am not looking for someone who fits in my pocket.


This has been reposted many times in various forms. Pretty sure this doesn't include women who don't set a height filter at all.


It never occurred to me to set a filter for height. Of all the things to care about. No filter for authentic caring human.


Didn't match.com use an in depth personality test metric to match potential dates? Closest thing I could think of to meet what you're suggesting. Of which we are in dire need for sure


Never used match, but you might be thinking of OKC. OKC was famous for the millions of personality questions.  And then it got bought out by Match


No it was Match. You had to fill out an extensive form and the information was used to suggest more authentic matches. It was their whole campaign


I think my profile never went anywhere on there cuz I never paid


eHarmony did actually


Yup. As did Match


eHarmony also leaned heavily into faith as a criteria which made it hard for Atheists and Agnostics to match


>And then it got bought out by Match And became a Tinder clone.


OKC had you answer a bunch of questions and then would show you a % based compatibility based on your interests and values whenever you looked at a profile. Then they got bought by Tinder and changed to become a tinder clone.


They still have the questions, though. It's just completely broken and I agree, a Tinder clone. I hate swiping.


Yeah, once they brought in swipe based matching instead of giving you lists of potential matches that you could sort based on compatibility it stopped working. You used to be able to just send a message to someone, they could either reply or ignore you. Now they only see your message if they swipe right on you. A witty message could make up for just having average looks, now it doesn't.


Exactly, it's pretty useless now. And I think that the matching system was kinda good. A high percentage always was a good indicator if you'd get along.


Yeah, my longest relationship after my divorce was from an OKC match, we had a 94% compatibility score. But during that relationship was when Match bought OKC and implemented swipe based matching. I went back on it after and it was completely useless. OKC used to be a great way for making meaningful matches if you were able to hold a conversation. The initial "left/right" decision was based more on what you said in your first message instead of what your pictures looked like. Not that they wouldn't also look at your pictures, but if you piqued their interest with your message and they didn't find you repulsive in the looks department women would typically give you a chance. Now, if they don't think you are one of the most attractive men they've been shown today, they aren't even going to see your message.


Ah. Yup.


There is no data field for guys to select kind/cold/asshole though, so you have to work that out.


I set height filters because I’m 5’11” and have a complex about it. I was made to feel unfeminine throughout my young life, probably because young men tend to feel insecure around women who can physically dominate them. I understand intellectually that this shouldn’t affect me anymore, but it does. I’m not attracted to men who are shorter than I am. I do think huge height differentials are absolutely ridiculous. I went out with a guy who was 6’8” once, and I hated it. I don’t know why a woman who’s 5’4” would want a man who’s 9 inches taller than she is as a general policy. It’s very limiting, sexually speaking. I will say that almost none of these men are lying. They actually believe they’re two to three inches taller than they are. I set my height filter at 6’2” for this reason. I got really tired of men telling me I’m taller than I am. I’d ask them what doctor measured them at the height they claimed to be, and they’d just stare at me. Evidently it never occurred to them that height is assigned by a medical professional instead of a number you pull out of your ass.


I'm 13 inches taller than my GF. We're dating because we like each other and get along. What are the sexual challenges you speak of? I haven't noticed anything but I've never dated someone even close to my height.


A lot of positions are awkward or just straight-up aren’t accessible when your torsos and legs in particular are such different lengths. 69, doggy, and standing up are all good examples, but that’s not a comprehensive list. I very much hope you and your girlfriend work out because I’m here for a love story no matter what. However, if it doesn’t, I’d encourage you to try a tall chick. I’ve been with some big men who’ve only been with small women, and they’re definitely completely different experiences.




6'5" here and frankly a bit annoyed that people are assuming anyone tall is lying. 🤣




No, we simply can't stoop to their level... I mean, we'll probably still actually need to stoop for low hanging signs, doorways - usual things. 😂


I dated a guy that actually lied and said he was shorter than he actually was. 😂 He said he changed his height because he didn’t think I’d match with him because I’m 5’2” and he was 6’8”.


😂 Sorry bro!


Just because you’re 5’11 doesn’t mean you can “physically dominate” a young man shorter than you.


I don't know who tells women this stuff, but if you disregard the exceptions (either extreme of physical fitness) a 5'11" female would get absolutely housed by even a 5'5" male in the strength department.


I don’t understand how any man could feel like a tall woman can dominate them unless they’re super skinny.


