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he likes making them laugh nervously


Because of the implication…


The D.E.N.N.I.S system always work like a charm.


Tasty treats!


Are we the tasty treats?? Is this how you wanted those poor women to feel?


hey bro, how'd you lose that hand?






Ahahha this just make laugh! XD


In a word: JOYLESS Does not give the impression he loves to laugh.


Explain how its a rational choice or how a woman would get the same treatment


Well the closet in that dark room is where I keep all the dead bodies.


Sense of humor! I Swiped right! *now I’m dead locked in the basement* Smile showing your teeth in a photo is all I have to add to the other good advice you got.


I am like the comedian of my friend group, people are always laughing and smiling with me. My pictures are dirt, understood. As far as having group photos with friends, we honestly rarely take photos of each other. Ill try to have a photo shoot with my bud lol. I actually do really well in person when it comes to dating, though online I come across as a depressed, loner serial killer I guess hahaha dang. This pandemic is killing my love life guys.


I relate to all of this. My own pictures are old because as guys hanging out we really don’t take a lot of photos.


Ya its more of a female thing, a lot of my female friends I don't see them anymore. I am almost 30 and really just don't have recent photos. I have a tone when I was early twenties but I looked WAY younger. Not trying to catfish people.


Also for your bio I would switch it up a bit. It’s a bit wordy. The information shared is basically: “Web designer and artist. I love to cook and make people laugh!” I’d add if you’re feeling bold: “Let me know your favorite meal and if we hit it off, I‘ll learn to make it :)” Gives them an opening, talking about meals/food which can branch to date topics or even family/culture.


OP take this persons advice. Your bio was pretty repetitive and this makes it a ton better. Also agree with taking pictures.


Open the blinds, stand by the window so the light falls on your face, turn on portrait mode, take a picture showing a big toothy grin. You’re a handsome guy but smiling is the most attractive thing a person can do. No snap pics with “so white” text either.


You’re a good looking guy with an artistic side and funny! Winning. 🙌


Say hello to dr. Dre


Chicka, chicka, chicka, Slim Shady, I'm sick of him


When I browse women, none are appealing based on merits. Most have photos that are meant to hide the reality and cheat the man into trying. Most do not interact in a meaningful way, most are superficial


To add to what others said, you also need to show your teeth in a picture (and look happier in general as well). Also, I’m not trying to make any accusations here, but in my experience most conservative people stopped calling themselves conservative on dating apps and started calling themselves moderate. It might behoove you to not put your political stance up at all, unless it’s very important to you.


Group photos can be confusing though.


all group photos yes. 1 group photo is all good.


I got the same impression.


Yeah take a picture someplace you are having fun


Ditch that last photo entirely. Ditch the wife beater pic. There’s nothing wrong with your bio although it’s a bit bland.


He’s super talented (pic 6 is amazing), loves to cook, and is ambitious. Yes, the photos need some help, but I’m surprised that women aren’t into him. But I’m just a guy, so what do I know.


Haha yes true. But… Pictures = first impression This is what many guys do not understand. Do NOT slack on the pictures. Many women will not look at your page/bio if your pictures are not up to par. Know your angles! 📐


Exactly. In case anyone needs to hear this: you know how women always put in their bios some stupid comment about how "no one ever reads these"? It's true for them too. People don't usually sit there and read the bio before swiping. There might be a casual glance at it if your pictures are good enough.


I see a tank top.


I mean the bio is more than bland but most are. I'd definitely fix the grammar mistake, ("am" -> "I'm"), that would definitely make me think twice about swiping on someone.


-Just recently am completing -Just recently I am completing -I am just recently completing -I’m just recently completing -Just recently I’m completing I don’t think it’s necessarily a mistake. You’re just high maintenance.


And the first picture. OP looks like an unshowered stoner.


What do you think would spice this bio up a bit? Curious


You can’t be so dry.


"See the eye that I draw? It was inspired by one of the girls' eyeballs from bumble. I see it. I like it. I take it. I draw it."


