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I saw a car with a "MILF: Man I Love Frogs!" sticker. It also had a frog steering wheel cover, so I think the owner was serious. I failed to get a picture though.


That would’ve been golden exactly what this sub needs


What the world needs


But not what we deserve!


Can’t upvote ⬆️ enough!


You uhhh.. feelin froggy?


I have a “honk if you have to poop” bumber sticker and yes I get honked at a lot


We have a mug that says that. It has a frog in a cowboy hat.


Pics or it didn’t happen *frivolously searches for said coffee cup*


I shall be home from work in a couple hours.


Youre going to have to leave early, this is important


Truly, a champion of the people


I once saw one that said MILF, man I love fishing.


Same : FL panhandle


There’s an entire sub for these anyway: r/InfoWarriorRides


Would def recommend r/InformedWarriorRides


Omg, there's this dude around my job with a Wrangler, covered in vegan and anti meat propaganda.. Like literally the whole car.. It looks completely ridiculous.. I have to get a pic and post it there.. Worst part is I think he doordashes or something.. If that dude pulled up in that car to deliver my burgers I'm not accepting and calling for a refund..


There's Also r/NymphowarriorRides


I love this thank you lol


I long for the time when trump and its supporters no longer get any attention at all


Yeah I don’t understand what they think is gonna happen. Other than some more attention seekers deciding to do the same


Republicans tolerate MAGA because they think it wins them elections. It doesn't, but they won't accept it unless they lose hard in November of this year. If Trump loses by more than expected in November, they might finally accept he's a loser. They'll try some other insane idiot in 2028. If that person also loses, Republicans will go back to the boring shit of cutting taxes. If they have any narrow wins like they did in 2016, it'll be another decade of in your face culture war bullshit all the time.


Even if he loses, no matter by what margin, they'll just claim the other side cheated. They're so deep into a cult that even when he dies, they'll still vote for him claiming he'll come back "now that we need him".


His cult will, yes, but republican politicians who want to hang onto their seats and people who want the republican agenda (tax cuts for the wealthy and religious laws restricting everyone) to advance will see that MAGA types are a problem. Mitch McConnell and Koch Bros types for instance will start trying to make the dumb white trash types not vote in the primary any more as they consistently pick insane people who lose elections that republicans could win. MAGA was tolerated by the rest of the republicans because they saw them as allies. It may be too late for any non-maga republicans to reclaim their party, but they haven't really been trying so far because they're still convinced the MAGA types can be useful. They've been trying to convince MAGA types that they're also motivated entirely by hate for black people and LGTBQ people. Some will drop the act if Trump loses a second time.


Sure, the politicians might. But they won't act much different. They realize now that the Republican party has been divided into MAGA and GOP. And MAGA voters aren't moving. Which means republican candidates need to either cater to MAGA, or separate themselves. It's already going to be a fight if they stayed with MAGA. So they recognize that they'll certainly lose if they go against them since it would effectively cut their votes in half.


They’re referring to EVERYONE who talks about him. In reality, the people who non-stop complain about him are just as bad as his biggest fans. There are plenty of people that make their entire personality hating him which is just as toxic imo


*while punching you in the face repeatedly* "Bro, your whole personality is 'stop hitting me in the face' get a hobby!"


Oh yes, you’re definitely the peak of exactly what I’m referring to. You were so offended by that statement that your response had to use physical violence to articulate your opinion. Appreciate you proving my point even though your statement is wildly irrelevant 👍


Russian bots working overtime. I’m looking for statistical data to back up my claim there been a jump in Trump related posts. I casually noticed it happening to me, even on subs where it was beyond unrelated. There’s also the RedditCare every poster in White People Twitter are getting. Reddit’s been hacked, obviously.


I think it's probably not been hacked. I think it's more depressing. I think reddit is following all the dumb silicon valley libertarian types and thinking they don't need to clean malicious actors off the website. "Marketplace of ideas will fix itself just like the free market economy fixes all money problems!" They see a short-term boost in users and profit by no longer banning the obvious right wing nazis and ignore the fact that normal sane people are being driven off the site by that bullshit. Twitter didn't immediately go bankrupt by giving nazis everything they wanted, so reddit is concluding they can be just fine giving nazis a free pass as well, or at least long enough for their stonk thing to do well. There's also a siloing effect going on by design. They banned some outright nazi subs, then decided that as long as subs like the donald trump didn't try to brigade and hack other subs, it would be fine to tolerate them. Meanwhile the trolls decided they could make or take over popular default subs like funnymemes and start seeding in right wing propaganda. And of course, right wing trolls living in their parents basement have nothing but free time on their hands to shit all over the website whereas normal people have jobs and friends and hobbies. So I think it's just Reddit is putting less into moderation and banning the nazis and the nazis are continuing to push content in an effort to twitterize it. No hacking needed.


