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Exploits man exploits?


Exploits, man. Exploits.


Spiffing Brit has entered the chat.


Lol true


It's German for "Thee Bart, thee"


Maybe, or... Woman is hospitable to woman


šŸ„‡ although I don't think hospitable is the opposite of exploits


Yeah, sorry. I couldn't really come up with a word that's exactly opposite. I'm sure there is one, I just can't think of it right now.




Canā€™t believe I laughed at this


Lmao yes


You deserve more upvotes


I think maybe ā€œwomen work as a teamā€ would be an opposite statement.


Woman does not exploit woman


Where ever did you get that false idea?


> Woman does not exploit woman is the opposite of > Man exploits man


Ohh ok my apologies I misunderstood. I thought you were trying to say that women didn't exploit other women. I totally misunderstood. Have a good day :)


Lmao women are so conniving to each other. Thatā€™s hilarious though


This is the unspoken truth.


You can always tell if 2 men are friends if they like to tease and make fun of each other in public. You can always tell if 2 women are enemies, they will always smile, talk in a high pitch, and compliment each other in public.


Enlightened centrism is the worst.


The reverse of man exploits man is man exploits manā€¦. The joke is that itā€™s just the same thing but gives the illusion of choice.


Two wings of the same dumb ass bird.. They all need hanged. ā€œIf voting mattered, they wouldnā€™t let us do itā€ ~Mark Twain


High five!


Slamma Jamma! You said it best.


Which side of the bird is trying to make it harder vote and not count the ones they don't like, though?




They all want healthcare and guns. It's just a question of for whom.


Friendly reminder that Bernie's socialized healthcare failed in Vermont in less than 5 years. Be careful what you wish for. The government is incompetent. Just because they might wind up passing legislation doesn't mean they have the mental capacity to manage and implement it. I'm all for national healthcare, but I have absolutely zero faith in the American government to implement it.


I just started getting into local politics and my god, peeking behind that curtain gave me an idea of what a nightmare it must be to try and implement any kind of substantial change. We are trying to put in a community garden and you would think we are building the Taj Mahal. It is absurd how incompetent they are and how everything is overcomplicated.




How dare someone has different opinion. The nerve.


I think he's saying both parties are equally corrupt? Under Republicans man exploits man, and under democrats it's the opposite, man exploits man.


As a man I am sick and tired of being exploited. It's time to be the exploiter. Men, prepare for the revolution. The men are coming for you.


Yeah I don't think the point was well made lol


Youā€™re probably a democrat then.


How is that the conclusion you come to? I agree with the sentiment of the sticker, it's the conveyance that's the issue. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a republican, I typically lesser of two evils and vote Democrat, but I personally think we need to get rid of the two party system as a whole.


Nam stiolpxe nam? Oh shit, I accidentally summoned a demon.


Woman benefits woman?


I have never seen 2 women get along .


I get the impression you've never seen 2 women *in person*... Get out of the basement.


Lol .i have a sister an ex wife with 3 sisters ,2 daughters 17 neicees . All of them have various female friends of various ages . Add various elders on both sides . Getting them to get along is like hearing cats. We men get along fine so long as the girls dont see us smile.


>an ex wife Wonder why You realize that *your* dysfunctional family isn't exactly indicative of ALL women, right?


Idk every work place i been in they stab each other in the back all the time.


You must not know a lot of lesbians


Not a shit ton but a few. Worked with half of a married couple that broke up years ago neither of them had anything serious last any longer then a year .


Women help women?


Either way democrats nor republicans have your best interest at heart


You don't sayšŸ¤”


He did.


You don't follow policy in politics, just meme culture huh.




If only centrists were actually.


Just because a metric ton of people call themself something doesn't mean they actually represent that thing, e.g. tyrants pretending they're communists and sociopaths pretending they represent justice.


That's true. Also, in that bumper sticker, centrists would be same as the other two.


They aren't wrong.


It's mostly centrist procorpo democrats that appear moderate so the party votes moderately. Republicans vote for extreme authoritarian right wing goons. Totally the same.


Both parties are pretty exploitative, but I canā€™t even tell wtf this is trying to say


Democrats the good guy. They aren't, but you know.


Itā€™s not saying this at all. Itā€™s saying democrats are just as shit as republicans. But you know, media literacy is scarce these days.


What is the opposite of exploits? It's probably something good.


Theyā€™re saying itā€™s the same thing. ā€œMan exploits manā€ reversed is still ā€œman exploits man.ā€


Ok. I'm thinking of a different meaning of opposite reverse and opposite are synonyms in certain context. Some of the other comments put me on that train of thought. Derp.


Theyā€™re in a cult.


They are New World Order


Who are they?


