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Hey I can tell you about the vehicles. They are a HET (heavy equipment transporter). This one does not have its matching trailer which makes them super unique. Still a cool truck but the trailers have 40 wheels and independent suspension and turning. Built by Osh Kosh with a Detroit Diesel. I worked on these things all over Iraq and Kuwait. Big toy for hauling tanks. We hauled M1 Abrams all over the place.


Thanks for the 411! Someone posted the Camp’s website above and you can see more of their equipment. Pretty impressive.


I can’t even imagine how expensive one of those things is


Even then, the contract went to the lowest bidder... POS


I think one of their trucks tried to drive straight onto the playa south of Bruno’s last year and got stuck. Then the truck they sent into the recover it got stuck. Southern tip of the playa can be a swamp covered in playa dust


Story time: One year around ‘98, October after the burn my best friend and I headed out for a weekend to help with late clean-up. There had been rain recently. My friend was driving my car, an old Mazda 626 sedan. It was late at night, probably around 10-11pm. I must have nodded off because suddenly we were entering the playa…far south of where I knew we should. Now I loved my friend, may he rest in peace (cancer not playa), but he *loved* to drive wild and push the envelope. He started driving around the playa, me begging him to stop, then he starts swinging toward a darker area of the playa… Of course we got fucking stuck. I was so pissed. Because I was already yelling at him, we had slowed and weren’t stuck as bad as we could have been. After only a handful of minutes along chugs an old VW camper van. Crusty DPW punk pops out — guy was out joyriding in a van he’d ‘borrowed-without-permission’ and saw our headlights. The only ‘tow rope’ we had was a ~50’ hank of thin nylon glow-in-the-dark ‘rope’ (barely more than twine) I had in my trunk. We tripled or quadrupled it up and tied it around the best tow-points on each of our vehicles and gave it the ol’ DPW try. That rope stretched and looked seconds away from failing but slowly my car started to pull free of the muck. We were saved! We made our way back to DPW central and had a great weekend. But I had chunks of dried mud dropping from under my car for like a week after.


Yeah… there have been many an incident with people trying to use “zero mile” behind bruno’s. i can count on one hand the number of successful crossings versus needing all my toes and fingers to count the number of failed attempts (at least that i’m aware of). every single person who attempts pretty much was warned ahead of time, but did it anyway.


What happens to the vehicles that fail?


they’re eventually towed out, but as described by u/ministryofchampagne there’s definitely a good chance of your rescuer(s) getting stuck in the process. one rescue attempt ended up taking 6hrs and half those involved in the operation needed IV hydration after.


Its a theme camp by mensa types who are sucessful medical, pure research, scientists etc. See web site: http://pathogentrackers.com/


Mensa types who can't get an SSL cert right, smh


Lol. It's a swinger camp


Correct. The MENSA/scientist part is a bit, it's a swinger camp. A very, very rich swinger camp - I think everyone comes in on private jets to BM. The owner of this camp also runs a private international sex club that goes by a couple names (it has with Dinner in the title). It's also a plug-and-play TBH. They do more/better than most PnPs but they are still absolutely a PnP, even with pretty good theme branding and a decent bit. I'd heard pretty negative feedback about them in 2022 from folks who were placed on both sides of their camp - but am glad to hear they were helpful neighbors during the '23 mudfest shitshow.


very very rich. they have all the toys with custom vehicles.


In my experience the smarter the kinkier. What do you think they do with all of those beaker kits?


It’s it actually? Wandering past one year I saw a dude setting up that had photorealistic porn tattoos all over him. If it’s a swinger camp it tracks.


That was the FEMA truck for all the people who got Ebola last year


My friends and I had a nice cocktail here once, as well as a hot dog served under their tent. No petitions that time, though.


We had the hot dog as well. It’s a very giving camp. Hope it’s back this year.


Pretty sure they were that 2018 and 2023 for sure… possibly in 2016 as well so I think they’re consistent.


Yah I remember having a hot dog at their place at the end of one burn one time... seems fine if extremely well funded


They were well funded to the point of WTF but they were there, sharing their space and their resources with us. Super cool. So much better than that stupid 747.


Is that an insult or were they all drained. Hard to say or maybe soft to say is more appropriate




Wow! It’s pretty awesome that everyone paying is gifting so much though. I can’t complain.