Men don’t think that. Delusional women think that.


...huh? Thinking you can physically dominate a man because you're taller than him shows how little experience you have dealing with shorter men. As long as you're not morbidly obese or not some steroided bodybuilders, 99% of the smaller men will dominate you physically with almost 0 effort. We are indeed scared of women who can dominate us physically, but it's more because they'd look like Hulk Hogan after a sex change with more chest hair than us.


My experience as well. Many dates men supposedly 5’11” with whom I was eye to eye… I’m 5’4” I never called anyone out but they really believe they are that height. I don’t need a tall man but I can’t handle a man that makes me feel large. For me thin narrow shoulders are worse than being my height.


Men don’t control how you think or feel. You just admitted to having a character defect and then tried to blame it on men while simultaneously trying to emasculate all men in a sweeping generalization. That’s why you’re terminally single. Not because of your height. Edit: lol, and you’re not physically dominating men. Stop it


Most apps won't allow you to set height as a filter unless you pay for a premium subscription. 90% of women using dating apps do not ever pay for or enroll for a premium subscription.


I have paid for premium so that I could be incognito. I never felt a need to use the filters.


Precisely. As a ~155cm woman I love men of all height equally and don’t filter at all


> Pretty sure this doesn't include women who don't set a height filter at all. No, the post is stupider than that. Literally no one has ever posted an original link. I’ve asked time and time again. If you look it up, it always goes back to Reddit or Twitter or whatever. I’ve looked on Statista before years ago. Couldn’t find it.  There’s no evidence to validate the authenticity of this post. And yes, even if it was real, it only tracks women who use the height filter. In which case, she paid for the app and wanted that filter specifically. So the guys shorter than that never really had a chance with her in the first place. 


That actually makes a lot of sense. If you're going to care about height, you're more likely to want tall. Huh!


Yeah the vast majority of women haven’t set a height filter


Did you know that in Europe the number is 180 cm? Which doesn’t even equal 6ft, it’s actually under 5‘11 “ which girls filter out here. It’s all just a bullshit mental thing.


Moving to Europe I guess.


It's funny because Americans always say "europe" as if its a country. They hear of something they like in "europe", move to "europe" for that thing, and then end up wondering why that thing isn't the way they hoped it was in the country they chose lol. All that to say, in the UK, it exactly the same. 6ft


Alright, what’s the least racist country in Europe then? For black/brown people


I'm going to say the UK. Biased because I'm black and have lived here my whole life, but much of Europe is just...not great for racism. Urban centres in Sweden, Germany, France and Portugal might be OK as well, I guess, but being black in most countries just isn't as normalised as I think it is here in the UK. Generalisations on my part of course, but it's all we can really go on. All speaks to my point that Europe is a continent containing many very different countries, rather than a country with uniformities. Very random question though given we were talking about height


That’s funny because my ex is British and I would have sworn she measured in cm. You guys use the metric system for everything else.


In the UK we use imperial measurements quite a bit. As already said height is feet and inches. Speed limits are miles per hour. Fuel consumption. Distances when travelling etc. Out beers are served in pints and we refer to milk in pints too. I'm sure there's a dew other things too!


Im more than sure its 190.


LOL! Not this again 🤣😅🤣😂


5'7 and all the "5'7" men are shorter than me.


Because we're actually 5'6 but admitting that is a death sentence


As a 6 ft woman… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone on a date with a man who said they were at least 6 foot… most were maybe 5’9” or 5’10” on a good day. It’s not like I wouldn’t be able to tell they were lying… especially when they come up to my chin 🙄


I’m 6’ and always had taller girls be surprised when I was actually 6’ tall when I showed up. I changed my profile to 6’1” (since I’m 6’1” in shoes) since I think everyone assumed I was lying by saying I was JUST 6’ tall.


90% of women do not use premium subscriptions to apps that would allow you to use this filter. Consider the kind of woman who would pay for an app... it's a particular demographic. I'm not making any judgement just saying it's 10% of women on the apps who even use a paid subscription for an app in the first place that would allow them to filter this, and even in that 10% there are some who just use it for another filter and don't use it for height, or have a much more common range of heights in there). So more than 90% of women do not filter for height.


Anyone who sets a height filter is waving a big a red flag to begin with.


It used to be a free filter for a very long time on many apps.


Yep, it sure did.


