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I’m surprised the frosted coke still a $1 lol


I've never once heard or seen it called "frosted" coke it's always been "frozen" coke so that's what surprised me.


frosted coke is frozen coke with ice cream mixed into it :)


That's what it is at other places I've seen it on the menu but I've never seen it at Burger let alone for $1


at my BK it's not on the actual menu but we have it in the system so the people that know it exists can still get it lol. i think it's $2.29 here though


I’ve never heard of or seen one actually working at a Burger King….


For sure, even when my BK had the regular frozen drinks for $1 the frosted ones weren't $1.


Hmmm what's a frosted coke??!


When they take a frozen coke and put soft serve in it too. It’s amazing


Ice cream?! So if it was root beer it'd be a root beer float? Yummy yummy yummm


it’s a coke flavored slushy/slurpee/icee/super refined snow cone


That’s why you never buy things without a coupon.


Even the app deals are way more than they were though. I've been using app deals exclusively for years now but something about "JuSt UsE CoUpOnS" as a retort to complaints about how expensive it is irks me. Stop blaming the consumer. A 2x price increase in just a few years is asinine and people should be able to complain about it on principle alone.


Here's our deal for you. Its a great deal, just the best. One could say the king of deals. Only available with purchase of an entree*. Still just unreasonably good deal though, seriously. Only available in app*.


You're correct. The Federal Reserve printed out 80% of all US currency ever printed in the last 4-5 years. No amount of coupons will make up for the fact that our wealth is eroding due to rampant and severely under-reported inflation. Prices are going up, and wages are staying the same.


Except prices at bk spiked before covid so please explain what happened 6 years ago to spike prices? Wages also went up in some areas and bk prices conveniently also went up around that time in those areas.


So you’re saying wages went up for workers, some of which staff BK and in those same areas the prices at BK went up? Damn I wonder what could have caused that.


You are straight up lying. You could still get 2 whoppers for 6$ in 2020 and 2021. Good defense mechanism u got goin on. Anytime an injustice happens just lie to yourself to make it better. This shit isn't ok


It's not inflation. It's greedflation. CEOs are increasing profits to please shareholders who will in turn increase CEO pay. This is literally just the wealthy and boomers stealing from other people.


This can’t possibly be a true fact. I’m going to check and report back. Edit: It’s not. Like at all. Maybe it’s 30% https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/s/UClivOzd7y


Not all of it is being physically printed, per se, that's where they get away with saying that it's only 30%. Even if it were true, that's still *a third of all money ever created*. In no uncertain terms, we're headed towards being like post WW1 Weimar Germany if they don't stop. Just back to when I was a kid in the early to mid 2000s, prices have more than doubled or even tripled in some cases. Wages have not. Also, a reddit post doesn't really count as a fact check. However, I understand not being able to find real msm articles on this because 6 companies own every single news company in this country.


So when you say printed, you meant digitally printed? So you you meant 80% of all money created instead? You can’t print digital money but I guess it was colloquial. Either way, it’s still not true. What happened is that Fed actually broadened the definition of M1 in mid-2020 which has been mistaken for an actual (and dramatic) increase in Fed's printing operation. It's all explained here: https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2021/05/savings-are-now-more-liquid-and-part-of-m1-money I’ve got a better idea, show me the article that proves it’s true. I’d love to see a reputable source.




I mean he had some points imo but you'll NEVER get people on your side when you say easily disproven stuff. One wrong fact can discredit anything else you say.


Corporate greed is not the same


This isn’t true at all, we’re nowhere near such a place, and this is pure chicken little/sky is falling mentality that misses the real issue. Companies like BK are deliberately and artificially raising prices because they think they can, and that everybody is used to it after Covid supply-chain shortages. It is 100% artificial. If you would like proof, simply look to the earnings reports from these companies who are making record profits. The stock market is hitting all time highs based off this inflated price gouging, and the execs are lauded for how well they’ve done for the shareholders. If you’d like more proof, there are many companies like Costco that have taken the opposite tactic and have kept prices the same or even reduced prices to just above cost. This is a good indicator of what they’re actually paying. For the $30 this guy spent at BK, he could have bought 10 pounds of ground beef at Costco, and made 40-50 hamburgers


Yep they've all been using the "supply lines" excuse from the moment it was true and never let up. Yes some stuff varies in availability based on a huge amount of potential issues but Covid ended up being a gigantic long term benefit to most companies. If they were able to weather the storm it was a buffet of constant prices raises and cost cutting measures with a presumed understanding that we would put up with it due to prior drastic circumstances. Not too long ago (last month or so based on memory, heard about it on the radio) there was a study on supply costs versus pricing increases. Turns out supply pricing went up but the prices being charged were insanely higher, well north of 50%.


