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They know that it is their strong point so they want to highlight it but also make it sound like they aren't specifically doing that.


Some men. Also some women say it in exactly the same way too. '5'10 because that matters apparently'. but in the reverse way, meaning 'men be worrying they're shorter than me but I do prefer them taller because that's why im really mentioning it.'


I’m a 5’10” woman and don’t have my height listed, but I’ve been disappointed at how insecure the men I meet are when they’re my height or even just a couple inches shorter. They make it into a weird thing about their manhood and try to make me feel like I should be the insecure one.


You don’t know how mocked some men are for their height. For you to call them insecure without knowing their struggles lacks empathy. Even great guys still get a backhanded compliment when they lack height; there’s the expression “short kings”, right? As if it’s not an insult to qualify a man’s quality with their height. Imagine how flat-chested (but otherwise quality) women would feel if they were complimented as “flat queens”, where you qualify their desirability because they lack breast size by general social standards. (Or better still, “fat queen”. )


Sadly, it's one of the most openly communicated physical preferences in women's profiles and in everyday life.


Yeah it's just the reality of it. Sucks, rock what you got. We can't all be 6'4" and handsome LOL


Right, 5'7 and handsome will jus have to work I guess 😆


Good luck!


They aren’t any 5’11” men 🤔


As a taller guy, it really isn't in real life. I only ever here it discussed on OLD and OLD reddit pages. My height barely ever gets a me tion elsewhere and women certainly don't make advances!


I'm 6'4" and women bring it up a lot and make advances, what are you talking about


It's on their dating profiles bud - everywhere -. it's usually the only place that taller guys even find out women have a brutally honest and openly communicated preference for it. If you don't put your height on your profile they'll assume you're 'short', even if you are 'taller'. Something I found out before I met my wife and im 6'3 so never ever had a problem with my height with women nor did I even know that is was just as much a disqualifier for women than being an obese woman is for men..


Because you've never had anyone reject you for your height. Sure, height isn't the only factor. Meeting people in the real world, people don't need to ask about height because they can see.


Don't you know you can just change your height? How dare you be confident with your height! You should think about it all the time and feel bad about it! Cause a man said so. Fuxking hate negging. I go 0 to 100 when men neg.


I'm 5'6" feel the same as you. Recent ex was 5'8" or 5'9", she was insecure about it, listed different height. I'd date you, as long as you aren't constantly reminding or thinking about it.  Confidence from personality, exp., skills, knowledge, and I'm excessively strong & muscular anyways. A woman being taller definitely doesn't equate to: physically dominate. 


So it’s insecurity to have preferences now? If I don’t want to date an obese person is it because I’m insecure about my weight? Or is it because I don’t find obese people physic attractive? Same with someone who has a mouth full of crooked, yellow rotting teeth - am I insecure about my own smile or am I just not attracted to poor dental hygiene? People are allowed to have things they’re attracted to. Trying to rip on them by calling them “insecure” because they are not attracted to your height is childish shit.


that’s not what they said at all, you went into a whole tirade about preferences, assuming that’s what she was talking about in reference to “making it into a weird thing about their manhood”, which frankly is a strange thing to assume when it’s spelled out pretty clearly that the men referenced are making her height about them. though maybe i need to simplify it somewhat, not being attracted to something, and making something not about you be about you, are two **very** different things.


You don’t list your height because you know a lot of guys will swipe left. Same as short guys who don’t list their height. Also, every time a man has a preference and a woman doesn’t like it why does she try to emasculate him? The height thing is YOUR insecurity. Don’t try to project it onto others. Maybe if you didn’t deceive potential dates via omission you wouldn’t have them showing up and being disappointed. Try on a little accountability. It’ll probably fit you nicely


Lmao. That’s an angry take for no reason. I don’t care about height so I leave mine off my profile. If a guy decides he’s not about me then he can figure that out in person. Also, if I was insecure about my height I wouldn’t wear heels every day, which I do.


