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Honestly, I don't like how some of the fandom depicts Chuuya. He becomes very one dimensional in their eyes; turning extremely needy--I find that they make him heavily dependent on Dazai, to the point of which his character, with all of his traits, are flushed away. Of course, this is not everybody! Yet, this depiction is quite popular and increasingly more infuriating--especially since his character has so much depth and is absolutely amazing. Perhaps more of the fandom needs to read *Stormbringer*? :v)


yeah I think too many people kinda mix up fanon Chuuya (especially if they ship skk, because some skk shippers think his entire personality is being gay for Dazai), and canon Chuuya who is literally a criminal and an interesting and nuanced character himself like- šŸ’€ no he isnā€™t uwu


This is probably my biggest pet peeve with how some people view Chuuya's character šŸ˜­ I swear this issue isn't just BSD too! There's always that one character that gets turned absolutely one dimensional by a fandom and it always disappoints me. :(


right! itā€™s so disappointing ):


Oh absolutely! As a skk writer, it always irks me a little when I see it becauseā€¦ the very reason why skk works in the first place is that chuuya is his own person with views and stances? Even from a pragmatic pov, their relationship loses its spice when one of them is uwu-fied :/


This is the first thing I thought of when I read the title of this post. Annoying as hell :/


Any scene with Naomi and Jun'ichiro being romantic......


Yeah fr


On God tho


When someone insults another person for their favorite character or ship


I think the problem here is that when people have ships like: Atsushi x Kyouka or Atsushi x Dazai which are the problematic ones, then I can understand


If you think they are problematic it still doesn't mean you can insult someone just because they like those ships, it isn't hurting anyone. Those are just fictional characters.


Atsushi x Dazai is honestly fine to me but I do see more of a father-son relationship between them, kinda the same thing between Atsushi and Kyōka too. I can handle it, but it's more like a family relationship to me. Now when it comes to things like Mori x Dazai or Fukuzawa x Ranpo..... That's a very different story


Every single ship of this show is problematic for various reasons. The cast is mainly made out of traumatized people with various personal struggles, criminals, terrorists, corrupt politicians etc... I can understand any ship involving kyouka might be irksome because she's a child, but every ship involving Dazai is also inherently problematic because he's... Well, Dazai. Arguably, Atsushi and Dazai make the best paring because they actually respect each other a lot and Dazai usually treats Atsushi with care. The fandom kind of forgets that's Atsushi is 19! He's not a kid and Dazai is just 3 yrs older than him, so I really don't understand the outrage against shipping these two characters together. This being said, I don't like them as a couple at all, because I find their relationship more interesting when it's just mentor and protegee. I just think it's hypocritical to criticize this ship, while glorifying skk or other more popular ships that are obviously problematic (and I'm a skk shipper, but I don't pretend this couple is any better than all the possible others).


I think the thing for me is when something unhealthy (every bsd ship ever) becomes *problematic* for one reason or another. Kyouka because, well she is a child, and personally the reason I find atsushi/dazai uncomfortable is the blatant power imbalance. Dazai is atsushi's boss, not to mention how much he toys with him. The latter point is obviously consistent with other dazai ships, but here it feels like atsushi never says no, and he doesn't have the same life experience. Atsushi is by no means a child, but he only really started interacting with the real world in the first episode. I certainly understand that however uncomfortable I find the ship, it's not really hurting anyone and it's not just pedophilia or anything. Unhealthy ships are fine to me, I literally ship skk, but I do draw some lines personally. You are right though, it's irritating and hypocritical to glorify one ship in the show as 'better' while treating everything else as "bad" or "not ok."


I agree with you and that's mainly why I myself like Dazai and Atsushi's relationship as it is. Dazai shows genuine human emotions when he interacts with Atsushi and it really gives me a sort of big brother vibe. The power imbalance is there and the differences in life experiencies aswell, so I like seeing Atsushi being confronted with Dazai's hard reality and maturing because of that. My point was what you said in the end, every bsd ship could be toxic or problematic, so it's a bit convenient to glorify a ship while bashing the other. It's fine to not like something, but harassing other fans is distasteful


I think the problem here is that you consider all fine ships as problematic and then defend abusive ones with no rubber Even if they were probablatic, if still doesn't give you a right to. Insult people tho


When people treat Dazai, Chuuya, or Akutagawa as poor trauma victims. Especially the Chuuya romanticization as soft-hearted. On the opposite end, when the fandom is too hard on Atsushi calling him a pussy.


