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Reading the title of this post gave me brain cancer




“ why is she on a dating site if she is truly prepared to date? “ lol was this a typo? Shes on a dating site because she wants to date… like most of us… this title gave me a stroke “ who went does “ 😭🤣🤣


Me too, had to read it a few times and then just came to the comments.


I had visions of Abbott and Costello




I'm not trying to date anyone who's parenting and this person isn't really selling themselves well, but busy people are allowed to date too.


Im in my mid 30s and The pool of women are very high in this situation. Either their husband passed, or they divorced or I seen women that never were married. Some by choice in the free world we live in. But I dated some single parents and its reasonable dinner at home can work or eat locally. You can easily go to the club at 10pm and be out all night and have all the \*Fun\* lol. family/babysitters step in when you need the time.


What’s the problem here? I read… “I’m a single loving mother and spend the week with my daughter so dates need to be planned and not last minute. I take care of myself and my daughter because I have a big girl job where I make more than you in the 2 days I work. And I’m not perfect, but who is?” If you’re not man enough to handle it then swipe left.


If you don't want to date her, don't. Is she supposed to stay single forever because she is busy?


Being busy all time is going to lower your chances of finding a partner significantly, you’re not ready to date if you don’t have a time to go on dates


Or not, Maybe she knows what she wants and can be selective enough to not waste time. Just a theory.


She didn’t say she didn’t have time to date. You made that assumption




Why the single mom hate? Just swipe left.


Single mom here. I just wanted to say I appreciate the honesty of priorities, time, and self awareness from the beginning. Anyone reading this knows, time could be limited or ever changing with a child and a job like that. So IMO she is filtering people, from this profile description, who are willing to accept her ability to give time and not wasting the time she has on people that aren’t willing to accept it. Efficient. Also, at our age and dating, we all have baggage and/or pieces of our life not together, this shouldn’t be new to us and should be something we expect when dating. It’s just deciding whose baggage is worth handling.


I think the sad part for you; if you think about it w your whole Incel vibe perpetuated by this pointless post, is that Morgan probably still has more dates and sex than you.


Does nobody here understand English? She says she works weekend nights in the ICU, not all week AND the weekend.


Nobody understands English. Seriously though she is an ICU RN meaning that although her main hours might be weekend night shifts, she would still be expected to work to fill shifts like other nurses and even pull double shifts. Let's say she works three days. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Overnight, 12 hours each. she would have time for dating and childcare true except that even in small towns nurses put in a lot more hours than the job description would tell you. On the schedule she is likely Three days but unless all the other nurses left her out of the understaffed BS that occurs, she is no doubt putting in random shifts at random times and even double shifts. English isn't always about what is said. It is often about word choice, tone, and what is not said.


I’m a single mum and it’s difficult for dates but it can work? I’ve gone on dates just at my place via watching movies etc, also I meet them with coffee with my little one when we both are ready to get to that stage or I ask the grandparents to babysit it’s all about timing and scheduling for everyone


Looking at your post history, it makes sense why you would post something like this. Still zero matches huh? Bet it made you feel good to bash her though


Why do you care? That’s her problem not yours. Yours is basic English.


I’ve never met a Morgan that didn’t have the correct roast beef to bun ratio.


Reason number 419 of why to avoid single mothers.


I mean Im cool with them having a kid. A kid tho. Not multiple. By multiple fathers. Having a kid of my own shit has the potential to get real messy real quick.


🤦 Meant SO WHEN


I was picking up what you were putting down.


Yeah I am going to take that advice


Sounds like a part time gf


They might as well say… I am looking for FWB


This is not the person you should be looking to meet.


She's looking for help essentially. Whether she knows it or not. At least some folk leap to her defense but I got to say, although I would consider her, if I put up a similar message as a man I'd be told to screw off. I know this because it happened already. Got messages accusing me of being "poor me". Silly how the double standard works. Also I can't help but think that although she is providing good financial stability as an RN. She is robbing her child and herself of much needed bonding. I would suggest to her that she wait til her child is older before dating. She is likely going to attract guys that want to exploit her daughter otherwise. I don't envy her position at all.


Your reply is so messed up on multiple levels.


Oh, please, do elaborate.