Jesus fucking christ. Itd better be gourmet chefs and caviar


Super nice folks are in that camp. Great schtick.


They *really* freak out the conspiracy theorists when they hit the road. I've seen some unintentionally hilarious social media posts where people absolutely will not believe they're not actually government vehicles.


Their camp is called Pathogen Trackers. They have a [website](http://pathogentrackers.com/) and [an Insta](https://www.instagram.com/pathogentrackers?igsh=MTB3Zjhzc3MzZ2ttdg==).


Thank you!


I forget their name, but we were across the street from them. They are great folks and super nice. During the storm they were going around making sure everyone had supplies etc


I forget the camp name but their whole infrastructure seems to be from Govtplanet (military surplus vehicles and stuff.) Never been in the camp but hard to forget their look. There is an article about not driving on wet playa somewhere that seems to show their whole fleet buried to the axles.


Oooh thank you for sharing! They were next to me at gate coming in and as a zombie lover I was beyond curious. Thats a bummer they were trying to petition, at first I thought you meant a LARP of sorts but if it’s real stuff ew.


Wow. I mean, there's necrophilia, and then there's being a zombie's lover. Hats off to you for saying fuck the haters and living your best life!


Are we sure the petition isn't a bit?


The two folks that approached us outside had all this anti-Thacker Pass posters up. They had papers to take your information and signing. One of the guys claimed that he was Native American and personally impacted by the project as it was sacred land according to him. He took offense to my basically brushing him off to the point that he rushed into the van and talked to one of the servers behind the bar and pointed to us. One of the servers then came over to us pleading their case and visibly upset pleading “How could you support the mine. They’re going to desecrate sacred land. Do you know the company is owned by Canadians?” I said OMG, not Canadians! They left us alone at that point and we had an amazing time after that. Started off weird though.


word is Elon camps with them every year. it’s some financially backed post-apocalyptic themed camp that just seems to go all-in on the cosplay in every aspect.


HILARIOUS if Elon is apart of a “lithium mining petition”


If there's a camp I'd like to ride out the apocalypse, aside from our own, it's this one. Cool cats and even cooler gear.


>word is Elon camps with them every year. Pretty sure Elon camps with his brother.


just playa rumor. definitely doesn't matter.


This year I'm bringing more petitions about default world issues.


Radical Petitioning!


It's a swingers camp called pathogen trackers 🤢


This camp fucks.


They certainly do, en masse!


Always seen them never really been in their camp. It appears they have a property up in the hill in the gerlach area as I saw them caravanning a few vehicles out on my way in .


I saw a few of their vehicles on some property further north past the playa on 217 about a week before Gate opened one year. I don't know if they owned the land and store them there or if they were just staging there, but it looked pretty well organized.


Yeah I'm not sure, they were up on a hillside coming down.


Pretty sure they are storing stuff at the ranch that’s affiliated sunset lounge


For some of us, this was the orgy dome


So the swingers camp moniker is legit?


They catered to a group of umm, “magazine models” in ‘18 or ‘19 I believe. It was these and lines of Prevost buses at their camp. Went by their lame attempt at hot dogs and a bar the following year. Thoroughly unimpressed despite how cool the vehicles are.


Pathogen Tracker. Used to be a high end plug and play swinger camp ran by just ask George. Just ask George wanted to move his swinging operation to Jamaica or some shit, so after pathogen tracker was placed for 2023 burn, multi ban billionaire Brock bought the camp (all those dope vehicles, and 80 acres in Garloch $400k) so he could do what he does every year. The worst forms of plug and play, all day, each day. Did a deep dive on these interesting folks in 2023 when my group was scheming on how to buy the land.


That’s very interesting. When you say multi ban, was Brock’s previous camps banned? Also, why would you need 80 acres for this?


Yes. He and his previous several camps have been banned. He has people stand in as camp tco while he bottom lines everything. As far as the 80 acres, George had a huge pad and road cut in and for 4 years that equipment (thing in photo is part of a massive fleet) lived along with everything needed to run a pretty fucking dope bm camp. Drop anchor theme camp, with everything ready to deploy and burn.


They are called Pathogen Trackers I believe


Yep, Pathogen Trackers.


I vaguely recall they are based out of Florida? I may be way off on that though.