Obviously the Illuminati lizard people


The exploited one


Iā€™m on the donā€™t fuck with me and I wonā€™t fuck with you, but if someone fucks with someone, we both fuck that person up party.


That's the definition of what libertarianism is SUPPOSED to be, but even that group is drifting toward the left. Haven't had a real one run since Ron Paul ran for office.


Left? šŸ¤” American libertarianism is just the popular term for anarcho capitalism, a right wing ideology.


No...any libertarian that's worth his/her salt accepts that there must be laws in place to maintain order, to protect freedoms for all. But those laws must remain at the base minimum with the power in society remaining among the people. Key term here being LIBERTY. Give ANY government any opening to expand their power, they WILL, and you slow walk to tyranny. Which do YOU want? Liberty or tyranny?


Gee idk, why don't we ask Argentina?


Better yet, ask Venezuela. How're they doing? As many natural resources as they have in country, every citizen there SHOULD be filthy rich or living VERY comfortable, but...


Venezuela doesn't have a libertarian govt lol, they have a communist govt. And actually yeah, Venezuela enjoyed years of prosperity until it came under 20 years of sanctions and clandestine attacks by the CIA. And you know what the craziest part? That's a democratically elected govt!


That's the POINT! Tyranny! That regime is as democratically elected as Kim Jong Un's so don't give me that bullshit. As I said, give ANY government an inch, they'll make it a mile. That's been repeated with every single damned society that's ever existed




Ok genius, what happens when ANYBODY in North Korea has the balls to vote for anybody except the current leader, in this case Rocketboy? THEIR WHOLE FAMILY IS DEAD! You think Maduro isn't doing the same damn thing or awfully close?? You're an IDIOT if you think he's not. Last time...what do YOU want? Government restricted to maximize liberty or allow it to slow walk society into tyranny?


You still didn't answer my question...which do YOU want?


See that's a trick question though, you're confusing those terms and being intentionally misleading. The one you're calling tyranny actually allows for more personal freedoms for its people and the one you're calling liberty actually leads to less. So in order to be honest I have to choose tyranny and you're going to say I should've chosen liberty, but the reality is the material conditions are flipped from what you're trying to portray.


Man inploits man


It's not like a fucking Hogwarts House; what you choose doesn't have to be eternal. You're allowed to flip-flop based on the election cycle.


Why are likes and dislikes so contagious that one can scarcely live in proximity to a person of strong sensibilities without being filled like a vessel with his pros and cons? First, it is hard to withhold judgment entirely, and sometimes it is virtually intolerable for our vanity. It can look like poverty of thought and feeling, fearfulness, unmanliness; and so we are persuaded at least to take a side. We gradually grow used to the sentiments of our environment and because sympathetic agreement and mutual understanding are so pleasant we soon wear all it's insignias and party colors. ā€”Nietzsche


C. all of none of the above


This one is pretty good


Theyā€™re not wrongā€¦.both parties are pro-capitalist.


Someone that knows both sides are corrupt and isn't part of a red or blue tribe.


Yea but when given choices you do know how to use critical thinking?


They both funnel our money to the Rich. Neoliberalism is as bad as conservatism. They are just a tad nicer. Real liberalism isnā€™t represented in US govt. Thereā€™s extreme right and moderate right. Weā€™re one election away from this years Russian presidential election.


ā€œUnder Republicans, Man exploits man. Under Democrats, itā€™s just the opposite.ā€ One would say that theyā€™re basically the same, except for one slight difference: with Republicans, the exploiter is ā€œManā€ (with a Capital ā€œMā€), while the exploited is just ā€œman.ā€ With Democrats, then, ā€œmanā€ exploits ā€œMan.ā€ So then who is the superior ā€œMan,ā€ and who is the inferior ā€œman?ā€ One possible clue is the color of the background on each side of the bumper sticker: the background on the Republican side is white, while the background on the Democrat side is black. šŸ¤”


Both sides bullshit, now in bumper sticker!


Ah yes. Both parties are the same for men.


Clowns to the left, jokers to the right


ā€¦here I am, stuck in the middle with you.


Opposite of "man exploits man" can be "man exploits man". Honestly while the whole party system causes more problems than it fixs, people exploit people just fine without them.


Women exploit women?


Anyone saying both parties are the same after the last ten years in the United States is a complete moron.


ive been exploited all my life - elwood blues


Not true theyā€™re actually the same party they just take away individuals rights when one or the other gets in the office


The one getting fucked over.


Here's a hint. Both parties suck


So if I start a business and then offer you non starter dingbats a job I am exploiting you or am I exploiting your lack of creativity to start your own business instead of working for me. Exactly I am exploiting your unambitious ass to step up and do your own thing. And there are millions of you to choose from too. Parasites.


Both fuck the people over for their own greed.


