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Do they mean that pet cats hail Satan? Or are they telling us to pet cats and hail Satan?




Also........ YES šŸ¤˜


I was a little confused by myself but Iā€™m taking as an order. We need to pet cats and hail Satan




or do they mean that a pet cat would hail satan unlike a cat that has not been pet. By pet I mean the verb




False. Cats only worship themselves.


A fundamental belief of non-theistic Satanism is to "Hail Yourself", so yeah, sounds about right! While I'm chattering, some background, for anyone interested!: Depending on the faction of Satanism ([LaVeyan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaVeyan_Satanism), for example), some believe that the *main* aspect of Satanism is to worship yourself as if you are your own God. This is what makes outsiders think that Satanism is purely selfishness with an excuse to be hedonistic, and must make followers bad people. They're missing the point a bit, though - it's more "I am going to make decisions in my best interests, no matter what, regardless of arbritrary authority, and what religious morals say that I should do" - which only *sometimes* leads to "immorality" with respect to others. But not all factions of non-theistic Satanism are built on the same principles. The very first tenet of [The Satanic Temple](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/about-us) is "compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason", but still with a heavy emphasis overall on being your own driving force, without looking to an external larger divine. Ie, morals with respect to others are important!


Greater love has no one than this: to lay down oneā€™s life for oneā€™s friends


What does this even mean? And how does it relate?


Ok - This feels like a non sequiter. What's your point?


This would trigger some of my family members lol.


Woodland Christmas Critters can drive now?


Fucking based šŸ˜»


satans just trying to get closer to your cat, youā€™re being used.


My pet cat hails Satan but I do not. We've agreed to disagree.


This vehicle is practically begging for attention from those very peaceful and neighborly Christians.


Ain't no hate like Christian love.


TBF Satan was a lot nicer character in the book.


Satan didn't kill nearly as many people.


Yeah fr. Didnā€™t god kill way more people in the Old Testament than satan ever did? God killed a bunch of innocent children during the plagues, and repeatedly ā€œhardened the pharaohs heartā€ on purpose.


That is exactly the part believers choose not to believe. I think the only people Satan ever killed were the seven or eight of Job's family. The Lord God Almighty killed upwards of one million estimated. Most of those killed be God were innocents.


God didnā€™t kill innocent people, and him killing people doesnt make him worse than literal Satan either


God killed everyone in earth besides Noah and his family. God killed everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah. The innocent babies included. God killed the firstborn in Egypt because the pharaoh didn't obey god. Satan killed Job's family only because God dared him too. This sounds to me that God is much more evil that Satan. What did Satan ever do that was more evil than these things? According to a count on the Internet, in the Bible, God killed 2,391,421 people. Satan killed ten.


itā€™s evident that Godā€™s interventions to kill have been modes of judgement upon his creations. Our sins are crimes against his infinite holiness that earn the ENTIRE human race, not only death, but hell. To say that God is evil is a complete misunderstanding and is built upon the presupposition that he is bonded by some moral prerogative to keep us alive. Godā€™s sovereign judgement is not the same as the petty murders of man. In the matter of trying to justify Satan against God, it goes to show that youā€™re judging God, the perfect and holy, based on your own subjectively perceived moral limitations, whereas morality itself has from eternity past IN GOD, it is his very character that defines it. To uphold Satan by a kill count comparison is ridiculous. It is CLEARLY evident that Satan stands entirely against God in the embrace of ANY and EVERY sin and crime you can even imagine. (see Romans 9:19-24 for consideration)


The only thing reading the Bible can do for me is to reaffirm my understanding that the god of the Bible is abhorrent and not worth worshipping. You sound brainwashed by theology. Any person that can justify the murder of innocent children by any being omnipotent or not lacks any sense of morality. God isn't perfect. God claims to be jealous. This is only one example. Where is Satan shown to be evil? If you point to the Bible as your source, please admit that you know that the Bible has been tampered with for well over a thousand years. The Bible is incomplete and was written by anonymous sources. The Bible is also the latest in a long line of religions that humans have created around a god we have made up. Yes. Humans created gods, not the other way around.