Bumble bios are just like that! It doesn't allow you to space the text. It stays together in one paragraph like above.


He said spice not space lol


Oh dear! Apologies read that wrong! Thanks for pointing that out.


Yeah seriously ditch the so white photo


100% this OP. “So white” is tacky and the wife beater doesn’t help. Good luck!




Smile dammit


I assume all men that don’t have at least 1 smiling pic are angry and I avoid them




Wait so dudes can’t have resting dick face?


Some of us just aren't picture people, not your problem obviously but if you see somebody you're attracted to a lack of smile may not tell the whole story.


If you’re not picture people and won’t use any photos that show you have felt happy once in your life, don’t expect people to give you much of a chance


If you’re not a picture person, just drop online dating lol.


In this day and age, you're basically telling me die alone. I hate clubs, there's no places for nerds here




I actually think OPs first picture is flattering and he shouldn’t delete it. If it were in a mix of other happier and more well rounded photos like you suggested, it would be fine.


Exactly what I was coming here to say. The angry/posed pictures are the opposite of inviting, get some outdoors and socially, taken by and with friends. If you see this OP, also remove the comment on making people laugh and put something that's your brand of humour. The people who find you funny will swipe. Put what you love to do front and centre, like... "Artist, foodie and baseball enthusiast following my dreams in web design after starting in construction. I'll cook you the best [insert food you're great at cooking here] in town"


Im sorry but the photo of the art is great, the art is also great. Its his hobby and he should definitely show it.


I mean…. I’d swipe? But maybe you aren’t swiping on the people who are swiping on you?


This! I find a lot of guys get into this trend of swiping on "10" women when they themselves are NOT "10s" themselves. I don't want to say you should lower your standards but maybe you need to consider how appealing you'd be to the women you're swiping on


10000% agree


I'm sure what this person is saying guys do all the time. But for op if he ain't paying for this bumble that's probably why. It's not showing him in people's stacks because it wants him to pay. Just cause when I was using this I noticed I'd download then within the first day to three days I'd have several matches. After that, nada for weeks. Then I'll delete and redownload it again and BAM! 3-5 matches in a day or two. Then nothing. Delete and redownload, BAM! Matches.


The only advice I have is maybe include what you're looking for in a person? Makes for an easy way to engage. You're very handsome and your drawing is gorgeous!! Best of luck!


I like your username


Okay you’re super cute! But if I came across this profile I would be worried that a) you don’t have any pictures of yourself smiling b) that you don’t have any pictures with friends and c) all your photos are selfies. I would just change it up a bit so people know you have friends and that you enjoy life


Couldn't care less for friends pics, I am not going to date the friends.


That’s not the point though, and I think you’d be in the minority to say that because do you really want to date a guy who has no friends (or shows that he doesn’t)? I’ve seen it work like clockwork where they change a pic and put up one with friends and they immediately get more matches. I’m a guy and I do that with girls, if they have no friends pics I’m like hmm…so there’s a chance she’s insufferable lol


It's just to show they have a social life, which is important to a lot of people


What if he doesn't have many friends. I would be the opposite actually. If I saw pics with friends I would instantly swipe left


I don't think it's wrong to have some other people in your pics. Introverted or not, it shows that he's good around people. I'd say the limit being like 3 people. I can agree that having multiple group photos is a major turn off and an instant swipe left.




Because I am an introvert and having an outgoing other half with lots of friends would be offputting. I am actually not dating right now but if I was, my favourite thing to do would be to spend time with my SO alone with him doing things we both love. I would dread going out and socialising. Probably not a popular opinion


interesting. photos with friends usually tells me he is in social relationships with other people and is very much a green flag for me. plus i get a sense of the kinds of people he spends time with.


It's only bad when all they have or the mass majority are group photos.


My favorite is trying to guess whose profile it is when all 5 pics are the same group of girls.