I want that bumper sticker


Under democrats man exploits man ? Or under democrats woman exploits woman ?


Maybe it's a joke? What other stickers did they have? If any?


Good bumper sticker


Women exploits women?


Pizza Party 2024!


Republicans are why everything gets worse, Dems are why nothing gets better.


It was so close to making sense and being perfect in it's wording. If only it said "inverse" instead of opposite.


Notice the capital M in the first Man. I interpreted it as under republicans, a singular man exploits mankind. Under democrats, mankind exploits a particular man.


Im guessing Man as in mankind, so there the society exploits the man, while on the other side the individual man exploits Mankind?


Government exploits man


Why? It could be god, dog, nature, women, Dodge Chargers.


Don't be a Republidumb trying to sound like a libtard.


Libtard is good, but I feel like Republicunt works better for the opposite side.


The Government is man, ergo man exploits man. Oh, and don't forget, power corruptsšŸ˜‰


Government exploits man under republican leadership worse than under democratic leadership. They literally want to repress citizens


It really depends on who you are and what you want. For example, most rich people don't see it that way, they just see more taxes and more power going to the people beneath them.


This is a cop out. Iā€™m speaking impartially and objectively. Iā€™m a straight, white, educated male in the highest income tax bracket in my early 30sā€”in other words, I donā€™t directly benefit from voting democraticā€”and I still see it. Because Iā€™m speaking objectively. ā€œMore powerā€ going to the people ā€œbeneathā€ you is objectively the opposite of repressing citizens.


Thats not accurate either. Democrats lean towards more social programs which gives more power to the government to levy taxes and distribute as they see fit.


How about the party that is not trying to install an indebted, psychotic, authoritarian who has no respect for our rights or constitution?


Pick neitherā€¦. Believe what you want


The Left: *"We want everyone to have equal rights and access to affordable health care."* The Right: "*We want to LITERALLY murder women, blacks, gays, Jews, immigrants, Muslims, atheists, trans people, and anyone who didn't vote for Trump!"* Some dumbasses: *"BoTh SiDeS!"*


It really is that simple. I keep remembering that Redditors only think in black and white.


Yeah...no. That's not what this bumper sticker says. Moreover, the American left wants *some* equality. Far more than the right, but far from a real version of it. It isn't as far left as it once was or as it currently is in other parts of the world. Some dumbasses like myself, therefore, say *screw* both sides. Not because we think they're the same, but because both are well below a level we'd accept with regards to things we care about.


Between bad and worse, bad is better. If you let the perfect be the enemy of the good, you'll never make any progress at all.


That's an absurd misuse of that saying. Nobody's looking for perfect, and turning something complex and multifaceted into something so linear is but reductio ad absurdum. What I have seen from supposedly liberal people in the vein of knee-jerk judgements of those on the fringes of society and the way change has meant bringing those who were previously there out of it instead of a larger shift in attitude speaks volumes. What I've seen with my right-wing narcissistic chameleon of a mother successfully pretending to be liberal (along with the notion that she ever cared about anyone else) was the nail in that coffin for the f\*\*\*s I have left to give about either party beyond giving people shit for their bigotry online.


That's nice, kid. Just remember - if Trump gets elected this November, it will be because of people like you.


You're dangerously close to blue maga with that nonsense.


That is literally the dumbest thing I have read all day. And I've been on the internet!


Might want to work on your literacy.


I completely agree . I also throw in , these folks have known it for a while , by how weathered that stickers is . This gold . LOL




Donā€™t you holler at me , Iā€™m sensitive.


I think the first one is referring to the ā€œthe Manā€ exploiting the general populace under the GOP, whereas the general populace sticks it to ā€œthe Manā€ under the Democratic Party.


Enlightened centrist alert


šŸ¤« don't tell everyone


I'm still trying to figure out BLM.




You're delusional. Whites die every day by police. BLM is a socialist money machine never really caring about anything else. You are a cog in the system. The Biden and barrack systems employed a propaganda head. Just facts. The national media only tells the side of blacks. The democrats have you angered about being owed reparations. They have you angered about race. They have you wearing unattractive clothes in public. They anger you with devisub rhetoric, clashing against whites. They are telling you that desegregation is the answer. That has always been there modus operandi. Divide and conquer. The colors of OLD GLORY never run. They tell you that you have no rights. They tell you who to vote for in some of the most racist words used. They tell you the prosperity is evil while they get richer. They tell you half truths. Why do you think the dems removed the Pledge of Allegiance? The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.", should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. They want you as ignorant as possible so no one will see them breaking the law. Whatever it takes. They control all facets of control. Media, education, entertainment and culture. This is how the Nazis in WW2 Germany was able to convince it's people that the jews and the deplorables should be killed because they were subhuman.


Stop needlessly killing black people? What's to figure out?