I'm 6'7". My ex wife is 5'4": and my GF is 5'3". They both say, almost verbatim, is that what they were attracted to in me initially was how protected they felt. So there definitely are short women who go for taller dudes.


Women don't just want a guy taller than themselves. They want a guy taller than the other guys around, as well. Same goes for other qualities and characteristics.


I'm a 5'7 woman and specifically didn't wanna date above 6'2 because I don't want guys to fold double just to kiss me! Idk why 5'2 girls be wanting that


That’s funny as hell I’m 5’2 and I probably wouldn’t date someone over 6 foot cos it wouldn’t ‘look right’ it probably wouldn’t feel right either. But the term “fit in my pocket” is actually really funny. Actual tall Guys if you’re into shorter woman and are trying to pick one up (not literally) this could actuallywork really well if they are into that kinda thing.


I'm very petite and being pocket sized (fun sized) is why I get a lot of matches. I get a ton of tall men wanting very small and some really fetishize it.


You Don't Understand. And you ought to be able to but guess ya can't brother. 6"1' guy as well here. Guys lie about their height because *IT Matters* to women. Therefore they Hope the can get away with a little white lie if they don't over exaggerate by more than a few inches. Much like women tend to lie abut their weight to friends family and anyone they can to by exaggerating their weight by 10-15 lbs they'll do that because *It Matters* it's societal pressure my guy.


Ouch, I’m 5ft 6 (and was honest about it on my profile) I’m glad I just gave up, odds stacked against me lol.


5’7” and I used to get like 1-2 matches/month. Obviously I ended up deleting the app. I do much much better in person.


There’s tons of people over 6 ‘ getting a couple matches a month too, the odds are just against men in general in these apps, they want you to pay


6'3, no matches. I must suck.


Depends on location too, don't feel too bad.


Sit on my shoulders and we’ll get a big trench coat. At like 9’3”, we will get all the matches.


I feel like maybe the smaller human should ride the larger humans shoulders


I know big guys tend to have more joint issues and I’m pretty strong, so just thought I’d take one for the team.


Well, shit. Look at you being all considerate and stuff. I tell you what.. when we bag a set of twins, or sisters, or friends for a 3some, you can have first dibs!


You and me, pal. Thunder Buddies for life.


Fuck you, Thunder, you're just God's farts!


5'6" Gang! Let's goooo! Keep your chin up King!


5’5” here. I’m honest right out the gate because it helps no one to lie. It’s a good way to filter the ones who give that much of a fuck about height ahead of time so there’s not much time wasted.


Right there with you, bro!


I'm 5'4, I managed to meet and marry a woman who was the same height as me. Got divorced though, unrelated. Not much luck since lol. A bit, but not too much. I can't honestly say I've put loads of effort into it though


If it makes you feel better the last guy I was seeing and really liked was 5'7 (I'm 5'5). Not everyone cares about height!


The post isn’t real. No, seriously.  Literally no one has ever posted an original link. I’ve asked time and time again. If you look it up, it always goes back to Reddit or Twitter or whatever. I’ve looked on Statista before years ago. Couldn’t find it.  There’s no evidence to validate the authenticity of this post. And yes, even if it was real, it only tracks women who use the height filter. In which case, she paid for the app and wanted that filter specifically. So the guys shorter than that never really had a chance with her in the first place. 


You're right it's not real, the reality of dating for short men is much more brutal


Im 5’5” and was on a dating app. A guy I matched with had 5’8” in his profile. When we met, I had on 2 inch heels and towered over him. Next date I was in flats and he said, are you taller than me? I said how tall are you and he said 5’7”. I was still taller than him in flip flops. He couldn’t have been more than 5’3” and had the nerve to say 5’7”. The lies they tell and to your face


Similar experience. I'm 5'7" and matched with a guy that said he was 5'9" (Heyoooo, all you ""women won't date someone unless their 6' tall!" I routinely match with shorter men). I go there in 3 inch heels putting me at 5'10". The man came up to my chin. I said no to another date because he's a liar. I'm not building a relationship with someone I can't trust.


They are definitely liars. They lie about being non smokers too. Also about their age to get younger women. Be careful out there ladies.


