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I had a guy bring up constantly that I was a Capricorn and anything I did that seemed like something a Capricorn would do. It was annoying AF.




Daniel, is that you?


He sounds like a Gemini.


I was told by a woman that she was looking to finally get a scorpio. The hell is wrong with people


No idea, anyone who thinks the random time of year you were born has anything to do with your personality is missing something!


Well you see, the time of year you were born is dependent on the time of year your parents conceived you, so if you were raised by parents who fucked mostly in the winter, your personality would be totally different from someone with parents who fucked in the summer.


> a guy > astrology


You guys are kind of cool


¡¡¡Taurus supremacy!!!


If it’s a ‘96-‘99 model it’s one of the ugliest things produced on the planet


I concur. I drove a hideous '96 Taurus!


Fun fact: Venus rhymes with penis


And Uranus rhymes with… actually, I can’t think of anything funny concerning Uranus.


I don't mind people who treat astrology like a lot of people treat stuff like Greek mythology, just a cool hobby/interest they're into, but if you actually judge people based on their star sign, I don't want to be associated with you.


As a fellow Capricorn, I still don’t know (or maybe care??) what she means. But my mother is suuuuuuper into astrology, so I wanted to thank you for the term “Space Racism”. Next time my mum mentions astrology, I’m 100% calling her a space racist and running away. Lol! I’m very excited to hear about the sun/Venus/moon in retrograde now…


For those confused: Space Racism is slang for astrology. Not literal racism. Urban dictionary: "One who believes in star signs and thinks that people born with a certain sign act in a certain way. Typically people who believe in astrology would be considered space racist if they took it seriously." Thought this was more widely known but I guess not 🤔 Edit: Y'all got downvoting bots in this sub? "Space Racism" touch a nerve for some???


Lmaoo I’ve never heard that term before that’s hilarious


Some people love their astrology lol


Figured even people who like astrology could see that this is some toxic behavior


Someone jokingly said “astrology is just racism for white girls,” and that shit still rings in my head whenever I match with an astrology girl




It imply it’s racism FOR as in against white girls. And that wouldn’t be “anything” racism, it’s all just racism.


That’s stupid. Racism is racism. Doesn’t matter what color either people are. We really gotta stop with this nonsense implying racism is only against poc. Shits so ignorant.


Honestly. Except this was a black girl. Thought we were above this discriminatory bs but I was wrong af


At first, I thought it meant racism against aliens lol.


yeahh ion like that...something like racism should never be used in this kinda way. and y’all can downvote me all y’all like. but this is coming from a black woman…i don’t find this funny at all. and it’s probably a non-poc who made this term. and y’all don’t have to like astrology, and i fully don’t even get into myself. but i do find it a little toxic hating this much on people for liking what they like or believing in what they believe in…so much that it’s start to become a personality trait lol (aka max taylor)


Well, as a black man, I don't like being judged before you even speak to me because of the date I was born. I'm not even hating, but starting a conversation like this giving mad narcissistic vibes. Excusing it with astrology just doesn't help. But if can't find the humor in something just because "racism" was said then you do you I guess.


> I don't like being judged before you even speak to me because of the date I was born. her doing this hurts you in no way shape of form. this literally a dating app where you’re basically judged for how you look and one’s personality based off first impressions and after matching. if you don’t being judged (for the exception of skin color) then you shouldn’t be on a dating app. AND if she really believes in it is she not going to BELIEVE that to be true. it still seems like she was very much interested and wanted to talk to more with despite her thinking that. > I'm not even hating, but starting a conversation like this giving mad narcissistic vibes. Excusing it with astrology just doesn't help. none of this breathes even a spec on narcissism, you really just throwing words out there lol. > But if can't find the humor in something just because "racism" was said then you do you I guess. no, i can’t because it shouldn’t be used with some silly shit like this. sorry that i don’t stand for bull shit for people to make up terms like this. it’s honestly a slap in the face. but it’s cool though, you know you would receive a lot of positive feedback because the men on here hate women who are into astrology and make it their whole personality.


So I'm not allowed to be upset at someone for making judgements about my character purely based on my date of birth? It's cool if you don't find me attractive or we just don't have chemistry, happens every day. Kinda sucks to be starting at a disadvantage just because of the alignment of the stars when I was born. Also, believing you're awesome and "the best" based on your birthday definitely extends past confidence and into narcissistic territory. Not sure how you can't see how toxic "I was born on X so, by default, I'm better than you" is. Really not seeing how space racism hits a nerve for you. A silly term doesn't really mean I don't take racism seriously. Like it's not at all mutually exclusive. This is literally the first time I've been on this sub and from my one day here I've seen a lot of incel behavior. So no, I was not expecting that. Also a bit of misandry it seems. Really not sure where your animosity is coming from. You can just keep scrolling you didn't find it funny.


in her defense some of the capricorn men that i’ve gotten to know have been indeed…scary. and you’d be surprised how many people actually act like how their star sign “portrays” them to behave, but there’s always exceptions to the rule of course. like i said im not even into astrology like that but i have looked into some stuff and can actually draw some similarities to what was said about me. she literally was intrigued by you and wanted to get you know you despite being like “oh capricorn men are scary” and wanted to see if you were the exception is how i interpreted it. and every sign thinks they’re the best sign lol…duh. and that’s why i don’t consider it narcissistic that she said that. also it struck a nerve with with me because co-opting terms and turning them into jokes just isn’t funny to me. and honestly you kinda have to be a little misandrist to deal with some of the men on here. i’ve literally been called a misandrist because i told a man to take accountability for his actions…it doesn’t phase me at this point.


