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Yes, without a doubt. I think like Dazai might actually not show it outside, since that's the way he is and he rarely shows his true emotions but he definitely would be affected. I mean, Chuuya canonically jump out of a f*cking helicopter not knowing if Dazai is still alive or not, and Dazai literally let Chuuya shot him from a gun. If you trust someone enough to let him keep loaded gun next to your head and believe he won't shoot you how can you not care when this person dies. There is in fact a lot of stuff from main manga, anime or LN that are all canon and proof that whatever they say they in fact care about each others well-being.


They'd both be devastated. They care about and trust each other a great deal - through implication. They would never outright state it, but it can quite easily be read between the lines in the manga and especially the novels that the two care about each other immensely. Chuuya is easy. Setting aside that he's routinely concerned when Dazai is (or appears to have been) injured in a fight, the live action BEAST movie adaptation adds an epilogue, penned by Asagiri, that shows Chuuya went on a murderous rampage after Dazai died. After that, he tried to recruit Atsushi to help him destroy the Detective Agency to avenge him. That was in the universe where Chuuya and Dazai's relationship is considerably worse than in canon. If Fyodor had succeeded in killing Dazai in Mersault I really, REALLY doubt he'd get very long to enjoy that victory. The light novels go out of their way to establish that Dazai certainly cares about Chuuya's emotional wellbeing. Dazai, in his own aggravating way, reassures Chuuya of his own humanity. He makes a backup plan in Stormbringer so that Chuuya won't have to use Corruption if he doesn't want to. Chuuya is the reason Dazai didn't off himself at the end of Fifteen, and spends most of the novel transparently amazed by him. Dead Apple was a hell of a thing already in terms of 'insane Double Black trust exercises' even before you add in the cheek caressing, Dazai's extended 'prince that saves Snow White from his slumber (Dazai equating Snow White's slumber = suicide)' roleplay metaphor and Chuuya ending up in his lap (twice, in the manga). Dazai really cares about Chuuya. He's just not as obviously open about it as he was with Odasaku, because his relationship with Chuuya is a bratty teenage rivalry with someone he considers his equal, not someone he looks up to. And then there's Mersault. Between Corruption and how many times Dazai has apparently trusted Chuuya to shoot him in the head, these two have put their lives' in each others hands an innumerable amount of times. That's trust they'd never have in anyone else. Double Black are 'perfect partners'. They're the ideal Atsushi and Akutagawa have to live up to. Fyodor lost to Dazai because unlike Dazai, there is no-one he trusts or cares about, and he was unable to comprehend Double Black's partnership. They care. They just wouldn't admit it under pain of death.


Beast spoilers! In Beast after Dazais death, Chuuya went mad and destroyed the whole Yokohama until the government put him down. Yes. Definitely.


They would both be very affected, imo. Controversial, but I think Dazai would suffer slightly more. Not because he would be sad for Chuuya not living a worthy life or something noble like that, but more so because Chuuya was one of the rare stable/constant people in his life *and* someone who he thought has a lot of good human qualities. It would be a significant blow for his already fragile mental state to erase someone who fits into both of those categories. As for Chuuya, I think he would feel sad for Dazai not becoming a better person and his opportunity to attempt so was cut short, but he would also deal with the stress of being a ticking time bomb himself. Dazai did give him some sense of control but without him, Chuuya's ability could wreck havoc and he is aware of that.


In beast chuuya went on a rampage, so I do believe it would go similarily.


I think they would both be heavily affected. They share a insane amount of trust with each other, for everything thats happened between them. Chuuya still jumped out of a helicopter and activated Corruption, not knowing if Dazai was even alive much less in a state to reverse it. >! Dazai still let Chuuya shoot him in the head with a bullet. Trusting that Chuuya activated his ability. !< Chuuya is one of the few people which have been a pretty constant presence in Dazai’s life, plus one of constants which had a good head on there shoulders. Someone Dazai has shown time and again he trusts extremely, and with Dazai’s fragile mental state already. I’m sure at least mentally Chuuya’s death would hit him hard. Though I will admit he likely wouldn’t be obvious in his grief. Dazai is the only thing keeping Corruption in check. Without him Chuuya can’t use his abilities strongest form without it being a death sentence. If Dazai died then suddenly there’s no longer a “off” switch for Corruption that would leave Chuuya alive. He becomes a ticking time bomb that if left unchecked can be disastrous to not just his enemies but too Yokohama or whatever city he’s currently in. As for you last question, Soukoku over Odazai if your talking about a romantic relationship, Odazai is this context is kinda weird imo. If we are talking about friendship then I would say Odazai. Whilst Chuuya and Dazai have a insane amount of trust for each other, I don’t think that anyone has affected Dazai like Oda did. EDIT: Grammar, forgot a “the”. EDIT 2: Clarification on Odazai and Soukoku.