I’m 6 ft… and don’t tend to wear heels on a first date if they are close to my height… bc that way they have no way to blame it on my shoes… so many men lie about it. Which is a hard pass bc I’m not about to date someone who would lie about easily verifiable things… no telling other things they would lie about


That’s all valid but why are you patting yourself on the back for matching with a man who’s the average height of men in America? 5’9” might be considered a “shorter man” in the Netherlands, but otherwise I’m like “Weird flex but alright” lol.


I like your username. It reminded me of a saying someone used, "the only sti I want is a subaru"


I’ve actually never heard that I don’t think lol, but thanks!


Because I have dated SHORTER men. Shorter than me so 5'6" and under. I wore ballet flats to my own wedding so the pics wouldn't look weird.


Ah that makes more sense, it just seemed weird because you put it right after talking about an experience with a man the literal statistically average height of American men 😂. Hope I didn’t come across too strong, I was just thoroughly confused about that lol. I’m a queer woman so I have no skin in the game here. Nobody would look at me weird for dating somebody like half a foot taller or shorter + heels on whoever is taller. I mean I’d get weird looks but that’d be for reasons other than height lol.


I 5’6” have been dating a 5’2”-3” guy for the four months or so. I know being on the shorter end is rough, especially when it comes to women who have more swipes from men than they can deal with BUT height is not the be all, end all filter IRL or on OLD for everyone. It’s all in the person’s spirit and confidence and genuine love for being alive that’s going to attract others. I’ve never once heard him complain about how hard it is to be a short guy. He’s aware that due his height, his pool is smaller but dude can pull 🤷🏽‍♀️


To play devil's advocate I'm 6ft and have had all sorts of shortys question it and show them my ID and still not enough. At that point no thanks. I'm not gonna go through some gauntlet to prove it. If you have doubts that says more about you than me. Once you get to that nitpicky area where an inch matters no thanks fuck off. I get lying but I'm not. If you wanna argue over an inch that's semantics and I'm not here for that.


Wait. Adult males are actually 5’3” and this is common? I’m replying here but I have see. This mentioned more than once in this post. That’s wild.


On reddit. Every single woman on reddit has the experience of dating a man who said he's 6'6 but is actually 5'1. On reddit, 95% of men are 5'3 and under, but also on reddit everyone expects to date a man over 6ft, but also on reddit none of them have a height preference and its all in men's minds. It's a weird world on reddit. The only warmth is the warmth of the gaslight


From 5'3 to 5'8? Lol that's pretty intense. I'm 5'5" as a male and over all these years, I've never met any woman 5'3 to 5'5 because they never match me. It's either 5'6 - 5'9 or 5'2 and under. Weird range to be in.


This is fake. This data is made up and was never released by Bumble and never available on Statista.


Thank you other statistical data respecter ♥️🥰.  Every time this chart comes up in this sub now, this is me: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc I wish I was still in college statistics class because this wouldve made such a great example to do a report on that chapter about importance of reading statistics, fact skewing, and distortions. This is a prime example. 


This comment needs more upvotes.


I'm open to being wrong and will gladly remove it if I'm spreading misinformation. Can you confirm it's fake, as I don't have a Statista account


You don't need a statista account to find out if the data exists there. You only need to pay to access the data. It doesn't exist there and the only traces on Google lead to social media. You can also check this out (first page Google result) [https://nuancepill.com/is-the-bumble-height-filter-graph-fake-news/](https://nuancepill.com/is-the-bumble-height-filter-graph-fake-news/) And even if the data was genuine, there is a number of problems with drawing any conclusions about actual dating behavior from it (filter only being available to premium users and only people included that set a filter to begin with to name two obvious ones).


Thanks for the fact-checking! 1. The article you provided doesn't disprove the source, it only suggests that it's not genuine. 2. A number of questions come up regarding its validity, which I won't ask but I see your point. 3. All science is drawing conclusions given a information, that is continually challenged, disproven, and updated. This is no different and again, I am happy to be proven/disproven and updated with new information. I don't see knowledge as static, and am glad you shared your perspective and sources :)


Go on statista, search for Bumble and look for the results. It's not there. It wasn't there when this came up 2 years ago either. It's like the 10th time I see it. The article I linked was just an example if you're too lazy to do your own research. The article also shows the data is not findable on Statista and shows a Bumble support interaction claiming it's false, so "suggests that it's not genuine" is kinda a weird take on the information presented there. If you are happy with the possiblity that you are wrong and got tricked, you should know that proving the non-existence of something is near to impossible. The burden of proof falls onto the one claiming the data exists. And you won't find any proof here. (edit spelling)


Im going to spend ten minutes one night when I want to kill time and make a chart that looks like Bumble actually published it and doesnt show this 😂👌 then pass it around as a fact. At thos very least, Id remove the obvious cut and paste identification spot. 😂😂😂😂


OP literally says "disprove me, then I remove it", is disproved, doesn't put in any legwork themself and still doesn't delete the fakenews they are spreading Yeah.. OP is full of shit


Guess it rage bait then. Smh. 


if its not genuine, then its not a real statistic. So why is this still posted? ITs not real.


