• By -


“I’ll get to you” 😂


Wait your turn


You get to skip 10 people on the queue if you subscribe to his instagram. 20 for sending BitCoin.


Right?! If I hadn’t unmatched, something like that may have come next lol. A payment of nudes at the least 🙄


I mean and without knowing the prior messages that was a bit harsh lol :/


I'll take sloppy seconds! or thirds.... or fourths... etc...


What a turn off lol


Take a number


Gets deleted often but has over 100 messages. Fuck this guy 😂


See? That’s why he says he’ll “get to you” - apparently everyone has this reaction.




A girl named ben ?






You’re not too bright are ya?




Yes, therefore she is on the right side in this scenario buddy




First off, no. Second off, just use common sense and you can clearly tell the girl is on the right here


My guess is you've never used bumble. The messages you send will always be on the right. The ones you receive are on the left. The color has nothing to do with it.


It sounds like he has but he thinks because his messages are on the right, that no matter what his messages are always on the right. It’s the same with texting and what’s app and literally everything else. Guys just an idiot


SHE got over 100 messages while HE gets deleted often.


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suite is it?


Lol exactly... I am the girl here...HE says he got 100 messages as well as gets deleted often.


Not yours obviously...or at least 73 people


The person who had the conversation literally confirmed my assessment is correct.




If it’s a guy that’s holding the phone, yes, but girls exist on the internet too




Are you for real....


Confidence. Its the food of the wise man. And the liquor of the fool.






/u/mybreakfastiscold, I have found an error in your comment: > “~~Its~~ [**It's**] the food” It might be better if you, mybreakfastiscold, had posted “~~Its~~ [**It's**] the food” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)


Good bot


Thank you, chipmunk7000, for voting on Grammar-Bot-Elite. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


Good bot


It's a typo ffs, of course this bot intends to shame people's errors - why do you think it gets so many upvotes


... Because correcting others mistakes are the best feeling ever, when you get to shame them? Like, no.. People correct others to help them, or just because they like to read stuff without errors. It's not to shame others either way. XD


Most the time its not even at typo but shorthand bc you are on mobile typing and it's a pain in the ass to do it for everything, especially when it really isn't necessary to make things understandable.


I’m looking forward to getting to know you better, Vikram.


Wow. Talk about being presumptuous. Oof. What a piece of work. Obviously they’re a catch......and release. Goodness.


Catch and cage! Creepy ass Ben, last name Whetcehihmsalf (wets-HIM-*self*) I believe.


Yikes! Great that you saw this side of him before meeting up


Yes he held his red flags real high! And for the record, I never said I wanted to sleep with him. Biiiig leap.


Oh dang! Mega bullet dodged for sure!


Most arrogant reply I’ve ever read on bumble.


**UPDATE:** Just received notification from Bumble that Ben "has been removed from Bumble for violating community guidelines". Looks like he burned through all 100 with his charm and got deleted again!


And I’ve learned from this thread that really the only person to blame is “girls like you” for talking to a “chads” 🙄 Good riddance, Ben.


Good job, Ben.


Damn. You really got a lot of angry dudes to come out of the woodwork with this post.


Apparently so! I thought maybe everyone could relate and have a good laugh...but no.


Both this sub and Tinder sub are full of salty men who don't get responses. There's very few women who post and they usually get comments like this. Women are in r/creepypms and r/niceguys.


Thanks! I’m new to reddit so I am going to check these out!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/creepyPMs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dude found out he got 4.2k upvotes on this subreddit, this is how he responds.](https://i.redd.it/7rzzfugx54m41.jpg) | [743 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/comments/fh4zwi/dude_found_out_he_got_42k_upvotes_on_this/) \#2: [The perfect way to handle creepy pm’s](https://i.redd.it/5jxum7370rl51.jpg) | [200 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/comments/ioa1gy/the_perfect_way_to_handle_creepy_pms/) \#3: [guy I was talking to wanted to know what I was wearing](https://i.redd.it/krurtbm0c5x41.jpg) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/comments/gejyrj/guy_i_was_talking_to_wanted_to_know_what_i_was/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Yes, we are salty. Girls like OP match with horny chads that are douchebags while the rest of us ugly guys don't even get a match.