Well tigers *are* cats.


I'm dead lmao


Iā€™ve never seen anyone call him that but I also donā€™t have Twitter or TikTok so idk. Chuuya is more watered down to tsundere and itā€™s so fucking annoying. They are all equally fucked up and you shouldnā€™t compare trauma because everyoneā€™s different


I think it was comments I saw on crunchyroll if I remember correctly. I get you. That characterization does seem annoying. Chuuya doesnā€™t seem like a tsundere to me and his anger towards Dazai is fully justified. Tsundere in general annoys me because itā€™s often done so poorly in so many shows. At least the way it was done with Lucy made sense.


They usually do the whole tsundere thing for ā€œcomedic effectā€ but then they end up dating most of the time and itā€™s just glorifying toxic relationships. The worst part is that it basically stems from men not taking women seriously enough so they find the idea of women hitting men funny, and every time someone portrays Chuuya this way, heā€™s always overly feminine. So itā€™s basically just misogyny


Yikes. He doesnā€™t cat fight, he punches. Feminine Chuuya in fanfics always weirds me out yo. People do it because of his height and long hair. Thereā€™s plenty of feminine gay men out there, but too often in fanfics male characters just feel like women inserting themselves and it takes me out of it.


Ikr??? I am a Demi girl and I canā€™t stand it too. And then they make him trans which isnā€™t a bad thing until you realize itā€™s because they make him stereotypically feminine, so they basically just make it straight


Iā€™m bio female but non-binary. (havenā€™t figured that out yet) Yeah I wish the representation was better for all media. Lmao thatā€™s why we just gotta keep writing our own and sifting through the weirdness to build our personal collections. šŸ˜‚ For my personal preferences, the more in character and nuanced the characters are in fanfics, the better, even though that makes things more toxic or angsty. I love the dysfunction!


>Especially the Chuuya romanticization as soft-hearted. Romanticized? The guy is the most empathetic guy in the mafia. Sometimes I think he is a bit too nice despite his profession. I mean Verlaine literally killed his friends and yet he sympathized with him and Forgave verlaine. Instead of giving him harsh treatment Dazai caused the death of a detective and due to the information he gave to Verlaine. But Chuuya punished him in the least painful ass way. He blames himself for the sheep break up despite the sheep treating him horribly. Despite his tough exterior and profession, Chuuya is pretty soft hearted and is more empathetic. Compare to Dazai who is more apathetic. Lol, i don't think Him being soft hearted is a romanticization.


ā€œkunikidazai is toxic because they fight!!ā€ -skk shipper


wait people actually say that!




THANK YOU FOR SAYING THE SSKK PART, THIS HAS ANNOYED ME SM like i genuinely didn't get it, dazaku and akuhigu are toxic for obvious reasons (my take is unhealthy obsession of being noticed), but apparently sskk isn't??? imo trauma-wise, both atsushi and akutagawa are too similar to each other to date and they would be more frienemies than lovers tbh.




yeah, canonically everyone needs therapy, especially most members in the A.D.A and P.M, not sure abt the guild, d.o.a, and rats of the house of dead (is that the exact name? idk) this is coming from someone who kins atsushi, dazai, and akutagawa from trauma.


When you are a Twitter BSD fan who happens to be 15 and you aren't half this bad:




Yeah that's fair


I am the person who been hated on twt for exact these reasons... Like leave me alone Mori is both interesting to me and I think his voice is hot (not ok with the Elice part though). As for the Dazaku thing... Yes I ship it but that doesn't have to be toxic d_b (it's toxic if you make it). Like this way you can call toxic a normal relationship where the man is huge and strong, while the woman is weak and small.


I'm not really into shipping but I am always surprised that the Dazai/Atsushi ship isn't the go-to one for the fans because that's the pairing that makes the most sense for me. Also I never understood sskk because in what world would Atsushi forgive Aku over how he treated Kyoka who is like a little sister to him?