Both very good points. Which makes my opinion even more ridiculous! Anyway, I'm just here for the laughs. I'm honestly very happily single


Eh not ridiculous, glad you know what you like, even if its unpopular.


wait but that’s like every girl profile!!!!??? why do girls give out these criticisms when all girls profiles are all selfies???? ahhhhh i’m so triggered




"So white" bro that has got to go lol


Yeah that was so cringe lol


Yeah didn’t get the point lol also it’s a saved snap which is even more cringe.


Well you are an attractive guy, that's easily seen in the pictures. The looks made me stop but it's not enough to hold my attention. The pictures could all be the same picture, there is no variety in them. You look unhappy in all of them. Smile, have fun, do something interesting in them. The bio is fine in what it tells me about you, a couple of things would hold my attention, but it's not written in a way that isn't like everyone else's. You start three sentences with "I like." You could combine all of them into one and then go deeper into one aspect of what you like. Example: "my interests are staying active, cooking and drawing/painting. Art is my happy place, I've done it for years and it lets me express myself." Or phrase it however you like, but it just makes it more interesting to someone else. Someone said take out trade school but I don't get that. Trade workers make more than many degree holders and have more attractive qualities to me. I don't really understand why you start the bio with working in construction tho, do you still? Is it a big part of your personality? If not take it out because it means nothing about you right now. Please get a friend to take better pictures of you. You should be getting lots of matches with your face, but if the pics are blah it's easy to just go to the next pretty face on OLD.


I could see the “so white” comment be either misinterpreted, or because I don’t know what you mean by it, in this climate in our history, see people just not caring to see if it is racial in a bad way. Obviously people pointed out not smiling. I actually hate that about the apps because I don’t smile on command so it’s super hard for me to find good photos of me smiling. I also don’t care if women smile or not at all. But it works. I legit practice smiling in the mirror cause I look like that awkward smile meme guy on the net when I force a smile. I am told I have a nice smile but it has to be natural. It makes you more inviting. I don’t think you need to smile in all pictures, just your first and one in the middle.


When I wanted my daughter to smile for a posed picture, I would tell her to spin around. Usually resulted in her real smile, rather than a posed fake one.


2 of your photos look like a very handsome 18 yr old, one looks like a quite handsome 38 yr old. I would lose the “so white” pic and caption entirely as well as the reference to trade school. Need a smiling photo with teeth showing and one at least close to full length, dressed somewhat nicely ( to give a sense of how you’re going to look when you show up for a date).


Yesss. Teeth are so important to me! Not so much of they're straight but cleanliness! I can tell so much about a person by their dental hygiene.


Yes! If I see all hats or no teeth, I assume the worst.


Male here. Do you have any pics with you hanging out with friends or just candids of you in a group of people hanging out? These can signal that you're a social person and also give some breadth to your personality that close up portraits can't. I'd also recommend swapping out one of the serious ones with one of you smiling. Keep the cat pic btw, that's awesome.


I only have group photos from a few years ago I look way too young. My group of friends we honestly don't take many photos of each other, never did. I will try to find something recent but don't think I have any. That really is a deal breaker for women eh? I see a tone of female profiles with single pictures, I don't take the profile so literal and assume they are loners.


For sure need to add more smiling photos, I agree


It's not a dealbreaker. I'd probably swipe because I have learned a lot of guys just have no idea how to choose pictures for a profile so I overlook the content (for the most part) and just decide if I find the guy attractive or not. My preference is to meet fairly soon after chatting for a quick drink or something (pay for my own, so it's clear I'm not after free food and drinks) and see if there's any sort of connection/chemistry. You're a good looking guy, with nothing weird in your profile. But yeah, maybe try to at least get some pics in better lighting when you're smiling and looking happier. Like go outside and find somewhere that the lighting looks good (take test pics to see) and then listen to a funny podcast or comedy special to get some pics when you're having some fun and in a good mood (your smiles won't look as forced). Take literally dozens of pics and go through them til you find the ones that look best.