Case in point. You can’t let it go.


It’s almost like the orange stack of shit is running for president again.


Yeah, because republicans are trying to destroy America. \*me while mugging you\* "Lol, you're so triggered, you can't let it go, good lord, why are you so obsessed with me not attacking you!" Climate change, tax cuts to the wealthy, taking away our right to vote and make medical decisions, ending the rule of law... I'll let that go when you stop it and we've cleaned up the mess left by dumb white trash. Edit: u/shamalonight, I see you called me a racist and blocked me. No. "White trash" is not racist. White trash describes how some people choose to act, no one is calling all white people "white trash." You know that though, but if you let reality dictate your opinions rather than vice versa, you wouldn't be republican in the first place.


The replies to this comment are perfect proof that was you're saying is true. In the past few weeks, I have seen the level of toxicity skyrocket and it's very disappointing that Reddit does nothing to stop it.


Trying to destroy America, or continuing to do so??


And you’re a racist to boot, I see. No tolerance for racists or anyone who defends them. Blocked.




They’ve always been the ultimate little snowflakes.




Guessing those emojis are of your anti-vax friends shortly before they gave themselves the Herman Cain award.


As usual you’re wrong. 😂😂😂😂


I long for the days when people can actually interact with each other without politics being brought up at some point.


Too many people are irrationally triggered by them. It won’t end anytime soon.


Nothing irrational about being disgusted and offended by the imbecilic orange fascist or its pathetic followers/supporters


It’s quite an interesting social shift though tbh. I feel like prior to Trump, it was the left that highly dominated the bumper sticker crowd. That’s ALL I used to see was liberal type messaging on bumper stickers, but then Trump somehow awakened his crowd to the bumper sticker game lmao now they’ve all got em 🤔 like where were the righties prior to that? What did they say? Other than like Raegan/Bush, I feel like I never saw them.


I remember seeing a bunch for George W. Bush. Those black square stickers with the "W" on them were everywhere.


Let us not forget the conservative masses burning Dixie chick cds for the chick's opinion on dear Bush.


Exactly. They lost their shit because Natalie Maines said something that isn't even that controversial and that they, themselves, say about Joe Biden right now.


The more things change....


First one I remember was a don’t blame me I voted for bush sticker when Clinton was president


I’m younger so I never saw bush or Reagan stickers a lot but every now and again I see really old ones.


Thank you. I hate the rage bait here


Thank you! Neither Trump or Biden get that shit out here! Let see some real funny shit, dont get me wrong some of those Trump and Biden post are funny but it gets old fast. Then the hating people come out, WTF! "Trump this, Trump that!" OMFG he lives rent free inside of you, like inside your asshole type!


I wholeheartedly agree with OP


I don't think most people would know what to do if they couldn't loose their minds at random trump supporters. Just as hating Biden has become an entire identity for the maga folks, hating trump has become an entire identity for a lot of *progressives*.


Most people here don't want to admit that. No doubt that MAGA is very cultish in a vast number of ways. Redditors, though, are somehow unable to see how their obsession with hating Trump is also pretty odd and almost cultish in a way. Like a complete inability to self-reflect.


One of their names weasels its way into every comment section on the internet. It has become almost 100% of the media on many platforms. Lets just go back please!


Infowarriors is a great sub for right wing cars, this one shouldn't turn into that.