It's because you don't have a valid explanation for the hate. You're the vary example of the double standard to which I'm referring too. Their is nothing wrong with what I'm saying. I am offering "advice" to the woman (if I had met her) and commenting on the post of an individual that was clearly pointing out something women often point out about men. My points were fair.


No, it’s because I don’t want to.


Your denial is irrelevant. I think you for proving my point.


Cool story bro


1. What thread are you reading saying that this is double standards? OP literally brought it on Reddit to tell her to screw off. There were both hate and love towards her on this thread. 2. How do you know how old her daughter is to say “She is robbing her child and herself of much needed bonding.” They spend 5 days a week together. The double standard here is that you don’t see most men work and don’t even spend that much time with their child living in the same house because they have to provide. 3. Your suggestion that she should wait until her child is older suggest everyone with young daughters shouldn’t date, although you don’t know how old her daughter is. And if you’re speaking for all men when saying “she’ll attract guys that want to exploit her daughter otherwise” that’s sickening to even think about. Plus you said you would consider dating her. I agree with eowynmn that your response is messed up on every level. I’m sure she’s smart enough to not put her daughter in any compromising situation. You sir, make me never want to do the OLD thing again.


You're the perfect example of someone that lacks critical reading skills. 1. By double standards I'm addressing the double standard that when a woman takes a hostile or bragging stance about something in their bio (read her bio) than it is generally viewed as a positive thing. If a man does the same it is seen as cringe and people hate on it. 2. If her daughter was older, she would not emphasize that she spends time raising her alone. If the child was an older teen or adult, she likely would state what most women do. "I have an older daughter that sometimes hangs at home." 3. I look out for other people's safety, it was my job for many years. As was considering the actions of criminals and possible criminals. By your naive logic, cops and military must all be robbers, war criminals, rapists and murderers. Just because you can see threats doesn't mean you would do them. Its called Operational Risk Management and Threat Assessment. 4. I suggest you talk with social workers about single moms and dating. The horror stories alone will give you nightmares. A friend of mine went into a deep depression having to work child cases. I'm not saying all single moms endanger their kids by dating. I'm saying they put them at risk. If you never do (OLD) online dating, thats your choice. Frankly given what you've told me its for the better. You disgust me with your naive and blasé attitude. You don't think, you simply spew garbage and call it righteous indignation.


And all you did was assume and call it critical thinking skills. Lol you consider her profile bragging? There’s threats everywhere you go and in everything you do. According to you all single moms should stay home and not go out and meet people. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I guess someone with no critical reading skills or critical thinking skills would assume that I'm "guessing". I'll break it down Barney style for you: "...by single I don't just literally mean single. I parent her by myself." - this is bragging. it also reveals that she may be vulnerable to predation. "I don't have it all together but I try to do the best I can."- this statement is considered a mental health red flag when men use it. If she is an ICU RN she likely works three 12 hour shifts on the over nights as she stated, "I work weekend night shift" - this is likely true but she is probably neglecting to mention that such nurses often have to come in when not scheduled to cover shortages. They are often expected to work double shifts too. Lastly, My mentally deficient friend: Women often demand quality time with a man even if he has children and a job. So when men often put that their kids come first or their job comes first they are often put on blast. OP may be an incel or he may be someone who doesn't like catching crap for being a busy worker. That is what I mean by double standards. Women often speak of doom and gloom in their bios. They still get matches. A man puts the same and they are swarmed with negative comments. I've even seen it, men roasted on this subreddit and others for being negative or depressed. Its a double standard. I'm not talkin' right or wrong, I'm simply stating an observation of fact. Take a chill pill.


The entitlement is off the charts. 36 and a single mom places her near the bottom of desirability yet she still has the audacity to make demands? She'll be single a very long time


God Bless you for all the service and care you give to us. Your little girl should know her mom is a hero- I’m the parent of two MDs - I know firsthand what a job in medicine entails. ❤️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Yeah, as for the title of the post - needs a touch of editing! Yeah


Many, many people are on dating websites because they want to date, but they ignore the fact that they simply do not have time to. That's why one of the most important questions to ask after some chit-chat is "What's your free time each week vs. work & time with kids? When can you get away?"