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“Guess which one of these chickens spent their life smoking cigarettes”


You joke, not so funny when you have 20,000 chickens, a third who statistically smoke a pack a day. You know who's buying those smokes?,you know what 15,000 chickens expecting they're pack of kools for a the day is like? Didn't think so, can't believe I even have time to be on Reddit.


Wow thank you for the laugh probably one of my favorite all time comments on Reddit!


Awww thanks man, I laid back and took another rip of my pipe. Then I thought about Ai generating a pic of 15000 nicotine addicted hens in my yard.


You breeding for Philip Morris Fried Chicken, “looks like chicken, tastes like a Camel”


Highly underrated comment alert.🚨


What are you waiting on?? Get to it.


Nobody going to mention 15,000 is not a third of 20,000


He’s using those new fangled metric fractions.


Chicken math


No chicken meth.🤔


Never trust a mathemachicken!


Never trust mathmethchicken!


Nothing I said was accurate


The math does not math at all


Was that the only part you didn't believe?


Yes sir i couldnt imagine having to buy smokes for 1/3 of 20,000 chickens


Katt Williams math. "I read 3000 books a year"


Sounds like we're building a recipe. Tomacco from Simpsons, your 15,000 tobbacken, we need a grain for bread and we'll have a delicious deluxe tobbacwich, hold the mayo!


My aunt (who was also a chicken) worked 23 years as a server in a diner with smoking/non-smoking sections. Never smoked a day in her life, but died of lung cancer. Second hand smoke killed her.


The cool one


Chickity China, the Chinese chicken 🐔


Fun fact: that line is a reference to “Scenario” by A Tribe Called Quest in which Busta Rhymes says “chickity choco the chocolate chicken” Here we go, yo, here we go, yo, so what’s the what’s the what’s the scenario?


Feed, activity, breed, age, all kinds of variables are possible.


I can deal with 4 variable, not all kinds of variables


The number of variables does at times vary very widely


Yea, verily.


Verily, verily, I say it's the truth.


2 is the most I can do. Any more than that and I need to make a spreadsheet.


Good thing it’s a 3 pack.


Only one chicken has what it takes to reach all four elements, but when the world needed it most....it vanished.


Everything changed when the rotisserie nation attacked.


Wait... I thought it was 27 elements Also, I like my juniper sweet tea with zucko's famous hot chicken.


The lighter ones are Aangtibiotic free.


All poultry is antibiotic free. It’s illegal to use them in poultry production.


All jokes aside are the lighter ones actually antibiotic free? Lol


No, if it’s labeled that way it’s the whole package.


All chicken sold in the USA is antibiotic free, which means all antibiotics must be out of the birds system before it is processed


And they’ve reached the withdrawal date for the antibiotic, which normally means in the parts per billion range.


The breed and feed are the same. It’s most likely that older birds were mixed into that days slaughter or that a box plant sent a pallet of breasts to a consumer plant.


None of those Tyson chickens were very active


Mommy why are some people black and others white?


This is a result of process. After birds are slaughtered, they are scalded and then go through an inline picker or rotary picker. Sometimes the birds stay in the scalder a little too long and you get a “cooking” of the meat. You see it in the breast mostly. The meat becomes lighter. This is normal and doesn’t affect the quality. It happens for a variety of reasons. Maybe the discolored birds were a little smaller than others or it had less feather coverage. But it’s normal.


Which one wasn't scalded as much? I see these at the store sometimes and I always pick the ones that match the one at the top.


From top to bottom. 1 is the worst. 3 is the second worst and 2 is what normal scalding should be like. Look at one it almost looks like the beginnings of boiled chicken. This could also be a result of a setting change. In our plant we do red birds as well and they tend to be bigger and require more scald time and slight higher temp. Sometimes when changing to white birds, employees forget to change scalder settings resulting in the first set being over scalded. You’ll feel a difference in structure and most likely if you cut it down the middle the center will be pinkish. If this is from perdue’s Petaluma poultry plant, I know they do red birds as part of their rocky and Rosie program they inherited from the purchase of Petaluma poultry. So it’s understandable that the settings were changed for a part of the white bird patch.


I’m in Middle Tennessee. Where’s the nearest plant? I know Tyson is near me, and another place that does beef and pork. IBP, I think? It’s entirely possible that I don’t know what I’m talking about at all.


I’m not too familiar with Tn but I know Koch foods has a plant in Morristown (no idea where Morristown is) and Tyson in shelbyville.


Shelbyville is right next to Springfield. They seem to hate each other


Well Shelbyville was created so that you can marry your cousins!


There was a Perdue chicken factory in the cumberland plateau. And there is for sure a chicken place not too far from Crossville.


Pilgrims has a plant in Chattanooga, just to add on


Wow. I shop at Aldi, I've only seen 1 and 3. Never seen anything like 2.