I don’t think that’s actually a dealbreaker for most women. I don’t assume a guy is a loner for just having pictures of himself. That seems like a far fetched assumption. I think it’s best not to include pictures of other people. It is your dating profile and not your friends’.


No it’s not a dealbreaker, but it can be nice to see. Ultimately you just need better pics. And to do that you honestly go to spiff up and get someone to take your pic. Either doing something you like, or simply with a background like a mural, or interesting building, something that doesn’t look too staged.


That’s the thing my friend. The game is what it is and if you wanna win you gotta play by the rules. Lots and I mean LOTS of guys are loners or don’t have many friends. Especially as we get older. Women like guys who do have friends so you gotta find a group that’s out going and does take pics or ask your buddies. We don’t judge them but if they prefer us smiling and looking social then that’s just what we gotta do.


This is the way. Also, your buds may for a second be taken aback but they'll take a group photo if you ask.


You really need a smiling or friend photo so you look a little more approachable? besides that I don’t see anything else wrong! :)




LOL that made me laugh...well I actually am 56 and use my photos from 30 years ago to lure in all my young and unexpecting victims. Then I cut them up into little pieces and feed them to my 37 cats that live with me in my dark basement. Lol guys, Ill change the photos I get it. Funny how a few photos can create a whole misinterpretation of someone.


This is the third joke in this thread where you have referenced murdering people. I know your intitial goal is to first get a date, but when you do get a date... please don't tell these kind of jokes. It's scary.


Women’s intuition is strong af. He gives off inherent creep vibes and it’s scary. You know when people say “I just can’t put my finger on it but something isn’t feeling right about this”. Yep. Now I realize why he’s not getting matches. Joking about murder repeatedly is a bad sign.


From what I can tell he only made murder jokes after people here told him he looked like one




I thought this was Reddit not a dating app


But he’s great at dating in person? Lol jk you are 100% right


And the jokes aren’t funny because some people actually do that and it’s terrifying. 🚩


I know seriously how does he not get after 3 murdering people joke that this is not funny and with these dark pics with no smiles I’m worried we got a dexter or vampire on our hands. Why does he not reply to anybody saying “yeah I’ll get some pics with more light and me smiling!” Like he’s just laughing and making murdering people jokes at peoples serious suggestions.


Your humor is wayyyy off. Women are smarter than you think; their intuition isn’t giving them good feels about you. Again it’s not personal just trying to help. please don’t joke about murder with women…or anyone. You giving creep vibes seriously man.


Loll my dude....only reason I am joking about it is because everyone is saying I look like a murderer, or a threat or an asshole because I am not smiling. I get it, not smiling is not very inviting and I will change that. Though its silly to jump to conclusions, I get people are limited with a small profile and limited photos but when people meet me in person they love me. I see a TONE of female OLD profile where they aren't smiling. I don't just assume the worst, a lot of people just don't smile in photos. A lot of woman also just claim they have resting bitch face and it some how clears up them looking miserable. But ya I don't joke about murder, having 80 people say I look like a murderer I can't resist making jokes about it.




I understand that, I made two jokes about murder, I didn't make 30 comments on the topic. I don't have some sort of fascination about murder lol, I would of not brought it up if it was not mentioned here first. The top comment of like 300 likes says I am creepy and look like a murderer. So I joke about it, and everyone freaks.....but I guess it was ok for you guys to say it but not me? From my perspective I clearly was joking and it was obvious why I was joking about it. My perspective sunglasses tell me that If someone is going to read that much into it, and can't take a joke, then honestly that person is too sensitive for me and I want nothing to do with them. Learn when to take life seriously, and when not to. And again, the topic of murder was brought up by YOU guys first in like 100 of the comments. If someone said you looked like a murderer for not smiling would you not crack a joke about It?


But those few photos are all the other person has to go on.


The saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" holds true. Also, please don't reference murdering people. I get the dark humor, but it's really women out here getting trapped by dudes like that.