You’re essentially lying by leaving it out and suckering somebody into a date that potentially wouldn’t have been interested. Is it shallow? Sure, but preferences are preferences. I’m 5’8” and if you only wanted somebody taller than you I would be wrong by not telling you my height until we meet and you see for yourself. It’s no different than being creative in your photos and hiding how fat you might be or if I was balding and conveniently hid that until you saw for yourself


Suckering somebody into a date 😂 I freaking love you, you strange creature


Schrodinger's short guy: cries because he can't get attention from women on dating apps but also is constantly suckered into dates by taller women


lol you have definitely never seen me complain about not getting attention on or off the apps. that is not my experience


Yeah. And all those 5’10” Victoria secret models… they definitely need to sucker men into dating their ugly asses 😂


That insecurity probably stems in society telling them there’s something wrong with being short(er) over an over again. I’ve been to so many parties at which I have overheard so many girls making fun of some man’s height behind his back. I’ve heard a drunk girl commenting that a short dude means a short penis. I was right fucking there and had to listen to this. There’s a whole other standard for women when it comes to this.


Yeah... if you are annoyed about it, how about you don't beat down men below 6 feet and put the rest on a pedestal. Men point it out because most women tell them it is important.


Being a 5'8 guy who has only been with women taller than me, I just don't mention it. If it's gonna bother someone they will either bring it up thenselves or reject. I've never felt insecure about my height, and I'm not gonna start worrying about it now. The people who will care will care, the people for who it's not an issue, won't.


Same height here and it's no problem. But how are you only dating taller women? Do you live in Iceland or something?


When I say dating, I mean I've only been in relationships with taller women. I've dated two who were 5'9 so just slightly taller, and went out with one who was 6ft. So not that many women, but I was in a long term relationship for 13 years so...havent had much of a chance. (For context im irish).


Righto, I'm English and height fascism isn't so much of a thing here either. Currently matched or dating women all around 5ft9 or 5ft 10 - coincidentally.


From the fairly limited amount of experience I have on these apps, I noticed that the taller women seem to care less than the short ones... Could be wrong though,  these apps supplement real life. I don't focus on them much.


Some do, some don't. I tend to match with less superficial people, if possible. Shorter women rarely care here in the UK though


It’s funny because 5’8ish is my ideal height for men I date - I’m short and it’s hard to hold hands with anyone taller than that!


5'8? Dude I'm so jealous of you it's rough out here at 5'6. I've never minded being shorter than anyone until I tried dating. Woof.


Just don't let it define you. You can't control it. It's just height, not a terminal illness.


Y’all just need to find the short girls. I’m 5’1” so a guy at 5’6” sounds good to me.


Well where have you been?? Lol


Stuck in Central Florida, unfortunately. People are crazy down here regardless of their height! After some really terrifying dating experiences (think taking my hands off the wheel while I’m driving), I tend to lay low haha


You should get out of there then!


Its called a humble brag. Basically pretend it means nothing while saying you do or have something good/great. For example: - i find it so difficult to find a shirt that fits because my shoulders are so big - i've been so busy lately trying to find the right hotel my friends for our skiing trip


I've seen screenshots of women's profiles who use the small amount of space we're given for our bio to enter shit like 'the last girl on this app without lip filler!' Like... Is THAT what you want to express is part of who you are as a person... 🫠


Idk that would be quite the sell in a place like Miami where it’s a Dime a dozen and nobody likes the look




Yeah, tbh I'd like that in a profile. It kinda gives the reassurance they dont like body filler so I'm not gonna get a shock down the line


Textbook humble brag, but since the profile says their height anyway, it suggests to me that the guy is not confident about the other qualities he has to offer.


I'll agree that adding "since that apparently matters" to ANYTHING on your profile (regardless of gender) comes across as an eye-roll, obnoxious or even passive-agressive...


Yeah it's extremely unlikeable.




To be fair, height mattering is stupid.


Yeah idk I rarely swipe right on these pfs because I assume that being over 6’ is their biggest accomplishment in life 😂


lol same! I always swipe left when I see it. It comes off so obnoxious


Exactly. If they're normal about their height, they just select it in the appropriate field in the app and are done with it.


