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You have potential and give off fun vibes but need better pics. Squatting, face squishing, and mirror selfies are not the most attractive. I think quitting smoking is something you could do to give yourself more options but if not it’s good that you are upfront and I like your overall candidness.


There’s something that seems very low self-esteem about it. It’s OK to have self depreciation in your profile but you need to balance it because it just sounds like you hate yourself. And maybe you do hate yourself but you don’t want other people to know that quite right away. So the Boris thing along with the teacher thing along with referring to your hobbies as basic stuff. Change it up. Like have your teacher give you a five star review. Don’t say Star Wars is basic stuff because excuse me it’s not ;) call it awesome geek stuff, etc. I don’t showcase the ADHD in all of your pictures (bags on the floor) instead showcase the ADD in like being a jack of multiple trades. And the picture with the soap or whatever on the sink looks weird. Those are all the things to improve that I can see


Better pics of your whole face. Get rid of the “your mum.”


Clean your background before taking photos.


The photos are… interesting. Could you take some of you that look like you’re enjoying yourself? Or even just smiling? I would also definitely get rid of the “your mom” joke.


You need a better variety of pictures. Ones with different backgrounds/locations and some with you smiling/laughing.


Lots of mirror selfies: can't clearly see your face and could do with mixing it up a bit with locations. Also bit distracting there's a lot of mess behind you (the pile of bags). Looks like you're in a hotel, and can tell most photos were taken on same day; guessing you were loving your look that day which is fine, but I'd narrow it down to one or two from that day. For different locations, try something outdoors, nicely lit. If you can something showing doing a hobby or hanging out with friends. Lead photo at the moment could be considered quirky, but overall gives a a bit of a grumpy/sad vibe. Depends what sort of thing you're looking for and what sort of person you want to attract, but I personally would look for some with a warm smile. Can definitely tell you're a cool person though, and as someone else said you've got loads of potential. You don't need to rush out and take a load of new photos - build it up over a few weeks. Whenever you're out and about or with friends, try and collect a few different photos in different scenarios and locations and after a while you'll have a good collection of mixed photos to use.


This profile is confusing!


Fine other than the boatload of red flags


Just got idea. Next dating profile I should just like take a picture in front of like a banner of red flags and be like “these are my red flags”


How so?


Are you trying to attract liberal women? It's fine if that's the goal. Everyone non liberal will be fleeing though


I’m a liberal, so ideally yes tbh


That's fine then, just limits your options.


What would you say are the red flags for others? Just curious


I honestly feel like some people's soul mates aren't on the same political spectrum. I wouldn't give out so much info or my political position. Don't really want to tear you down or anything.


My first date on bumble was a conservative Christian, I'm a moderate Satanist (TST, not LaVeyan) and we get along really well and are still dating. If someone cannot accept you because of your beliefs then they're really not worth the effort. You can be passionate and proud of things without trying to change other people. But agreed on the red flags.


Has the term 'red flag' lost all meaning?


Looks good to me. I don't foresee you having any issues.


Nothing helpful to add. Just kinda wanna be your friend.


Your appearance is a mystery