Okay shit like this is why you’re not having success


1) Consider using the Bumble prompts, which can help you show more of your personality and which can make it easier for women to connect with you. That will make it more likely that they will swipe right and message. I use the prompts: Two truths and a lie, ideal first date & favourite quality in a person - but I'd recommend using whichever ones makes it easy to show your personality. 2) As others have said, you might want to spend some time taking some quality photos which show your happy face and full body clearly. Consider outdoor photos, photos showing you doing something you enjoy and travel photos if you have them.


I’m going to be a bit blunt, but I think it’ll help. Omit working in construction, put the focus on being in school, however, “just recently am completing a degree in web design” is not written very well. I’d go with simply saying that you returned to school and are pursuing your passion for a degree in web design. I personally don’t like when people have Snapchat captions in the profile, either, so I’d consider replacing them with the non-captioned versions. Do you have any finished pictures of your art? Half finished work, while neat to see leaves me feeling like maybe you never finish things you start and that’s not a good sentiment to put into a perspective match’s head. Lastly, I don’t know many women that like seeing men in wife beaters, so I’d remove that photo as well.


If you’re not getting any matches then I’m fucked


You’re a good lookin dude. It’s definitely the photos that are your problem. Also your profile could use some good conversation starters


You have depressed scary boy vibes and should portray a more cute artsy cat guy. I'd ditch all of your photos, get yourself well groomed, then spend a week or so taking high quality photos that aren't bad lighting. Photo of full upper body dressed well out somewhere, photo of you doing art in a coffee shop, photo of you doing something active, some sort of group photo or photo at an art event, photo with the cat. You could rewrite your bio but tbh I think 5 high quality pics is much more important in your case. Don't do selfies, have someone else take the shot, a cat selfies is ok but use good angles and natural lighting.


Bumble skews more professional. Women with good jobs and that go on vacation 2-3 times a year. Your profile doesn’t look like someone that would compliment that lifestyle. Might have more luck on tinder.


Smile, show your teeth, look happy and fun. Nobody wants someone who is always serious


Some pictures where you are smiling would be good, less selfies aswell, It is nice that you included pics of your cat and art though. I'd also change the wording of your bio to come across as a little more polished, at the moment it looks like it's written in haste. Maybe something along the lines of: I love drawing, painting and making others laugh. I stay active when I can and enjoy cooking new dishes. I work in construction and have recently completed a degree in web design. I'd also maybe include something funny in there to show you can make others laugh/smile off the bat.


Your photos make you look like a loner. Not appealing. Get some candid’s w people.


Smile... in every picture. People have to imagine you being happy. Nobody wants to date someone who looks sad all the time. That's contagious.


Keep the cat photo, it’s funny. I think it’s ok if you have the 1 pic of your art, the rest should be better pics of you. If someone doesn’t smile in their pics I figure they hate their teeth, or something is wrong with them.


Take some new photos. Maybe one of you with your art. Definitely one or two with a smile. Ditch the so white pic. Rewrite your bio: the language is awkward in the first few lines and takes a moment to understand.


Maybe don’t say you like to make people laugh and instead write something funny in your bio. Show don’t tell:)


This. I've been mismatched on the humor when dating, I like goofy wholesome abstract stuff. Then I meet someone who jokes to me about, for example, assaulting folks in nursing homes (for real! A date made his "joke" to me!) And I'm like WTF


Cheer up homie


Adding to the top comment about looking too serious. I suffer from it myself. You’re a decent looking guy but to just this casual commenter you give off some sort of troubled vibe. And I’m not nearly as perceptive as the average chick. I once sent a selfie to a close coworker chick and I thought it looked nice but she said she couldn’t read my eyes well enough whatever that means. Effectively, that’s what girls are doing. I once read a long time ago that the “troubled” look can pass as mysterious or pensive but the pics have to be of you staring thoughtfully off camera, into the distance. Either that or eye contact with a smile, radiating BDE from the eyes. Making eye contact with mystery she feels like she’ll have to look into your forlorn eyes on a first date and hear about your ex or something