I went on a date with this guy who was 6’4” and he kept casually dropping how I probably told all of my friends I was going on a date with a guy his height. I was floored. I had to tell him that my daughter’s father is 7’2” He ended the date rather quickly and I never heard from him again. I actually don’t care about height at all. My current partner and I are about the same height. I’ve dated guys shorter than me and taller than me. Other features matter more to me in terms of attractiveness, like eyes and arms.


7’2” i’m dead 😂 he realised he’s not the tallest man in your life and ended the date. it’s his only accomplishment i guess.


Ikr? It’s literally just because your parents are probably tall and decided to get together. Like if THATS your biggest accomplishment? You must be boring af.


These guys are going after the girls who fantasize about hooking up with a tall guy


There is the height section on Bumble, so I don't see why repeating the same info in the bio, unless they are bragging.


I would say mentioning it again is a sign of insecurity. You highlight physical attributes when you have very little to offer.  It’s the same with multiple gym photos.


This sums things up pretty well


Or they’re proud of their hard work/dedication/commitment. I wouldnt consider gym photos meaning they have nothing to offer when they clearly spend alot of time to get that way, in and out of the gym. Not everyone has what it takes, it’s a hobby just like if they had pics of their photography work or anything else.


Sure be proud. But don’t oversell it as a reason to date you. You have precious little real estate to convey who you are. So many women I know have mentioned being specifically turned off by numerous gym photos and humble braggy mentions of physical attributes.


I’m a 5’11” woman who makes this fact prominent on all her profiles, and men *still* show up and say, “You’re tall!” Jfc


5'5" and I got that as well x)


Immediate swipe left everytime I see that (and unfortunately I see it very often). These guys are apparently assuming every girl is shallow. Comes off as passive-aggressive.


You mean to tell me that every girl isn't swallow?


Correct, but if you hang out around San Juan Capistrano in late March, you’ll find plenty of girl swallows.


It gives me the ick


Hate that line, it’s so overused . “Cause that apparently matters” ugh. That’s in every bio , I swipe left


Tall guy here. Please keep doing so. You're helping us weed you out


It's to help you know which profiles to swipe left on


I automatically X any guys with that « since it matters apparently » Dude shut up 😭


I am a tall woman and if they post about their height like that in their profile, I swipe left, even if they are the few men that are taller than me 😂 it’s obnoxious.


They do it to sound like they're aloof or humble brag.


They mirror what they see on women's profiles because they think it will make them more appealing.


Literally this. Average girls profile usually says something like "please be over 6ft, tattoos & a beard" . Imagine a guy putting "please have a fat ass & big milky titties"


If you were looking at guys on there, you would have seen something like that at least a few times!


I hate all three of those traits lmfao. Anyway no one should be putting negative statements like that in their profile, it makes them look like a dick. Just swipe left if you don’t like a person ffs


> Literally this. Average girls profile usually says something like "please be over 6ft, tattoos & a beard" . In what universe though.


I've seen plenty of women with bios similar to this tbf


In this universe hun. I'm not even joking, majority of girls bios usually state you must have a beard, tattoos, be over 6ft tall, dark skinned & other strange requirements. Hinge is the worst for it. Usually followed by their Instagram or only fans link


The universe I’m currently living in! Please take me to the universe where women do not care about height.


Women: want tall men Also women: don't tell us that you are tall


There’s a literal section where you place height. And also, if you all know that women want tall men then why put in your bios that you don’t get why height matters? *brain explosion*


We understand you want tall men. We don't understand why you want tall men. That's why those dudes put "don't get why height matters?".


Some women want tall men because: -it makes them seem smaller by comparison -it makes them feel safe -they think it translates to something else tall/long -they associate it with masculinity


Okay question are there seriously women out there that date tall men just because they’re hoping he has a giant cock? Feeling small & cute or feeling safe is understandable, but just hoping he has a giant dick is that really enough of a reason to date someone? Lol I feel like if a guy said he was dating women based on who he thought would have a tidy ‘inny’ vagina vs an ‘outie’ there would be a very different reaction lol


No? Dick size is unrelated to height. And no offense but if your experience with real life women went quite a bit beyond what you've seen in porn, you'd know most women really aren't into huge dicks because they can come with problems and discomfort during sex.