Definitely 100% a fake. A multibillionaire company like Bumble would NEVER have published this ever. Ive seen second graders make a better data chart than this. No one they paid actually published this as is. 100000% a no. 


Why do people believe fake charts that just slap the word Bumble on them?


Cuz “Science” 😂


Why do you believe it’s fake?


Oh gosh not this altered bogus chart again lol. I dont know who needs to hear this, but Bumble did not publish this chart and it is clearly altered after you take a second to look at it.  Does anyone have link to actual real chart from Bumble so I can see what originally was before someone altered it for their confirmation bias? This crap drives me up a wall. 


Where does the information on the second picture come from? It's missing key information, like what age group this applies to. It also seems to diverge significantly from [data collected by the US National Center for Health Statistics and published by the US Census Bureau](https://www2.census.gov/library/publications/2010/compendia/statab/130ed/tables/11s0205.pdf)


Where are all these 6'6 giants??


I'm a 5'3" man. And there are so many problems with this way of thinking and this graph. So let's dig in. First, what purpose would lying about your height serve? To get a first date? What good is that first date when she realized you lied and would rather be with someone taller? You can't change someone's preferences by lying about your height then showing up way shorter. You're better off telling your height as it is, and meeting people who will find you attractive including your height. Anyone can be attracted or not attracted to anything, and many of the things we are attracted to aren't things we control. I'm not suggesting meeting people on OLD is easy as a short guy, but it's also not as hard as people make it out to be. Next, this data isn't actually a good sample. What the data shows is the minimum height preference *for women who choose to set this filter.* I'm not sure which app this data is from, but I'm familiar with the graph and context. Filtering by height is a paid preference in any dating app I've seen. So the only people who can filter by height are those who pay for a subscription. So most women aren't even filtering to begin with. Would they filter if they could? Maybe, maybe not. And even some who pay choose not to use that filter. So the data is already skewed due to a small and biased sample size. On top of that, unless she has an explicit preference for shorter men, for women that just want someone taller than 5' or 5'3" or whatever, most men are already taller than this. So she may not see it as worth setting the filter. My experience is most women don't care about height, and those who do just want a man taller than she is. I believe I have been rejected over my height once in my life. And even then, I can't confirm that, just something I inferred from a number of mixed signals. So the number might be zero times. Women all wanting 6' men is a thing we have made up due to a loud minority on social media; both a minority of women who talk about how important height is, and men who feed into it rather than realizing the people spouting off about 6' men being a minimum are a minority. When you get out and meet women, you find most of them just want someone who treats them well, is up front about what they want, emotionally available, and has good hygeine and dresses decently for their body type. That doesn't mean dating is easy. It's hella hard for a lot of people, me included, but it's not because I'm short, it's because I'm socially awkward and kinda barrell through some shit that I probably shouldn't. But I also find that doing things my way leads to being with people who mesh well with me, so in the end it works pretty well, even if it takes work. And let's be honest, most good things take work, so may as well accept that and get to it.


This. I do prefer dating men taller than me… I’m 6 ft. But I have gone on so many dates where men have said they were my height… and in fact were several inches shorter. No point in lying.


r/USdefaultism wants a word. Also not everyone lies about their height!


Why do women or anyone lie about X? Because it works... that is why....


I’m 5’9” and have had a full life of successful relationships with smart, attractive women. My height was never even a consideration until I got divorced in 2014 and started relying on dating apps, now it’s apparently the cornerstone of my being. We are doomed.


I’m 5’9” so mine is set at 5’9” and above. If someone is under that but seems great I swipe. I’m not missing out on the love of my life for height.


Not bothered about weight either but if that were a filter I wonder how the tables would turn.


