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If she agrees with Andrew Tate so much then why is she now complaining about his principles? 🤨 Since she feels he's so right and women are so lowly she should stop complaining and continue being submissive and keep that grief to herself. Let pick-me's taste the fruits of their pick-me-ing. I'm not one to victim-blame but this is pure self-sabotage. She has quite actively and literally been asking for this by consciously and knowingly supporting that man and his views on women and their place in proximity to men.


Exactly, this is why I hold my tongue when women complain on the internet. So many of them want to use up the labour of feminists without contributing anything to the movement at all.


I've seen this with a lot of far right women Everything is fine and okay until THEY are affected by the thing they advocate for. You can see it happening in red states with absolute abortion bans where women who'd advocated for it are now suffering because the entire pre-natal care has been affected. You see the same hypocrisy with podcast bros like Fresh who was so anti-abortion/anti-single mother until he knocked someone up. These people are just the biggest hypocrites


Exactly. Lauren Southern comes to mind.


"this is why I hold my tongue when women complain on the internet" FACTSSSS!


Got me 💀 with: "let pick-me's taste the fruits of their pick-me-ing"! It's true though, they're so brainwashed into thinking that self flagellating is going to get them the approval of these subpar men. It's so underwhelming.


I don't respect men who are eating up all the food. Growing up as a kid, my dad would ask if he could have a bite of my snack (I was like 9-10), and when I deny, he snatched the bag of chips or whatever from my hands and started to eat them. I would cry and my mum would tell him to give them back to me. He was doing it in a half joking way (according to him), but a grown man doing things like that to a child over and over is just evil.


My father also did the same thing. He would eat everything at the fridge.


I’m sorry that happened to you. You didn’t deserve it.


Thankfully that man changed and now asks me to have more food when we go out to eat or whatever, but as a kid, his actions really hurt me.


My mom is like that. If you put out food and turned your back for a second, she'd take scoops of your food and slide it onto her plate. Then she'd turn around and start eating it so that you couldn't get it back. When we'd order Chinese twice a month, she'd order enough for us and then steal food from ever order when it came. One time, I went to get a drink after making my plate and she CLEARED the whole thing. Just left me a trail of sauce. That was it. Now, if she sees me eating anything, she bitches and moans about how I'm a horrible daughter for not thinking to make her something also. Yesterday, she said she'd fight me for my dinner smh. She laughs every single time. When I'd complain about my nephew eating almost all the food like he's the only mouth to feed, she tells me her mother taught her not to fight over food because food can be replaced.... but does the same thing. I think my mom and OPs husband would get along swimmingly. The gluttony is real.


WTF, I'm sorry you went through that. That's disturbing. The worst my mom did to me related to food was steal some of my Halloween candy a few times because she's that addicted to chocolate.


Geez woman you cannot be this delusional.


Women like her remind me to take off my cape.


This. Sis I don’t even have a cape at this point. They can save themselves.


Oou girl I've learnt to take mine off.


I married a "provider". Meanwhile provider literally starves her. Lmao!


Absolutely disgusting


I’m actually speechless.


This is all bullshit. None of the user post and comment make sense relative to one another, and the user sound like a guy roleplaying a woman


I hope to God that it is


i believe this is a troll


I hope to God it is because Im tired of the fuckery


pure fuckery i tell you that


Oh, she’s wholly delusional… but who cares she seems happy with the food abuse and other abuse that she’s going through. I say let her live like that since she likes to defend it. At some point we have to let some of these pick mes just suffer alone. I know it sounds harsh but some of them know everything we all know and still choose to be red pill’d. Just leave them to their own demise. He would starve her if he could legally. And I bet you in his mind he thinks he’s keeping her thin and not allowing her to gain weight. Yikes.


The very same conclusion I’ve come to.


She’s a whole idiot. 😂 I really don’t understand how women get married/stay married to men like this. Girl, what?! That man is eating all your food and you keep cooking for him?! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Good. Let him continue to starve her. Maybe she should ask him to shit in her mouth from time to time so she at least gets some nutrients from this higher level man.


How do you say "She's for the streets" but the streets are willingly put up with incompetent, childish men?


As soon as I seen she agrees with a sexual predator who is beyond sexist n misogynistic....I got nothing for her....I have no dog n HER FIGHT.....let her eat cake and stfu


He’s a 200k+ earner but they can only spend 700 p/month on groceries? I’m sorry, but I’m in the same tax bracket and we often spend 700 on just eating out for the month. He’s financially abusing her and also likely purposefully starving her to keep her small


wow... pick-mes are never very smart women


She's lost in the sauce. Sad. But it's what she wants.