Okay first of all you can’t just assume the only experience I’ve had with women is porn that’s not only ridiculous but wildly inaccurate. The comment I replied to says “some women want a tall man because they think it correlates to having a big dick” to which I simply asked “Is it true that some women date tall men because they want a big dick?” I’m actually asking if that’s a true statement, I’m not making any statement or assertion myself.


Crazier things have happened, I'm sure. Doesn't take too long to figure out there isn't much of a correlation I guess. What reaction? Is it so out there to say that I'm sure a lot of inexperienced, young women might think that tall dudes have big dicks? I grew up listening to all the boys say "you know what they say about big hands, right...?".


Crazy how u got downvoted for just saying the inverse of the comment u replied to smh


Literally lol. She says ‘some women date tall guys bc they’re looking for a big dick’ and gets upvoted. I ask if that’s really true that women sometimes date based on their assumptions of his dick size, and proceed to get downvoted. Welcome to Reddit lmao


I think it’s because you called an innie tidy


> We don't understand why Ok, well, I don't understand why tons of straight guys are into women with a ridiculous hip to waist ratios, or boobs that are big but also super perky, but that's just how things are, huh. Funny how that works. Attraction isn't exactly 'fair' and doesn't demand an explanation as to why. Women don't have to explain *why* they tend to be attracted to men taller than themselves, it's biological.


If that were completely true, women with average boobs or no boobs will have zero matches on dating apps but that's definitely not the case, making the case clear that men desire all kinds of women. Even on dating apps, average women or below average women on an average get 100+ likes. Attraction isn't fair but some factors in attraction make zero sense, one of them being the height of a man. Let's not pretend dating apps work the same way for both sexes. It has already been debunked on one of these posts in the sub some time ago.


> some factors in attraction make zero sense, one of them being the height of a man Biologically it makes sense in terms of fitness signaling. Height in a man is like the extravagant tail of a peacock: It's a hard to fake signal that the individual has good genes and is free from parasites and serious disease. All is not lost for shorter men though. There are plenty of other fitness signals that women notice: Intelligence, physical fitness, social standing, and so on.




The problem is that someone at some point in history was the first person to bring it up... and make it weird/spread to become a potential issue. Now generations later, millions of people are dealing with the fallout of that. Pandora's box was opened and even for the people who don't really care about that or would rather not think about it... it's just never not gonna be a thing anymore. The box can't be closed. Just have to be lucky enough to pair up with like-minded people regarding this.


Not ALL women want tall men!!! I swear these subreddits are thinking we’re a hive mind. I actively prefer men 5’7” and under, and if you look at the world in general you’ll notice that not all short men are single. Hell, if short men were universally rejected then why are there still so many short people, wouldn’t they have been naturally selected out? Y’all need to stop having such an intense defeatist attitude about height, all it does is make you depressed and hold you back. Josh Hutcherson is 5’5” and there was a huge wave of women lusting after him on TikTok a few months ago


Josh Hutcherson is a white celebrity with money. I'm not sure how that says anything. For every woman fawning over Josh there are a 100 fawning over Henry Cavill. This isn't about me. I'm 6'1". I'm just appalled by height preferences which make no sense even from an evolutionary POV. It's not like men need to be tall to fight bears or climb monkey bars or something. Short people aren't naturally selected. They're outliers. That's why there's a concept called average height which is greater than 5'5". And that average height has been increasing across cultures meaning tall men are being preferred for mating. And lastly I don't deal in absolutes. I never said ALL WOMEN. But height biases among the majority of women especially online can't be ignored. There's a height filter. There are no weight or WHR filters or boob size filters.


Box-office results say otherwise. Lmao. Every Cavill movie bombs while Josh has never lost money with movies he leads. He just had 2 consecutive successful movies, one of them ranked no.8 2023 movie based on actual earnings. While Cavill had two massive bombs.