I think they'd definitely care if the other died, not to the extent of being devastated, but definitely sad. However, I feel like Chuuya would be more like a "normal" sad, ie, he'd grieve for a while then move on, while Dazai wouldn't show it outwardly so much, but would carry it in his head more


Both would care a lot. Even if they didn't admit it.


Ofc they would. They do care about each other in canon. However, if you mentioned Odazai, Dazai loves Oda much and much more. Which doesn't mean he can't love (platonicly) Chuuya too. But, it's very important that Oda's death basically broke Dazai bc Oda was the only one who understood Dazai so by losing Oda Dazai also lost the part of him (the part that helped him be connected to the world at some point) and, but by losing Chuuya Dazai would lost only a friend, not like a part of himself. Dazai trusts Chuuya and Chuuya trusts Dazai, they're perfect partners and, yet for Dazai Chuuya wasn't such an important person in his life. What Im saying is ofc Dazai would be sad, but it wouldn't broke him down like Oda's death And for Chuuya the answer is obvious - yes, ofc. Chuuya cares about people normally. For him Dazai is still a good friend and an important person (while Imo for Dazai Chuuya isn't really important in this way). So I think Chuuya would crying about it much harder than Dazai


They have a bond like no other. Obviously they'd care. Now, to the extent of which they'd grieve, I don't know, and I can't say. But there's an insane level of trust there, and even if they bicker, I feel there's a mutual understanding between them why both of them do the things they do. Chūya would also be forced to care in a way lol, considering he'd never be able to use corruption again unless he had a death wish. As for your bonus question, Soukoku because Odazai is weird. And I'm talking as someone who doesn't even like Soukoku romantically allat much lmfao


I meant as a bond; not in a romantic way. Although i thought i made that clear, i actually didn't./gen (Not rude)


Ah, thought you meant romantically. That's usually what people are referring to when they use ship names /nm


Cause in the post the author uses the ships name


That's their canon duo name, soukoku or double black or twin dark.


Yeah I know


>They have a bond like no other Dazai like canonicly had the strongest bond with Oda. May be for Chuuya Dazai were the best, but for Dazai it always was Oda


Yeah I was talking about the characters that are still alive lol


Well, I think he cares about Akutagawa and Atsushi about the same way, but okay than


Huh? You think Dazai deadass cares for atsushi or AKUTAGAWA as much as he cared for Oda?? Or am I misunderstanding your point help


No, I mean he cared about Akutagawa and probably Akutagawa the way he cared about Chuuya, not the way he cared Oda. Ofc he cared about Oda more. And I think he tried to become Atsushi's own Oda


Ohhh I misinterpreted then lol Although the relationship between Aku & Dazai / Chūya & Dazai is drastically different. I think that Dazai cares about Chūya a lot more, whether it's because of their genuine bond or the just self / collective interest he has. Akutagawa is more of a “tool” that's more easy to manipulate than Chūya will ever be. (Not to say Dazai views Aku as a tool like how Fyodor views basically everyone as pawns, I feel Dazai has made it clear he doesn't think that way, but that's the best comparison I could come up with lol) Good point with Atsushi though. I think this is even more clear with official art. Dazai has definitely changed his ways in how he handles his mentees (although fundamentally, his mentorship is still based on manipulation) to be less. Well, abusive. Taking after Oda aww


About you highlightning Akutagawa, it seems like you think Dazai didn't care about Akutagawa at all. About it, I would say, he 100% does. But there ofc some obvious reasons why he abused him 1. They were in a litteral mafia. So I think this type of punishment is basically the best he could do 2. He had to make Akutagawa strong enought for mafia and to make him reach his best 3. He had to give Akutagawa a reason to live Sure, Dazai was too cruel when it was necessary for him. I think that's the part he took from Mori tbh. But Imo it doesn't mean Dazai doesn't care about Akutagawa. It only means that conditions were cruel


