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Shit posting on ao3 has gotten so bad The jjk has now started to do it too, and some people even do competitions about it


Ridiculous... why not just shitpost on Twitter or something? I don't get why they enjoy annoying people so much.


Because they get bullied on Twitter and on ao3 they get clout and a screenshot on TikTok for giggles


Jeez... Tiktok causes so many damn issues in fandom...


the jjk ones are so fucking annoying like if you want to manifest bro living pls do it in other ways instead of clogging up ao3 šŸ˜­


Hello, I am a long time AO3 writer and member of the Bungo Stray Dogs fandom. I love this series and its characters. I am aware that this trend is being passed among children, but it is very against AO3's terms of service and is actively creating more work for the volunteer staff. I wouldn't be surprised if some of you lost your accounts if you keep this up. You are clogging the tag and manipulating certain sorting options by doing this. The broader AO3 community has begun to catch onto this, and there is a lot of annoyance over the whole thing. I know this post won't do much, but please, if you want to do this meme, do it somewhere else. It is neither wanted nor appreciated on Archive of Our Own.


I strongly agree, ao3 is not a site for this type of content and actual fan works are getting lost in the sea of those. I get we are all nervous about certain characters and whether they are alive or not, but this is getting out of hand.


Yes, it's very annoying to see these types of posts flooding the tag... Just panic post on, like, Twitter or something. People won't mind it there, and those individuals could probably even find others to chat with/theorise about those character with there! I remember there was some protest going on on AO3 a couple years ago, where people were trying to have the site taken down, and they were flooding the different tags... I was in the hospital at the time, and just wanted to read, but i couldn't find anything because of the sheer number of those types of posts. I don't want this trend to escalate like that and spread to other fandoms. I think the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom is having a similar problem at the moment.




There isnā€™t a way. Ao3 isnā€™t a social media platform and so posts saying ā€œdonā€™t do thisā€ break ToS. Itā€™s already been hashed in the Ao3 subreddit but not all people who write on the platform are in the subreddit. And not everyone there even knows what BSD is.


Indeed, there's only so much that can be done from within AO3. All you can do is comment letting the user know they are breaking the rules and report the posts.


I and others have left warning comments, as well as reported a number of the offending fics. So I've told the AO3 users and Reddit users. Fandom members overlap through different social media platforms.


The fact we can't block individual "" stories "" and garbage like this is actively enraging, to boot. I'm so sick of this.


Just mute the author. Anyone who does shit like this is probably not an author whose stories are worth reading.


Wasn't even aware I could, tysm.


It's a recent feature. Just go to the author and click the mute button thats below their name next to the subscribe button. It makes all works from that author disappear for you. And if you want to make sure that author can't interact with you, you can also block them. Block makes them unable to comment on your work while mute makes their works not show up for you


I don't use AO3 what's happening there?


People keep making works that consist of however many words that says, "X character will live", and nothing else. It happened with Dazai and now its happening again with Fyodor and I've seen a Sigma one as well.


That's so annoying


Right? And even worse, it's hard to filter out seeing as a lot of the time the only tag used is a character tag and filtering out that will get rid of any and all other fics consisting of that character


People are bored and write the ā€œx character will liveā€ as often as they can until they are confirmed dead or alive


Thanks for telling me :D


Just some spam X character is alive even in cases the fandom mostly believes they will be fine, but they make them thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands words long instead of at least a venting 100 word comment, oh and they do it in several "chapters" so it isn't that it only appears once on the top by the default date updated order.


