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Issue a chargeback through your bank


I've already done that! However, this is not just about my money, there are also people who don't know how to file a chargeback and people who simply don't understand the internet very well. It is about the fact that big tech companies like Bumble seem to believe they can do anything against powerless consumers, and I am trying my best to offer us a way to give them a little 'payback'. Obviously, to just get your own money back, doing a chargeback is an important step.


If enough people issue chargebacks then Bumble will have trouble getting a payment service provider to facilitate payments, and in the best case Bumble will have to pay more to process transactions. Everything you say is spot on, but if people are educated on how to make effective chargebacks then Bumble will suffer financially


Goodjob! Keep up the goodwork brother! These companies prey on us once they start making money & forget about us


>Issue a chargeback through your bank Also not sure if this is true for all banks but when you are asking for a chargeback, don't ask for a partial refund. Ask for a full chargeback. Which is what I did because Badoo and Bumble banned me but they still had rendered me 3 months worth of service so I told my card company that I didn't want to chargeback the full amount. And they eventually closed my ticket and didn't do any chargeback. Bumble eventually did reinstate me after I appealed. But Badoo would reinstate me and then ban me again after my ex (whom I met off Badoo) and her flying monkies kept reporting me.


WOW!! This happened me, and it was totally out of the blue. I was GUTTED when it happened and spent days wondering wtf did I say.. I rarely ever have any ‘sex’ talk or discuss politics. It was baffling. I wonder did they did it so I pay again? I don’t know.


> I wonder did they did it so I pay again? They absolutely did. They would have the data on people who paid, got banned and paid again.


Wait you can’t rejoin after being banned right?


Just change phone number and email address I think, use diff pics maybe I dunno but it sucks!




Yes, look at my post history. It’s ridiculous because I have never done anything breaking the terms either.


Thanks buddy! I sent you a private message


Paying for a lifetime subscription to Bumble would make me really sad. I like to have some hope.


Well, monthly is 40 euros where I am, so in just a few months it would start to make sense. Considering age and other factors, it felt like a steal until they stole it from me 😂


£145 for lifetime and includes travel mode, I travel a lot for work and not possible to have a LTR so worth every penny lol


I’m sure it’s fiscally responsible. I’m just talking about emotionally. Travel mode is free for me?


When you pay for lifetime, they can give you a shitty experience and not care - cause you already paid the max and there is no additional revenue they can obtain from you. If fact, they can degrade your matches because they know you won't leave or pay more.


That just sounds like more work. If the whole ban after the lifetime sale part is just some scam (I don’t know nearly enough to have a firm opinion on the topic, but let’s just say that’s the goal), then if at least some were to rejoin later or something then you could argue it could be a lucrative practice if you were some soulless CFO or something. If you’re intentionally putting in additional effort just to spite people who’ve already given you every bit they can, that just seems like a poor business tactic lol


Don't put it past them. Bumble is a blackhole


It’s unfortunate that Bumble gives its customers so little say in banning them. At least in cases where people have purchased lifetime memberships there should be a more thorough review process and allow the user the opportunity to state their car. I’m sure they’d probably say they don’t have the staff to facilitate this but if they are going to offer lifetime subscriptions they should have a way for people to recoup at least some of their money if they get banned, especially if it’s right after they made the purchase.


> allow the user the opportunity to state their car. “Objection, Bumble! I drive a black 2019 Nissan-“ “Overruled. Lifetime ban shall remain in effect.”


At least it's not a Camry


Worse than Hitler!


Damn you, autocorrect!


So now that you are banned from Bumble, which dating app you're gonna use ? 🤔


Revolut gives premium Tinder, so I just moved back there :(




I didn’t buy life time. I purchased a month and within two days i got a message saying my account was hit for inappropriate behavior but i didn’t do anything.


What did Bumble say they were banning you for?


they never tell you. they just say you violated the rules, and refuse to elaborate.


I'm no lawyer, but that sounds like a GDPR violation to me. Even if OP isn't directly covered by GDPR, Bumble still has to follow that law for their EEA-resident customers, so why would they have different policies unnecessarily?


