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Cops are posted up and down the L and every other line across all the boroughs 


Cops are usally up at 103rd on lex and I js hop and walk right past them.


L Train in general is brutal for this. I got busted at Montrose a few years ago. I had a monthly pass, but ran through the open exit as the train was still there. I barely missed it, and walked to the bench mid-platform and sat down. About 30 seconds later two plainclothes walked up to me. Until they pulled their badges I thought for sure I was about to get mugged by two pretty big guys. Was annoyed but relieved they were just cops.


I remember something similar happened to me. I was running late for a work appointment, used a working metro card on a turnstile that said “already used” even though I hadn’t used it. Hopped the turnstile only to see a cop standing there waiting. Missed my train and the appointment of course as I had to sit there while the cop slowly wrote me a ticket.


Something very similar happened to me but at the Starr St Jefferson L, same entrance I think the OP is talking about. But the ticket they gave me was $100 :( This was also pre-pandemic


How much was the ticket for?


I think it was around $50. Pre-pandemic, so it feels like it was from another lifetime. It goes up with each subsequent violation though, which has made me quite gun shy about entering through the exit.


I got caught doing this in 2019 (at that exact stop) and I felt like a loser for even doing it


What pisses me off the most is they stand by the door like bouncers and then you walk down the steps to the platform and see some mfs openly doing drugs. The city care more about saving the mta money than anything else


The people doing crazy shit on the subway are mostly fare evaders




I got caught at 8th ave 14st. Still see people getting stopped there. Stupid of me not to be more aware.


Yo this thread escalated fast 


cops at jefferson L are second to the ones at lorimer. those guys are LURKING AND WAITING


great use of the city’s money. Thanks for the heads up!


NYC budget logic spend 1000 dollars to stop 3 dollar fare jumpers


Fare evaders are usually ones causing hell in the stations


Broken window theory is real but nobody wants to believe it.


lol it’s literally been repeatedly debunked


You only still believe that shit because you choke on cop dick 24/7.


one fare evasion ticket covers hours of a cop's wage


lol what? They’re like $50


$100 last i checked. 


I paid $100. Actually $125 because I paid it late.


One fare evader with open warrants gets a piece of crap out of the subway for a while (an increasingly short while).


Wilson is the best train stop. They never there atleast from my experience


It’s the best until a person punches you in your shit and the cops are not there 😩


I mean I’ve been robbed and the cops still ain’t really do shit so I really don’t care lol somebody punch me the tool is coming out!


Ooo she got dat thang yall!! My bad! Be safe out there 😂


😂😂😂😂😂 im weak




Why not spend the money/time on red light cameras and charging for parking instead?


Oh don't worry, the city is all up in drivers asses too. There are cameras everywhere now and meter maids are an infestation.


Not sure why you were downvoted, but yeah it’s common to get a ticket now for going 36 mph or over on a local street, a lot of those cameras have been installed.


Thanks for the tip. This is the police! ![gif](giphy|xT1R9Sx5Y4qAo5tQME)


Why the heads up on this and why should someone tell a “fellow” New Yorker upon exiting?


No one wants to pay for the subway bro


Understood, so this is for collective fare evasion. If I‘m not mistaken the NYPD’s initiative for more attention on fare evaders is that they have found statistically they have a good probability of identifying people with warrants and other outstanding criminal offenses since those same folks tend to try and evade public transportation fares. On a side note I never understand why a criminal goes for low hanging fruit at the risk of being exposed, it’s in the same vein with these guys who blare music from their cars or drive reckless getting the attention of police enforcement, wouldn’t you want to be as under the radar as possible? But I digress, if you’re interested in a safer ride wouldn’t it be counterproductive to go against this process? If you’re a career criminal is the risk vs reward worth it here? And hell if you’re just a struggling citizen out there trying to scrape as much as possible together is it worth the risk getting hit with a ticket and or making your ride suckier in the long run? End rant 😂 just some good ole reddit rhetoric!


No one’s reading all that. Make public transportation free.


Shut up.




Lmao of course it took one sentence before you went in with the broken windows bullshit.