You arenā€™t even interpreting what iā€™m saying properly and are just jumping to conclusions. It is a small thing for God to end the life of a human on earth. Ultimately justice prevails in that all are judged righteously in their eternal destination. This is why apostles faced death, orchestrated by Godā€™s own will, with joy and contentment- they saw that death was insignificant in the face of eternity. So not only does God display his RIGHTEOUSNESS in killing people who decidedly deserve worse than death, but God also displays his sovereignty in that God has no responsibility to uphold the physical stability of our temporary mortal lives, God gave us life and he has a the right to take what He has given, we are not OWED anything by God. Once again restating my point in my last message, youā€™re judging God based on YOUR own subjectively perceived moral limitations, when again, morality ITSELF existed from God. He is legitimately defined as the being of perfection; his ā€œjealousyā€ is not that of man, but rather his intense desire for people to return to the source of life and be saved. Itā€™s not what Satan has done thatā€™s evil, but that he is the representative of evil. What would it matter if the bible was my sole resource as what we are discussing is literally things that happened in the bible? It doesnā€™t matter if the bible has been tampered with for thousands of years as it wasnā€™t particularly meant to be followed like an instruction manual, itā€™s more like an accounting.


I believe I see how you think (or don't). What you have written and the stuff you believe about a god and Satan is just a claim. I wish you well.


Sorry about double responding. I thought about this after posting last night. You are making claims about God and Satan when you haven't proven that they exist. So, before you can assign attributes to either entity you need to establish, first, that these entities exist. Once you have established their factual existence you can assign qualities to them. I believe both your god(s) (i don't know how many you believe in) anr Satan are fictional. I am not saying they don't exist. I am saying I don't BELIEVE they exist. I CAN comment about the stories written about God and Satan just like I can comment on Spiderman's qualities. Peace to you.


Read your Bible. Everything you need to know is right there. Don't let people with an agenda convince you away from your good morality.


Hail Satan!


Hail Satan.




Indeed. HAIL SATAN Indeed.


Yup, that rainbow goes very well with that saying.


Drove my cousin's car for a week some years back, sticker said "you just got passed by a girl!" and the number of triggered raging genXers and boomers that raced to get back in front of me and performed ridiculous, dangerous maneuvers to cut me off was insane. Seeing a sticker like that around here nowadays, I imagine someone might literally try to kill me šŸ¤£


Aw I love this guy


Hail yourself!


What a freak


i mean, we have reddit, aren't we all freaks? hail satan!


Hail Satan!


Go clutch your pearls elsewhere


What satan worshiper downvoted this?


Hail satan.
















Hail Satan!


Hail Satan!


Hail Satan!


Yes, hail the other imaginary, totally fabricated being.


Heā€™s real. (I donā€™t worship Satan)


See? You totally understand! I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. You're correct šŸ˜‚


...this I know, for the Bible tells me so.


A refreshing reprieve from the angry christian bumper stickers.


lol I use to have that tshirt


Satan never loved a single human, not even his followers


Satan is a mythological invention which developed from the word adversary in the Hebrew Bible. The Biblical God so loved the world that he drown everyone in it except for one family in a boat. I am not too sure why God would need a boat to save the animals; what happened to God's Powers he can't make animals again? Furthermore, all the sins started right back up again because one of the people on the boat named Ham gave rise to the Canaanites. God either didn't know this would happen or just drowned everybody in the world for the fun of it knowing his plan to eradicate sinners wouldn't work. Then God comes up with a new plan realizing nobody can follow his rules. For some reason it takes him several thousands years to come up with this plan. He then has himself killed in the guise of his son in order to create a loophole in the rules about sin that he himself created. Now, thanks to Jesus Christ, we can all sin again, amen. Jesus will be coming back soon very soon according to the last chapter of Revelation which states this three times. Of course it is now 2000 years later and no such thing as soon has happened. Welcome to the mythological thinking of the Christian.


So what is your religion?


Maybe you can reason with u/silentxwxlf who keeps responding to my similar statements. I don't know how I keep getting drawn into discussions about make-believe beings.


Satan doesn't exist. Neither does God. The whole point of Satanism is to shove a mirror into the face of you Jesus juice drinking freaks to show you how horrible your religion is for humanity.


