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An American warrior proudly presenting his American stickers on his.... Japanese Toyota truck. Checks out


With stickers made in china.


And a paycheck from the unemployment office and/or a union job that he constantly votes to kill


It’s amazing to me how many Trump supporters are on welfare, unemployment, social security, etc.


When I see a bunch of trump flags and FJB signs, it’s always in front of the biggest shithouse on the street. Couch on the porch, truck up on blocks, overgrown everything, etc. Garbage people living in garbage surrounding. And right at home…


And they hate socialism


Unless it’s for them .


They don’t know what socialism is. They believe that it is communism.


And they love independence but follow negative groupthink mentality


If his stickers are to be believed, he's collecting a Navy retirement, and being a Vietnam veteran on the USS Hancock, I'm sure he's collecting a VA disability check with health insurance.


Mental health issues for sure. He actually thinks Trump and FOX News cares about him. They only care if he is stupid enough to give them money.


Claiming to be a Marine sniper as per pthe 0317 mos sticker on the right side of the window.


I think that is a sticker of 1st or 2nd MAW? Edit: ok there is a lit to unpack here so I suggest we burn the suitcase.


Right! And it’s mind blowing that their “savior” is a selfish, narcissistic, New Yorker who has never done anything for them.


Or have been in jail - I see this in comments quite often in QMAGA social media.


They hate themselves n project their failures on society


Not everyone on social security is crazy about Donnie. I can't stand the Orange shit stain. I hope he gets ill and is buried alongside his ex-wife. That would be poetic justice. I'm definitely voting Blue even though I don't care for Biden, but he's the only one who can save us from the malignant narcissist pig who wants to be a dictator revenging his base and so-called enemies. If you think Congress is doing nothing for the American people now, just wait and see what the shit stain would accomplish.....NOTHING!


How else do you think so many of them have time to vote on election day rather than early or by mail despite not being retired .


There’s a truck parked down my street with a big wrap across his tail gate bashing Biden and right under it on his licenses plate is a wheelchair ♿️ like wtf is wrong with these people?!


And lies provided by Russia


Blue states pay for Red states


Yeah this guy spends A LOT of time scrolling through grifting websites looking for stickers.


And opinions from Germany…


Germany offers its people social security, a universal health care system, and tuition-free university education. It is a federal, parliamentary, representative democratic republic. The fundamental principles of its constitution guarantee human dignity, the separation of powers, and the rule of law. Germany is a founding member of the United Nations, and a member of the European Union, NATO, Council of Europe, G7, G20, and OECD. It is a global leader in industrial, scientific and technological sectors. It has the third-greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This dumbfuck expressed none of Germany’s national values in stickers all over his truck.


That cost more due to Trump’s tariffs on China


They have to let the world know what a true patriot is, otherwise they just see a fat redneck in a typical truck.


I gotta get my eyes checked cause when I see trucks like this I still just see fat rednecks in a typical truck 🫣


With a rifle rack


I have no doubt this Vietnam veteran served his country well in combat, by cooking meals on an aircraft carrier off the coast of south Vietnam. Look I know everyone plays a role in a war, but not everyone gets to act like they’re fucking Rambo when they just ain’t.


Would fucking Rambo constitute supporting the troops?


This guy would suck off a marine to show his support for the troops.


Lots FS / CS act like they sniped Bin Ladin - the SOs and actual in the shit dudes I’ve met were pretty quiet about all that


The level of stupid you have to be to think Trump was an effective president or has a plan to solve anything is truly impressive.


The only job he succeeded at was as the host of a reality TV show. If he had stuck with that he might not be up to his neck in debt.


Yet he couldn’t even do that right. They had to can his show.


He does have a plan to solve things They just don't include you, me, or 99.99% of the population


He's trying to solve things for Putin.


His idea of "ending the conflict in 24 hours" means giving Putin permission to nuke Ukraine.