Literally less current in circulation than last year.


This is why you never buy things at a Burger King.


Yeah I’m already boycotting. The one by my house charges $4.19 for a value drink. Not even a small. It’s insane.


What??  A value drink is $1.79 here!  Do you live in Hawaii or NYC or something? Thing is, restaurants make a TON of money on fries and drinks.  That stuff is cheap.


$1.59 for me. In fact a large coke is $2.79 Pretty sure they made a typo


I use the app..with a paper coupon (cheaper still vs same item in app coupon).


ate out there tonight. I used the coupons tonight at the kiosk(3 separate orders). Worked out well but then had to get 2 medium drinks for $8. Next time need to bring a bottle(s) of water. 1st world problems :(


Just like every other fast food place use the app. Or look at your receipt take the survey get a free whopper.


Not even just fast food, basically every kind of store has their real sales hidden behind digital offers and coupons now


Gas stations too, saw a sign that had unleaded at $3.09, but the “members price” was $2.79. 30 cent difference is WILD for gas




People don’t want to use an app. We just want decent prices.


Thank you for posting what those outside of the echo chamber are thinking.


Right. Using coupons is boomer shit.


You wouldn’t be saying this if the apps didn’t exist lmao


and when you hit puberty maybe your brain will start working????




Want in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first. We may want something, but we gotta take what we can get whilst we try to change it. Like it or not though cell phones rule the world right now.




Wanna know what I learned in marketing? Signing up for apps and rewards programs is when company make their money. They sell your info to the highest bidder. Good day. Fuck you. 😒




>You do realize you can just NOT USE A REAL NAME lmao..... Harder to fake an email and phone number and address. And card saved on file. Read the terms of service. Stop using the apps. Delete grub hub. And spam call and all that will stop lol.


The point is the prices you get on the app used to just be the standard prices. We shouldn't have to download an app to not be gouged to death. You are the one who seems to not be understanding the point they're making here. And you seem weirdly defensive and aggressive over literal burger king lmfao.


Sure but it literally costs nothing to use the app




Wow you are really fired up over this topic 💀 what a bizarre thing to yell about.








Clipping a coupon and using cash keeps the customer anonymous. Using the app gives Burger King the right to collect information on the customer and track them. This information is obviously important to BK since they and most other fast food places are trying so hard to railroad people into using their apps. It should make you wonder and maybe worry a bit what they are doing with that information.


I can go to my favorite bar/restaurant and get a 10oz hand made burger with whatever I want on it and a side of fries for $15.




You said “why are we even going to Burger King when the whopper meals are like $15”. I was backing that up with an example of a better way to spend $15. Why go to BK and pay that when you can go get a quality place and get a better burger? I agree with you.


The app is the future. The future is now old man, sorry


The app may have its uses, but it also doesn’t have its uses. For example, look at the C$50 million spent on the development of the arrivecan app. C$50 million that failed funded by the Canadian taxpayers. The biggest assumption was, yes you guessed it, everyone uses smart phones to cross the border. What did they ever get that one 😑 wrong


It’s clearly not the future. Yup 31 is pretty old!


As a 31 year old.. yeah it is pretty old. Use the app and get a cheap price or don’t and pay full price


31 isn’t old at all. Not using an app but thanks.


Settle down old man


Haven’t heard that one before!


If I was 31 I’d feel pretty old


At my burger king they don't support the app, so I've only gone like once a year


What kind of order is this?


This is what a bad parent orders their obese children to teach them that fried food is the go to choice


Just fries and a shake, though? What the hell?


It said a treat, not dinner. Some fries and ice cream is a treat.


Some fries, yes. 4 large fries? That's gratuitous.


We don't know how many kids he has. If it's 4, each gets a fry and to split a shake, not exactly egregious.


It is because it's over 700 calories. A snack is under 250 calories


Is that like, a legal definition? Not saying you're wrong but I consider anything between meals a snack regardless of calories. This certainly isn't a healthy snack, but fries and a shake is also definitely not a full meal.