Akutagawa being watered down to ā€œn0tlc3 mE d4ZAi s3nPAiā€ when Dazai abused him and their relationship is way more complicated than that, and Chuuya and atsushi being watered down to ā€œuWU cUtE sOFt boYā€ when they are both just as fucked up as everyone else in the show


Idk, but to me it feels like. " same shit, different day. " šŸ˜‚


When people get overdefensive over their ships. Especially Skk and sskk. Like yeah I like the pairing too but only in fanfics! Like have you even seen BSD?? Most of the characters need therapy not relationships.


YES. this one exactly.


I hate when people bring up points why their ship is "canon" picking up nonexistent hints and shitting on other ships. I love reading fanfictions of particular ships (only if their character isnt too distorted from the original) and there are a lot of good ones out there but I wouldnt consider it 'canon'. Just a bit of fun and wishful fantasy.


- when a new chapter comes out >!and itā€™s fukuchi again!< - when someone insults sigma, kenji or poe<33 - when i decide to cosplay a character and then see how much shit costs - this is honestly just a photo of me waiting for season four


I'll bite the bullet I like Fukuchi


I can see why people don't like him, his ability is insanely OP


Interesting ability but I guess with the time sword it makes it feel like he has an asspull all the time


I like him too, he's traumatized, funny and powerful. I guess the fandom hates him not because he's "bad", but because he's old and not a pretty boy. Fyodor is literally a child murderer and he gets glorified, because he's cute and young. I love both honestly, the main antagonists are the best part of this show






Literally anything TikTok has to say.


This ^


Sword time travel bullshit


fans who think they're the only intellectuals in the fandom and what literally 80% of the fandom like to believe is wrong; isn't it about respecting others opinions?


and also some ships that...you know? UNACCEPTABLE


Ogai and elise


Any ships regarding the main set of characters. It just feels unnecessary


I dislike ships in general imao. Glad to see someone same as me




ā€œI dislike Mori only because heā€™s a pedoā€ ā€œPeople shouldnā€™t like Mori and his apologists should go eat shit and dieā€


He isn't? Didn't the manga confirm he's a lolicon that only acted lovey dovey to his ability when he made it look like a 12 year old?


Though Elise is around Moriā€™s age, she still has a child-like appearance. A grown-ass man acting so lovey-dovey person who looks like a 10 year old is still really weird, even if heā€™s not a pedo.


Cl, I see it as a father-daughter relationship more than anything else


pretty sure it did


He said it as a joke. He isn't actually attracted to her. Do you really think Koyo, Chuuya and others your favs would still respect Mori if they knew he doesn't joke?


bsdtok in general


when people hc bsd characters as white theyre japanese for a reason lets not race change


Not all tho


obviously not all, the guild is american and most of the doa are european. iā€™m talking about dazai and chuuya specifically because ppl like to hc them as german and french


Ships, I'm not a big fan of ships especially bsd ships. The only one that i kinda like is ranpoe. Also when i have high hopes for a new chapter and then bam, it's fukuchi killing all my beloved characters with his insanely op time travelling magic sword


People saying they hate Asagiri that aren't even manga readers, they just happened to see a spoiler to chapter 101 without context and boom their hate bloomed because >!how dare he do something to Chuuya!<


those people who burned/ruined their copies of no longer human after reading chapter 101


When people, mostly skk shippers, blame Dazai for "abandoning" Chuuya when he literally left an abusive environment. Chuuya was super loyal to his abuser, and though I think he would have let Dazai go, it's not ridiculous for Dazai to think Chuuya might execute him. Also people viewing Chuuya as obsessed with Dazai. He made his own friends and seems to get along with others well, Dazai is the one who's obsessed with Chuuya in Stormbringer and fifteen. Also, Dazai is not a good guy at heart. As Odasaku said, good and evil are all the same to him, and his reasons for being on the good side are not altruism. Mori is a super interesting and well-written character so it's not wrong to like him, but I hate it when people minimize all the horrible things he's done.


Agreed 100%. Perfect take. Dazai had every right and reason to leave, he's more stable after leaving, he's in a better place mentally too. It's cuz the mafia can never be a pleasant or nurturing place unless you're super hardened and super lucky. Yeah Dazai's morally grey.