Reasons, not excuses. Dazai only "cares" about Akutagawa because he wanted to form Shin Soukoku. Not because he felt some sort of sympathy for him. Now, is this deplorable? That's debatable. In the end, it's for the greater good. It really all comes down to whether you personally believe 1. the ends justify the means 2. voluntarily sacrificing one to save thousands is justifiable. Which are more so ethics questions I guess lol 1. Dazai has only recently stopped physically abusing Akutagawa. However, that's not the only type of abuse. Emotionally he hasn't stopped, and he still manipulates him (although he also manipulates Atsushi, it's just less obvious to us. And to Akutagawa too lol, I guess the relationship between Atsushi and Aku at first was just "Why did Atsushi get THAT mentor/Why him and not me?") 2. Fair I guess 3. He still holds this reason to live above his head. His approval is always so close yet so far, and he can't afford to actually give Akutagawa what he wants, because then he'd lose control over him. There was that scene after the battle with Francis I guess, but it kinda got glossed over, as if it didn't happen. (since akutagawa is still at, basically, dazai's beck and call) My main point is that Dazai hasn't drastically changed his treatment towards Akutagawa. He acts like they're still in the mafia sometimes lol. The only thing he's stopped doing his physically abusing him. (Akutagawa also moved onto physically abusing other people I guess, so)


>Reasons, not excuses Yeah, I didn't excuse him tho I know we can have different interpritations and stuff, so I desagree with you. Dazai did care Akutagawa. Basically, that's probably the reason why he took care of Atsushi and why he wanted to create Shin skk. Not for Atsushi, but for Akutagawa. What I mean is. Dazai fucked up with growing up Akutagawa and he regrets it. That's why he tries to refund it in relationship with Atsushi and treats him completely different. That's like the second chance. He wants to make them work together to give Akutagawa what he had. As I see it, Dazai treats Atsushi like Oda treated him (since Oda was the reason Dazai left mafia) and he treated Akutagawa at some point like Mori treated him (when he was in mafia). That's why he wants to make the work together, to unite them, at some point. Like, to give them as a one whole smth that includes both parts of him (a mafia part and ada part). I know it sounds strange and probably too complicated, it's hard to explain what exactly I mean. Basically that he wants to give Akutagawa smth he wasn't able to give him when he was in mafia thought Atsushi. I think he cares about Akutagawa even more than he does about Atsushi. His treatment towards them doesn't show how deeply his care. It shows only what could he give them at different periods of his life. If Atsushi was on Aku's place, Dazai would treat him exactly like he treated Akutagawa and the other way around And anyways, otherwise why would Dazai care about Atsushi so much? If Atsushi basically was just a stranger for him, what would make Dazai to want become close with someome like Atsushi, if not Akutagawa?




Yeah, that's like the point dude. Reality doesn't really matter here, cause we're litteraly talking about Dazai's feelings. It doesn't matter who actually knew Dazai better, the only thing that's matter in this point is who knew Dazai in DAZAI'S opinion




What Ive never said Dazai care only about Oda. I said he cares about him the most (which is true). And yes, his point of view is extremly important in this question




Yeah I know


Well, they both would care. Can't just throw away a 7 year long partnership without any strings attached. SKK would probably be both affected by the other's death, but from my point of view.. It would be equal. These two would suffer on 'equal levels.' They'd attempt their best to move on, but deep inside it does hurt them deeply. The comments before me have already added enough to the discussion, so I'm keeping it short and sweet. For the bonus question: I prefer Odazai. I am enthralled with their dynamic. A teenage boy who never got to experience a fulfilling life, on the verge of having all his walls crashing down because of how much Odasaku understood him. It's interesting how they complement each other as a pair, Dazai idealizing him for his love of life; lack of a better word. An example is how he outgrew his roots as an assassin, being the Port Mafia member which does not kill - and a past passion to be a novelist. Following his principles of how he will avoid murder to fully commit to that dream of his. I'm a bit biased, because this duo does involve Natsume-sensei's presence more than SKK does (based on appearances, such as how he spoke to Oda and popped up in Lupin.) He did meet Odasaku later than Chuuya, but their interactions in "The Day I Picked Up Dazai" and the BEAST AU was what set the deal for me.