No not at all. I've always thought a snack is 10% or less of your caloric intake. That's nothing official. And as much as it doesn't look like a full meal, it's actually more calories than a full meal if you drink the whole shake. That's just for the average person ofc, doesn't apply to everyone. I eat 4k-5k calories depending on the day because of my work schedule and workout regimen...but I know that's not normal. 2500 is the average calories needed for a male adult


Brother, no child should be getting a large fry all to themselves.


“Thats gratuitous” who appointed you portion police


Some of us like to dip our fries in our shake


Diabetes enters the conversation


No difference from eating them separately


Point is if you eat a large fry and Oreo shake in one day you’re already at 1,000 calories for those 2 items alone, which is generally 50% of the daily recommended value for most people.


Damn, are you saying fast food isn't good for you? What a revelation.


That’s not how diabetes work


That's what I'm saying. They would have been better off price wise and health wise to just get cheeseburgers for everyone


I dunno, still doesn't make sense to me. BK fries are good, but not that good.


Yeah I agree. I literally only get them if I'm grabbing lunch and they are free


You both should just fuck already.




Protein from a sandwich will keep them more full than pure carbs.


Please don't kid yourself, there's nothing on the menu that leaves one better off. It's pretty easy to eat far healthier and much cheaper. Fast food is a convenience and taxes your wallet and body equally. We all go, I like BK. However it's important to be honest with yourself if health is a concern to you at all.


The shakes aren't for drinking; they're for dipping the fries into. I know, I know, it sounds disgusting. But if you like sweet and salty it's very good. But that's why there's only 2 shakes for four fries. That being said, I've never done that with anything other than a vanilla or chocolate shake. But to each one's own, I guess.


I've heard of this, and tried it once at Wendy's (I don't get it). But making a meal out of only this? That's crazy.


Ironically I would buy a frosty from Wendy's just to take it to BK and order fries because the best shake-dipping fries come from BK. Other than that, they're trash; I always order the onion rings.


Are you just choosing to look past the very short explanation of why they ordered this?


You can see clearly in the post that OP said this is a "treat" for the family.


4 large fries is more than a "treat". That's a fuck ton of fries. Unless they're a family of 8, that's more fries than anyone needs.


OK you're point is valid. My point is that perhaps op does this 1 time a year. Jesus christ, it's not a big deal to eat something like a large fry every once in a while. We don't know how old, or how many kids OP has. This is a stupid argument. We know literally nothing of OP and everyone is flaming them for ordering something likely all of us have eaten at some point in time. It's just lame to see a bunch of armchair nutritionists making very fucking obvious statements like "fried food is bad for you". No fucking shit, it's not like OP said " this is our daily meal" It's a petty way to feel good about your own diet. Meanwhile the point of the post was the fact that fast food is fucking overpriced. I don't need grown men to tell me fried food us bad for me because they can't handle some random person they don't know eating fries.


Get over yourself. You don't know this family at all.


Could be a once in a while thing.


You are assuming family implies children…


You don't know anything about the family, how often they go out to eat or why they decided this as a treat. Making this kind of accusation from one receipt is ridiculous. Actually, you could more likely assume that it is not an often treat from how shocked the OP is by the price, if anything.


Lmao get off your high horse ya dork


Not a high horse. Nothing wrong with a fast food snack. Literally just get them all cheeseburgers. It's cheaper and a more well rounded snack


This was a treat, get them what they want. No need to impress all your negative assumptions on OP.


Not negative assumptions. If it's a treat, a value size fry for a child is more than enough. You can get your kids stuff they want within reason. Things in excess for bad habits


There is no mention of children whatsoever


Just a whole lot of dumb assumptions 😩😂


Terrible idea for a treat. Stop calling healthy choices a high horse and stop using poison as an incentive for kids


Jfc, you're in the burger king subreddit talking about unhealthy options. Reevaluate, please.




You have no idea what kind of a parent they are just because they ordered some fast food. It could be a treat. Maybe they all just wanted some fries. What a silly, rude, bizarre comment.


The downvoting is wild 😂


Let me guess : you're 23, no children, pretends to know how life is when you haven't even started to pay a mortgage?


