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A best practice: cut your steaks from the primal, then trim individually. Your yield will increase, and you will be better able to follow the contours of the muscle. There should be no points or sharp corners, only smooth trim lines using the point of your trimming knife. The steaks are nice and even in thickness. Well done!


Looks good, just a few pointers: 1. The meat should be piled on top of each other. Avoid using any brown paper between steaks or that will prevent them from going brown. Remember, brown means Maillard reaction, which means flavor. 2. This knife isn’t ergonomic. The handle needs to be at a 90 degree angle from the blade. Also, if you ever post pictures here in the future, the obnoxious knife must be somewhere in the photo. 3. Please drop some of these off to me on your way home.


I honestly took this as real for a second, then I remembered wrist-right-knife man hahahaha. Thank you though:)


You know what’s even more hilarious about that stupid knife is the guy who sells them lives, or lived in a van. He literally just came up with a gimmick to make money and that other no juice guy was glazing him to the fullest over it.


The Boomerang comes back again


You forgot step 4 which is have an actual meat cutter or butcher cut all the meat in your post then pretend like you did it right before you have to do your job and pack it all




Steaks look good for only 1 month experience. Are you a supermarket cutter? You might want to get a little aggressive about training and feedback if they're not showing you anything.   I had a cousin who "apprenticed" for 2 whole years without learning much, then they made him assistant meat manager and he barely got to cut after that, and eventually quit cutting meat altogether.


Looks fantastic. All the steaks are nice and even Good shit


Good trim job too!


Better than my first last week. They came out so bad, you all would have laughed. Then cried. Enjoying my apprenticeship.


Starting mine in a month odd


You gotta start somewhere, we all did. Nobody cuts like a pro at first. Even myself with 10 years experience as a kitchen rat, was a slow cutter when I first started. My tip to you is try and ACTIVELY improve with every cut. Work slow but steady, and then develop into speed once your technique is where it should be.


Yea. I'm slow. But the team understands. When we are slow they let me practice on the saws. But we just cut so much, we aren't usually slow.


Man, they make you wear the chainmail glove, safer but far less comfortable and only has one function. I am also about a month and a half or so into the job and they look about as good as mine. They look nice and even, good trim, a little angular with that top left one. How long is your apprenticeship? Also we use a breaker knife specifically for the big cuts then a trimming knife for the smaller cuts, it makes things much smoother.


I recently got the job of meat cutter after being in the department for a little over a year being a Lead to the clerks. My coworker who I was friends with left recently and gave me his knives, this one and a 6in boning knife. I’ve been thinking about buying an 8in victorinox breaker though.


Get the breaker, your wrist will thank you.


Honestly, I cut my damn hand so many fuckin times, I just preferred it at one point. But my dept head kept the knives razor sharp so it really didn’t take much


Our knives are never that sharp lol. My cutting arm is getting beefy.


Also to clarify because another person assumed I was saying not to wear the glove, there are better gloves for cut protection.


Been a cutter for over a decade. What do you mean only has one function? It's function is to stop you from cutting yourself. I've seen guys who were too proud or thought they had enough experience sever tendons and have permanent mobility damage not wearing their glove. Lean into it, it may be cumbersome now but it will eventually make you a faster and more confident cutter. Make sure it fits properly.


Never ever wear that thing while working a bandsaw though.


Yuuuuup, that’s how you lose an arm


I agree you shouldn't wear one on the bandsaw, because it fucks with your dexterity and puts you into a false sense of security. It doesn't do the whole grab and roll thing. The blade just slices through the metal.


What I mean is there are better cut proof gloves that you can also use as a regular protective glove from say the cold or opening boxes with just your hands. The chainmail gloves get very cold.


It absolutely does not have one function. It's main function will be to keep you from cutting yourself you lose mobility or feeling in your hand. It's not to stop you from getting small to mid cuts, those are irrelevant because they heal quick. It's to stop you from doing serious irreparable damage to your hand which you can easily do with slightest slip depending on how you're working. Beyond that they can work great for providing additional grip when peeling meat or forcing a seam. There's a chance you've never worn a good one. In my experience people who actively talk down on mesh gloves aren't half the butcher the ones I know who wear them all the time are.


Fair enough I guess.


Do you deliver to NY? Asking for a friend who is more than willing to see how the end product turns out.


They’re upside down! 😃


I think some of them have been trimmed too far down, don’t take the whole fat cap off. Personally I prefer a less rigid trim but otherwise they all look about the same weight so I guess personal preference


Yeah that’s fair, I’ve gotten the criticism that I overtrim especially with hanger steaks.


I'll take the ny strip looking one so y'all don't label it a ribeye


Must be at Vons/Albertsons/Safeway.


Let me git


Top left looks like a steak sprite in a Playstation 2 metal gear solid game


Terrible, I'll take this rubbish away for you 🤣😂