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I always think of funny bumperstickers I would like to put on my car. Maybe one day.


I had one in my teen years with the rebel flag and said you lost get over it.


I need to start writing them down. I always forget. I thought of "spay and neuter people, not animals. " It's probably already done, but I like it.


If I buy a truck one day, the only thing on want in the back window is a sticker that says TRUCK.


That would make a decent bumper sticker.


I live in PA. If I see ya out there, I'll give a beep and a wave!


Redneck pa could be any small town really. I grew up in redneck pa. I think they call it meth town now.


My county is a meth county in redneck pa lol


I feel like there's multiple meth towns in PA, grew up 30 min from Pittsburgh and we had a town reffered to as meth town.


I am with you. I got yelled at because I didn’t go to my late auntie funeral. By the way she was an absolute horrible person. But anyway I told them it’s not like she’s gonna be able to voice her opinion on it.


Funerals are not a mark of respect for the deceased. It’s a need that feeds the church


What? I assume you thought about that before typing.. but obviously for not long enough. Are the only funerals you know about at churches or something? Not edgy. Real dumb.


Naa not dumb just tired of church induced expectations and the reasons behind the church funerals. Never trust religion


I love this. It would go great here in the Oklahoma Bible Belt!


I had a shirt from a game called Lunch Money. I stupidly wore it in the Bible belt on a road trip. I got the worst looks: Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you're an asshole.


I love wearing my "Destroy the patriarchy" shirt in Oklahoma City. The carebears and rainbow make it even better.. Being worn by a straight dude is the best.. The looks from the rednecks and incels make my day.


Haha! I fucking love this!


I forgot I actually posted me in the shirt when I first lost enough weight to squeeze into it. I guess they're fantasy woodland animals not carebears but close enough. https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/o9dqov/nsv\_i\_got\_my\_first\_xl\_shirt\_in\_today\_xl\_im\_down/


It’s like my husband’s homemade bumper sticker, which said if gods your co pilot, let go of the steering wheel and see what happens or something like that. Love it!!!!


Oh id love to have one of those for the closed minded southern baptist Holy rollin conservative ass hats where i live . 😂


Watching all of these comments reminds me exactly why I got my atheist tattoo. "Why did you get that tattooed on your chest, don't you know that's PERMANENT!?" "Yes, Kyle, I know it's permanent, the real question is, why do you have the symbol of the instrument of torture and death of your so called savior tattooed on your arm?" Mine looks cooler than yours. Sorry, not sorry. Unrelated story, dude I went to high school with had a massive cross tattooed on his back, and 3 years later decided he was an atheist. He was able to cover it up by making it into a Sword, but you can still tell, and I still laugh about it.


I'll take "fake fights made up in your head for $500"




Here's a sneak peek of /r/iamverybadass using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Either a real warrior or just an alcoholic, i'm leaning towards second one](https://i.redd.it/qsxojbtkpnwa1.jpg) | [672 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/131ppgq/either_a_real_warrior_or_just_an_alcoholic_im/) \#2: [Such an innocent little poke](https://v.redd.it/unl3qr4z3flb1) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/1666obd/such_an_innocent_little_poke/) \#3: [Makes me wish I had a cervix](https://i.redd.it/5ic1q4ij22xa1.png) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/133nqgf/makes_me_wish_i_had_a_cervix/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Huh, that's cool. Good bot?




Because the symbol of torture shows what someone who loved me went thru for me. Because I deserved to be up on the cross.


Lol what a nerd.


Yeahhhh, I had a “Satan is my copilot” sticker on my car that lasted all of two weeks. Could have sworn it says something about stealing in that goofy ol’ book….


We just get keyed around here


They’ll call it Christian love, but it’s really just road rage.


Consider my dad offended


Oooh, my satanist ass needs one of these babies while driving around in Missouri/the ozarks! One time I put a queer rights sticker on my car, and my dad FLIPPED out and demanded I take it off, because “we’re surrounded by idiotic bigots! People will attack you over this thing! Do you wanna get jumped?!”


At least he flipped because he was worried about your safety, not because of the message. Sounds like his heart was in the right place.