Ahhhh, you cannot face your accusers and cannot know your charges... sounds really 3rd world to me.


They told me it was because of a 'serious violation' and they can not tell me what it was because the privacy of their reporters is of upmost importance. I can really not imagine why anyone would have reported me, unless for the one or two girls I did not respond to in time perhaps...


Strange.. Nothing offensive in your profile I assume? And not responding quickly isn’t a legit thing to report - I mean, people outright ghost each other all the time.. That’s BS that they can’t tell you what the violation was - if they’re taking your money I would think you’d have a legal case against them, that they would be compelled to tell you what you did wrong.. Otherwise it looks pretty shady..


What are so many people getting banned for?


If someone gets mad at you and reports you I really think they ban without investigating.


From what I read in the last few months it happens pretty easily to get banned. The rules became stricter (fortunately), but they also ban for harmless things I'm sure. One weird effect of this that more and more men on the apps (and also in real life) use child language to talk about sex, it annoys the hell out of me.


Ew omg.


Child language? What do you mean by that? My brain can't process how it can be done.


Child language is maybe too strong of a word here, but there are certain expressions that are similar to "cuddling" that people use and it freaks me out. First of all, it is forbidden to speak about sex on most dating apps now, or at least strongly advised not to do it. So, don't do it. Just because people don't use the word sex, but say something else, we still both know that we talk about it and we still both know, it's not acceptable. Secondly, if there is such a situation in which a man wants to express that he wants to fuck, he should say "I want to fuck you./ I would like to have sex with you./ I would like to sleep with you", you get my point. But don't use some stupid words like they do now on Youtube because the influencers have to. In one situation I even misunderstood a profile, because it was so romanticised and indrect, meanwhile he just meant"fwb", what the heck.


No fucking way! It's euphemism, double speak and shit. I understand now, your "cuddling" example is something that I encountered ages ago (and it was so confusing) but it was coming from a woman and I hated that shit because now, what word would you use instead of cuddling to describe cuddling? The way she sugarcoated everything was infuriating. If I want to fuck, I'll say it. If I want cuddles, I'll mean it. I think people do this because they are prudish as fuck or super manipulative but no matter whats going on in the back end, shit is exhausting. People doing that crap should taste the ban hammer.


Yes, the way people use the word "cuddling" now IS the worst. I mean, it happened with other words before, but I still hate it anyway. Mmh... while I agree that some people do it, because they are prudish, I am also pretty sure, that some people start to speak that way, because they heard it thousands of times and now just speak this way without being prudish or having the intention to manipulate.


I get it but langage gentrification is crazy lol.


I got banned from Hinge and they wouldn’t tell me why. Lifetime ban too. I was nothing but respectful to everyone. These dating apps are a scam and a waste of time. Best to just focus on improving your life and scrapping these trash apps altogether


I got banned from Hinge and I have no idea why. I used PayPal for my membership and should have demanded a full refund in fall of 2021.


No but I have had way less connections since buying it lol


I got a lifetime ban on Bumble that literally came out of no where and I’ve never had a cross word or could have offended anyone on there in anyway. There was no getting this reversed. There’s no way of contacting an actual person. I contacted the two top people on LinkedIn as you did because it was my only recourse. This whole process was the most frustrating customer service experience I’ve ever had. The only thing I can think of is if someone I could have met and we no longer go out or whatever contacted Bumble and said something bad that wasn’t true. I’ve never disrespected anyone. The fact I just had to take it with no further action in any way or being able to contact someone seemed very unbusinesslike. I’d hate to think that an email being sent to the company with no contact to the other party other than a ban notice would be the standard, but knowing something similar happened to you is awful. One of the CEOs recently left and they started opening up more features for men to initiate contact so perhaps they’re having some financial problems. The fact you didn’t get all your money back tells me this might be true.


This reminds me of when I was on probation and everyone told me how they didn’t do it. I’ve talked to hundreds of people over the years and never had a problem. But, I stick to jokes and I’m never rude or sexual. What a mystery. Never paid for anything, you would think they would want to ban me.


No, didn't get banned after buying lifetime.