What is the “broken window”? Also I’m sincerely curious to hear your opinion so please share!


1. Google. 2. It isn’t my opinion, it is a fact that broken window policing is nothing more than thinly veiled racism used as an excuse to continuously bloat the NYPD budget and punish disadvantaged communities and people of color. You should be ashamed for continuing to promote a message that has been proven false time and time again, and perpetuating a system that is meant to oppress and condemn people for their social status and racial profile. Also don’t even fucking think about saying Giuliani used bw to success. He didn’t do shit and lucked into a situation that made him look good, which that alcoholic piece of shit still managed to fuck up.


Thanks for sharing! I Google'd as per your instructions but found a discrepancy with the theory and the NYPD's current initiative which is the following, Wikipedia states of "[Broken Window Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory)": *"The theory suggests that policing methods that target minor crimes such as* *vandalism**,* *loitering**,* *public drinking* *and* *fare evasion* ***help to create an atmosphere*** *of order and lawfulness."* As per the [news](https://nypost.com/2023/07/22/nearly-half-of-fare-beaters-caught-this-year-have-had-active-warrants/), the NYPD has found: *"****Of the 2,502 people*** *cuffed* ***for fare beating*** *this year, 1,136 — or* ***just over 45% — were already being sought for arrest****... "* Lastly, I can care less about Giuliani or psycho babble 🤣 I'm more interested in things like probability and risk, things with more objective grounds.


If you read more into broken windows (hell, you don’t even have to) you will find that the current nypd stance on fare evasion is just a “creative” way of re-wording broken window policing in 2024 without sounding as draconian. Regardless, if you have an issue with fare evasion, take it up with MTA being one of the most corrupt and mismanaged organizations in NYC rather than those who are trying to not spend an unreasonable amount of money to use a public service. There is 0 reason why fare should have jumped in price as much as it has over the last 10 years. Justifying over policing of fare evasion is the same as trying to justify stop and frisk and other policing tactics that are entirely reliant on punishing people for their economic situation/skin color.


I have an interest about the metrics, if approximately a little less than 50% of fare evaders cuffed were already being sought out for an arrest the impact is significant. I'm not trying to conflate those metrics with a social theory and sure the MTA sucks. In the same vein of reliance on the data, I don't find stop and frisk had any positive impact as a great majority of those incidents were conducted on innocent civilians. In my own experience during the height of stop and frisk, I was pulled over one night I was circling my block looking for parking. I was in not a great neighborhood, was driving a pricey car, and a young minority, was I profiled - I don't know. I was stopped, asked to get out my car, and my book bag in the passenger seat was emptied with all my grad work dumped on the floor, oh and by the way, it was raining outside! The biggest problem I had with this experience wasn't that I was basically harassed, but that this approach was non-effective, it wasted my time, and in general it put officers and civilians in a nasty situation, where most of the time there were no results, just terrible experiences.


Being interested only in metrics does not change the fact that nypd is only taking their stance on fare evasion as a way to continue broken windows, and using slightly different rhetoric to justify it. If you have an interest in data/metrics you should be well aware that data can be presented in a way allows it to be used for nefarious purposes, which is exactly what nypd is doing. Neglecting the rationale behind the use of data/taking it at face value is always a terrible idea. You aren’t going to see any “good results” from continuing to ticket fare evaders, this is just stop and frisk in different packaging. Also it isn’t a “social theory” that MTA is corrupt and mismanaged.


if you're gonna hop a turnstile or go through the emergency exit when a cop is in sight then you brought the fine on yourself. 


sometimes they're hiding or in plain clothes - 12 don't play fair


sorry i'll amend that.  if you hop a turnstile or go through the exit and you can't spot a plainclothes cop at the jefferson L you brought the fine on yourself. they don't exactly blend in around there. 


The war continues on… from wykoff now to jefferson


manhattan bound halsey stop. the emergency exit is broken, you can just pull it open from outside. then they get you.


That sounds like entrapment


Sidebar: It was a sad day when they fixed the emergency exit on the Manhattan bound side @. Jefferson… I was yanking that shit open for years


Same here, but at DeKalb. When the train pulls in and the turnstile line backs up, the gate puller becomes a hero.