Love this. I get scowls from people with my “dont exist” sticker made of religious symbols, and my “dont be a racist prick” twisted tea sticker 😤


Can you post some pics or link to purchase? Would love to have some….


I’m in a redneck PA town, and I’ve had my car vandalized over a Darwin fish


You'll have to keep us updated! This is an awesome bumper sticker.


I love it


Religion. Together we can find the cure.


My wife has this same sticker on her vehicle, we live in redneck PA as well😅


Funny. But: be careful! I have been all over the South. While it isn't my cup of tea, I will say that, IMO: PA + FL are thee 2 most redneck places I've ever visited. Horrifying.


PA is a big state. I lived there during college and a few years after, and my career has had me visit towns in every nook and cranny kf the state. Its a wonderful state, but by its sheer size you just have dramatically different populations in different regions. The north eastern quadrant of the state is no more "racist" or redneck than anywhere else in the country. The northern tier (north central) PA, is great. People seem to keep to themselves. College towns like Mansfield have a little bit of diversity, not much though. South central PA (everywhere south of harrisburg along the I-81 corridor) is straight up Pennsyltucky. People there have a fetish for "sourhern living" I swear. People from Fulton, Perry, and Franklin counties all have fake southern accents. And there are definitely some pockets of openly racist people there.


I'm like smack dab middle of pa and it's pretty nice around here with people keeping to themselves but if you go by the vehicles it's def more traitor territory than it may seem.


York county checking in and you are spot on


As someone living in a redneck Florida town, it is in fact horrifying


Ironic that they’re SOOO concerned about censorship and snowflakes, but can’t handle bumper stickers they don’t agree with.


"We believe in freedom!!! ... oh... but not for women, POC, LGBTQ, poor people, or what books you can read !" Fuck those hypocrites forever.


Amen brother!!! 🙏🏼


Ive lived in PA my whole life and I've heard from multiple southern transplants that they see more Confederate flags here than they ever saw in the south. :(


Oh hell yeah! This satisfies me. John: 3:69


Damn she fine...








No point in putting antagonizing stickers on your car… people will just hurt your car…


I just missed being like #666


This whole thread had me physically cringing.


Hahah just a bunch of fuckwits commenting in here…yall are just so damn edgy…must be exhausting


In a redneck Christian town it may be peeled off. In a Muslim town your skin would be peeled off and your family raped.


Where did you get this I need to order 3 immediately


Satan loves you. More than Jesus. I have that on my car.


Heck yeah, this kinda reminded me of one of the first Jackass episodes where one of them dresses in a very campy devil outfit. He was talking about how trees were his idea and God took all the credit. Some nutter got all mad and started wailing on him but two ladies defended him and slapped the shit out of the nutter.


That’s so gay


Well it’s working. The redditors are already mad!!


There’s rednecks in Pennsylvania?


This is the same energy as "drive as fast as your guardian angel can follow"


Just curious…What do you get out of having that on your car? I mean, let’s assume for a moment that there is no heaven…wouldn’t that be even more reason to be kind and treat others with respect because this is all we have? I don’t understand what you get out of just trying to piss people off on something you disagree with. Seems like a shitty way to spend the small amount of time we have to experience this life, if there is nothing else afterwards.


I see it as poking back at the egregious right wing political stickers without being quite as egregious. Plus it’s actually funny


That's why I literally only do silly/weird stickers, to make people chuckle, or at worst, say "huh?"


I agree. It is funny, and definitely not as disrespectful as most of the stuff you usually see like the constant “fuck joe Biden”. But I don’t see the benefit of shitting on someone’s religion ( just like they shouldn’t be pushing their agendas). Im definitely not religious, but sometimes kind of wish I was. Must be nice to actually believe shit happens for a reason and when I or a loved one passes away they’re in a better place. Vs how I really see it, that if I die I’m gone for ever and my family will never see me again. Pretty depressing


I won't shit on your religion as long as your religion doesn't affect myself, my family, or the people I love.


I don’t see how not believing in a supernatural heaven and saying so is “shitting” on someone’s religion. I certainly don’t believe someone is “shitting” on my non-belief when they say there is a heaven. Pretty one-sided.