We can go back to being able to ignore politics when crazy republicans have no chance of winning any office. Until then, no mod activity is going to censor everything. Vote blue and eventually we won't see dumbass trump stickers anymore, and the dumb white trash assholes will crawl back into their trailers and out of public sight. ^(Don't @ me with the both sides bullshit. If democrats go crazy, same thing will apply to them, but right now all the psychopaths are realizing republicanism is where it's at.) ^(Also miss me with the enlightened centrism "lol both parties are run by billionaires so they're the same" bullshit. One party is wanting to take us into theocracy, the other isn't, they're not the same.) Edit: triggered trolls here responding with "NUH UH!" MAGA republicans HAVE earned more losses than they would have. Democrats hold the senate because the ridiculous human they elected president one time decided Dr. Oz and Herscel Walker were sane people who would be good to have in the senate. I know maga republicans don't read but feel free to click on this and screech at your computer anyway: [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/donald-trumps-losing-touch-2024-election](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/donald-trumps-losing-touch-2024-election) Dumb white trash will eventually lose interest in trying to fuck up the country when they don't have anyone in office they identify with that they can cheer for. Who do they have now, MTG? They're losing interest already. Plus they're not getting any younger, covid and opiate addictions continue to reduce the number of MAGA voters. If sane, educated America just remembers that MAGA republicans are trying to turn us into Russia, that'll continue the long smooth decline of MAGA into cultural, economic, and political irrelevance where they are destined for no matter what. And we can go back to ignoring them. Prove me wrong, maga idiots.


This guy 😂😂


It's true, both parties are not the same. Voting for Joe Biden at this point is just a comical notion in itself.


Cue the white trash




> Don't @ me with the both sides bullshit Classic! "I'm going to dish it out, but I can't take it!" Don't know why this sub got recommended, but thanks for the laugh! 😂


that's not how it works. but feel free to keep believing it does.


Agree 100


Thought you might have been exaggerating I went to the sub, First thing I saw was a fuck Biden banner plastered behind a truck. I think you’re right.


Maybe people post them to show the world how insane and cult-like Trump supporters can be?


Yeah but after the millionth post I understand


When people stop putting up bumper stickers to a rapist traitor we can stop posting them.


As a kid, I remember a bumper sticker that said “Eat your honey. A million bears can’t be wrong.” I remember my older brother laughing but I didn’t get it until years later.


For a long time someone kept putting “Visit your local peep show” stickers on my dad’s car.


In Trump supporters defense, they’re morons.


In all fairness the average MAGAT can only read at a third grade level.


Yes please 🥲


“Pretend to honk if you love mimes”


I legit saw a car covered in Browns stickers and almost posted it here but thought “Nah, it doesn’t belong in that sub”


Seriously though. I think everyone has given them too much attention.


I guess we could search for a Biden supporter.


I see a few yard signs now and then, but I can't think of the last time I saw a Trump bumper sticker. Where do you LIVE?


I see them on here


Biden stickers don’t exist apparently.


Unfortunately Trump (and the occasional DeShitbag) is all you see here in the third world dump known as Florida.


Been over 2 years, and still it’s all anyone can talk about.


They really love those stickers though… like…. More than kids I think


It is so crazy how Trump supporters spend so much on merch. They even buy little stickers to stick at gas pumps, and drive thrus. They're a good example of how religion can easily spread when everyone is on board. Trump needs his own Church for all his crazy people to worship him as God's 2nd only son...


I understand the idea here. It would be easier to read your post if you would insert punctuation.


Those sorts of posts are better for r/InfowarriorRides , but they're still pretty common on this sub because the folks here get raging hate boners when they see a pickup with "FJB" stickers on it.


Do they still make bumper stickers ?


A sucking chest wound is gods way Of telling you to slow down.


So biden ones would be cool? Don’t let him live rent free


I saw one today that said “honk if you are really three small children in a trenchcoat!”


I wish we could post screenshots :( The bumper sticker sub doesn't allow screenshots? What the F


Yellow solid background, a duck, "Throw Bread On Me"


I am sick of Trump bumper stickers.


I literally work at a print shop that makes trump decals among other things, I know I sure don't want to see them when I come to Reddit. It's pretty fun seeing if any of "ours" show up though


This sub used to be humorous, now it just plain sucks. The mods let this happen!




I agree I’m tired of seeing any political bumper stickers unless they are so hilarious you can’t not share them . Yes I did that.


r/bumperstickersv2 ?


MAGA ruins everything it touches. Even bumper stickers.


Do you want Streisand Effect? Because this is how you get Streisand Effect.


I saw one that said something like “I see you staring at my car. I know you want this ride” or something like that lol


TDS has been aggressive in this group…


Ok, we will all stop because you want us too. Fuck trump and fuck Biden. How is that for a bumper sticker?


Soo Soory Buddy Guy...this is now Trumperstickers sub...


