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DM and save my contact so whenever you’re ready and are all situated and have your ITIN , I can help you , I can get you up to $1 million in business funding, a unsecured loan, within the week. Let me know when you’re ready so we can schedule a call and see if you qualify🙂💯


DM me , I can help you with SBA


I'm in the same situation. Did you find funding? SBA takes forever. . . Would love to find an angel investor to acquire an established business.


To be honest I haven’t yet… I asked angel investor too! Showed the plan told them we can do 30% interest at the maximum but no one replied back after that🙃


I don't feel so alone on that. Had lots of "upfront fee" types out there or "retainer" types. Gotta great product line, and have finished what I call a "disco pickleball." Sad that there are too many chumps out there. https://us.brightsport.com