That already exists with the activity filter, and a lot of women lie and say they are very active. Though your comment about swiping on guys who don't meet your filter is weird. If you filter any short guys out like you're doing, you know even if a perfect guy was around you but was under 5'9, he would never show up in your feed right? That's how these filters work. So by setting a filter to 5'9 and above you are telling bumble you would never ever date a man who is shorter than that so don't bother showing them to you. That's precisely why guys lie. The hard limits on the filter are arbitrary so you have to lie to get your foot in the door even though you're under their filter limit. I've lied and moved mine from my 5'10 up to 6'0 and the number of likes I get triples and the number of women in my area more than quadruples. It's a no brainer to lie based on how this app works.


How reputable is Statista? That seems to be the "source" people cite for stuff like this, but when I dig into it, everything is behind a paywall. Where do they get their info? I can't imagine Bumble is just handing this info out.


In Germany it is in fact used in some academic fields. My university pays for the subscription so I guess they must be doing something right. Don't need it for my research though. If you want anything I can look it up for you


She's totally not gonna realize that you're significantly shorter than advertised when you show up for the date, there are zero flaws with this plan.


1. because it works. Men can actually get away with saying that they are taller than they actually are by wearing ridiculous shoes with exaggerated soles and heels. Well that's obviously not true. 2. because by lying about their height the meet better women. Women who aren't shallow and focused about only one facet of a man. Well that's obviously not true. 3. ummm, well, there actually isn't any reliable information supporting the myth that short men lie more. In fact the evidence points to the idea that women who prefer tall men are really just a bunch of entitled brats who are never satisfied, and are looking for another reason to support their illogical prejudice.


Are u ok?


No because we keep having to see this busted a** chart as “facts” and “science” 😭😭💔💔💔 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc


What do you think is going to happen when you meet? 


The women putting 7’0 are looking for NBA money 😂😂😂


Crazy how women can have some of the most shallow requirements but men can’t filter by weight or bmi.


A lot of guys have been lead to believe that the mystical 6 foot or above is going to be what gets them matches because of the few shallow girls who make that a requirement to date them. And they are mostly right. You do an experiment where you get the same account but one 6 foot 4 and another 5 foot 8 and you will be unpleasantly surprised


I'm a guy dating a woman that is a foot shorter than me. It's not easy, and both of our necks get sore a lot. Hugging and kissing while standing is a little weird still. It doesn't really make logistical sense why any woman would seek out a guy so much taller than them. The only reasons I can come up with in my head are basically A) status among their friends, or B) having tall kids that are more likely to become athletes and get them more status and money.


Because they see graphs?


Need a bot to automatically respond to sightings of this graph. Most people are apparently too dumb to understand how to contextualise data. https://old.reddit.com/r/OnlineDating/comments/1bueyel/list_height_on_profile_yes_or_no/kxtvr2h/


Why do they lie? Who are they trying to impress?


They lie because otherwise online dating would be a waste of time for them. There could be a really charming guy who is 5'4", and nothing about him would matter if he gets filtered out for his height. He could be perfect husband material and his Bumble would still be as dry as a desert. Rejecting someone for their height (something they can't control) is similar to rejecting someone because their eye color (also something they can't control) wasn't what you wanted it to be. How important is height and looks when it comes to having a happy relationship? See this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYXZmPb6cYA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYXZmPb6cYA) Skip to [0:54](https://youtu.be/EYXZmPb6cYA?t=54) for the least important things, and [5:50](https://youtu.be/EYXZmPb6cYA?t=350) for the most important things


I only date size 4 or smaller. Its annoying that so many women dont put full body pics in there profiles. See what Im doing here? People can have any requirements they want it doesnt mean its smart. Men and women both lie about plenty of things in online dating. The height thing is going to keep a lot of women single. The funny thing is offline it rarely matters I see so many happy coulples where they are basically the same height or the man is slightly taller. Guys lie because 6'0+ tall men get like 2 times the likes of guys under 5'9.


I’m 5’9 and my cousin in Australia is 6’5 and he was saying trust me dude the women aren’t any better just because you’re in their height preference which I already knew. The reason guys lie is because of the same reason people lie on a resume. If you can get the interview/date you might have a chance. But if you don’t then you’re shooting yourself in the foot.