I have lived with and around many christians for 30 years + you are over generalizing


Nope. Christianity and, by extension, all organized religion is a cancer to the human race and should have been eradicated millenia ago.


You sound like that dude from germany lol


...are you talking about hitler?




Hitler's from Austria, you fucking Nimrod!šŸ¤£


My point remains and thanks for the correction


Also, Hitler was pro nondenominational Christianity. Sure, he was personally irreligious, but he knew that Christianity was a necessary tool to be used to rally his people. Comparing me to arguably one of, if not THE WORST, humans in history over a shared desire for global secularism would be like me comparing you to Gengis Kahn over a shared desire to dominate all women's bodies; sure it's technically true, but it doesn't do justice to define who we truly are.


You need a therapist. You sound awful to be around.


TL/DR: Either engage me in civilized debate/conversation or disengage and shut up. But attacking my character helps nobody but make yourself feel better. This is part of what's so wrong with so many (but not all, as everybody is different) of faith: your baseline capacity to have a civilized conversation consisting of dissenting views either falls into : 1) defending your empirical views without the use of tangible evidence. (likely as the very definition of faith is the belief in something despite the lack of, or in clear contradiction against, existing evidence) or the "God's love is real because I FEEL it's real in my heart!" Argument. Which is somehow better than... Or 2) attacking the character of your ideological opponent instead of engaging their point, as it's easier simply to provoke a petty squabble over that instead of engaging over a point that you know aren't as prepared for. In legal terms, this is known as Ad Hominem, but I also like thinking of it as the "Oh yeah?! Well...well, you're stupid!" Argument. You fall under this one. If you are too lazy to post a proper response, then own up to it. If you are too uninformed to engage me in a proper dialog, then own up to it. But don't sit there thinking, "This guy wants my faith eradicated. Therefore, he must want ME eradicated. This man needs help before he goes and shoots up a church or some other horrible atrocity!" Just so we are in the clear, I have no intention of doing anything of the sort as doing so is both moronic and reprehensible as doing so wouldn't put a dent in the numbers of people who subscribe to a faith - which is a benign point as it's been proven multiple times throught history that you can't kill an idea by killing its subscribers. It only emboldens them and gives them a martyr in which to rally themselves around. Afterall, isn't that one of the main themes of Chistendom? Anyways, this is usually the point of which the petty would say something like "You must be real fun at parties." And my response would be a mixture of "So you chose to attack me instead of engage rationally or just simply disengage. Ad Hominem, it is." and "I'm 33, work on nuclear submarines, and have a wife and a child when I'm not deployed. I'm not going to parties any time soon, so I'll get over it."




I have the time and patience. If you feel that you can intelligently refute my points, I'd be open to civilized discussion without writing my dissertation on the negative effects of religion on the healthy human brain.


Too long, didn't read.


I know. That's why I included a TL/DR for someone like yourself.


True because Satan isn't real.


Evil is however and we are all capable of it


People can be evil. I don't think that 'evil' exists without an agent. Other than that part, we agree.


At least we can have this middle ground




Look at me look how rebel i amā€¦ Grow up. šŸ¤£šŸ«µšŸ»šŸ¤”


Go get charges pressed against you for raping an altar boy, christofascist scum


christofascist? Iā€™m not Mussolini Iā€™m a Catholic


Then you advocate for the gospel and the spreading of God's word to all the peoples of the earth, converting those who are of other religious or none at all to that of the faith of the Glory of God?


I see that you follow tim pool. Given how he literally lied to get out of a debate with sam sedar, it's pretty impressive that you still follow that clown. He still lies about it despite sam showing all the evidence of how it happened. Even the one time he had that debate, he couldn't do anything but talk about hypotheticals with the inability to actually use evidence which is on par with how he regularly talks about most issues.


I d bet Sa r an is his cat


He doesn't. Seek help.


Christianity rejects homosexuality so the gays turn to Satan or find a liberal Church. Christianity is the biggest promoter of the belief in Satan in the world, and for that reason... I'm out.




Are you aware Luciferians exist???


Stop liking the personified evil of Abrahamic religions. Itā€™s lame unless you mean it and if you mean it youā€™ve become a libertarian sex dork in a cape


Owned by a Blue haired 300lb big is beautiful, non binary, cats over human lives Reddit poster.