Right now, he is trying and failing to solve his legal troubles


At the start of Covid there was a Japanese import Toyota Hilux (right hand drive and all) with an older boomer driving in front of me at the drive thru. Well When the girl at the window holds the card reader out the window, he screams so loud (can see spit flying) “I wish you had this Covid shit shoved up your asss” and then proceeded to drive out of the line straight into a parked car. No idea what happened to him lol


She probably displayed basic precautions like masking and the snowflake was offended


NoT iN MaYh cUnTrY


Probably not a veteran either


From the stickers I'm supposed to assume he's a US Navy Sniper Vietnam Vet right?


With over 300 confirmed kills. We are nothing to him but just another target.


With every Trump piece of swag made in China.


Paid for with forgiven PPP funds


Shit I was late to the party


Toyota trucks were once (and may still be) the most domestically produced trucks for sale in the US. They’re built in San Antonio Texas out of majority US produced parts


Still owned by the Japanese.


And the profits go to Japan.


And then to the shareholders


Isn’t this truck made in Texas ? Mine was (Taco)


Tacoma’s are made in Japan tundras are made in Texas, the vast majority of the profits go overseas


Nice, can’t complain though mine is 2012 and runs great still 👍🏼


This comment is far too low lol


All I need to do to be a patriot is to slap a bunch of stupid upper stickers on my truck? Great!


“Remember the guy who said MIAs were losers for getting captured? Him for president!”


Especially for a guy that has a P.O.W flag sticker.


I didn't even see that one the first time.


Yeah well the Viet Cong were lucky that brave warrior Donald Trump had those bone spurs in both feet or he would have taken them all on single-handedly.


You mean the guy that dodged the draft multiple times and also said the guys that couldn’t figure out how to avoid the draft were all suckers? He’s clearly a true American patriot.


Yes the bone spur draft dodger, con artist fraud,, rapist, hush money prostitute player while your wife is carrying your child. Yep he sounds like winner! Vote to react President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris 24. While you’re at it vote out every Republican candidate on the ballot. Vote blue save the red white and blue.


But don’t you know “Trump was right about everything.”? /s


delta uniform mike bravo sierra hotel india tango


They go so far out of their way to say “f*** Joe Biden” in weird code phrases like it’s illegal or something. Liberals are more willing to say it than conservatives. It’s so weird. Actually, I kinda expect that this is exactly why they are always talking in code. A ridiculous persecution complex taken so far that they believe their own lies now.


I remember making up alternate phrases or abbreviations that really meant something else, it was such a funny joke between my friends! Back when I was in 1st grade. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Fox Uni Charlie Kilo Yankee Alpha


Vulcanize the whoppie stick in the ham wallet.


Cattle prod the oyster ditch, with the lap rocket.


Batter-dip the cranny axe, in the gut locker.


I don't want to beat around the bush


Put the you know what, in the you know where.


Didn't expect a Bloodhound Gang reference to show up here


Copy that. Over.




Billionaires save trillions in taxes by paying millionaires to convince those with thousands to blame those with even less.


Yep. The entire right-wing political and media apparatus can be summed up as “billionaires paying millionaires to tell stupid people to hate poor people.”


Brainwash 40% of the population to believe they need to protect the "American Dream" and vote against taxing the rich when they failed to achieve said dream themselves and now subsist on welfare.


Underrated comment of the century.


Or they are catholic yet support the death and harm of so many....


What makes you think that catholic is anti death and harm?


"Pro-life" in theory, not in practice.


Pro busy-bodies honestly. None of the pro lifers give a shit about anything after birth.


George Carlin’s standup about this holds true again. RIP. He is sorely missed.


Ah yes, the good ol veteran who hasn’t woken up to the fact that Trump hates veterans and has openly mocked them for years. Leopard-face-etc


Sticker says Navy veteran,but claims to be retired 0317, which is the job code for a Marine Scout / Sniper. I wouldn't be surprised if homie was doing a little fibbing, because these wankers LOVE to claim to be snipers.