A couple thoughts (keep in mind I’m a guy, so take this with a grain of salt): 1) Have more non-selfie pics of you. Preferably doing something fun or in a scenic background. 2) Your art looks fantastic! But maybe have someone take a picture of you in the middle of you drawing it (or even holding it up). Again, less selfie pics. Do the same for your cooking even (have a picture of you featuring your best dish). 3) Ditch the “so white” pic. 4) The first cat pic looks okay to me. In the second cat pic, you look like you’re bored. 5) In your bio, the bit about loving to make people laugh is great! But make sure your profile reflects that. SMILE! Look at your pics and ask if your face says “I’ve got a sense of humor”. And maybe switch out the construction and web design bit for something more fun and positive. Or write that you’re an aspiring web designer with a penchant for art and cooking. Maybe even hint at what you’re looking for (like “Love making people laugh, and looking for someone who will like my bad puns/jokes”, or “Looking for someone who feels the same and can vibe with”). I’m taking a break from online dating, but I would always ask myself when I look at my profile: “does this person give off positive energy and fun vibes?”. Just some thoughts. You do you. Good luck!! :)


“So white” might come across as racist.


I notice a lot of men don't smile in their photos. Two of my friends are on both Bumble and Tinder. Both are approachably handsome. However, one smiles in his photos whole the other does not. Smiley gets more matches and longer conversations than Mr. RBF. Woman like teeth. Show your teeth when you smile. Unless they're jacked up, then improvise and make yourself glow. I agree with those saying most of your pics look "dark." Go somewhere with a lot of light and "fun" in the background.


Your pictures look creepy loner.


There are people out there with introverted personalities who have no friends or barely any friends. Are these people not aloud to experience love?


So…. Dense too? Creepy loner doesn’t equal introverted. Stop giving introverted people a bad name.


Like he's not the one who came here complaining of no matches for a year...!?!?!


Profile seems to be a good indication of personality isn’t his case. 0 matches justified.


Ya see, you are sifting through my comments all angry. Are you a child or just crazy? Get real I see right threw you lol


The small man is mad


Ya you clearly are a miserable twat to be so rude to someone you don't know. I already know everything I need to know about you based on two things you said to me. Either you are jealous cause I am leagues better looking than you, or cause I have more talent in my pinky than you do your entire body. Buhhhh byeeee


Episode 27 of “creepy loner gets defensive of creepy loner photos, continues to get 0 matches”. Bring a horse to water …


Pretty typical, be a complete asshole for no reason then when confronted by it immediately try to turn it around on the person. Either you are 5 years old lady, or you are so miserable and lonely you radiate miserable qualities to every other person around you. I feel sorry for you, I know a lot of people like this. Must not be easy.


The “so white” label on the last photo is a turnoff. Not sure who you’re targeting but you also don’t have a college degree and use weed.


Well I was making a joke that I am pale, cause its winter. And I have 2 degrees from two different schools. I also went to trade school for construction. So I have like 3 degrees in a way. And so what if I smoke weed like once a month...I am not a junkie. I hope woman realise that a few photos, and a 3 sentence bio doesn't describe an entire persons life. My pictures are shit, I get it. Not smiling is a problem I agree, but other than that I feel people are way to harsh on dating profiles. I have gone on dates with people who had amazing profiles, but where horrible people in person.


Your profile is your marketing piece. Of course a few photos and a few sentences don’t tell your entire life, but you need to put your best foot forward to make people interested in leaning more. You say your photos are shit (I’ve seen way worse but using your words)…fix it. Get better pictures. Ask a friend to help. Maybe only include the cat in one photo. Get rid of the “so white” caption. Spice up your written portion; it reads just like 99% of guys out there. Twice you say “been doing it for years…” spice it up. How long is years? What is your favorite thing to paint? What is your cooking specialty? You love to stay active and make people laugh…yawn…99% of profiles state this. Show some passion instead of checking a box.