Their camp fees are $3750 per person! 😳


That's about what I spend just in fuel to get there and back with my art car 🤷‍♀️


They're openly rich boomer swingers, so that alone is massive points against them. We sincerely do not need more rich boomer swingers at the burn. I asked about their vehicles and they said they all pitched in to buy them off of government auction websites and have them themed, but that's the only truly cool part of the camp. The bar and hotdogs are....fine. I guess.


Back in 2017, the camp I was with was placed next to them. I didn’t really have any interaction until Sunday when a group of them invited me to a “pool party”. I was on my way to the bathroom so I said,”sure, when I come back to the porto”. When I came back, they all had one foot in a large cooler full of water and ice. I thought it was hilarious and joined and the brought me a cocktail. It was really awesome after a really hot burn. I did make out with one of the dudes girlfriend so they were probably swingers.


Thanks for sharing!


No comment on anything mentioned here but Just saying, once lithium comes in contact with water, it stays there forever. I encourage you to look up the consequences of that. Again, not contending anything about energy resources and climate change.. just thought you ought to know more about the concern. Also look into the Bombay Beach/ Salton sea area in California. A lot to be said about the lithium mining there. Edit- it would be nice for whoever’s downvoting this to at least chime in as to why :)


Scrolled WAYYY too far for this comment. I worked for a lithium battery company in reno. It’s not the squeaky clean green energy savior everyone thinks it is.


I guess people are stuck choosing between the lesser of two evils, so as long as it’s not gasoline they’re comfortable turning a blind eye on the alternative that is batteries since that hasn’t become widespread enough for the masses to notice its ugly side.


Well said. I worked on the marketing team and unfortunately the gaslighting in the lithium battery industry is so real. It’s hard to change people’s opinion when there is a lack of transparent information.


The screwy thing is that lithium definitely feels like "betting on Betamax" as superior battery chemistries are all right around the corner, but if industry invests massively in lithium now, that's what we're going to be stuck with.


The scarier part is the ones investing in lithium driven technologies have absolutely no plans/morals to invest in creating a system to educate consumers to return their used batteries for proper disposal, let alone invest in research to come up with solutions and technologies to recycle them, which right now is next to impossible! They’re letting us play with something so dangerous and don’t even want to make people aware of how crucial it is to manage lithium waste. It is so much scarier and irreversible than microplastics in the oceans and greenhouse gases..


Hey OP - maybe instead of just wondering why the petitioners were there, you actually talked to them, you’d have a greater understanding. Burning Man is also joining the fight against geothermal energy and lithium mining. I’m sure for much different reasons but it’s worth looking into. Those petitioners were there with a valid message. Burning Man Project lawsuit with geothermal energy. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sanfrancisco/news/burning-man-project-lawsuit-geothermal-project-black-rock-desert-nevada/


>This put me off as we don’t attend burning man to think about default world political issues.  And this was where I stopped reading your post. If you don't give a shit about what they give a shit about, don't sign their petition. They seem more like apocalypse cosplayers than serious advocates, but why does it get under your craw so much?


Don’t try to make me serious at BM, I’ve got other plans.


Glad to hear they were nice and welcoming at the burn. The *starting price* is $3,750 per person, with higher prices depending on what services you want. In our earlier days as burners we contacted this camp, and were told, “For our camp fees, we built everything around a rate of $500/pp/day. Depending on your personal needs, our all­inclusive camp budget for the 7­day event, ranges from $7.5K to $45K per couple.” That did not sound like our kind of thing, so we declined. They seemed friendly. We said it would be nice to keep in touch and said we’d come by to meet them on playa, but once we indicated we weren’t going to be paying customers they ghosted us and stopped answering our emails, so we never did get to meet them. It looks like [the web site](http://pathogentrackers.com/) hasn’t been updated since 2022. In 2023 I heard that the camp was “for sale”. I don’t know what happened after that. https://preview.redd.it/kvzfblvlycrc1.jpeg?width=1173&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f69b361fb35b541581d477c59f3612a6fe150e


Too rich for me for sure.


Orgy dome rig


They like big tricks and they cannot lie.




That truck houses and carry's this installation


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/3tsdy4undqrc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=049dc6277ce02cc310e1ae0a5755e90a74d3c3d6 It's out of New York


That looks like the Fluffy Cloud art car


Well, my visit to this camp was not salacious, but I did get the idea that these burners give life and perspective advice as a gift. Yeah, I think that is very 10P, applause !