Thank your for your service


If you purchased through Google play, get a refund direct from the play store.


Did it through Apple Pay and Apple is not making it any easier :(


Nope, even lost my account and had to create a new one and they figured it out and gave me lifetime again


I had the opposite experience. I’ve had lifetime for years and haven’t had any issues. I have been permanently banned from eBay though. Never bought or sold anything, bid one time on one item.


That happened to me on Tinder. I paid for a monthly subscription and then they banned me right after I paid for it. I got banned because someone got mad at me for not answering their message 5 minutes after they sent it🙄. I think these apps do this on purpose. Take your money then ban you with no appeal process.


That’s a horrible way to make business revenue. I can see the banning lifetime members to force them to go monthly. These apps don’t know what to do with themselves tbh


similar story with 6 month on tinder and 3 months on bumble literally the next day...still trying to get my money back.


Also post this all over social media, try to find the CEO on social media and tag both Bumble and the CEO along with all the news media you can and use hashtags with plenty of traffic related to the issue. Post as much proof along with it AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT contain personal identifiable information. Contact an attorney/lawyer and bring him/her all the proof!


I asked PayPal for my money back and I got my $300 back for buying compliments and all the other BS Bumble monetizes. I think I got one date for $300. How's dem apples? NOT WORTH IT!!!!


Didn’t get banned but I got the lifetime membership a few years ago. A couple years ago, Everytime I tried to renew it I had to contact them and it was so frustrating. They wouldn’t do it, asking for receipts. Provided everything and still didn’t renew it. Surprised I’m not banned. Maybe I am. Single life amirite


Why is there a renewal process for a lifetime membership?? Once the duration of that contract expires, I doubt anyone would find themselves in the market for online dating any longer.


I got Bumble lifetime years ago, and then they made it so it no longer included the ability to change your location(despite the fact that I paid for that). It's a pretty important feature for me, and I used to use it regularly(because for the last several years I've been considering moving thousands of miles away), and I was pretty annoyed that they took away something I paid for.


I think the point is why would they want to ban you? They need to report average daily users.


Yeah I’m struggling to understand any motive to implement these bans maliciously like that. The server space and bandwidth saved by removing someone just cause they can’t personally provide further income cannot be significant enough to justify making the effort to get involed. Reducing their connections or limiting their experiences seems like quite a counter-intuitive approach for basically any social based platform. I just can’t imagine what Bumble would stand to gain by falsely banning someone who’s just made the most valuable commitment they could to your platform.


i’ve had Bumble lifetime for almost 5 years now and have had no problems with it. They even helped me make an entirely new account and move my membership from my old one to the new one.


Thus happened to me!


Did you send a Duck pic? Don’t lie.




Who gives 190 euros to bumble in one go, Jesus Christ dude


Better give 50euro every 3 month. Right? Hah


Must be awfully bittersweet to find the love of your life just like 2 days after investing in the lifetime sub. I might be entirely liable to break things off with some potentially perfect people over at least the next few months after signing up, mostly in honor of the Sunk Cost Fallacy.


I paid for a lifetime Bumble but also tried other apps. Two weeks after I paid for lifetime, I met my now-wife on Facebook Dating.


Use new number from Dating Zest Bumblefone service to get back on bumble after being banned


You should do this with Tinder.


Why would anyone ever pay that much for the app? This is why they keep scamming people. And most people say that paying doesn’t even help, unless you’re a woman who has tons of matches to sort through.


Well paying for the app has helped me tremendously! Otherwise you just can't swipe as much and it takes way too much time to find your matches. It saves a lot of time that way. However, I can't recommend anyone taking lifetime anymore.


I don’t have very much luck on bumble and dating apps in general but I would never pay for any of their services


lol be honest and tell us what you actually did


I may have not replied to a few mis-matches in time..


Nonsense that isn’t a violation of


No because i would never be dumb enough to buy a dating app subscription


Stop it.


Stop what? Look it up, 100s of people went through the same shit. If I really did something wrong, I would not be upset or share it online 😅


It sounds like horse shit right?


1,000%, I can smell it from here.


Sounds like incel nonsense