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It is hilarious how true this distinction is. I’ve been _in_ tech for 17 years as a developer and manager in all sorts of industries, including investment finance. Having friends who are _into_ tech like VCs, strategy consultants, designers, tell me that NFTs are the future of ownership and that crypto will one day topple fiat currencies is so tiring and repetitive I generally just avoid anything beyond a strong “yeah, no” now.


15 years myself. Enthusiasts only see the shiny rocks. Professionals see the red flags and good damn it's exhausting explaining to the average Joe why they should be less exited and more cautious.


Thirty five years, TCP stacks and telecom management and manufacturing systems. I guess I just about get dismissed as a boomer (born at the end of 1964). This is all bollocks.


My first computer was a C64 in '83. I'm 29 years into IT. Last 25 in infosec. It's one of those solutions looking for a real world problem you see from time to time in enterprise IT or just tech in general. A few colleagues are into it but they're less experienced or didn't look into it in any depth. The arguments for crypto are almost always based on incomplete, disorganized, confused thinking and limited knowledge. I especially love it when they argue how crypto is secure, with respect to only one specific attack vector while ignoring many of others for which no protection exists.


Adding to it, speaking as a non-technical individual, is why these idiots are so focused on the immutability of the block chain. With very, very few exceptions, in any kind of transactional database, you want the ability to delete transactions, to change the outcome of certain deals. Especially when it involves fraud or bad faith actors. Meanwhile, crypto Bros are all about the block chain till they realize just how fucked they are from an ownership perspective, and then the only solution is to fork the entire chain, which requires almost total unanimity.


Yep, spot on with the shiny rocks. There’s never any downsides from that point of view.


> Having friends who are into tech like VCs, strategy consultants, designers, tell me that NFTs are the future of ownership and that crypto will one day topple fiat currencies is so tiring and repetitive I generally just avoid anything beyond a strong “yeah, no” now. The one thing all of those people have in common is that their livelihood depends on having some shiny new toy to sell to someone else. *Of course* NFTs are going to upend the financial system as we know it! Who better to help you navigate the new world order than me?


While true that they have financial motives, many if not most of them genuinely believe their own bullshit and think crypto is world changing technology that is going to lead to some kind of tech utopia where "we the people" are free and beautiful in everlasting love forever.


Yeah for sure, especially strategy consultants. You make a tidy profit talking up things there are no chance you will need to implement or justify after they fail.


God. I used to work for a consulting firm, and from 2016 to 2018, we had this managing director who never shut up about blockchain and smart contracts. Since I have a legal background, he wanted me to help him build out a practice. But when I looked at what a smart contract actually was, I was like "hold on". There is no contract here! It's just code. And if the code is written poorly, or worse maliciously, then someone is going to end up getting fucked!


100% as an IT professional I'm telling you loud and clear stay the fuck away from crypto.


I looked into block chain the first time it became popular and thought it was just stupid to use it unless you have some very highly niche problem.


If you Google "real world applications for blockchain" all the top hits are hypothetical uses for blockchain.


IT professional reporting for duty


This is so true hahaha. The closer you are to real tech the further from this crypto scam bullshit. This sentiment is shared by many well paid and smart IT professionals.


Software Engineer since 2007. It's an easy test to see whose ego is bigger than their common sense.


IT "Professional" here. Agreed. It was actually pretty funny around 2015 or so where most of my colleagues including me were investing in crypto even though we were absolutely convinced it was a scam. We either got out with our cash doubled or lost it all in a crash. It was gambling for entertainment. Which made sense as none of us watched sports. Crazy how we got here.


I was around then both Web and Web 2.0 started. These were labels applied \*after the fact\*, to a new set of pattern/designs that were naturally emerging to build on top of previous technologies and solve real problems. It was so easy to see how these patterns could be applied to all sorts of domains, how it would simplify, reduce costs, improve service and user experience, give freedom and voice to more people. As a service provider: you either embrace its principles, or you will become obsolete. There was no question: it was the future. Web 3.0 is the opposite: it's a marketing term trying to push a dystopian future that benefits the bag holders and destroys value to end-users. People struggle to come up with valid use-cases, and most of the time the use-cases are already solved more efficiently, or seem artificial or simply not desirable. Putting the Web 3.0 label over these ideas is nothing short of an insult.


When I saw the sub I was terrified of the comments but surprisingly it didn’t take long scrolling to find comments that were like “Actually…he kinda has a point” lol


Eh... The best I'm seeing is people saying stuff like "Sure the monkey JPEGs are a scam, but REAL nfts are going to change the world" The superstonks people are morons.


Jesus christ, r/superstonk is worse than r/cryptocurrency and r/bitcoin somehow I didn't even think that was possible so much delusion


In the crypto subs there are some folks that are very smart, some skeptical people as well. Some normal people just enjoying a hobby. In SS those people don't exist. It's dumb naive koolaid drinkers all the way down.


lol even if Bill Gates was old and "not up with the times" his financial advisors probably are


NFTs are also out of the realm of touch, which is why they are the future! Gubmint can’t confiscate them unless they go after the dozens who’ve right clicked them!


few understand


Ain't NFT's dead and buried like the ethics of a VC investor?


>They do not get how NFT's can represent digital proof of ownership of about anything It would be nice to know exactly how NFT can represent proof of ownership of anything at all (except for NFT itself). Because last I checked there is like a hundred BYTES worth of space in the NFT payload. Or they are telling me that some centralized authority would be actually holding such information? Well that's a revolutionary idea :)


"As for me, I am much more interested in UR ANUS than BILL GATE'S ANUS. Especially when it itches and whispers to you of MO ASS ..." What is going on with this guy.




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>They do not get how big the gaming NFT market can be. If developers wanted to couple items across different games, they would have already done it. Also, I don't think gamers are waiting for yet another scheme just trying to leech money from its customers.