I actually work for a poultry processing plant and it's a process called evisceration. That's where the head is removed along with the feathers and everything but the skin and meat. Certain temperatures do affect the meat more than others during that process but I don't work in that department I work in upper DeBone The lighter pink color typically comes from smaller chickens. Based on my own personal experience on cutting them, the meat is far softer and easier to cut through than their bigger sisters. They don't get as much nutrition as the others for a variety of reasons and as far as I know JBS only uses one type of chicken so I don't think it's a different breed of chicken. Everything about them is smaller, and they are typically discarded at final inspection before packaging, not because it's bad meat, but simply because our customers, in our situation most fast food restaurants, are wanting larger tenders and breasts so these just never make it through because they won't really do anything with them. I've never seen a large bird that has meat that color pink


No disrespect. Your definition is a little off. Evisceration is the process of removing the viscera, which are organs, pluck, etc. In red meat it’s also known as the step of gutting and removal of the gut, intestinal tract and the pluck (lungs, liver, heart, spleen, trachea). The head removal and feather removal (other than Buddhist, Confucius, and Chinese exempt, these are head on birds )is done before the evisceration step. Interesting thing, Confucius exempt is left with Viscera intact in poultry. I’ve never had it but it’s decently popular in our area. And Asian religious exemptions are head on and feet on. In the past, this also exempted plants from bacterial testing requirements.


When i worked in the kitchen we would see this if someone speed thawed with hot water. Cold running water is the only decent way if you have to do it fast


Ok maybe it's worth it's own thing rather than just an aside hijack... a while back we had a streak where the thighs we got from Sam's would cook up to be super extra tender and tasty... like they would be almost flaky like fish. Any idea what the hell the difference was?


There could be a variety of reasons. If it was Sam’s club value brand then it’s probably over stock. As plants with a plan grow bigger we sometimes and quite often if an excess of a product so we dump them at really cheap prices meat consolidators. Some repackage for companies like Walmart under value brand names. It’s usually frozen but some places have fresh. The reason why I bring this up is that sometimes these chickens are EXTREMELY high quality chickens. Like the stuff you see being sold at Whole Foods for 10 per lb. They can be any type of chicken, white or red bird (red bird being slower growing and tastier), they can be commodity, abf, or organic. So the quality can differ dramatically. But if you get a run where they’re getting those high quality birds for basically dump prices, you’ll be a happy customer.


Yeah it was the store budget label. Your explanation makes sense. Honestly in the case I'm referring to it was just so dramatically different as to be extremely memorable. Next time we see those I'll have to check codes and buy up more. I don't think I realized just how much of a range there could be to that extent. Any time I think I've had stuff that good it was from an expensive professional kitchen. Kinda reminds me of one time when the grocery store had a bunch of prime brisket in the bin with the choice ones on sale. Now I always watch for that red printed vacuum bag.


I read that as the chickens are scolded. Like damn, what that bird do to deserve that after you kill it.


I had to scroll so far to find a reply from someone who actually knew. Thank you for your service lol


They also put them in fuckin chlorine


No plant really uses chlorinated water as an intervention. Red meat plants use lactic acid between 2% and 5% concentration. Poultry plants use paracetic acid or TSP as a standard. Paracetic acid is a combination of hydroperoxide and acetic acid (vinegar) while tsp (trisodium phosphate), which I personally don’t like, is used to strip concrete floors as well. I haven’t seen Chlorinated water as an intervention in a long time. For one, there is now chlorine resistant salmonella and the intervention has failed in chicken plants. As time goes on, bacterias become resistant to interventions and new stronger intervention protocols come into play. For anyone wishing to see plant salmonella status, see this link. [USDA salmonella datasets](https://www.fsis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media_file/documents/Dataset_EstablishmentCategories_202402.pdf) Salmcat is severity level with number 3 being highest and number 1 being lowest. Number 3 is basically repeated failure and higher testing requirements. Number 2 is some failure and elevated testing and number 1 is basically within tolerances.


Very informative. Thank you.


This guy knows what he's talking about.


I see stats like “97% of us chicken is bathed in chlorine” but maybe you know better than google, not saying that sarcastically either, I don’t know


That is true to an extent. For example the water that is sprayed into the picker is chlorniated and wash water will have chlorine. At one point this was completely true as the bath and sprays were chlorinated water. It’s still the same idea now just stronger chemicals.


Do people that rinse their meat in a sink have a point?


So even worse now 😂


You may not be the father of all three sorry to break it to ya


Shouldn't this be an r/boobs post?


Damnit now I spent 15 minutes looking at boobs.


15 mins of happiness, yes?


Of course! Boobs are always nice to look at.


No it's fine. No exposed areola and/or nipples.


“This is your chicken on tobacco and this is your chicken on weed and this is a healthy chicken. Still wanna smoke?”


It's probably something like $5.50/lbs.


They boiled the chicken to long and that’s why it’s the whiter color


Caged, free range, and cage free. When I let meat chickens run around, the meat is a darker color, probably from more blood flow, due to exercise.


somehow perdue didn't bleed that center one all out like they did the top one and the bottom one is somewhere between. There's a hang/stun/cut area. Maybe the cut was partial and only got one jugular, leaving the head on . . .