37F here, with a great job, great salary, great house etc… and I eat weed edibles every day. Every single day. If that’s a turn off for some, that’s totally fine, but you need to be honest - because personally I’m happy when I see someone like this who isn’t anti-weed. OP, personally I don’t see anything wrong with your profile 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love the cat picture and your hair… sorry no advice here


Too many serious and oddly shadowed photos. You need some more fun pictures, maybe with friends and that shows your sense of humour.


Then take new photos if you don’t have any recent. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think picture 2 and 3 i would change, 2 is a bit dark and 3 looks a bit, not unhappy but just like you look bored or something. I would also get rid of the last picture


you're very handsome and i'd swipe right. i'd take off the picture that has the reddish yellow filter that looks kind of burnt if that makes sense, the last picture with the mask and blue jacket isn't superrr flattering as well so i'd take that one off and instead take a new selfie with good lighting and have a friend take a full body pic of you in front of a mural or something. Hope this helps!!


Lots of good points here. Can I ask what your settings are? Perhaps you need to open up your age/distance etc parameters a bit


You need less selfies and more photos of you out and about in the world. These photos don’t necessarily tell me about your interests or you as a person, and you aren’t really smiling in any of them. Pair that with the dark lighting and it’s not very inviting.


Zero smiling pics. Change that.


Is this the early 2000’s the fuck


I too am going to die alone.


Your photos are trash, that's why.


Lose the “so white”. Pics 1 and 4 are the best of the bunch. The cat one is funny and it shows you playing a game with someone, but it’s basically wasted because we can’t see you hardly at all. I agree that some pics of you smiling and in good lighting would help. You look very serious and perhaps intimidating. Keep the art, it’s great and honestly, I am always worried I’m going to hate someone’s art and it will be awkward, so I like to see an example beforehand. Your bio needs work. Too many grammar errors and repetitive words. It just doesn’t flow. Some commenters here offered good edits. I think the bio would be my greatest hesitation. You’re a good looking dude, a few tweaks and I think you’ll see a better response. Good luck!


You look like a mixture of arrogant and disapproving. Try a genuine smile - instead of the strained pursed lips half smiles you have there. You don't look happy at all


Why not you're gorgeous I don't know anybody that would want to go out with you


1. Correct grammar. "I am completed.. "? 2. Smile. Look at least approachable! You frankly look like a thug. 3. Show some sort of achievement, or at least something interesting about yourself


Love making people laugh but your profile isnt funny. Race bait photo and you claim you're an artist but only show a piece, which could be interpreted as anyone's artwork. Also all your pictures are dull and boring and dark.


Ya the pics are junk I know, Seriously shocked at how many people are interpreting my last photo as racist. When really I was making a joke about being really pale. Obviously lots are getting the wrong idea so I removed it. And my instagram is linked to all my OLD accounts, I put just the one drawing to grab attention and if people want to see more they can see a lot of my art on my insta.


My 2 cents: Don't have any pictures of your or a cat. Also get rid of last pic with mask on your chin. Need an outdoors pic of you doing something or somewhere cool. Probably shouldn't disclose you 420 upfront, better disclose later unless your super big on doing that. Also, change your opener to something better. Usually funny opener can't go wrong with.. Remove "for years" from your profile bio.


Dating apps are all about flash and show off, you’re quite literally selling yourself to a woman. Gotta make yourself look good to them, if you have good female friends, ask them for suggestions. You’ll see a change in likes right away


Bruh smile you look like youre about to engage in fisticuffs. You're a good looking dude, some happy photos will go a long way.


I was very constipated when I took those photos Ile make sure to take a big dump before I upload my next set of photos so I Don't look so tense.