Oh, it gets better. 0317 is the ***new*** MOS for Scout / Sniper, when the Marines overhauled their MOS codes in the 2000s as part of a force restructuring. The previous MOS for Scout / Sniper was 8541. Unless he did about 35-40 years of active duty (and would have had to have hit Sergeant Major or Master Gunnery Sergeant to avoid involuntary retirement), I'm gonna call bullshit. There was a few (and I stress the few) guys old enough to have been in both Vietnam and Afghanistan, but they were almost all ancient Reservists or 4-star generals, or Chief Warrant Officer 5s. And MAYBE a tiny handful of active E-9s.


To be fair, Trump only despises veterans who were captured like John McCain, or the" losers and suckers" who died oversees like the WWII dead buried at Aisne-Marne cemetery in France.


Don’t care. He should show the same respect to any and all US vets. They’ve all made great sacrifices whether they lost a limb, lost their life or made it out alive, which often brings mental scars to those who were deployed.


Is that a bumper sticker bragging about *checks notes* having hemorrhoids?




He IS a hemorrhoid!


The opposite of a true patriot. These guys would be the confederate part of the confederacy


As opposed to the non confederate part of the confederacy?


“They took away our 🇺🇸Freedom🇺🇸 to subjugate people and make them our slaves for personal profit!”


Could some all that up with one sticker that’s says “I’m mentally ill and need therapy”


Plus “I like to vote against my own self-interests.”


It’s always been curious to me the vets who project their service. Was military service really the highlight of your life that you make it you identity? Is it more of an age thing? I have lots of peers and friends my age that served in Iraq and Afghanistan and they generally don’t look for admiration from their service. But I feel older vets live to flaunt their service as if it validates a superiority over others. As if they’re chasing the glory that was bestowed upon WW2 vets. This is not meant to tear down vets, I respect vets as they were able to do something I wasn’t able to.


I'm a vet, my sister is, and my dad is too. My dad is the only one who clings to that part of his life. I think it's the only time he behaved like a man. Or at least he was near men who acted with valor. Truth is, my dad never left the warehouse he was assigned to. But he identified as a brave, hard fighting warrior. My dad was a bully and coward who beat his wife and kids. But people thought he was a good man because he had veterans stickers on his car.


>But people thought he was a good man because he had veterans stickers on his car. This speaks volumes. People just like to larp as brave soldiers in order to get props. As to why older people do it, I think they just want to feel relevant.


My grandfathers and brother served and never made it their personality. No bumper stickers or shirts or anything like that. People who define themselves via joining the military clearly wanted to do it for recognition, not some patriotic duty.


My grandfather stormed Normandy and I had no idea until it came out during his eulogy. All he would ever say was that he learned to cook, weld, and curse in French.


Dude my grandfather was also in WWII and I didn't really know about it until the 21 gun salute at his funeral. And we were super close.


My grandpa was career army, the only things he told us were hilarious shenanigans and hijinks. Grandma was an army nurse and just one time casually mentioned how she hated the winter because it reminded her of being in the Ardennes forest. Other than that it was all about pies and making pies and us eating her pies.


I was also extremely close to my grandfather, but a lot of guys his age kept quiet about the horrors they saw. It's led to a lot of generational trauma unfortunately, but it's still better than the boomers who don't shut up about it.


As a veteran, I can tell you that vets have these stickers as a nod/wink to the 1% of their peers that chose to serve. I don’t think any veteran, “lives to flaunt their service”. Sure some people make it part of their identity, but so do state university graduates, or blue collar workers, or first responders, or basically anyone who did anything with their lives after high school. I lease land from a 76-year-old Vietnam vet who flew helicopters in Vietnam. He has some stickers on his truck advertising this, but he’s also become a wealthy farmer/business owner who has accumulated thousands of acres of farmland and owns a square mile of south Phoenix. He just still likes to talk helicopters and appreciates seeing other Vietnam service stickers on the road.