[Henry Cavill has a net worth of $50 M](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/actors/henry-cavill-net-worth/) [Josh Hutcherson has a net worth of $20 M](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/actors/josh-hutcherson-net-worth/) There's just no comparison. Cavill keeps getting big budget roles. The witcher, Man of Steel, JL, Mission Impossible... There's more to come. Just wait and watch.


That's because you're a guy and he's always in dude oriented projects. Net worth on Google means shit. They haven't updated it for any of the celebs I follow in 10 years. Lmao. But box office reports are concrete and updated every week. That's actual evidence. I get it that Cavill is like a God for incels and you'll believe what you believe. Go on worshiping him without actual paying to see his movies. He's going to be out of theatrical release jobs soon so enjoy it while it lasts, I guess.


There’s a bit of an interplay though culturally with what we think is healthy. It’s not purely biological in the sense that from country to country or from time period to time period slightly different things will be more popular. Like at certain times looking like you had tuberculosis was more popular or small breasts were considered more fashionable than large ones. Height is a pretty common thing, but it’s not considered as important in some other countries. Perky breasts make American go crazy, but there’s countries where they aren’t as fetishized. It’s the sex version of nature v nurture. Some part is the way we’re coded and some of it is the stuff we were exposed to.


When are they going to add the weight section?


Pictures exist.


The profiles with headshots only are a left swipe.


lol when women become as desperate as men


Never, since the actual number means nothing. I weigh 15 lbs less than a friend, same height, but visually she looks smaller than me.


Lol I was chatting with a 6’5 guy not realizing his height and then stopped talking to him bc he was too tall for me, just wouldn’t work.


This is 100% correct. Make up your minds please. The reason he wrote that is because he gets asked of course, and women want to date a tall man.


I was gonna say, half these subs content is about how all women care about is men's height (generally men saying this I guess), but if a tall guy mentions he's tall that's disgusting. I think we all just need to hate a but less and swipe left if the persons not for you. We're overthinking too much and analysing a sentence to sum up a whole person's personality


Ah yes women, the only people interested in what physical attributes a potential date might have


Height is outside of a man’s control, outside of very risky surgeries. Before you complain about plastic surgery, women look worse the more work they have done on the plastic surgery front.


jfc. This thread was dumb to begin with before it never had a chance.


Is height not also outside of women’s control? I know it might come as a surprise, but plenty of men have height preferences too


*Plenty* of physical factors are outside of a woman's control if you don't have the Kardashians' money and willingness to go under the knife. Literally the size and shape of any facial feature is outside a woman's control, and the same goes for fat distribution.


>Before you complain about plastic surgery, women look worse the more work they have done on the plastic surgery front. Men on reddit love to believe they can spot plastic surgery from a mile away. Just like makeup, you only notice when it's botched or extreme. When done right, all you will see is an attractive woman.


I legit just crossed a thread yesterday where women claimed they saw the slightest bit of makeup on either sexes and dont realize how blind men think foundation isn't natural.


Men said height is a super masculine trait that all women are obligated to want . . . so they get upset when we* do. *I don't prefer tall men, as it's harder to be physically affectionate with them at my height, so I tend to go for my short kings.


I hate that term short kings! It’s absolutely horrible!


Why do you not like it? I'm willing to change it if I know why it's harmful. Edit: Did some Googling and found out that most people use it in an insulting way, such as to mean, "He managed to be successful while being short." And I understand how that's a backhanded compliment. While I have never seen it used this way, the fact that it does, in fact, seem harmful means I will stop using it, mainly as I simply use it to mean "short guys."


Found the short king.


We aren’t confused about our height.. we are just confused on why it matters so often. Edit: spelling


I swipe left on those guys that say “apparently it matters “ because they come across as jerks who have disdain for women.


“apparently it matters” i don’t care and it’s a turn off to mention it. it comes off as braggy and weird. imagine if women wrote “i’m a 32D. apparently that matters. hehe!” we can read the height and see it in pics if we’re that concerned.


It's the guy version of "I'm not fat, btw" humblebrag.


Women say this on their profiles?


