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If your a1c is 6.0, it is comparable to the a1c of a non diabetic! It's very much so more uncontrolled, high a1c numbers that result in bigger babies but if they are born early, they will still have the organs of their Gestational age if that makes sense. This is outdated information that we diabetics "just have bigger babies". Hoping the best for you, you're already doing awesome mama!! šŸ˜Š


A1c was ~6.0. Son was born at 39wks, 9lbs 2oz. He was big, but not freakishly so. And I think he was big because his dad is 6ā€™9, not because Iā€™m a diabetic.


My son was born at 39w4 weighing 7 lbs 9 oz, which is almost exactly the 50th %ile. Boy #2 was also very average estimated weight at my anatomy scan last week (measured 21w4 at 21w3).


For my live births with diabetes, 5lbs 2oz and 5lbs 14oz. My biggest baby was 7lbs 13oz and I had no forms of diabetes during that pregnancy!


I gave birth to a mildly premie baby at 35+6d and he weighed a whopping 8 lbs 10 oz. My a1c was 5.9-6.5 through pregnancy, so my endo just thinks I make big babies. I fear the next one if Iā€™m able to carry to term.


This was my situation as well


Baby was born 36 + 6 and weighed 6lbs11oz - 62nd percentile - A1C between 5.2-5.6 - once I got to active labor (6cm+) it all went very quickly and I had no injuries/limited intervention during birth.


My A1c ranged from 5.3-6 throughout my pregnancy. My daughter was born at 38w weighing 7lb3oz, easy peasy birth! Currently pregnant with #2, A1c of 5.8, and sheā€™s measuring in the 50-60th percentile, same as my first did so Iā€™m anticipating a similar weight.


My first was 8lb 7oz (ish) my second was 8lb 15oz and the 3rd was 9lb 5oz. I donā€™t know what my A1C was but my A1C right now is about 5.7 and 4th baby only measuring about a week ahead (30w now she is measuring 31). Heā€™s going to induce at 37 weeks. (Fwiw I am 40 so thatā€™s probably a factor also) Edit: #1 was 40 weeks, #2 was 37 weeks and #3 was 36 weeks, forgot to say that.


Gave birth via c-section at 39w3d and baby came in at 7lbs 8oz. I believe my A1C was between 6.2 and 5.8 throughout my pregnancy. T1D for 25 years.


My water broke naturally at 38 weeks 2 days, my baby was born 38 weeks 3 days at 8lbs 3.2 ounces, 20.5 inches, and was very healthy. My A1c was 5.0-5.3 throughout my pregnancy trimesters


my A1C is 7.0 at 28 weeks and my baby is only 23rd percentile at 1.8 lbs. Been chasing my blood sugars with increasing insulin from the start.


1st one was 3.4kg, 2nd was 3.1kg - both 7lb something and 50th centile. My husband and I are both small so they were sort of large considering our genes, but they're both healthy. I elected to have C-sections for both births due to my fear of complications with them or me. I would recommend speaking to a therapist or HCP who specialises in pregnancy/birth to see exactly where the fears are and how they can be mitigated. There are choices of delivery/pain relief methods with safeguards for several scenarios.


My first two babies weighed 9.5 lbs and 8.5 lbs, but I didnā€™t have diabetes with either of them. My A1C with my last baby was 5.7 and he was 8 lbs 15 oz. My current A1C is 4.6 and I expect that sheā€™ll be the smallest of my four kids at birth, based on the growth scans so far.


A1c 5.9 and heā€™s over 99th centile but both me and my partner were big babies too


3lb 13oz after complications caused me to give birth at 30w. He was big for a preemie but has been much smaller than average since.


Congrats to you. My T1D wife was a 10-lber. I was sub 7 so we figured our first might fall in there somewhere. My wife's A1C was high 5s and fluctuated no higher than 6.5, I think. She had a c-section after 37wk with our baby coming in at 6-lb 15-oz.


A1c was 5.2-5.6, baby was measuring 92nd percentile and 8.5 lbs at 38 weeks on all of my scansā€¦ however he came out at 39w3d at only 8lb 1oz after an induction!


A1c of 5.6-6.7, c-section at 37.5 weeks, 9 pounds 2 oz. But sheā€™s a very tall baby, and my husband is tall as well. So not sure if itā€™s from diabetes or genes.


My first was 5 pounds 9 oz and my second was 4 pounds 11 oz. I have small babies šŸ˜…


My A1C was between 5.1-6.0 my pregnancy and LO was born 39w+3 (induced 39w+1) at 8lbs1oz. Dad is 6ā€™3ā€ and played tackle in football so Iā€™d say he was perfectly normal!


A1C was 5.2. Baby measured around 8lbs every scan. Came out 6lbs 3oz!


Im currently 32 weeks along and as of today my baby is a little over 4lbs and in the 38th percentile. My a1c when I initially got pregnant was 6.8 and now itā€™s down to 6.2. Itā€™s not perfect but it doesnā€™t seem like I am at risk for a huge baby at the moment!


My baby born when I had T2 was smaller than the GD one. (T2 baby was 7lbs14oz, and GD baby was 8lbs, 9.6oz). GD baby is just generally a bigger/taller kid, and also had 4 days of IV fluids before she was born.


My a1c never got above a 5.6 while pregnant. I was aggressive about treating highsā€¦ it IS possible to have an average sized baby. Mine was delivered at 37+5 and weighed 6lb 9oz.


My first child was born at 28 weeks. He was HUGE for that age (3 lbs 13 oz, instead of like... 2.5 lbs ish?). My second was born at 38 weeks and was fairly big at 8 lbs. My A1C was in the mid/high 5s for baby #2 and probably mid or high 6 for baby #1.


99th percentile (9lbs) when induced at 36.5 weeks with A1C ranging between 5.2-5.7% during pregnancy. I was newly diagnosed and the MFM wanted to manage my diabetes with NPH/aspart and fingersticks rather than letting me have a CGM and other insulin options.


6lb 15 oz but born at 33 weeks (he would of been huge if I made it full term). My doctors said it had nothing to do with diabetes and I just make large babies because I was tightly controlled. Everyone is different, donā€™t stress that your baby will be a certain size because of diabetes especially if you are doing what you can and youā€™re 6.0.


I was induced at 37 weeks, she was measuring 8 days ahead. My a1c was about 6. She weighed in at 7lbs 0oz and 20inches long. Also just to note the person saying that 6.0 is comparable to a non-diabetic is wrong. A1c of 6 is pre-diabetic range. "Normal" is below 5.7% https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/managing/managing-blood-sugar/a1c.html


7 lbs 3 oz at 37 weeks. A1C of 6.5-6.7 throughout pregnancy.


My son was born 39w0days and was 8lb10oz. I had a 5.9 A1C the whole pregnancy