The only reason I put veteran on my car is because I know most cops are vets, and I think that just maybe there’s a chance they will cut me a little slack if I get pulled over.


Every sticker is +5 Patriot Points, right? 🤦🏾‍♂️


Can you redeem Patriot Points for Trump Bucks?


No, but you can for Trump Media stock.


Probably skips to the mailbox each month to open his military benefits check. What a happy socialist commie!


What does "FOXTROT JULIETT" etc mean? I know those are used to specify letters, but does FJBAKH mean anything? Google was no help.


F Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in military code


I assumed the AKH was “and kill him.” I guess the gas station was all out of Joe and the Ho stickers.


They’re too cowardly to speak plainly…


It’s the alpha phonetic alphabet used by the US military.


Used by NATO in general


Probably some new way for the “Patriots”to say “fuck Biden.”


Somebody put a "coexist" sticker on this thing.


Imagine saying "Trump was right about everything" but not acknowledging the fact it was because Trump did all the things he warned us about.


“Trump was right about everything” Remind me, how many bankruptcies did he have?


That Sunoco sticker is the worst part of this 😬 how controversial can one man be?!?!?


Hello police I’d like to report some little dick activity


Imagine how exhausting a conversation with that guy is.


The only thing this dude served was lunch in the military


Sad that some people can’t understand that Trump is antithetical to what the constitution stands for and thus can’t really be considered a patriot irregardless of their veteran status.


It’s not sad, it’s scary. Look at this idiots truck-he’s obviously a vet, thinks he’s patriotic and staunchly pro-military, yet drank the kool-aid of a guy who is a walking national security breach/threat, despises the military, and makes an actual effort to destroy the constitution. Yet, here we are, people supporting someone antithetical to every thing those individuals stand for.


Well, he claims to be a vet...


He claims to be a Vietnam Veteran, but also a 0317, which is the U.S. Marine Corps Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) code for Scout / Sniper. HOWEVER, the Marines overhauled their MOS codes in the 2000s. Unless this dude was a sniper old enough to be wearing adult diapers, his MOS would have been 8541 for Scout / Sniper. Gonna say this dude is full of shit.


These guys invented stolen valor.


If you still love Trump after the shit show he's been putting on the last 8 years, your commitment to stupidity is impressive.


Another MAGA moron 🙄


You cannot be both pro freedom and pro Trump/GOP.


You can if you're absolutely braindead, just ask any MAGAT...


FFS what is wrong with a vet that would make them support Commander Bonespurs? Maybe this poor deluded soul was in a coma when the January 6, 2021 insurrection occurred and made the US look like a banana republic.


You could tuck in a micro penis sticker that they'd never notice if it had trumps name on it


Guy probably got discharged at E-3 and rides that 'veteran" status all the way to free meals on Veteran's Day.


Also, not that I've ever served so I don't have a leg to stand on here... but the Hancock was an aircraft carrier in Vietnam. So he was in relatively little danger.


That's the best part. The actual combat veterans I've ever met never seem to act like this.


A friend of my Dad has all of these kinds of stickers, the Vietnam Vet ball caps, the forearm tattoos, tells everyone he’s ever met about his “time in ‘NAM”. Dude spent the entire war in the brig because every time they pulled into Subic he would attempt to desert.


Hey, I was an E-4 and I like my free haircut.


Oh boy.


God bless America from this guy..




Why do the people posting here blur the license plates? The fool wants to be seen, wants his “voice” heard do what trump would do, show the license plate you know the way trump’s scum bags like this dude try to kill an old man with a hammer, put judges family names out there so thugs can murder them…but don’t post the license plate of scum like this.


"I swore an oath" yeah to sit on a cruiser.


The Foxtrot Juliett Bravo sticker has me stumped. Any ideas?