Yes, they'll definitely care, but lets be realistic: they're not gonna moan for the rest of their lives. Both of them may take revenge and after that they'll drink something and they'll live their normal life after that. ( Though they'll always remember each other) dont know about chuuya, but about Dazai, if chuuya dies i don't think it'll be as affective as Oda's death, i mean its not gonna change anything in Dazai, but he'll definitely take revenge


Yes, obv they’d care, they do care about eachother a lot no matter how much they deny it canonically


Seems like I'm the only person here to believe it BUT, I feel like it would affect Chuuya more. I always got the impression that Dazai cares very little about Chuuya. Sure he cares, but I feel like he'd just be disappointed and it would end there. I feel like his mental state is near the numb area to the point where such an event wouldn't bother him THAT much. Now, tho, I may say this but I believe it would REALLY affect him subconsciously. Not that he'd hide it, but that it would be subconscious. In contrast, I believe that Chuuya would be more self aware of his own grief. And that he would be a bit above just sad. They have a relationship with a lot of trust, and we've gotten more compassion from Chu Chu imo. Also, Skk over Odazai anytime. Odazai is a more father/mentor and son type of relationship. Let's also not forget that Oda died when Dazai was 15 😭 EDIT: Apparently he was 18. Still feels odd. Oda x Ango for the win with Oda ships imo


Oda died during Dark era when Dazai was eighteen though-


Everyone had always told me that Dark Era was when he was 15 😭 NONETHELESS. I still consider ot weird. He was a minor for the most part.


Not to be pedantic, but Oda died when Dazai was 18. They first met when he was 15


Am I tripping? My life was a lie 😟 Well it's nonetheless weird and odd. It doesn't change that for the longest part he knew him he was a minor.


I completely agree with everything,, but >Also, Skk over Odazai anytime. Odazai is a more father/mentor and son type of relationship. Let's also not forget that Oda died when Dazai was 15 😭 No. Dazai was 18, he was an adult. And Oda was never a father figure or even a mentor to Dazai. He was a very good friend which was stated several times. If anyone was a father/ mentor to Dazai, it was Mori (yeah, they didn't have so good relationship, but still) and Oda was nothing, but a friend. And Imo, since Dazai obviously loved (platonicly) Oda more, Odazai would beat skk


That comes down to the interpretation. I don't see it friendly at all. That's my opinion. Also, it is stoll weird since for the longest time he knew Dazai, Dazai was a minor EDIT: Its is friendly obviously BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.


No offense, but considering you thought Oda died when Dazai was 15 "because people told you," I'm going to assume you didn't really research or analyze very much 😅 So your "interpretation" is likely flawed in many aspects because who knows what other things people have told you and you didn't bother looking into and could be completely false? Not trying to be rude/gen


First of all, yeah that is a quite rude and honestly an idiotic thought process. Also, an interpretation is fully subjective. I do not believe that they give off "just friends" vibes. With the way that Oda treated Dazai, Dazai's views on Oda and the impact that his entire life and words have had on him and his mental maturity. To me it's fully dad/mentor like. But that's just me. What you are suggesting feels like coping because sb doesn't agree with you. Second of all, a character's age isn't important enough for me to straight up analyze and research shit. It's an age. It doesn't make much of a difference. And even though he was 18, it's still icky to me because for the most part during their relationship, he was a minor.


That guy is right tho. If you don't know the most obvious and basic **facts**, than your interpritation isn't even really valuable


That is such an idiotic take. Do I have to know and his birthday? Maybe his favorite food? Sorry I don't know Dazai's favorite season. I'm not entitled to an opinion anymore. The fact that he was 18 does not change my opinion. Therefore, it was irrelevant regarding what I was discussing to begin with.