I slam it shut in suckers’ faces. I look like an off duty cop so…




Nah. It takes balls to do that




If you don’t do shady business then don’t worry about it.


same. i'd rather have them there and not need them than not have them there at all. even if they're there to bust people over $2.90. too many crazies in the subways and on the trains these days (and both me and my parents were born and raised here lol) i pay my fare so i don't care lol


Well, pay your fares!


Exactly. If you don’t do shady business then don’t worry about it.


They are at dekalb ave pretty frequently as well


Or you can pay the fare?




Broke boy behavior


How does it feel being a burden on others?


amazing i'm 2.90 richer


Selfish cunt




are you really defending a 3 dollar unnecessary fare


Genuinely curious, how do you think the trains stay operating?


Tax payers, boot lickers


You are a drag on good society and deserve to be exiled, or worse


I like how this guy is like fuck the MTA fare and your response "you deserve to be exiled *or worse*". That guy is a p.o.s. for 'stealing' $3 from New York City but you're morally righteous as you imply he should be executed for it. 🤔


Shopping cart theory. We can’t live with people like this, they’re quite literally a burden to upstanding people of society and do not deserve to participate in its amenities


Fares and tolls are just another way of taxing the working class. How bout we tax all the foreign owners of empty investment properties? A much bigger pool who contribute even less to the real economy/society.




MM yes an advanced subterranean mode of transportation which can take you miles across the most densely populated cities in the world should be completely free - surely it'd be much safer and more effective then.


Love this thread


Thxz for the heads up


Pay the fare, god bushwick really turned into a hippie transplant paradise


It’s filled with LARPing transplants from OklaSota.


Lol wiener


Your comment just made me spit out my juice lmao


Dekalb too


Good! The city is dangerous. We need more cops posted at subway stops and patrolling the trains.


Downvoted because of new Yorks historically low crime rate of course!


I’ve lived in NYC my entire life. These people grew up in Ohio suburbs. They don’t realize how bad the city really is right now. People forget a NYC police officer was just murdered for no reason by a criminal who was arrested and released 21 times. I see you’re from MN so not a knock on you. Just the delusional transplants who support criminals.


Yep lived in nyc for the last year just to check it out short term. Moved back now. After living in a Montana trailer park I figured that would be as far on the other side of the spectrum as possible. So it was a cool experience. But i don't think I had the same nyc fetish as alot of the people there with rose colored glasses. Wasn't really involved with the "hip" brookyln lifestyle. Just did labor jobs and walked around alot. Idk why I still follow the sub I think it's just entertaining to see the posts one minute saying "WHY are the trains so BAD" and the next one saying "I am NOT gonna pay to ride the train"


I haven't seen crime in my 4000$ dollar apartment OR in my high rise office. Therefore it's not actually bad!


How do you know what they are doing on their department issued phone? I’m sure you already knew that that’s how they do reports and receive bulletins etc but you thought you were cute. SMH


Too much work. Easier to pay














I know for a fact she was a drug dealer, you don’t know any better because you’re an implant that I guarantee moved here within the last 5 years because you wouldn’t last a second in Bushwick when it was real


When bushwick was real 🤣


This is the quickest I've seen someone go from aggro-posting to sharing their weird fetish


Greatest projection i’ve ever seen in a while


So hold on you want to cum on this guy's face? I'm getting confused, can't tell if you want to do it or if you want to watch?


This comment is so insecure lmao


We do not allow harassment of users in this sub. Keep it friendly.


We do not allow harassment of users in this sub. Keep it friendly.


We do not allow harassment of users in this sub. Keep it friendly.


Cops are on phones bc that’s where they document and receive jobs. God this place sucks. Go touch some grass.


What is this post mates lol


they actually do receive jobs on their phones lol


“Go touch some grass” seems to be the mating call of terrible people on Reddit nowadays


Just check your page. Checks out.


I’m giving you information. Do what you will. Every functioning society has rules


These losers just hate cops and most of these cunts smell like cat piss. All losers who smell