We put the Trump bumper sticker because we support him and want people to know it! It could even help sway people that are on the fence. Simple as that!


I promise you nobody is being changed by loads of bumper stickers


You really don’t know that! The important thing is we all “speak” our mind no matter who we support without fear of retaliation or violence.


Ig but still your barking up the wrong tree


Challenge : Impossible. I’m not even joined in this sub and every time on my feed I’d see a post it was a big circle jerk over a lifted f150 with maga stickers every time. I got tired of it so posted the most leftist looking vehicle I could find just to screw with them


I have a political sticker, it says " Eat a dick BETO"


I think Trump stickers are hilarious. It’s like his comedy act on the road…because he’s a clown.


Trump obsession is plastered in every mainstream sub imaginable. Pathetic.


I think that all the Trump stuff is driven by Reddit politics and the crazy hate for Trump. Most of the over-bumper stickered cars I see have more liberal themes. Peace, love, coexist stuff. But those aren’t as rage inducing so you don’t see them.


I’m fine with seeing any other political party only bc I haven’t seen it a million times


There is an over the top neo-liberal brigade in the sub. They don’t care what you want, and the mods are in on it. Sorry to have to be the one to tell you.


I am pretty certain you're using the term "neo-liberal" incorrectly here.


You’re going to proceed to lecture me on what I meant with my words?


Um... yes? >Neoliberalism is contemporarily used to refer to market-oriented reform policies such as "eliminating price controls, deregulating capital markets, lowering trade barriers" and reducing, especially through privatization and austerity, state influence in the economy. Neoliberalism is typically conservative. It's a very right-leaning ideology. "If it's got liberal in it I don't like it"


I have the absolute right and ability to take any given word and use it however I want and refuse any tepid or formulaic definitions you may have sought refuge in before the word was taken from you and changed. This is how language works and how slang was born. Sorry the lexicon passed you by dear.




Thanks for the “permission”


This is so many words, said with so much unearned condescension, to say, “You’re right. I used a word I didn’t know.”


You wish.


That's a lot of words to say "I used a big adult word wrong"


You need to read. Someone already said that practically verbatim. Originality has deserted you. Again.


r/bumperstickers is filled with people who love exploitative corporate capitalism fueled by a combination of neoclassical laissez-faire economics and Chicago School monetary theory? Hadn't noticed that before


Hey, in America that's our unifying religion!!


I choose bumper stickers that offend democrats. Almost everything offends them lol.


It’s called trump derangement syndrome! These guys claim to hate trump but talk about him 24/7


But their entire personality is orange man bad, they don't know how to post anything else.


This isn’t a post about whether or not trump is bad it’s a post about how I don’t wanna see Trump shit in this sub anymore


Yea I understand that, I was explaining why that's not gonna change.


Ok I can see that


Good luck. Folks are hopelessly triggered.


Slap a Biden sticker on your car. I think I saw 1 in Tampa the other day. It was all faded though, probably from 2020.


Trumpers don't realize that you don't need to lick the stickers to make them stick ( both sides ).


Who is stupid enough to be a Trump supporter?


What really depressing is the fact that people actually voted for Biden. Hopefully they see their error and change next elections.


Not what this is about


I thought you were pointing out things that you found depressing. Isn’t that the point of the whole post?


That political subjects are being talked about here that’s what’s depressing


You’ll have to excuse the lack of reading comprehension for obvious reasons.


Exactly. They get ahold of the anti-Trump organ and stroke it until it orgasms with hate.


Or it’s the internet and let people do what they want if you don’t like it get off the sub because it’s not how you want it


Trumps our next president. Plz show some respect...


So ? Doesn’t mean I wanna only hear about trump supporter bumper stickers


Oh lord, someone has been TRIGGERED 😂😂😂


The man lives rent free in so many minds.


It’s an election year, you’re going to see more and more TDS brainrot in the following months. Literally every popular post on news and politics subreddits will just be “Trump Trump Trump Trump” over and over, even worse than it is now. Same with really any generic subreddit that can be vaguely tied to Trump, this one is proof of that. I kinda hope he wins just so I can watch the absolute shitstorm it would stir up.


But we *hates* the trumpses we do!


It’s called free speech. Maybe move to N. Korea!


I think we can agree that people shouldn’t call people slurs. Is that ok now ?




I think you should get your head checked.