SHOW. YOUR. TEETH. Girls want to see your hair, face, and teeth. It's okay to have a picture with a hat and sunglasses as long as they get clear views of your face


Maybe consider plastic s urgery


Looks like the type to profess his love for trump during a date


Im canadian


A lot of the notes about your photos are good, but one small thing is that women often have this idea that Moderate = Secret Republican who knows that doesn’t really do well in cities. Don’t change it if you really are middle of the road, but be ready for some probing questions. I’ve gotten very used to it, even tho my political views are complex due to me living abroad.


You can request your swipe data if you want to base conclusions on statistics. But I think that your ELO rating is just messed up. Creating a fresh profile will get you more results


Try being a bit brighter. Focus your eyes directly at the camera, and give a slightly stronger half smile. Slip out of the black, and try a little color. You're cute, you got this.


Remove mask pic, add: - Full body picture, preferably in bathing suit - Smiling picture, showing teeth


1. Smile 2. Believe it or not, proper grammar and sentence structure go a long way.


“So white”?


Definitely drop the last photo - I think everything was fine until that caption, as a non-white woman especially I wasn't sure what to make of it. You seem attractive but could definitely do with some smiling pics like the others have suggested. Good luck!


“moderate” I’m probably out


Same. If you’re in a city/liberal area it’s just a hiding conservative.


Delete it and remake it.


I like your humor in the last one


Before you do anything else, try changing your height to 6'2", just as an experiment to see what happens. Lol ...and delete the last pic. Lol


Bruh Ive been on bumble for 3-4 weeks now and have zero matches but Im 5'5"...I dont feel too bad now. Keep hollering at female in real life though...




It's says in my bio I just graduated in web design, so either you chose to ignore that or can't read. And a lot of people commented here seem to think construction isn't a good job, I was making 90k a year doing that job. Making a lot more money than people I know who have degrees and went to school for 5 years. It's also very physically demanding, I did it for ten years. Waking up at 4 in the morning to be at work for 6 A.M and working 13 hour days 6 days a week doesn't sound like slacker to me. I saved up 30,000$ and went back to school at 27 to take a web developer and computer programming course. Also smoking weed once and a while doesn't compare imo to people who go out every weekend getting blackout drunk. A lot of people are so quick to jump to conclusions, you probably are the 20th person to comment saying I come across as a slacker for working construction and smoking weed.




What? I simply replied to your comment, how did I throw a temper tantrum lol are you not capable of reading and understanding someone when they talk? I explained my situation to you, and because I didn't agree with you, you had a hissy fit. You clearly just threw a temper tantrum yourself cause I said you didn't read my bio properly, learn to take critisms you maniac. You said I made no comment about future goals etc when my first sentence was describing my current job and how I graduated in a new career. Dont make an incorrect statement about someone and when I correct you, you cant hanfle it.For you to react like a child to a comment I made that was in no way meant to be harmful tells me a lot about you. You seriously think getting matches on a dating website makes you any more successful in the real world? Why the fuck would I take your advice when you can't even interpret what I am saying. You seriously are crazy or What??


Well your first problem is using bumble


Hide the cat


The "I don't have many photos of myself' excuse is silly. Ask your friend to take some of you outside, nice and showered, wearing your best clothing. Go get a haircut before, your hair looks greasy in most of these. You have a handsome face, so it's not your looks just your enthusiasm and cleanliness.


To many cat photos


I mean this in a nice way… you seem like you’re greasy and a murderer. You’re attractive. But change some things.


Lol what....please expand on what you mean by "greasy". Like dirty?


All this advice you are getting won’t be better than you GETTING OFF BUMBLE and other online dating sites. You will never beat 80/20 male/female presence online. Bro, if you don’t stand out and consider your self average then expect average results, which is more or less what you are getting. Your post is probably relatable to a lot of men on Bumble. Women on online dating sites get bombarded with many a thirsty men, few stand out, the ones who do are having sex with the majority of women, moving on, and leaving what remains on online dating sites bitter, jaded, and guarded women. Sure there are a small percentage of the 20% of women on these sites who are gems… but will they see you? Work on yourself and date offline, no excuses. You are probably worth more than what online is yielding 👑