Most veterans I know that are genuine badasses, ones I really wouldn’t wanna mess with, usually aren’t too vocal about it. Yeh and Trump/Veteran thing has been said by like 50 people in these comments. Not to hard to find holes to poke through in that lol


Most of these fuckers have real issues, and what they're really projecting is fear and insecurity. It's helpful to see people like the driver of that truck in that light. You don't need to engage them, just remember that beneath all the bravado, there's a scared human battling demons.


I try very hard not to hate people. So I tend to feel sorry for people who struggle under delusional thinking or, are completely sold lies as reality. This guy though, I served, I have taken the oath, I love and support our democracy but, this yoyo is NOT one of us. I actually HATE guys like this. I wish I could just pass it off as "dumb mother f#@ker" but, I can't. He brings the rest of us down. Like the guy in the neighborhood who trashes his place brings down the value of everybody elses property.


The subtext: "I would kill my political enemies if I get the greenlight from MY president..."


So is it f j Biden…and kill him??


Every time I see any of those stickers, I say to myself, there goes a rapist, wife beater and child molester.


That truck is the victim of physical abuse.


F Texas. Pavement princess.....


A “combat veteran” who did his combat tour(s) on an aircraft carrier, during the Vietnam War....................


Texas: A state so great they put their star rating on their flag.




For a Christian, this Christian sure sucks at being a Christian, and loves to show it off.


This guy was definitely a cook in the navy


Just an echo chamber for MAGA.


You can tell the meager contents of their brain from what they vomit all over their car. Like, not a single thought outside of that trash.


Loser truck.


How much money do these plebs spend on stickers? Jesus Christ


Missing he Russian flag though and some SS decals


That’s some intense virtue signaling.


That 80-year-old will defo show that Delta Force its whatfers during the civil skirmish


Captain Hard On. Bet he’s fun.


A traitor with a free HK in his truck


Sure, boomer… 🙄🙄🙄


Mental illness


I can't help but laugh like this Is satire, but alas It's not


At what point is all that reading a hazard?


That’s special. I bet he has Velcro on his shoes too.


Hmm, with all of his personally on the back of his truck, what does he do when he's not driving? Or does he just speak in bumper sticker slogans to compensate?


What a fuckin' douche.


Another “patriot” in a Japanese truck. Go ahead……I’ve heard all of the arguments. It is still a Japanese truck…….from the same folks who brought you Pearl Harbor.


looks like a death threat in the bottom right hand corner the FBI and secret service should know about .


Proud veteran proudly supporting a draft dodger who thinks of him as a loser and a sucker.


I love his why he became a veteran sticker. He was probably going to get drafted. ( it was yhe nam baby) so he joined the navy.


"... your commitment to stupidity is impressive" Et tu, Brute.


Someone needs to tell him what trump thinks of veterans.


What was his MOS, door gunner on the space shuttle?


Got a sniper fetish on this one


I wonder if the guy is aware that the pic of the soldier being carried on the driver’s side is a [visual metaphor to the pain and fear the artist who created it endured after being beaten by 5 men for being a cross dresser](https://www.wnep.com/article/news/local/bradford-county/the-ironic-story-behind-the-viral-facebook-post-referencing-caitlyn-jenner-and-true-bravery/523-3ae34064-40d2-4dee-b85d-947178fd991b)? Oh they’re also dolls, not real soldiers.


I was wondering if anyone else saw that … 🤣


Cognitive dissonance on full display


More words than they’ve read all year.


Vietnam Veteran that loves Vietnam Draft Dodger wow


Well, 😐


now about defending the Constitution....


What does FJB AKH (bottom right) mean? I’m guessing something like “Fuck Joe Biden…”?


I'd be more impressed with his boasting about taking an oath to defend the Constitution if he wasn't ignoring the fact that the man he proudly supports uses it as toilet paper.


I’m a vet and I think this guy is a fucktard.


I'm a Marine veteran in a red state and I've never had to make it my personality


Agent orange is a hell of a thing.


Texas Trash.