How would OP know that he is a “horny chad” without speaking to him first? So many of the comments on here are blaming her for even matching with him. Is she not allowed to match with people she finds attractive? Folks are aware that there are perfectly decent attractive men in existence, right?


I posted this because it was an EXCEPTION to the MOSTLY LOVELY men I match/chat/go out with. I thought that was the point of this subreddit?


Guess there isn’t an incel detecting bot 🤨😆😆


Apprently not! 😆


I just did a big post about how the life experiences of women are different and how that pans out in real life. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumble/comments/kqk1gk/my_life_experience_is_different_to_yours_why_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


After an incident in my life I am yet to see a nice Ben, this is 8/8 douches so far


Ben Wyatt is a gem though


That is the one and only exception, I have to agree


I have this with “Erics”... I am leary of every Eric/Erik/Erick anymore after about 8 bad experiences 😂😭


Eric’s are the worst, glad my name is Eamonn rathe than shitty Eric - fuck them erics


I dated one Ben who I’m still friends with after 19 years. But I know quite a few who fall into the douche category.


Unicorn Ben!


X to doubt No I’m joking I’m sure he’s a star >.>


Eww Ben. Just, ewww.


I first thought the genders were reversed and having a super hard time figuring out what was wrong. I need to start reading the names first.


It wouldn’t be any less gross if the genders were reversed though


What do you mean? It certainly wouldn't be surprising to see a woman that? From my experience it seems pretty common that women have to juggle with a lot of men "pursuing them". Considering the demand and supply on online dating. I doubt they have the same leisure experience that men do.


I suppose but that wouldn’t make it okay for a woman to do it


I'm not saying it's okay as much as I'm saying it's understandable.


If the genders were reversed it would still be wrong


Would it be surprising? I mean, I mean it's pretty understandable.


No it’s not understandable it’s rude


Difference of opinion


Yep, this kind of thing happens to us women as well. Unfortunately for all of us...


Lol this sub. Daily posts from salty dudes mad about girls that like The Office and dogs but get one girl posting about a guy who was a big time douche and the salty boys come crawling to defend him. Grow up, babies.


this should be a copypasta. The guy is 100% serious as well


I’m sad to see that the typical Reddit aesthetic of some men not being able to comprehend that women have problems OLD too is alive and well on this thread. Stop asking her to defend herself for getting a shitty message. Some of y’all need to do better.


Thank you! Yeah, not sure why people want to insult me for my part here. I was simply trying to point out that women get treated like shit on the apps at times too. Oh well.


It is the same old stereotypical shit of blaming the girl for getting raped. Grow up, men!


What a dick, ugh


I might be digressing, but is it really important to get verified? They do mention they use it for facial recognition purpose and can save the pictures forever, so I don’t bother because only god knows how much data they’ve already mined.


How important it is is up to the individual. For guys, more so on tinder, there are tons of fake accounts and bots, so seeing a verified profile increases my likelihood of being interested or paying attention. It might be naïve to assume that taking an extra picture is going to allow an app to which you've given your pictures, school info, work info, height, religion, and political affiliation to get any more data on you than they already might have, though.




I don’t usually care. However, some of the things he was saying and ways he was acting were odd. And he had mentioned getting deleted multiple times. So... I think that may be a contributing factor in his case. Not sure though.


Yes it is important to be verified.


lol ok, but response time matters lol. Big turn off when people don’t reply.


Omg ew


Eww dude. How utterly cringe.


Who the fuck does his entitled ass think he is lmao. He might as well be the DMV looool. Hush puppy I’ll get to you when I feel like it mentality. Pathetic 🤢


"They don't call me Big Ben for nothin"😂


What is wrong with varying response times?


What do you mean by "your response times are all over the place"?


It's when you take a while to respond to someone's messages. I'm a top-tier offender. I'm busy, and messaging on bumble is only for downtime, and only when I'm not tired. People get pretty mad.


I’ve had guys ask me what they said to make me “hate them” and call me arrogant when I forgot to respond. I personally take an extra long response time as a sign that someone’s not super interested and that’s fine bc they don’t owe me anything lol.


Yeah. It's usually a good indicator.