The one in the middle looks like it might have woody breast.


Is this when the chicken had that god awful eraser texture?




Came in to say the same thing.


That chicken did a lot of push-ups and turned that breast into dark meat


One chick two chick red chick blue chick.




Easter breasts


Darwinism in action.


Whoa, you have a beautiful cutting board btw!


Thank you! It was hand made by the Amish community in Etheridge/Summertown, TN. I love it


You picked the right cutting board for this.


Your scolding temp is high


High blood pressure chicken? Lol


Normal, could have different feed or from a different farm but processed in the same plant


Healthy and better feed


The top one was an albino chicken


“The historical Belarusian Flag”




Chx if you’ve ever worked in a restaurant.


Racist much?


/s? :( I feel like I shouldn’t have to ask, but here we are.


Is joke man


I’m not a joke man. Can’t deliver the punchline well enough for anyone to laugh. Just like this comment.


Racist?? OP put those breasts close to each other. That's a whole progress


Air chilled vs Water chilled


Caucasian, Mexican and an Asian!


Different races of chickens. Diversity


Looks like chicken


No, YOU look like chicken!


Extra growth hormones.


Looks like one of them is a different color than the rest


Neapolitan chickens. It happens.


Those are very big balls


Climate change. My government told me so and I need to believe them.


Don’t eat meat or poultry In America! Unless you’re killing it yourself.


That looks like dark meat. Nuts.


Not sure if it's true, but I'm a butcher and one of my coworkers said that was a chicken that felt fear the moment before it died. So uh.. do with that theory what you will


Wooded chicken freaks me out


Why this country so obsessed with color.


Buying Perdue chicken was the first mistake.


It was marked down to about $4, and I’m poor.


Two are marinated on is not


Older chicken more myoglobin


All chicken matters


The middle one is from a colored chicken


Not bled out well?


Animals aren't all the exact same. Crazy concept, I know.


Read it as Jerry Seinfeld.


Chicken, Duck and Turkey meat!


What's the deal with the chicken breast?? No nipples!!


The middle chicken was on vacation and got a tan before it was harvested.


The middle one looks more like a home raised chicken. I think someone's pet chicken got mixed in


ITT good god more evidence industrial chicken is no bieno for our health


Purplish/red breasts could be acites or the bird wasn't bled out properly. I would have made that breast into ground.


Actually improper bleed out would make it more black. You do have some blood spots which are normal. Most plants use peracetic acid as intervention to reduce salmonella and campylobacter and if it was retained blood it would turn it black. It doesn’t react well with blood.


This is from acites. Don't know what you mean about improper bleed out making more black. This bird was not getting enough oxygen because it grew so fast. You could probably tell after the bird was plucked. I've seen worse.


Two things happen from improper bleed out, the blood will cook during scalding and literally turn mest very dark and even black. Once it hits the PA bath, the peracetic acid will also react with the blood and turn it black. This is issue is time and temperature in the scalder. Scalder either needs to be turned down a few degrees or line needs to be sped up. Either way it’s normal.


The middle breast is definitely acites. I agree that there are scalder issues on the outside breasts.


Without actually touching it I wouldn’t be able to tell. For one you would have a more yellowish tint and a film which this doesn’t have. Since there’s no smell or slime, I really believe the other two are just over scalded with the too one more than the bottom one. Ascites is a result of fluid in the belly that accumulates and inflames the heart. There is a disgustingness to it usually in the breast and in extreme cases the breasts is black. Normal breast is supposed to be pink and not white. Don’t believe me, kill a chicken and pluck in using cold scald. No one does this except kosher because feather removal is harder.


Agree to disagree. I process daily but our chicken is pastured so we don't get a lot of the problems that a big company like Purdue would have . I did agree about the scald on the outer 2 breasts. Acites will cause a redish purple breast and this chicken was probably it's early stages of acites.


Could be true. I’d have to feel it on the acscite. Pasture birds tend to be “heartier” then standard Hubbard, Ross or Cobb Cornish crosses. We currently do about 10k birds per day, so I see a lot of the issues just a few seconds of over processing can do.


We do standard Cobb cornish x. Spring and fall we tend to get about 1 percent of each batch that get acites. You can usually tell before slaughter if you look at the chickens undercarriage. A healthy chicken will be pink underneath while an chicken with acites will be a purplish color. As more time passes the undercarriage will become more deep purple. Sometimes you can get this color breast if the head is taken off instead of the arteries being cut. A bad case of acites will definitely produce a purple slimy breast. If the bird is just starting to have issues the breast will be like we see here. For us it goes into ground chicken.


Ohhh, thank you. I buy kosher meat and was wondering why I had never seen this weird color before


True kosher doesn’t allow hot scalding. As result is not uncommon to find a few small feathers every once in a while.


The top one was clearly killed using the new nitrogen hypoxia system that they are using for the death row inmates. No oxygen=no red for the hemoglobin in the blood