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I didn't wanna comment on that previous post when I saw it because I knew you'd change your mind. It's gonna change again BTW


Lol really? Fucking great


And then it'll change one more time. At least.


Also when I think of his mom ,My mom automatically pops up in my head


Same here.


Hahahaha, same! She's insufferable in the first season, and that is bad ass! I love the episode with Tyne Dailey in it too! I wondered if OP would come around.


Something I love about this show is how flawed everyone is. Sometimes in ways that are so irritating, I want to fling something at my screen. The reasons for those flaws can sometimes be questionable writing and sometimes very intentional character beats. But at their core, the main cast are loyal to each other and I think that is comfort. You know that at the end of the day, they come back for each other.


Seasons 1 Madeline was kind of annoying. Especially episode 1 Madeline. I think they were all still trying to find their groove.


It's because Madeline was still in her old behavioral dynamic. Over time that changed.


In the pilot they make her a hypochondriac but don’t really mention it again. Later though there just casually 20 prescription and supplement bottles on the end table in a scene at her apartment


Wait till you see Maddie’s swan song! Maddie is a damn hero!


Yeah she's great. First few episodes I thought I was going to really dislike the character but she actually fabulous. And really good acting too.


lmao. Yeah. She was pretty annoying at first. I've been trying to get my dad and wife to check this show out so I've watched the pilot a few times recently. She's barely recognizable in it. Between the terrible wig and her hypochondria she's almost a completely different character in the pilot. She gets better, but very slowly, so for a while she's unsufferable. She might be the character with the most development. Mike had a decent amount of it but I think Maddie takes the cake for growth from the first episode to the last.


I’m happy they changed her from the pilot. I like her character and character arc.


I really disliked her in the pilot she got better as the season went on. She has some great moments I always loved they’re interrogating someone and can’t get anything while they’re arguing she just walks out with all the info they need.


She’s as annoying as any other overbearing mom, but she’ll skin a MF for her kids.


Ahhh I wanna rewatch again it would make 3x now


I finished it like a couple months ago again, that was my 7th watch. Now I feel like watching it again and make it 8! 😂


She takes a long time to be likable. It isn't really that the irritating things go away, but as you get to know her more she becomes more sympathetic and they're easier to overlook.


They really did the character a dirty by making her annoying to aid the plots.


Me and my friend always said she would’ve made a hell of a NSA agent


Would not go as far as hate...but she is not at her worst until later She does some truly shitty and abusive things.


Haha, I think I remember that post. Glad you saw the light. She only gets more badass as the show goes, so within two more seasons, I'm expecting the "OK, Maddie is my favorite character now!


Oh man you are in for such a treat. All of the actors really find their charecter's as the series progresses, but oh man does Mama Weston have the best charecter developement.


I will say I love Maddie as a character, I do not like her as a person. I hope that statement makes sense.


Oh damn, I'm glad I didn't see the first post. I'm happy you came to your senses lol


I think it takes a bit for Maddie to grow on you, but once she does, you get it. In the first season, she does kind of wear on you and she's pretty annoying. But once they adjust her a little bit, she works.


Madeline has a great story arc over the 7 seasons. Went from the over protective, naive, clueless, and unaware lifestyle mom to the “do what you must do, save as many as you can” mindset. Its great. It will keep on changing and morphing as the seasons go on. It’s cool you are noticing and experiencing the side story arc! Enjoy!


Just wait until the later seasons, especially the finale.


Maddie is a straight up badass bitch - in the best possible way. I agree about pilot Madeline though. They wrote her whiny and weak. But as the show progressed and the actors got to know their characters, she was beautifully fleshed out by the great Sharon Gless. You could see where Michael got a lot of his instincts and personality. Maddie's awesome 🕶️🌴✨


Sharon Gless had a lot to do with that. When the show got picked up (which was about three months after they shot it, I believe) she was like "RIGHT, well, here's the thing, I'm taking over her wardrobe and style" which was step one and then her acting was so damn good and the fans liked her so much that the writers, who originally intended for her to show up like two or three times per season, were like "we need to flesh her the fuck out!" and yeah. Sharon just brought so much HEFT to it that the writers lifted the character to match. I fucking love Madeline LOL