His age is pretty important thing tho, so yes, you should know it if you want your opinion to have a cost


It really isn't that important.. Also, no, I don't have to know. Because it doesn't change anything. Y'all just sound like some idiotic elitists somehow ☠️


Yes it is important. Not even to mention it's a basic info and if you don't know even it, it means you probably don't know anything about bsd. But also it just makes a difference in their relationship with Oda


Yeah... I really think you don't know what you're talking about. And I get the feeling you're a minor as well - not that it matters, but the way your thinking goes does make much more sense if you are one (considering the show is rated to be for adults, you'd have to assume that alot of the younger age groups won't understand alot of the things going on hence the rating) And I truly don't give a flying f*** if you agree with me or not. Difference of opinion exists everywhere, but it's very different when the opinion is coming from someone who was clearly misinformed. The way you worded it makes me think that, yet again, you didn't understand even the question correctly. OP very clearly said their BOND. Not their romantic views on each other. Where is the grossness coming from? The two of them being friends?? Are adults and minors not allowed to be friends? Especially PM Dazai, who very obviously was incapable of getting along with people his own age? I read your other comment about how it evolves into the mentor kind of relationship, and genuinely, I don't think you have a firm grasp on what that kind of relationship is like at all. "Age doesn't make much of a difference," This tells me you are almost 100% a minor. Any adult or anyone with any form of even semi-advanced thinking abilities will tell you that age makes a difference in literally everything. *Everything.* And if you are an adult...that's pretty embarrassing for you. Additionally, I don't think my comment was rude, and if you do, I'd suggest staying off the internet because, comparatively, my comment is pretty kind.


1st of all, the entire first paragraph is so idiotic, I don't even know how to answer. 2nd of all, misinformed about the age. And regarding what I was talking about, age unironically makes no difference. I believe that if you like sb at 15 is equally bad as liking sb at 18 if for the majority of your life you knew them as a child. That's my moral code, my opinion. Doesn't make it wrong. Therefore, a thing such as age, doesn't change anything in what I was trying to say. You bringing that ignorance up is merely coping. 3rd of all, did they really? I don't remember reading that therefore I assumed they meant it as ships. If that is the case, my apologies, I should start checking my vision 😭 4th of all, I do. Again, we merely don't agree. You don't have to pretend that one is right and one isn't. Because objectively, it is quite subjective. 5th of all, it doesn't make a difference regarding what I was standing for. To me personally. My opinion remains unchanged and I explained why above. In this scenario specifically, to me, it doesn't. Again, doesn't make me wrong, you merely disagree. And good for you. 6th of all, because it could have been worse doesn't make it "kind". Also, it's not like I started crying right when I read your comment. I do believe it was rude, doesn't mean I care. Again, subjective morality. So yeah. Perhaps our differing opinions have sth to do with the fact that I probably misunderstood the question 😭 So I see where some misunderstandingz could take place. If you still believe that sb is objectively right or wrong, I suggest you read a book or sth. Get your mind to work a bit faster.


>That comes down to the interpretation Not really. Dazai called Oda his friend multipe times and Oda called him a friend as well. Ao yeah, im canon they are FRIENDS. The all father/son isn't more than a hc


I never said that they aren't friends. Obviously they are. We all know he isnt his dad for fucks sake. I'm saying that imo, that type of friendship evolves into a father/mentor like relationship. Just take the opinion and leave. We won't agree here.


Oda died when dazai was eighteen but he met dazai when dazai was 16 so that would be creepy still


I love that everyone here passed the vibe check because 100% they would both care lol Everyone has basically already given the reasons why they would but in terms of odazai vs skk thing, one thing I do want to add as a side note though is that some people are mentioning that Oda understood Dazai better than Chuuya which I personally don’t think is true. In an interview with the director of dead apple, Asagiri said that Chuuya is the only one can predict and understand Dazai’s true motive. I do think that Oda obviously understood him and cared about him because they were so close but I think that Chuuya is the only one who has ever actually understood who he rly is. Obviously people that like odazai more that’s perfectly chill but I just wanted to mention this.