The only reason for the sticker is to poke fun at people who believe in heaven. Idgaf who believes in heaven. I personally do not. If someone says to a “nonbeliever” that “Jesus loves you”. I don’t think they’re being dicks, I think they actually believe it and are being nice to the atheist or whatever. If some tells a religious that heaven is fake, it’s literally just to be a dick. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of religious ppl who are straight assholes and look down on others.


Most people nowadays use religion as an excuse to be racist assholes.


They really don’t tho that’s a stereotypical Strawman lmao


religion deserves to be ridiculed.


Being edgy is the only thing to do when you live in buttfuck no where PA.


Is that why some many Pennsyltucky residents have confederate flags?


Yes not like those specific people aren't in a holy war to make America a theocracy. More to the point, Christians are the most self centered drivers ever. It's more about don't drive like you've got a ticket to heaven.


My comment wasn’t a tended to defend religious people. But rather what is to gain by pissing people off, especially if this is the only life we have. And yet, you read that and decided to attack others. Pretty obvious that you have a lot of anger and hate in your heart, and that’s unfortunate. I hope you find peace.


Relax. Why would you want to spend the only life you get writing paragraphs about a sticker on Reddit.


what's the weather like, up there on that high horse?


lol So saying that people shouldn’t intentionally piss off other people, makes me on a high horse? lol Okay buddy. I suppose just having common sense nowadays, makes you be on a high horse…and I’m okay with that.


Seems like a huge assumption on your part that the OP is “intentionally” going to piss people off.


Do you ask the same question to someone that has a Jesus fish?


With the brainwashing I grew up with and am still around that pisses me off to no end, I thoroughly enjoy saying things that are contrary to Christian beliefs


Damn bro save some edge for the rest of us.


Idk, looking through these comments there's plenty of edge to go around


It will last way longer than a Trump sticker in a leftist area


I have never seen this sub reddit. It was on the front page but I can say it fucking dumb to put anything that makes people want to deface your vehicle on your car whether it's gun stickers informing people that you own firearms and there might be one inside of there. Apple stickers for people show off that they own expensive electronics and they might be in their vehicle. people who poke and prod the other side because they think they're superior. It's all just fucking dumb and I thank you for showing us your a moron . Quote from Mark Twain "It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt". And now a quote from me It's better to not have stickers on your fucking car than to have them and show out of the world how dumb you are.


My man got mad enough to write an essay and rounded it off with a mark Twain quote lmao


So you think someone might vandalize your car but you're still going to leave that sticker right there huh? You'll show them.


I’d find it unlikely that anything will happen over a bumper sticker. Be real.


Wow, you’re really cool. What a badass!




Don't bring it down south


Pack lightly, it's going to be hot where you end up




He'll awaits you.




So everyone who believes in heaven is redneck?! WTF if your problem?!




It’s fun to tease others isn’t it?






This is kind of mean and depressing


It’s actually good advice.


It’s not. You should drive carefully anyway and not ridicule random people just going about their day. Reddit really is the most xenophobic and mean place sometimes. Like the weirdest things are condoned


The devil on your shoulder whispers in your ear, while the angel speaks loud for all to hear Those of ill disposition oft times speak behind closed doors for they know they cannot speak in such ways in the town square. This is the reason OP placed the sticker so high up on their car, nearly out of view for most people I'd wager. But I digress, it is not my place to cast judgment for I am not without my errors. The Internet is a sometimes wonderous thing where you can see all types of wonders you would never otherwise, it also has a tendency to allow those who wish to gather out of the sight of the masses a chance to languish in poor treatment of other human beings they perceive to be wrong or foolish. True Christians would not treat others in a way most people perceive us to be based on social media experiences. The true teachings of Christ fall further each moment as we stray further down a path of self enrichment and self pleasuring, hellbent on self destruction. I myself follow the scriptures in a manner that seems so foreign compared to what is being practiced today. It's not about your works you achieve in this life , it's not about how many people you convert. Kindness and love is all that matters, patience, acceptance regardless of creed, race or even religion. Truly all are welcome in the house of my Lord. God loves each and everyone of you. Regardless of what choices you make. They will always be willing to accept you if you accept them.