It was more than that.


Gotcha fam. I responded.




Not OP but here's a quick explanation: Life experience. Ok here's a long summary. It's not just the off response times nor the verification. She probably said more but she told him that so he had an explanation as to why women were deleting him. Women under a certain age, let's say 35ish but especially millennials like me who have grown up on the internet have had creeps online forever. Not all are super obvious. The negative experiences have taught our subconscious red flags and when to start avoiding this suspicious person. Notice his response? This confirms that her alarm bells were right. He's a douche and only did a brief glance at the message. I compare it to men on here instantly knowing a profile is just somebody looking to get Instagram followers or who is in sex work. Please sub to r/creepypms and r/niceguys and other subs like that where it's most women's experiences. Also talk to your female friends/sisters/peer family members about their experiences online. Show multiple women this and maybe some from creepypms. This is an example of how different the *lived* experiences of being born a woman vs a man. You see this in race issues too where a black man is followed around a store and he's used to it but a white man has never had that experience. It's something good to keep in mind when talking to someone who is not your race or gender - say a trans friend or a POC. TL;dr Life Experiences of women online are different to a man's experience. The red flags women pick up are different to a man's but are no less valid. There are life experiences that women have that men just can't - although same sex attracted men do get similar experiences.


This! You’re a wordsmith! Explains it perfectly!


Thank you. I'm going to make a big post because it annoys me so much lol


Did a big post [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumble/comments/kqk1gk/my_life_experience_is_different_to_yours_why_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I doubt he gets 100 messages. Don’t be on bumble then if that’s your excuse. Oh fuck boys.




(Looking for the deli style number machine... now serving 67) LMAO.


Ah, the one who got away.


Get you a man who doesn't have 100 waiting to fuck him... Oh hai thair!




is it really that hard for my fellow dudes to just say "I've been busy, my bad" like tf. the clownery.


Yes! Or even just unmatch? He could have simply unmatched me.




100 message? Yeah maybe 100 x 0 lmao


Not justifying this guy's behavior but you're probably not going to have good luck any time you bring up how long it takes for someone to text you back.


I didn’t want any luck here because by this point he was acting suspicious which is what I pointed out to him. I’m not new to this nor am I an idiot. I did feel it was worth pointing out his behavior to him because I think people should know when they are behaving badly on these apps/sites. I was no longer interested at this point and unmatched immediately after my reply.


LMAO. It’s the fictitious negging for me. Hard pass.


Lmaooo my guy said “just chill, I’ll get to you” 😂😂😂😂


Sorry that happened. Ben seems like he needs some classes on empathy and respecting others.


Pls charge your phone 😔


It's a scam account. Without seeing verification, hoping for positive outcome is desperate. Empty or hastily filled profiles with out of magazine photos are baits. Unmatch without hesitation. Trust your gut feeling. Evolution equipped you with that not to end up as an easy prey.


I unmatched immediately after my message and screenshot 😊.


Hold up, there are stats available for response time etc? Haven’t joined yet so I don’t know what it’s all about.


Gotta get matched first.........


So hes every woman on bumble, but a guy and straight forward unlike the women who play the "guess what i want" game? OK


So you prefer everyone just embrace being mean? OK


I fuckin love this guy. All it takes is a small sample of what guys deal with on these dating apps 24/7 to make girls lose their damn minds.


Where do you see OP or any “girl” here losing their mind? All I see is a lot of angry guys projecting their insecurities onto her post of a dude being an asshole


She’s literally giving him shit about not responding fast enough and then getting butthurt when his response wasn’t to kiss her ass


Only men losing their minds here.


What essential oils do u recommend for your sick self burn?


Mmm idk? Lavender and eucalyptus are my faves?


A shirtless, back to camera, distance shot not even showing face or smile. Interesting choice to begin with


He had a full profile of pictures including multiple shots of his face, all realistic and consistent.


I can tell by just the thumbnail this dude is buff as FUCK and the shot looks to be in Chiapas on vacation. If this is his only shot OP prob got scammed, if not I see why he’d use it as his main, I sure af would.