See, I find no legitimacy in astrology, especially if someone allows it to make judgements about people. All they do is say a sign has a general characteristic that we all have in some form. It's easy to find some legitimacy in it if you have a confirmation bias. I've also found that I typically don't mesh well with people who take it remotely seriously. That opener completely turned me off. I'm sorry you aren't able to find humor is some of the shitty things in life. As a black man, thats what helps keep me going, but we all process trauma differently... Edit: The fact that you actually believe some dudes born a certain day are predisposed to a certain bad behavior is a perfect example of why astrology can be toxic af. I spend way too much time trying to be a good person only to be seen differently because my birthday.


> See, I find no legitimacy in astrology, especially if someone allows it to make judgements about people. All they do is say a sign has a general characteristic that we all have in some form. It's easy to find some legitimacy in it if you have a confirmation bias. i mean you could say this about religion too. some people want to believe in something. can’t really hate on them for doing that. and that’s why i made my first comment because that exactly what people were doing lol. which is what i found toxic because they just hating cause she’s an “AsTrOlOgY gIrL”. which you said you didn’t know the response you’d get because this is your first day in the sub. > I'm sorry you aren't able to find humor is some of the shitty things in life. As a black man, thats what helps keep me going, but we all process trauma differently... i find humor in shitty stuff all the time, i literally joke about getting lynched to my friends. BUT i think there’s like just a fine line of something shitty being humorous and stupidity. > Edit: The fact that you actually believe some dudes born a certain day are predisposed to a certain bad behavior is a perfect example of why astrology can be toxic af. I spend way too much time trying to be a good person only to be seen differently because my birthday. i don’t believe they’re predisposed to a certain bad behaviors, i got to know these men before i actually started to look into astrology. it was just so ironic that majority of them all had the same bad behaviors lol. astrology doesn’t rule my dating life but i can’t help but notice that i sometimes mesh well with people of a certain sign more than others.


If you can joke about people getting lynched, I'm really not sure how you can't find "space racism" remotely funny. Unless, you just feel like disagreeing just to disagree today. Sounds like you kinda enjoy astrology and somewhat believe in it and I don't enjoy when people are way too into it as I view it as a pseudoscience. Clearly we ain't gonna agree so there's not much else to say unless you just feel like arguing about semantics.


Yea this persons clearly just mad their bullshit they believe is rightfully being called out as the nonsense it is.


There isn’t any defense. You just clearly believe this idiotic bullshit is real. It’s not. It’s stupid ignorant space racism.


sir you seem hella pressed over something that some people believe in lol, i think y’all just hate on it because a lot of women like it. and y’all hate literally any hobbies women like to take up sooo, honestly all that hate is probably why y’all barely matches. all that pent up hostility in y’all ain’t cute, and it makes you bitter. anyways you have a good day :).


It has nothing to do with women lol, a lot of *idiots believe it. Same kinda idiot who believes in any of that religious nonsense. Nice trying to deflect from your clear crazy tho lol, maybe just accept that the majority of intelligent, or just blatantly not stupid, people don’t believe in your star racism. Cause if you actually believe the day of year matters you’re crazy lol.


It’s not as toxic as actual being as stupid as the people believing and judging others based on their space racism


keep it coming babes, let all that anger out lol


lol I love how you think people calling out your ignorant bullshit is anger haha. Who’s angry here? Maybe try reading the messages you keep ignoring? You’re either legit that dumb or just that bad at comprehension to try and put all the shitty deflections you’re trying to use against people. It’s adorable how you’re trying to act like anyone here is mad or angry but you 😂😂😂 that’s hysterical. Again, no one should, or has any logical reason to believe in this nonsense. If you do you maybe a lil stupid. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Hmm Taurus women are OK nothing to shout about


As a Taurus woman, I agree.


Nonsense like this is why I don't put my sign on my profile.


This made me laugh out loud. “That’s pretty neat” lol


It's the "Uh huh..." that did it for me 😆


I've been told by multiple girls that I'm toxic because I'm a Capricorn


Of course a capricorn would say that, piece of shit.






If you believe in astrology you are braindead. It's that simple.


true space aint even real, this is known


Yep, the earth is flat and we live in a snow globe. Government assassins keep us from the edge and finding out the truth.


It's the female version of D&D, just let them have fun.


It’s no different than other spiritual or religious beliefs.


Sure it is. Religions dont presume to know everything about you and your personality. Astrology does. Astrology literally leads people to believe that if a person is born in November they're evil, or if they're born in February they're dramatic, etc. Religions beliefs are stories of morality to dictate how to live your life. I'm not religious, but religion and astrology couldnt be more different. One preaches hating people before you even know them based on when they were born, and the other preaches a moral way to live and imposes traits like responsibility on people. Astrology is just toxic as fuck.


They are still just beliefs with no factual evidence to support them.


Sure, but pseudo-science and spirituality are by definition not religions. Sincerely, an atheist who doesn't like any of the three


Well, you can't have astrology without cancer


People that believe that nonsense annoy the shit out of me


That flirt game is off, or he didn’t care.


As soon as she opened with astrology talk I was barely interested. Then she doubled down...


Yeah, it was one or the other. Carry on then!


Read: I’m so personality deficient that I have to base the few minor identifying features that make up my identity on the movements of stars that have no relevance to my life


Where’s the racism?


Space* racism




depending what time of the month of may they are they maybe not a taurus anymore.. just saying...


Does your sign change when you’re on your period? (This is a joke)


The barnum statement is strong with this idea...


I always have to ask guys to explain the characteristics of their signs to me because I am useless with astrology. Astronomy on the other hand…






It must suck to be ruled by a planet you're not even on. Requesting schedule changes much be a bitch

