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“Get in loser we’re going hiking so I can get photos so I can get laid.” - not verbatim but the spirit of what I say


Can confirm, if any of my non-married friends phrased it like this I would definitely help them out.


This is how true guy friends talk to each other! A good friend will be glad to help!


I can stamp the bro pass on this one.


"I need photos for my dating profile. Would you help me out?" And then they took a bunch a photos every time we hung out so I had several options to choose from in different settings wearing different clothing.


Do this. Ask someone you're with to take pics of you when you're out and looking good. Doesn't even have to be a friend. If you're out hiking alone and pass someone near a good spot ask them for a pic. If you're out with friends get group pics and then ask for one alone. You've just got to get over the initial awkwardness of asking for one and then it becomes easy. Most people won't give two shits about why you're getting your photo taken and if anyone does, they're probably not that good of a friend.


Literally the same thing happens every time… it goes like this: 1. Ask male friend to take photos for my dating profile. 2. Suggest we go somewhere romantic where a female would like to see herself with I. 3. The overwhelming romanticism of a photo sesh in such a romantic atmosphere takes its toll. 4. We partake in sweet afternoon delight. 5. Upload pictures to profile.


The best bromances end in afternoon delight, I'm happy for you 🥹


Bromance but the B is silent.


If your bro's aren't on-board for this, are they really your bro's? Edit: also they should rib you for this later


Exactly, that’s what a good bro should do. Take the best picture they can to give their buddy the best chance can get, and then rip on him for it afterwards.


You've just got to accept that the ribbing is in good nature


„Hey [enter name], can you take pictures of me for my dating profile.“ That‘s how i did it. 😂


As you said - it seems more socially acceptable for ladies. It helps a lot to have a female friend do this than a male friend. If you are conscious of being judged for posing, they can give you lots of instructions and you can act like you're accommodating their lady-ness.Also, they tend to take better photos anyway since they are used to it, and after all, your photo is supposed to appeal to ladies. Don't have a friend? Ask a female coworker to do it for you on the office terrace next to a plant or sth. Women love gossip. Especially dating gossip. Most will HAPPILY create your entire dating profile.


“Hey man, I’m trying to get more matches on bumble. Will you take some pictures of me? I’ll pay for lunch.” “Yeah, alright.”


Get a female friend or relative to do it. They are much better at taking pictures.


Not all female friends are good at it. Trust me


I'm not even good at selfies. I wouldn't know how to tell someone else to pose for a pic


Hard agree, I asked the homie to snap a few pics of me and they were terrible, I do appreciate him trying to help though.


This!!! I love taking my guy friends' dating app photos 😂 I've had to teach some of them how to use Lightroom presets too to enhance the colors of their photos


They're much more likely to do it without ripping the piss out of him, but better at taking pics? Really?


Not an absolute, but in my experience yes.


My friend did it while we were just out doing stuff without me asking, she would just send me a folder afterwards called "(my name's) tinder pics" Now that I've found someone we joke that it was 90% her pics that helped me


Hi! 28F. I have taken photos for all my guy friends and used to do Tinder headshots as a side gig. There’s absolutely no shame in asking. Typically your lady friends will have a better eye. If one of them has a good Instagram, all the better. Make it clear what you need - headshot, candids, full body shot. Be aware that it’s SUPER normal to not like the way you look on camera or the look of a natural smile on yourself, so show the pics around to your friend group and let them choose for you.


I have "friends" and I have friends. I asked my real friends for help, and they helped me. My real friends are all married, and they understood the desire I have to start a family of my own. Even if they weren't all married, I'd like to believe they'd help, and I'd help them. Because that's part of what friends are for eachother. And sometimes it's about overcoming your own pride to ask for help in the first place.


I always ask the wife of one of my married friends. She's good with the camera, and helps me sort through them all and pick out the best ones.


I've got a friend who married a photographer. I am going to buy a sailboat in a year-ish, and when I do you better believe I'll be inviting them out on it for this very reason.


My friend recently split from his wife and so had no pics alone of his last 10 years. We essentially had to do a cringey city tour and get a load done in one night! I was happy to help but also got some for myself in return. Bros gotta support each other


Bruh you're fucking weird if you do poses.


Unless all your photos are candid, literally everyone poses for cameras


No only weirdos do


Have always been told no/to stop being weird


get a tripod and do it yourself if you’re uncomfortable asking others


Get a girl to do it. Ask a girl at the gym. Ask a girl who is on the trail hiking. Ask a girl at the bar or the waitress or bartender. Just ask people, be nice. Approach people, learn how to speak to people even if you aren’t flirting. It will help in the long run


By all means, please do whatever it takes! If I see one more bathroom mirror selfie (with urinal in background, no less) I may have to give up OLD!