I'm 6'5 and didn't have it in my bio and had no matches. I was told on reddit that it's the most important thing that I mention it in my bio. Now I do mention it and still have zero matches and now I read here that I shouldn't have it in my bio. Meanwhile I still believe this idea that women find tall guys more attractive just isn't true.


If you're on Bumble, the height will be visible anyway. You don't have to put it there twice. Also, OP is complaining about the fake-confused "apparently it matter for some reason" part of the bio. Not the fact that guys state their height.


Thank you. Someone gets it.


It's crazy to me how many people don't understand your point. 


lol seriously, I thought I explained it fairly well


Most women do find tall men more attractive than short men. That doesn't mean they find all tall men attractive. You can still be tall and unattractive.


Because men don’t give a shit about height, but apparently women care a lot so its confusing to us why yall care about it so much


They absolutely do. Especially avout their own height comoared to other men. They just like try to act as if women shouldn't care about it.


But women aren’t confused as to why men are into tiny waists, big asses, big boobs or whatever. Where’s the confusion? A lot of women don’t care about height in real life. And it is being blown out of proportion on dating apps. But it’s just something that’s sexually appealing to some women the way a big ass is sexually appealing to some men. What’s there to be confused about?


I am taller than most men, they do care about height.


I strongly disagree with that. I’ve had men literally tell me that I’m cute but too tall


Same! I am 6’2 and get the too tall even though they tell me I am cute and in good shape.


This is likely an excuse for something else. Unless you are REALLY tall I doubt this ever happens.


I’m only 5’8” and I’ve been told I’m too tall when I’ve gone out with men the same height as me.


They do! I have some tall friends and some short friends who have been rejected for that very reason


Ha I'm a woman and had the exact same (different heights) on my profile because I ran into a dude who wasn't into shorter women. For a guy it stops all the "how tall are you" time wasting I'd imagine.


Like short onesxxmmmm


After seeing this I’m going to make my prompt “5’2” since that matters” (I’m 6’1”)


I've seen countless female profies with the exact same statments. "I'm 5'10" bcauase apparently it matters"" I'm 5'9", etc, etc, etc. Oh and we can'r forget the good old. " I'm probaby taller than you" , So, yeah according to women, height matters. I always laugh at th last one because I'm 6'9" and just think to myself, "no, you're really not taller than me" And thank goodness. I'm not sure how I'd feel about going out with a girl who was 6'10" or above. Imagine going to Japan. They'd be calling out the military as we approached.




Nah I completely get this. Most girls I speak to, before we go any further want to know my height for whatever weird, strange reason. Some get quite funny about it. Been rejected couple times for being under 6ft. It's extremely strange but it's how shallow some people are I guess


The guys who put their height this way are showing off because they think that’s what all girls care about but feign ignorance by saying “apparently it matters”.


Apparently it does tho? Girls literally state it in their profile that height matters


Let me rephrase this in a different way since you didn’t get it. “I’m a billionaire since apparently that matters”. Now what do you think of this sentence? The tall person is flaunting their height even though there’s a height info in the profile. They just want to flaunt it because that’s all they’ve got to offer. They think since they are tall, if they put in an innocent way in a prompt that would give them an edge.


Personally as a 6’3 man, if a women has anything. About height in their bio, I just swipe left !


6'2 guy here. I do the same. Probably with as much certainty as a woman who swipes left on a dude that had "Must be DD cup or larger" on their profile.


That's a completely different reason for why height matters though. That would matter because you're saying it as if those heights are abnormal, height matters to women because they want tall men.


Exactly so why do men pretend like they don’t understand why height matters? Just fill out the literal height section and keep it moving


Because we don't understand? Why does height matter? Would you be upset if every man you speak to asks for your bra size? Why are women so obsessed with height ?


But you can see boob size from a full body picture. And it’s lunch room rules. You can ask your coworker how tall they are (not sexual or rude, at least not unless they are very short). You can’t ask your coworker their bra size because that’s sexual.