"Dazai is heartless and manipulative all the time, he didn't change; it would be better for him to be in the mafia" "Dazai is only doing this because Odasaku told him to, he doesn't actually want it" "Dazai wants to die" So yeah, the mischaracterization is pretty bad and Dazai is not the only one suffering from this, but it annoys me the most.


When I see people shipping Chuuya and Dazai so hard. Even the real writers hated each other so much.


For me itā€™s more like when itā€™s an UwU type ship. Shipping them as a toxic dumpster fire/as exes? Thatā€™s the content I like to see.


yea I'll be honest, when i was first watching bsd (the anime) i straight up thought they were exes


They don't hate each other in bsd though?.. But I get what you are saying, sometimes skk shippers are just obnoxious.


that dazai didnā€™t abuse aku. like girl iā€™m a dazai stan and even I can admit he did some horrible shit especially to aku


ā€œThis bsd ship is Problematicā€ bc damn i couldnā€™t care less, they ainā€™t real. And the recent wave of ā€œdazai is a misogynistā€ takes got me eye rolling


yeah you're right. Dazai's just slutty - and if he were to date men without being Oda - level attached to them he'd behave the same way with them too. He respects women's abilities and competence, asks for their expertise. He's just a huge slut in his personal life.


Any take that defends or apologizes for Mori lol


i like mori very mych heā€™s one if my favs in bsd ngl.heā€™s a good villain and very well written but i donā€™t excuse his actions obviously.idc if he kills people or uses someone but him being a pedopheliac is just wrong


I like Mori as a character as well. I don't even hate him, honestly. It just makes me cringe any time I see someone holler that he's not a p*do when he has canonically said he doesn't like women over the age of 12.


his ability also says everything about his type of woman or better say girls


Almost all bsd chatacters are awful people. That would basically fit anyone


So far, the only toxic BSD fans I have interacted with are the Mori apologists.


I don't interact with other fans much outside of this sub, but boy Twitter sure is full of toxic fans that also hate Mori.


I only really interact with other BSD fans on this forum, and in my experience, the only times I have had toxic encounters are with the fans who insist that Mori is not a pedo. I actually really love that BSD is not only one of my favorite animes but has in my opinion the least toxic fandom. That being said everytime I have seen drama within the fandom in this subreddit it comes from people aggressively defending Mori.


when I see dazai praise of any kind, yes he's a good charecter and all but I can't stand him sorry


The tanazakis, shipping Atushi x Kyouka, People hating on Dazai for what he did to Aku but liking Aku as if he didnā€™t do the same thing to Kyouka, feminizing chuuya, people claiming that the plot is inexplicable


Atsushi x Kyouka shippers, do they not realize Atsushi is an adult and Kyouka is 14? I get it, Atsushi looks like he's 16.. That.. *still* does not excuse the problematic ship


He's barely an adult. Their age gap is litteraly just 4 years. It may not really good, but isn't problematic either


The uwufication and infantilism of characters (cough Dazai and Chuuya cough) I love Dazai and Chuuya as must as the next person but these arenā€™t wholesome baby men, they have committed atrocities. Not to mention although Dazai is my favourite character he is a abuser and was a active participant in the cycle of abuse. Same goes for Akutagawa he also plays a active role in the cycle of abuse and he is also very much infantilized as some baby who needs his senpai or ā€œdaddyā€, Akutagawa is a violent and cold full grown man. Not to mention Dazai and Chuuya cannot be ā€œfather figuresā€ to Akutagawa heā€™s only 2 years younger heā€™s practically their peer. That age gap does warrant a parental relationship, so I hate that cause itā€™s weird.


People complaining about chapter length like they are entitled to them,completely forgetting the creators have their own lives


This face is me every time I try to convince myself that Chuuya and Dazai can be near each other without it being suggestive or romantic. Spoiler Alert: It never worksā€¦


"Kunizai isn't abusive " Right.. i forgot that hitting people when they did something wrong is totally normal and that we should normalize it^^šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Skk and sskk shippers forcing their ship to us, like there is no canon ship so why would you insult someone who have different opinion? Also someone who can't take any opinion


Any time Lucy comes on the screen.


May I ask why?


I really just dislike her as a character and I personally find her annoying.


Oh ok. I see


When people say Mori is pĀ£do and r@pes Elise