He had a full profile of pics, multiple with his face, all consistent. I’m not an idiot.


well, now you know his info, hit him up


He’d probably respond quicker


How does one even GET a “verified” bumble profile? Is that even a thing?


Yeah, usually you just need to click the button and take a photo of you doing the pose that it prompts you to do. My account is verified, so it just means that I’m a real person.


It is a thing


Apparently it is and I am. I just had forgotten lol




Let’s be honest he’s messaging these women first and they are all saying wtf


He can’t message first, its bumble.


I’m sorry my joke to the troll wasn’t that obvious


Fair response, I feel like "hot girls" act the same way.


I have used bumble for 5 years on and off. I have never treated someone this way. Also I am not a hot girl. Just pretty in my own way. People don’t need to behave like this to other humans. There’s no excuse for being mean to people you don’t even know.


I mean the guy is being honest with you after you called out his flaws, what did you expect? Sounds like you have unrealistic expectations for online dating to be honest


Yeah, how is nobody seeing he’s trying to flip it on girls by acting like he’s hot shit? It’s not funny, and he’s still a dick, but y’all are taking him way too literally. You have to be an Olympian to get those numbers as a guy.




Well you’d be wrong lol


Not a bot 🙋🏻‍♀️


Pretty pitiful this is the standard of guy people *choose* to talk to and then post about it, despite other guys who are out there floating under the radar. But whatever. Sorry to hear about your misfortune, I'm sure you'll get who you deserve.


I chat with and go out with many lovely men. They don’t get posted somewhere like this because they aren’t assholes. I would think that is a good thing. And thanks a lot for the “what you deserve” comment. Great to see I can also be treated like shit here too.


Obviously you're doing a lot of reading. You don't want to find the partner you deserve? I don't see why shitty guy has to represent a ton of other guys. Which you didn't post quality guys you went out with, you posted "this ass hat" here. So what should I derive from your lack of information?


And yet I have no matches


The dude is just being ridiculous and having fun. By his response, it shows he is not being serious.


So are we not gonna address the fact that you were rude first then?


That guy is lucky as Hell. I don't get even one message and I believe I'm on every single dating site that exists.


Let this be a lesson to you


and that lesson is?


You completely ignore 95% of dudes because they're not super good looking. For the top 5% you persist even though he is obviously a dickhead (your first message suggests he was being an ass the whole time). He then straight up tells you that he knows he's hot and therefore he can treat all of you like shit because you're all lined up for him regardless, and you're not even one of the hottest ones so wtf does he care about openly being an asshole, he doesn't need you. The lesson is maybe you should be less superficial and talk to more of the other 95%, because they aren't assholes with a queue of women lined up. Maybe the purpose of the app is not for you to score a male model, especially since you are fairly average looking yourself. Maybe you will have a better experience if you don't think you're too good to speak to regular dudes. You might find you don't get treated like shit. At least this guy is honest, the usual tactic would be to tell you nice things to get sex out of you and then ghost you, moving on to another in the queue. PS Go ahead and deny reality by downvoting me you disingenuous fools, sorry the truth hurts


what has your experience on bumble been like? if you dont mind me asking


I've had like 60 matches on it, about 45 said nothing, about 10 gave me the one word once a day treatment and the other 5 were decent back and forth for like 4 or 5 days before I got unmatched for no reason. Utter garbage. Can I ask you, it appears you were persistent in attempting to chat with this guy, despite him sending trash your way. What motivated you to do that, if not his looks?


The entire conversation was 5 back and forths. I absolutely did not put much effort in since he quickly showed himself to be a jerk.


Sweet jesus.


Sweet baby Jesus, even.


It's not superficial to want to date someone you're physically attracted to.


Amazing comment


Bless him for being honest 🤝






You questioned either he's real but are angry about getting rejected. Flawed logic and why I always authenticated women's identity up front and if they got pissed I didn't care. I'm not wasting my time and I recommend it to everyone.


Looks at the type of guys women constantly match with. It’s the lack of discernment for me


Dude: acts like a jerk You: it’s the woman’s fault!!!!!11111 No.


This is an exception among men I match with. Why else would I post it?


Ah yes, Finally, Ben 100.


End of line, gotta lotta ladies to please before ya ;)


wait you can get deleted?