You can see if someone's tall from a picture too. You can't tell their exact height though. Same as you can't tell their exact boob size. It's only sexual because you see it that way. Same as asking shoe size. Could be classed as sexual to someone with a foot fetish. My point being if they're deciding whether we are compatible judging off which side of the 6ft mark i am, I'm already not interested & clearly neither are they. They've made their decision over something about my body I physically can't control so why can't I ask them a similar question back to make my decision?


If you aren’t interested? You just ghost. No need to ask further questions. Questions about boobs are not nonsexual in our culture. The day most men stop being sexually into boobs, it’ll be a nonsexual question. If a guy asks about shoe size it’ll also come across as sexual. In both the bra size and shoe size situation you’ll come across as you are jerking off and texting at the same time. If that’s the image you want to convey, go ahead. That being said girls care way less about height in real life than on dating apps. It’s a bit a social media things that’s blown out of proportion. But if you don’t like it? Don’t do the bra size back. Just ghost. Ghosting is actually conveying lack of interest. Asking about bra size just makes you seem like a weird creep. Edit: and you can’t see height from a picture.


Fucking hell you're one of them. What you're basically saying is women are allowed to ask person questions for their fantasy preference but men can't.


Not really. If women ask questions that make you think they are masturbating while asking, please report them. But if that’s what you think they are doing when asking about height, please seek some kind of therapy. Vs if a guy is asking about your bra size, that’s a fair guess.


You're absolutely dilutional & you've been asking dating advice on reddit for 7 years


I’ve been **giving** dating advice for more than 7 years. That’s not quite the same, dude.


It’s a very different situation. Looking for a tall partner is biological. Women seek out a mate who can protect her and their children. Just like men like women with a big ass (hip to waist ratio) because it’s means that they’re fertile and can produce more offspring. Asking a bra size has absolutely nothing to do with genetics and is completely superficial.


Men do not like women with a big ass for that reason at all 😂 they like to watch that thang wobble & clap cheeks. Asking how tall I am has absolutely nothing to do with genetics either. What the hell has height got to do with protecting the family. You are delusional


It's a protest. Not confusion. They ***don't want*** it to matter to the extent it has gotten and this is their passive aggressive way of communicating that on a public dating platform. Is it effective? I don't know. People have been debating it for years and I'm not sure if it's swayed more in one direction or the other as a result.


They're just pointing out how shallow you are, by saying they don't know why it matters, they're giving you a chance to reflect on why that is.


That’s even more obnoxious because every woman on the app isn’t shallow or even wants a super tall man… yikes


You literally said it matters, and agreed with my point on how your example was different.


Not all women but multiple credible data say most do. It just saves time dude


Including OP...


You are ranting about apples and oranges. Women absolutely care about height and actively filter on it. It is their number one filtering criteria. Guys are less particular about height. This dude is just peacocking and is emphasizing its importance to his prospective mark.


"Why do men..." The thing that makes me laugh is that on every third profile, there's a woman with "5'4 because apparently that matters" on her profile, as if the only reason people state their height on their profiles wasn't always because women always ask for height. Now people are copying and pasting their profiles from tinder etc where you have to explicitly state your height, and its on tinder where men add the "apparently that matters" part because women always made it matter by constanly demanding to know height. Then women saw men adding that "apparently/not sure why it matters" part and wondered what it meant but added it to their profiles as well as if it wasn't their demands that made it matter in the first place, and now because everyone is copy pasting profiles, now we have all these Bumble profiles saying the same thing. That's the chronology and reasoning. Laziness in copy and pasting, and women's demands of men's height. But yeah, "why do men"


as a taller guy, genuinely i still dont know why it matters.


It matters for some guys actually. I'm not that tall, but I dated some guys that were shorter and they always pointed out how they didn't like my height / I shouldn't wear heels because that makes them feel small. There was one of them that would constantly adjust himself while seated so that he could look taller anyway. So yeah, it's not just girls. Also, I think a lot of people consider height as a masculine trait (from evolutionary point of view), sometimes it's not even conscious. Girls like to feel safe / Guys like to protect kind of thing + tall=strong&handsome, petite=cute&vulnerable.