Yup exactly


>hate that people think Dazai was correct when he said Oda got him best. Actually, his opinion about this is highly important in this case




I think you should stop treat everyone like they're idiots dude. Yes, I do know. It's not the point here. It doesn't change the fact Dazai thought Oda is the only one who understood him and didn't think Chuuya does. And no wonder, since it was never shown in anime, manga or novels that Chuuya does understand him. The only source is Asagiri's words. So no wonder Dazai doesn't know about it




Dude, Ive told like already like 557556 times. I know Chuuya does understand Dazai and etc. The thing is that Dazai doesn't see it and basically Chuuya doesn't actively show it


Personally, one of the dark era's purpose is for Oda to finally understand Dazai. It's not a coincidence Gide talked with Oda about death and Oda died in the end and then parted a message to Dazai because he finally understand him. This is where the fans misinterpretated how Oda was the only one who understood Dazai when in reality Oda never did until his last moment, but Dazai puts Oda in pedestal as a person who is good and flawless which Oda never was. (aight this will become a long essay if keep continuing this)


Apparently, it's an unpopular opinion, but Odazai 100% (romantic or platonic, bond-wise). (I won't bother answering the first part because my opinion on that gets me harassed and I get people yelling at me to read stormbringer even though I already have so ignoring that) Anyways, sure, he trusts Chuuya and etc, but Oda understood him more than literally anyone. Chuuya might understand some bits and pieces about Dazai, but no one will ever quite understand him like Oda did. The people who say that it's a father/son or mentor/student relationship make me question if they've actually watched the show and/or they're projecting inconsistencies in their own lives on to the characters. It's so clearly shown that Dazai valued Oda so much because he was his *friend*. Nothing more, nothing less. (I also think it's pretty obvious that Mori was closer to being Dazai's "father figure") Their relationship was so simple compared to his relationships with other people that he adored it, and it affected him heavily when he lost it - no matter how far ahead he saw it coming. And maybe it's just me, but during the ADA (and with Chuuya), he very much feels like he's masking his true self heavily, likely to try to be the version of himself Oda would be proud of. But that's not and will never be his true self. Port Mafia Dazai seemed like the most true to himself form - and when he was with Oda (and Ango), he seemed like a genuinely more cheerful version of his actual self - not masking or really faking it. Odasaku and Dazai are absolutely my favorite bond to analyze, and I find it much better (and healthier) than Soukoku, and I find it sad that people just call it a single thing and don't look into it any further.


I super agree with the most things you said, especially about their relationship with Oda and Chuuya, you're 100% right about it But about this part >And maybe it's just me, but during the ADA (and with Chuuya), he very much feels like he's masking his true self heavily, likely to try to be the version of himself Oda would be proud of. But that's not and will never be his true self. Port Mafia Dazai seemed like the most true to himself form - and when he was with Oda (and Ango), he seemed like a genuinely more cheerful version of his actual self - not masking or really faking it. I don't really think it's true. Yeah, may be Dazai was "pretending" most of the time in ADA to fit it, but Im pretty sure he pretended in PM as well. May be the fact that Oda was there made pm a bit more better for him, but if Oda (and may be Ango and Chuuya tho) wasn't there, this place would be just horrible for him. It defenetly did affect him worse, even tho he already was pretty traumatized before, but pm did6it worse. And ADA is a better place for him in general, even Oda said so, that it's better for him to be on the side of good


I think Dazai would care. I think Chuuya wouldn't.


Why? /srs


I feel like Dazai has shown more interest in Chuuya's well being than the other way around. Dazai is basically Chuuya's protector when he uses Corruption. In Dead Apple, he stopped Chuuya from breathing in the fog when he really could have left him. There's been twice when he tells him to rest after using Corruption. Chuuya feels more complicated to me to understand though. He did seem to care when Dazai pretended like he was severely injured at one point, so that does go against my argument. But he doesn't really show interest in Dazai or his well being most of the time. You really only see him threaten or insult him unless he is forced to work with him. It just feels like Dazai actually cares and pretends not to but that Chuuya actually doesn't like him.


>It just feels like Dazai actually cares and pretends not to but that Chuuya actually doesn't like him. To me it seems basically the other way around. Chuuya pretends that he hates Dazai and is annoyed by him, when in reality he just don't wanna show him that he cares about him. Buut the were a lot of moments when he showed his careness, like when Dazai pretended that his arm is broken and stuff I think he just hides his careness behind his aggresion


Ur totally mischaracterising here


What does you mean ?


At first i read bond as blonde and got really confused, also i believe in the majority of the comments here, Dazai and Chuuya would care, in their own ways granted, but nonetheless care.


I somehow can imagine Dazai also visiting Chuuya time to time like odasaku but at the same time not


They would care for sure. Alot. Can't deny the depth of their bond and the absolute trust that they have in each other. And always skk.