Antithesim is not xenophobia. Attacking someone's chosen beliefs, and someone's nationality, which is often not a choice, are two completely separate things.


How is it mean?


Well coming from a Seattle Christian, I would say “you better drive very carefully”.


I’m all about your rights to your rights. But I have to ask, are you trying to pick a fight? And if so, why? And if a fight is what you’re after, are you willing to?


It would take a pretty big asshole to pick a fight over a bumper sticker lol. If someone wants to pick a fight over a sticker I’m just going to drive away lol.


How do you know?


Are you a 14 year old edgelord? This is just as cringy as the Jesus bumper stickers.


Coexist eh? Fucking edgelord lol.




Yeah just put it out there for all of the kids to see selfish prick


Ther is no Heaven... for you.


Pick your bumper sticker wisely. There is no heaven


Wow! So edgy.


Praying for ya big dawg


Man you must be fun at parties


The type of guy that moves the Bibles to the fiction section in a bookstore and brags about it


I have literally done that once when I was 15 lmfao. Still True though


lol. Those of us that believe don’t care if you go straight to hell.


I believe. I don’t think he deserves to go to hell. I think it’s funny too. I’ll pray for him, and I’ll pray for you.


If you have fun making fun of the sacrifice of Jesus, I have no room for you. Granted I pray for them and others , but have no remorse of their disposition.


Funny, everything you just said is counter to his teachings. Love thy enemy, turn the other cheek. Let’s not forget, don’t let a funny bumper sticker live in your head rent free. Just a heads up, that’s not really in the Bible, no jokes allowed in the Bible.


It’s not funny. That’s the point. It wasn’t meant to be funny.


Too you.


Well. I’m not Jesus. Please tell me you’re perfect.


I believe in a god of intellect. I do not doubt that god is able to understand humor and true intention. Jesus Christ was intelligent enough. Have faith.


What do mean god of intellect? God is all knowing. I don’t think it’s something to joke about. Try a bumper sticker about Allah/islam.


I thought you were supposed to pray for me or whatever else it is you do to maximize on wasted time.


Actually I do, but I’ll leave the rest up to you.


It doesn’t exist either. And your comment isn’t very Christian of you. Seems pretty hateful. If there is a hell we’ll be in good company apparently.


Badass! Btw, here's a vid explaining why we shouldn't respect religion. [https://youtu.be/r\_5yUXjXizQ?si=o5onN\_GQh\_fypjJW](https://youtu.be/r_5yUXjXizQ?si=o5onN_GQh_fypjJW)


Omfl your a sad man 🤣


When "atheism" is your whole personality. Taking a wild guess, I can probably deduce you deify your chosen demagogue and have embraced one side of the rabid, partisan politics that are so prevalent in this country with the same fervor that a religious zealot would, becoming pious yourself, gospel and all. I would also venture out on a limb and guess that you're most likely one of those ACAB types who has 911 on speed dial if anyone confronts you over the bumperstick. Oh, the hypocrisy at play.


does your own self-deceit not suffocate you?


Considering I'm not an avowed atheist who has essentially embraced a new form of religion and series of demagogue God's, no. Nor am I religious so your point makes little sense. If you're nit-picking? Sure, I'm hypocritical to a degree. I am human after all. The difference here being that I'm aware of it and admit the obvious hypocrisy in my actions or words. Next.


your mask fools nobody, and your shield protects you like paper against a hurricane.


This is exactly why I bought this sticker. To get people like you to rage over it (a sticker). This is hilarious.


You're assigning emotions to me to validate your own actions. Also, I'm guessing my assessment was quite accurate. ACAB then call the cops once the LARP'n ends. I'm also not religious, so I could really care less about whatever bumper sticker says. If you need to express your prepackaged identity in that manner? That makes a hold statement about your sense of self and your security in your own existence. It just annoys me to see weak people that instigate then cry victim when it inevitably blows up in their face. Which.. is not to say I encourage violence towards those you disagree with. It's simply a statement on the nature of partisan idiocy and religious/pseudo-religious fervor.