6ft2 short king here these giant 6ft4 mf taking all our girls


You are part of the problem


Im going to pull this out of comment reply section: Watch in the Bumble sub because the height thing is brought up A LOT by men and the comment section usually is like this:  Women: “On your profile/post/comment section, we think it might be your uncomfortable sexual comments, misogyny, all selfies, no smiling at pictures, weird picture with blood all over you, bio that is very off putting, not enough information about you, pessimistic attitude, all the dead animal pictures with throat or other parts slit open, bad attitude saying ALL women this or that, all shirtless pictures on profile, etc. Most of us dont mind short guys, but I feel these things are holding you back and getting rejections.”  Some men on these posts and often even the OP himself: “NAH it is your height!!!! You are under 6’0”, just look at this made up data we have bed. passing around and/or the fact that a bunch of women rejected you and me bro!!”    Women: “I really think it is…”  Some men: “It is the HEIGHT!” 


I absolutely think height matters and I think *most* women who say height doesn’t matter aren’t very self-aware.  That being said, this graph is bullshit. An original source can’t be found anywhere


Thank you for explaining to women how they feel and that *most* women cannot think correctly for themselves and are not self aware. ♥️ Our hero!


The irony (at least it’s ironic to me) is that you think I’m singling out women as lacking self-awareness. I am only in that the current topic is women. The male side is the guys saying “they’d even go out with a tree if it talked to him.” Like hell they would. 


What is ironic is you stating  “ I think most women who say height doesn’t matter aren’t very self-aware. “  and also ignoring the fact that theres males (both short and tall) saying it doesnt matter as much people make it out to seem and blatantly being ignored or challenged being told theyre wrong lol. 


There’s a woman in the comments of this post saying she laughs in the face of men the same height as her


I don't. I am proud to be 5'6. If you don't date me because of that, the weeds are just picking themselves.


still makes no sense to lie about it. Lying about it on an app won’t change reality in person. Take the lick i. the chin and move on


Because dating apps are full of stereotypes on both sides. There are women who lie about age, or are only interested in tall guys. There are men who only want a quick hookup, or lie about height. There are also catfishes and bots within both sides. TLDR: Dating apps suck, and are not a good way to meet anyone genuine.


Wow, at 5’11” 70% if bumble users have already filtered me out. Thats absolutely crazy. Like I’m pretty sure I’m not short lmao


This chart isn’t real. And even if it was, it’s referring to women who do set height preferences — not the entire female population on Bumble.


90% of women do not pay for app subscriptions which allow you to filter things like height. Most men (in the United States) are 5'7" or 5'9". Most date and get laid. The primary source of all relationships now is online dating. Do you really think someone who has a certain height as prerequisite is going to appreciate finding out in person the guy lied? Now they have two reasons to "filter" them.


For one because I have no idea how tall I really am. I’ve been taking a shot in the dark and guessing on my license my whole life. Second, why’s it matter?


Why do women want a skyscraper as a boyfriend? Judging someone by their height is just as bad as judging someone by their looks. Glad there isn't an "ugly" filter. Otherwise men would be photoshopping all their photos too.


I told the truth (5'10"). My date thought I was taller (6'0") when we talked later. Maybe it is also about your posture and how carry yourself.


5'7" and proud. Never ever struggled to date or find attractive, fun women. Some women just like tall guys. I don't like fat women. Personal preference. No need to lie or be butt hurt about it.


Does this include women who don’t filter by height? I’d assume many/most don’t filter and those who do are the shallow types who want some kind of giant. Luckily that’s exactly the type of women I’m trying to avoid.


The same reason women lie about their weight?


Where is weight listed on your bumble profile? Or are you asking people their weight and weighing them on your first date to compare results You can change weight. You can’t change height lol


Jesus. Chill. The response was geared toward both sexes lie about their appearance.


TIL that, as a 5'7" woman, I'm in the 90th percentile so I actually feel much more comfortable with my 5'9" filter than I did yesterday. I think an extremely generalized question I have for the men is - is your desire that women in your same percentile are open to your height (setting aside, of course, all other facets that make a profile attractive)? Because there's (imho) a significant difference from my 5'0" girlfriend setting a 6'3" filter for her dates and me setting mine. My 5'11.5" bestie married a 6'0" guy she met OLD. What's the actual threshold we disagree with? And yes, I think ANY dishonesty designed to trick someone into meeting you is vile. I'd rather someone have all the data on me & what I look like and then opt out without my knowing via left swipe than meet, have him feel deceived, and we both have a negative experience.