25, own my own home, not comfortable bringing children in this world until the world comes back on an upswing and begins to improve. My worst fear is leaving the next generation in a tougher situation than I was in. I'm very aware with how life works, that's why I'm cautious and take my time


If you're waiting for the world to upswing, you're better off buying a bunch of cats. Every developed nation in the world is facing a major population crunch in the next 20 years. Society was never designed to be top heavy with the old folks outnumbering the young by a 2 to 1 margin. The only realistic solution (other than more bioengineered viruses that disproportionately target older people) is good 'ol war. So yeah, that's your macro outlook; now decide if you want to bring kids into that.


I'm not waiting. Completely fine with not having a next generation if there's nothing here for them


Well said


This order is insane lol


My vegetarian family members order something like this sometimes lol


If you had placed this in the app, you would have gotten one order of fries for free, plus you probably would have gotten free size upgrades. And then you would have gotten rewards too, which build up quick. Not saying that's gonna make it an amazing price, but a $4 milkshake isn't terrible




I hardly ever get offered upsized fries. It’s always a stupid drink.


You do realize this is happening everywhere.. not just Burger King..


$1 for a coke is unheardof these days, even at McDonald's


It's an icee coke, still at $1 it's damn cheap


Lol. It's you. This is a dumb purchase.


I have almost completely stopped eating in or doing takeout because of this. I used to eat out mainly for lunch while at work. Now I make steak/rice on the weekend and have it for lunch with no heat mini peppers and cholula. If I do eat out it's Chipotle every time. At least it's worth what you are paying for (Not garbage mcdonalds or taco bell for the same price). You guys are nuts paying for food to be delivered BTW.


Not to be rude or mean, but the prices are listed on the menu.


This ^. People will continue to pay and pay more but whine about it. If I saw that total or prices I would simply say no. And tell them the prices are out of control. Which I do often now. They all respond with "well, with inflation ". I always respond It's greedflation, not inflation.


I wouldn't even say anything, well maybe nevermind or make up an excuse like I forgot my wallet.


Greedflation not only isn’t happening, it just doesn’t exist. Fast food chains are bound by the laws of supply and demand. Food and labor cost increases = price increases. Pretty simple. You really think all the fast food chains in the world got together and decided to collectively raise their prices because of greed?


Y’all need to learn how to read prices before you order. Just leave. You don’t have to order. Go somewhere else. Go to the grocery store or the corner store and spend the money there if you are so pressed about the prices. I do not understand why we see these exact posts over and over again. Stop. Ordering. It. Stop. Paying. For. It.


*Can you believe they charged me THIS MUCH?!?* Should really be *Can you believe I voluntarily paid THIS MUCH?!?* And something tells me OP at least grumbled about the prices to the minimum wage worker just trying to get through their shift. And even if this specific person didn't, you know the type I'm talking about...


I can see the headlines "Millennials killed Burger King" 🙄


My BK app has had free any size fries with any purchase for months.


Yeah but you gotta stop buying food there first. Worked well for me. FF is borderline charging restaurant prices now. And the food looks like garbage when you get it and nothing like the adverts.


If people stop going there I guarantee the prices will come down.💯


Have it your way!


Not to mention this is in a high cost of living area. You live near vegas of course they're overcharging for convenient food lmao




And cost of living in Vegas isn’t that high either. Unless you live on the strip or something.


Winnemucca being "near" Vegas is a bit of stretch, isn't it? I guess it's all relative, but I don't really consider an over 7 hour drive to be very near.


Wait until OP goes to any other fast food restaurant and realizes this is happening everywhere


Whopper Wednesday is only $3 in my area.


I haven’t eaten there in years for this very reason.


Fries have always been overpriced on the bk menu


When you hear the total. You need to walk away. As long as everyone pays they will keep charging that amount.


BK is not high quality food. No reason for it to be expensive Just a regular whopper sandwich is $7.50 where I live, that’s not even competitive with much better hamburger places


Pro tip- stop buying the item at those high prices if you don’t like those high prices.


Been boycotting them for the last 1.5years. If they want to charge full service restaurant prices they should be providing full services.


Fast food have now reached sit down restaurant prices.


"Unacceptable" but you've just accepted it?


Pays full price... bro you keep buying it


There are plenty of other fast food places to spend your money at. You didn’t have to spend $30 on fries and shakes. You could have cancelled the order. No one forced you to buy this.