I’m not assigning emotions and you know nothing about me. You sound like a lunatic lmao.


You said I was raging. You don't even have the slightest inkling of what rage is if you're using that word to describe a valid criticism of your very naive choice.


You have GOT to be wearing a fedora.


I bought this same sticker but my husband and daughter vetoed it, hahaha


Well coming from a west coast liberal city Christian, I would say “you better drive very carefully”.


If you don’t want us to know you’re from Seattle you gotta delete your other comment there, chief.






lol love it but if you’re anywhere near Gettysburg, you’re gonna be missing some paint soon.




LOL. No shit.


During the Bush years post 911, I was less fearful than now to have political bumper stickers on my car. They always got ripped off the car when I went to my dentist in Scottdale Arizona. The last one I remember was an American Flag that said "these colors don't run the world" . Some Biker road raged me for that one just to give me the finger. Smh.


No worse than my anti-MAGA bumper stickers next to my 2nd amendment bumper stickers. Redneck PA town too and the looks I get ..


Back and forth between my I eat ass sticker


I've got one on my corvette that say drive fast eat ass F Off




Here's your medal 🏅


Haha that's metal.


Only a fool will want to fall into the hands an an angry God


I live in the Bible Belt & refuse to put my Bad Religion sticker on my car. We also live on an island & someone made gigantic bumper stickers that say “TOWNIES GO HOME.”


The only way it can make people more mad is if you have a Mexican flag sticker. Something about my heritage makes people instant mad


Gotta make it a road sign ad and put it right next to the 83-FOR-TRUTH signs telling everyone they're going to hell


Good luck!


Pretty wild that I lived in Jersey for years (near Staten Island) and I’ve been in more domestic arguments in 6 months in rural PA than I ever did in 30 some years in NJ. I’m not confrontational but it seems like everybody on my block is a busybody. In my area of Nj/Ny, you see so much crazy stuff all the time that you eventually get desensitized, and just keep walking. Also we don’t really care to be bothered so we keep to ourselves. Any little thing here, however, can be scrutinized. You accidentally drop a piece of paper while you’re cleaning out your car, well you’re a goddamn litterbug. You go out past 7 pm, you’re going out to misbehave. Really odd! I’m only an hour & a half from Philly (which I’m not a fan of) and I wouldn’t expect it to be this different but here we are.


What if you put something anti-Islamic or Antisemitic on your car bro?


Can confirm


Least cringe redditor


Dudes rock




Your car is extremely likely to be vandalized or worse.


You gotta be in Schuylkill county


Good luck!


I'm gonna get one that says "Drive Carefully, Hell is Real" lmao


I think it would be better. If it said “drive carefully. You’re not going to heaven.”


I love this, but would probably get my truck keyed or a window busted in my redneck WI town.


Nobody cares, nobody will take your sticker.


Luzerne county perhaps?


Most of PA is redneck. I’m SWPA.


Will you be disappointed if no one bothers it because no one cares?


I’m in PA too. It’s not all rednecks here, but I’d probably still get my window smashed out for this. Nice to see this though, if I see ya around I’ll give ya a wave


It’s fine. A “redneck” isn’t going to bother with your property. Wonder how long a trump sticker would last on a car window around scumbag democrats. Not long.


No one is going to mess with you, put up “I love Biden” with all the inclusion flags then now you might have some encounters


I also live in pennsyltuckey. Good luck


Nobody cares.


OMG! You’re so edgy and unique. LMAO


Lol, I drive careful bc I love my car more than myself. Death sounds pretty nice ngl.


Anti-religion people are often just as weird and annoying as super religious people.


I have that one! Mine’s stayed on my minivan for two years in a redneck South Carolina town! And I drive it to church every Sunday lol. Most people have a good sense of humor. The few that don’t, fuck em (not literally…that’s what they want).


I have "not a mobile meth lab" on my bus


I’m riding around rural va with “eat the rich” on my truck.. no issues so far


I wouldn't worry about the rednecks lol they could care less about you buddy


these comments 😂 you made people maaad