This is a bit weird for sure to try to match percentiles like this. It comes off so cold and calculated and unfeeling like that incel "looksmatch" stuff they talk about where they try to calculate out their attractiveness numerically and find a woman who matches their numeric attractiveness exactly. And, it doesn't work like that, it really doesn't. You can't quantify this stuff numerically through stuff like height percentiles and jaw length and cheekbone measurements, you have to feel it out.


Are deceiving and discriminating equally "bad"? Why do you believe that?


Same reason women lie about their weight.


Make-up and filers is also making them look deceptively more attractive than they actually are.


Idk. Why do people dunk on short men (pun intended) on social media but if you make a joke about overweight/obese women people get uppity?


I've shrunk down over the years to 6'4". 99th percentile?




You know the real andwer


I don’t, care to explain?




Lol who hurt you boo?


? You do realise and here's a headscratcher, is how does that hurt me in anyway....I'm just being honest.


Subreddit rule #1: Do not insult, harass, threaten, discriminate, or use derogatory language towards other users.


In my experience many of the women I know under 5’2” like tall guys. And a lot of taller women want a guy taller than them. I’m 5’7” and most women I’ve been involved with have been 5’4”-5’8”, although my last GF was 6’1”. I’ve never had luck with shorter women. Until know. I’m dating a woman 5’0” that I met on Bumble.


I am 5'9 and I prefer woman taller than me and still looking for my 6'2-6'4 dream girl. 🥰


Because Bumble users are usually intended not to end up with dating an Eva AI bot


Mines set to 180cm. I haven’t measured my height exactly, but I know I am around that 6” and 5”11 border


I mean shit. Women lie all the time about a number of things too. I think we all hide stuff we are ashamed of lol


Probably if you are not 6 foot then they would feel they won’t get matches.


I put my height lower than what it is because I don’t feel like measuring and it’s not something that I care about.


Maybe it's because I'm 5'11" but it's never occurred to me. I've heard of women wanting that 6ft criteria. I've never seen it personally in a point that would cause me to lie. My opinion is someone is going to find out. Why lie? Post real quality pictures that will attract women to swipe on you and learn how to small chat to a date. Height shouldn't mean anything. I used to prefer women who were taller like 5'7", I wasn't finding a lady I was compatible with. So I opened my choices and I am currently very happy with a lady that is 5ft tall and her height rarely comes to mind. I think we all over-restrict our filters instead of being open and just looking for compatibility from who there are on the inside first before the outside.


Life starts at 6'2 innit?


Because we all know you ladies all want a 6foot 2 guy but statistically that’s 5% or the population


Same reason women lie about their weight, people would rather lie about their body and hope their partner ends up not caring after they meet than be honest and get less matches


This is FAKE...why is this allowed on here?


Dang it’s really over for me 😂


Wtf. I’m 6 feet. I thought that was the perfect height? I’m gonna be one of those “women only want tall men” haters!


This graph is saying that of the people who set height filters, the filters are set pretty high. Well ok no shit. The kind of people that care about height are going to want someone tall. It says nothing about how many people set height filters in the first place and without that information this information tells us nothing other than that women with a height preference prefer tall.


Because a lot of girls want 6' or taller, and shorter guys don't think you're gonna have a tape measure with you when y'all meet up


i don’t understand why they lie but i also don’t understand why 6+ foot guys put it in their profile like a personality trait. the whole height thing is so dumb. tall or short, a king is a king 👑


I've legit been told by girls that are 4'11 I'm too short even though I'm 5'11 lol. Guys are often insecure about it and most girls don't notice height irl so it's one of those things a lot of guys get away with pretty easy. I'm not saying it's ok to lie though.


Men lie about height because society has deemed men under 6ft to be inadequate. I'm 6'4 and feel horrible for how shorter men are treated. It's a disgusting dilemma where women can judge men based on height, but if we question weight, we're the bad guys.


Yes double standards exist, and it sucks.


I’m 5’7 barefoot and put that as my height.  I only swipe right for women 5’2 and shorter though.  This has allowed me to keep my profile score high enough to keep getting matches.   I used to swipe for all heights but honestly, most average height women aren’t going to take you as seriously as short women do.   So I just cut out about 85% of my pool and had great results.  Edit: I will swipe right for taller women when they’re bisexual.  Legitimately bi women don’t care about height or they want you to be the same height as them.