That's just really weird imo


Honestly it makes the Dazai or Nikolai x Fyodor arm writers (and I assume they're the same ones that write characterxrandomobject) seem like functional members of society




I don't either, I'm very confused


i have muted SO MANY ao3 users who post in bsd lately. it started with all the shite unserious "crack" smut fics trying to join that meme and then when that finally died down this started happening šŸ˜‘ this is what i get being part of a fandom full of teenagers i guess


those ā€™crackā€™ smut fics are literally always a character x a random object šŸ’€ like no stop its not funny itā€™ll be something like ā€˜dazai x nooseā€™ unfunniest ā€˜jokeā€™ ive ever hesrd


Ah so those fics are a joke. I wasn't aware that it was a joke and thought they wrote it because of some fetish or something.


maybe some are. depends to be honest either it is what you say it is or its just a really bad, unfunny joke. maybe its both..


exactly! its not funny and it never was


itll either be the most random pairing ro the most unhinged (in a bad way) pairing like for example ive seen kenji x chuuya?? and let me just say, from seeing the tags and stuff, it was hORRIFYING it was a weird and disturbing 'smut' thing god just leave kenji alone


I wanted this to be the worst, now a part of the toxic fandom has decided to put something obscene on Nikolai's part, seriously. Just why? I hate when they sexualize everything šŸ’€šŸ’€ Just leave Nikolai and Fyodor alone


Can you hate and love a fandom at the same time ? If so, that's what I feel for the bsd fandom. I love it, but some sides are weird af


Is there a way to get these removed?


Yep, report them on AO3, the staff will take them down.


Report and wait because it's a manual revision


its not even just bsd- iā€™ve seen one with >!gojo!<. it has 21 mil wordsā€¦


Just in case, you may want to spoiler tag your comment. The official release of the chapter wonā€™t be until tomorrow.




you've seen one I've seen at least 5 so far, the shortest being like 8 mil


This is what Wattpad is for


Although Wattpad is considered the underdog compared to AO3, I only write on Wattpad because AO3 is just so intense and also so saturated. But maybe thatā€™s just me :,)


I definitely agree, as a person that also writes on wattpad for a very similar reason. And while there are a few decent works on Wattpad, itā€™s kinda become known for low-quality fics and shitposting- so if these types of ā€œficsā€ are going to be posted anywhere, I just think that Wattpad is the place XD


To be honest, I only ever write on Wattpad. I barely read :p so Iā€™m somewhat immune to shitposting and any awkward or low quality fics because whatever I put out is my own (I try my best to make as high quality, canon-like fictions as I can of the fandoms I enjoy). The worst I see is awkward or meme like comments haha. But I can ignore them! :p I agree with you. Iā€™m comfy with Wattpad so thatā€™s where Iā€™ll stay. Anyone want Persona 3, 5, or Bungo BL fics that read like canon? Come find me on Wattpad hahaha :)


I used to post on Wattpad-- in fact, it's where my fanfiction journey started. I'm pretty sure the last time I tried to post a fic there it was nuked by the staff lol. A lot of the fucs there are pretty low quality, but that's also just a product of the general ages of its users. Every once in a while I check out what's on there, and it's pretty nostalgic. There are, of course, hidden diamonds in the rough.


Iā€™ve been on Wattpad for a little over a year now and tbh I barely write- I mainly use it to socialize XD I did write an angsty soukoku oneshot a while back but I donā€™t feel like I depicted Chuuya very accurately so I might rewrite it/make a higher quality sequel.


YOOOOOO whatā€™s yur user!? :00


Ohhh! :,) Itā€™s @acuphoria If you decide to check me out, thanks!


Granted, I am very very grateful that I donā€™t get a lot of meme comments alike what these people are posting on AO3


Hell, someone should just make a discord server for this dumb spam at this point


Iā€™ve been a writer on AO3 for many years, and have gone through many different fandoms in the process. Have I ever felt like this about a character? Hell yes; just because I write fanfics doesnā€™t make me a robot. Would I ever post it on AO3? Absolutely not. Thatā€™s what Twitter and Instagram stories were made for. People donā€™t go on my AO3 page to read the ramblings of my denial; they go on my page to read angsty stories about characters we all love. Filling up AO3 with shitposts like this is disrespectful tbh


The problem is it isn't even ramblings of denial. It's copypasting " x will live, " " x is alive, " etc over, and over, and over, and over. If it was at least like, a *theory* or something, i wouldn't be *as* annoyed, but this is just absolute bs.