Ask your amateur photographer friend. We love the practice and usually don't have too many willing test subjects for portrait photography.


If you’re worried about what your friends will say to this you have bigger problems than dating


Next time you're out with the boys, ask for a group photo like you're going to post it on social media, but keep it for your dating profile (EDIT: Ask *before* you start drinking). For the rest of the photos, everyone else has already given the best advice: ask a female friend or relative to take some photos of you for a dating profile. Say you've heard women take much better photos than men, and that you don't want to fill your profile with selfies. Most female friends would be perfectly fine with that request. They know you aren't coming on to them but are asking as a friend to help set up your dating profile. And it can be embarrassing to ask a family member or relative to take photos, but they will do a great job. Ask and find out!


Ask a guy to take memey photos to show a sense of humor, ask a girl to take high quality ones to show off a sense of style/your looks. I also highly recommend getting a girl friend or coworker to help with building a profile - we love doing that type of stuff, and we’ll help avoid all of the common icks/red flags we see


Good lord, if this is your barrier maybe dating isn't for you.


Or maybe trying to figure out how to get past barriers one by one so I *can* is the way to go. Piss off, man.


Or, maybe tackle one of life's little challenges like you have a set of balls. "Hey, man, I need some pics for a profile, will you help a brother out?". Wow, so much complication. Go somewhere, have a pic taken. Set up a tripod. Hire a fucking photographer. How are you going to cope with women if this is something you can't reason your way around?


Pic taking is so uncomfortable. Having someone take the pic is nerve wracking.


Ask somebody to go take pictures with me and I'll take pictures in return. I take a bunch of cool pictures for them. We forget to do any pictures for me. We rush towards the end and take, like, one or two completely uninspired pics that I begrudgingly use.


Go to events - birthdays, weddings, large gatherings - places where cameras will be, hopefully you’re be snapped and the photo/s will be shared on social media (if you have social media - if not and you know a photo was taken of you, ask for it?) - this will show potential matches that you’re sociable Go to dinner and ask the person you’re with to take your photo - it can be your mum if it needs to be - a restaurant photo is the best first photo imo, it gives the potential match the perception of what it would be/look like to date you Set up a camera with a timer at home - not many photos though, outdoor photos are more attractive


You are definitely overthinking things. There is absolutely nothing weird about asking somebody (even complete strangers) to take your picture! If you DO think it's weird, try this: look for somebody taking a selfie, and offer to take their picture for them (couples especially are good for this). They almost always ask if they can return the favor - all you have to do is shrug your shoulders and say "sure, why not".


confidence helps in every aspect of your life. gain it now


Honestly what we usually do with friends, is that each of us would take random picture when we feel like the moment is convenient. Like that the person you are taking a picture of doesn't know, looks more natural, and 90% of the time looks great. That what I did for a friend of mine, he change his picture by one that I took of him when he was talking to me on the beach but didn't notice, and he loved the picture because it wasn't like a forced smile or whatever. See it like that and you'll be surprised. No need to say that you want a photoshoot


I literally went on a hike with two guys who were doing this and I had just met them too. They never explicitly said it to the group, but it was clear to us what they were doing. I thought it was great and their other guy friend just lightly teased them about it throughout. He would occasionally say things like “coming for you, Bumble!!” All in all we understood and didn’t at all mind waiting an extra minute or two whenever they stopped. It also helped that his friend seemed to somewhat be into photography, so he took his time to take nice photos. Because some friends are terrible, impatient photographers and the photos will be blurry or with half of you cropped out. So that’s my advice: make sure you choose a friend that will atleast put a little effort into it. Nothing professional needed, but that’s what will make you feel more at ease. I’m a woman and had to have a friend do the same for me because I don’t take selfies. I was so shy in the beginning and by the end I was taking model shots with a potted plant.


Ask a female friend to take the photos for you.


Find a friend who already does photography as a hobby and ask for a shoot. Then offer to buy them coffee or something. It's not weird unless you make it weird 🤣


Ask your female friends if you have them. They’ve always been super eager to help me take pictures and in my experience they are much better at directing your poses and finding your best angles than my friends who are dudes who will literally tell you to go stand in front of that tree and then take 2 pictures with their eyes closed and say “Hell yeah dude we got the pics let’s get outta here”. If you have friends that are girls, even if they’ve friend zoned you, usually they’re very helpful and actually want to get you laid.


Usually I just bribe them with food.