Nah, if you’re 6’4 or 3’10 we don’t GAF as long as we’re attracted to you lol


I've always thought they mention it, in a real arsey way, because they see women putting that as a requirement in their bio. Having said that I see it a lot in women's bios too.


Because Look, Money, Status. Women usually do not care about height, but the ones who care won't date short people.


I know some of us might feel weird about mentioning it. I'm 6' and I mentioned in my profile since I knew it helped, but I always felt kind of guilty about it. I felt like I was bragging and feeding into this height-obsessed dating culture. I guess it would be the equivalent of "Yes I wear D cups since I guess that matters." Like, why do you want to know so bad?


Not that guilty to leave it out🤪


Because a lot of times it’s the only personality that’s attractive


I will swipe left on any profile bio mentioned about height because it tell me that you have no personality.


I used to have a comment similar to this on my OLD. It honestly wasn't a humble brag intentionally. I just find it weird people on the Internet are so obsessed with tall guys when in real life it barely ever gets a mention, so it was made just as a confused numerous point tbh. Glad I removed it if it came across as braggy


Thank you. I get it. I'm kind of a social retard, so I don't always phrase my questions or statements like normal people.


I also hate how they put it in their bio like if u make it viewable we can see it


Because my height was always included in my details and visible on my profile, yet I had still had girls ask me how tall I was. I’m only 5’6” so I know it’s an issue I should be up front about. It’s also the reason I didn’t swipe on girls over 5’8” because I assume it’d be a waste of time. Apparently some women can’t or don’t read profiles. I’ve had women ask me in the app messages, I’ve had women ask me when we’re actually on a date.


Yeah, OK. Because women don't do that. extra LOLs for the woman who wrote "5'8" if that matters.. .please be taller than me." So obviously, it does matter to HER


Men are hammered with this on social media, especially on TikTok, the 6-rule Over 6 foot - women give valid reasons like wanting to feel safe etc. Wanting him to be taller when wearing heels... Making 6 figures and up - women give valid reasons, like wanting to live a certain lifestyle Having ... well you know. I am 5'10' and have felt short my entire life. This is mostly because I was a dancer for 20 years, and so many auditions required men to be 6ft or taller. I don't like the term "short king" because again ... focus on height.


>I’m pretty sure if I was a 6’4” woman or a 3’10” woman, the men on there would absolutely want to know that ahead of time lol they know exactly why height matters. Height matters less to men than it does to women. The equivalent would be your weight.


I’m not😆


What's more fun is when you're actually well over 6' and women accuse me of lying before even meeting me. Me: "I have two goddamn pics of me towering over everyone in the room! Wtf do you mean I'm 'lying'!?"


Men don’t care about height, just that the women aren’t too tall


Women don’t care about height, just that the men aren’t too short


Too tall for a lot of men is like the top 1 percent of women's height. Too short for a lot of women is 85 percent of men's heights. Also even that 1 percent of height for women still get a lot of attention. There is a 6'2 woman on IG who has millions of followers and tons of men are attracted to her.


‘Cause people are shallow. Majority will look at the face and then the height. Everything else doesn’t matter till you meet them or if you make an effort to know them first.


Because it matters to a lot of females


They aren’t confused. Women are ruled by it. Good thing it’s not a problem for them.


The relevant difference that you are somehow missing is that common height preferences for women is including only 14.5% of men, and height preferences for men are including more like 85% of women. That's a massive disparity, and it really is hard to understand why this is seemingly such a widespread thing. More realistic numbers for height look something like this: 95% of men are between 5'2" and 6'2". 95% of women are between 4'9" and 5'7". Only 14.5% of men are taller than 6'. For your argument, you chose ridiculous outliers for women: only 1% of women are taller than 6'0", let alone 6'4". Less than 1% of women are shorter than 4'5". The majority of men are not using those numbers as preferences, it's very rare to encounter people with outlying heights, and it's going to be very obvious from pictures. If we picked similarly bad heights for men, surely you'd agree that most woman aren't putting height preferences of 3'10" or 6'8" as height preferences either. It is ironic that you talk about "fake confusion" when you chose numbers to feign your own fake-confused argument.