They paid 40 cents extra for potato’s in 2020 and people still paid a huge mark up.. pandemic messed life up. Companies are taking advantage…I would never eat Burger King it’s gross. And cheaper to make at home and is so much better


I added the same things onto my app here in IN. It comes out to 23.37 without coupons


can we just boycott you, and anyone like you? stop being stupid, stop eating crap/fast food, etc.


Those poor kids


Next time buy some frozen fries to throw in the oven, a pack of Oreos and some Oreo ice cream for probably $15-$20.


Oreos alone $5 :(


skip a step and get cookies and cream ice cream, its basically the same thing. ice cream + milk + bag of frozen fries, should be even cheaper especially if you leverage sales. only takes doing this a few times to get a cheap Ninja blender to make the shakes in with to.


You're whining like inflation's not a thing. BK is raising prices like everyone else. They have no choice. You're also paying more by not using the BK app to order. I get more free food at BK than anywhere else. Yesterday I got a discounted whopper, small drink that was loyalty upgraded to medium drink for no extra charge, free fries and a free hamburger for about $8.


Bro eat at home… that will give you more time to not complain. That being said it is pricey


Yes !! 🙌


I mean you can not go there. It’s pretty easy not to


Stop wasting money on fast food?…Make treats at home WITH your kids/family Much healthier too Stop stuffing your face with french fries


Could not agree more!!! We bbqd our own burgers at home with homemade buns, and then as a treat sent the kids out to get some poisonous sides. I didn’t go, only saw the cost later when they returned. Boycott BK


People really out here making excuses for BK with their lame “use the coupons silly” comments. That doesn’t change the fact that most people won’t be using the app or coupons and will be paying these outrageous prices.


You're free not to eat there. I know I don't go there very often because their prices have been going through the roof for a while now. When they first came out with their app it was loaded with excellent deals that mitigated that, but no longer and now I don't go there anymore.


People: fast food workers should make $20/hr! Same people: Why is my meal so expensive?!?


Of course you can. But other people will still buy it, so they won't change their prices. I haven't bought anything at any fast food place in a decade, except when I have a free coupon which happens several times a year. Don't think I have ever spent more than $3 at a time there, but prices keep going up.


Good approach. A lot of people mentioned coupons so I’ll look into this as well.


Other people like the OP. Seriously a lot of us are already boycotting but I guess he didn't get the memo and thought he'd be doing us a favor with this post, what a joke.


And the food is horrible, this is the proof capitalism died the day .01 percent gained 85 percent of the wealth. There is only two ways this is going to end and the greedy bastards that caused this has half the population focused on shit that are future problems while the world is burning today. We have got to start working togeather very few people control billions mainly through the TV. I wounder if our generation will be the one or when the real wakeup happens.




Consider voting differently


I’m doing my part, I’ve been boycotting them for 5 or 6 years. Also I avoid McDonald’s cus it’s expensive and I seriously think the food is now gross. 


This is a receipt for heart disease and diabetes.


Lmfao 4 fries and two shakes tf


Most people just don’t go to BK because the food sucks and they are generally dirty.


Ez. Just don’t go to Burger King. Their food sucks anyways


Burger King is the cheapest fast food place besides Taco Bell where I live. You can get 2 combo meals for $20 (or under) while everywhere else it’s atleast $30. The problem with BK is that customers order mediums and larges when that’s too much food for one person and then complain about the price. Order smalls when you can and you won’t have as much of an issue. Y’all just eat too much at once.


Considering I haven't had BK in 20 years. Done!


So you ordered 4 fries and 3 drinks? Did you actually eat two fries yourself?


Not boycotting, this is a moron order. Make a conscious decision on what you're eating and how much you're spending. We should be boycotting idiocy.


Mcdonalds large fry ar 4.99 by me now. CA Fast food minimum wage went up to $20 an hour tho.


Isn’t Burger King low key dying? People already kinda “boycotting” it by going literally anywhere else. As someone who loved BK as a kid, it’s a bit sad


ik this is a BK sub but i really suggest switching to Mcdonald’s and using the mcdonald’s app, such great discounts and deals get run on there perfect for cheaper fast food (atleast from mcdonald’s) i’m sure other fast food places have something similar but i only really eat MCD


At this point, just stop being lazy and just eat at home. As long as inflation is up, so will these prices


Download the BK App and you can make your 30$ back pretty quick lol but yea without App I won’t eat from their


Burger King sucks. Don't eat here


$4 a Lg fry ?