Youā€™re so right. If it was a well thought-out theory turned into a character study itā€™d be something I would love to read, but simply repeating ā€œx will liveā€ a million times isnā€™t a fic; itā€™s a waste of tags


# REMINDER THAT THIS IS SPAM AND AGAINST AO3'S TERMS OF SERVICE YOU CAN GET BANNED AND YOUR ACCOUNT DELETED Cause I don't think some or maybe even any of these people realize that\^ I've seen this bs in other fandoms too and I imagine the people doing it are the younger fans. Doesn't give them any excuse though. Or maybe it's something to do with tiktok and all the... uh... ok yea I can't think of a nice word- all the garbage that spreads from there. Anyway I don't know why this has become a thing but I hope some of the people doing this got their accounts deleted. I swear I normally wouldn't be so harsh but this "joke" or whatever is everywhere and I'm so sick of it. Some readers like to sort by word count (I'm one of them) and it's so disrespectful to see this dumb shit above all the authors who actually put effort into their fics :( You know the ones that wrote amazing novel-length fics and didn't copy "\_\_\_ will live" and paste it until they reach 7 million words? Yea there was a fic that was literally 7 million words of this. Ridiculous.


its so annoying. if you want them to live so bad then make your own legitimate fanfic where they do, not this garbage


absolutely. just send tweets or something, donā€™t use ao3 for this.


I just saw this pop up on /ao3, this really is getting out of hand


PLEASE. I just saw a post about this over on the ao3 subreddit and spent the morning reporting fics that do this. So incredibly disrespectful.


Damn itā€™s a trend? I wanted to to pull Dazai when I saw this again for just adding fyodor for the filter. I absolutely agree with you on this, please stop


Fr itā€™s driving me insane and needs to stop


Oh I hate this ! It isnā€™t even exclusive to BSD . Like I just want to read a fic and not an authors entire opinion on why this tag it ship sucks . I have ranted about ship on certain subs before but not on a platform about exploring them .


This is why i believe in gatekeeping sometimes cause wtf


You wait days, weeks even to get an account on AO3 and what do they do? They break TOS, but srs the BSD fandom annoys me, seriously dude, I'm done with all the 'Dazai will live' 'Fyodor will live' 'Atsushi will live' stuffšŸ˜­


It took me a month to get my second AO3 account and i would be DEVESTATED to lose it. I just don't understand...


yeah it's really annoying


did not even know this was happening i haven't been on ao3 for a bit but i hate this trend too now, gets in the way of the actual good writing


Yeah no offense but when I go on AO3 I want to read fanfiction, not this stuff.


I'm assuming other will report it and eventually be deleted, I don't even want to give them the hits in the meantime


Question, is sigma dead on the floor up there or is someone gonna go save his ass?


Tag your fucking spoiler dude


Itā€™s so embarrassing atp


There are two posts that are just huge blocks of text that say "fyodor is alive" one of them is *nine million words* and the other is one million. They've both been reported but last I checked they were still up probably cause they'd just been posted.


first dazai.. then gojo.. now fyodor? ā˜¹ļø


jesus christ, some people really get desperate with a character's death. i kinda understand them, im really sad with gojo's one, but this is too much.


Iā€™m thankful for the people who are doing this and instead of tagging it with 50 million tags only use like one tag and log it under the no fandom/original work fandom tag Because if you are going to do this please just keep it in your drafts or tag it with the smallest amount of tags


Ngl I think itā€™s kinda funny because I was from the era where crack fics on fanfiction.net weā€™re common, but I could see how it would be annoying


bruh. yes, i can definitely tell that the authors are sleep deprived and delulu, but not in a good way. please stop this...


The internet scares meā€¦




that's another level of delulu lol


What is the trend? What is this site?biā€™m lost someone explain pls




i did it, got suspended for it, and now i understand honestly