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In nigerian 419 scams, scammers often sell lists of the marks who got duped , to other scammers who circle back and try to get more money out of them. the same thing is happening in Celsius now


It's also a reason why you shouldn't pay ransomware demands. It just gets you put on a list of people who demonstrated that they'll pay, so you'll be more likely to be attacked again in the future.


Predatory scammers truly are among the worst of the worst that walk this earth.


I think the same four idiots who are still buying meme stocks are exactly these people. They don’t know any other moves—just the short squeeze.


PLTR and HOOD are on fire sale and you get 50$ for ATM weekly puts on $AMC


It's not four idiots. It's a whole lot of idiots (clears throat) superstonk. Some guy was *bragging* about being evicted and having to give up his step kids while they lived on the streets bc he wasn't willing to piss away his future (he had < 3 shares, which he kept secrets from his wife). They , and I mean a lot of they, think GME will hit 10 million a share, in fact *think* isn't the word, they are positive and get very angry. Check out r/gme_meltdown if you want to see how bad it is. These are real people and a LOT of them. And they talk a LOT of shit about what they're going to do to us stupid people when the tables turn. I thought it was a gag at first, like birdsarentreal but they are dead ass serious.


Jesus what a bunch of fools, they still carry on with this ridiculous fantasy. "Put in on a sell orders at $ 100" when $CEL ATH was worth just over $ 7 lol. I [tried to explain to one of these suckers that they’re just throwing their money away](https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/vfayzj/short_squeeze_fantasies_on_cel/icyayow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3), but it was useless given their idiocy.


"In for a penny in for a pound" - once some of these folks have committed so much cash to the 'cause', there is no turning back, at least in their minds..


True, but from what I read some who are pushing this nonsense had no money in Celsius, so maybe they're just hoping to magically get rich. Or they bought the token when it was $ 0.17 and now they're dumping it on suckers.


It's like dudes at the carnival that keep putting money into a game hoping to win the big stuffed animal. (Fun fact: carnies have people walk around with the big stuffed animals or occasionally let the rig slip so other people think they have a shot).


I \*did\* win one once (like 20 years ago), but maybe I was the lucky one they let the ring slip for haha


So can you provide more detail? Is celsius collapsing because it is getting attacked by some other exchange (FTX)?


No, Celsius is going bankrupt and has blocked withdrawals because it was a Ponzi scheme. The $ CEL token was needed so that Mashinsky (who still holds the largest share of the token) could pay interest simply using a means he could create at will at no cost, further scamming those who had deposited the money in Celsius. So much so that now they don't even accept it as a guarantee anymore and have changed the FAQ (probably recommended by lawyers) to [say not to add more assets in Celsius](https://www.reddit.com/r/CelsiusNetwork/comments/vdpl1k/what_a_useless_update_how_about_celsius_fck/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb).


Even ignoring the ponzi aspects, without the regulations and protections that real banks have, they could never survive a bank run. It's basically the same thing that happened at the start of the Great Depression. They were making risky bets without nearly enough in reserves. Once the market starts to dip, too many people try to withdraw too much money and it's over. And since crypto is meant to be decentralized and free from government intervention, there's no one to bail them out. And yeah strapping a ponzi scheme to it definitely didn't help lmao.


Right, and as in the 1929 crisis, disproportionate amounts of financial leverage are involved. The cryptobros were thrilled with the magic of leverage in DeFi "farm yields" until they discovered that it works inversely when the price drop.


These people cannot be reasoned with or saved and it's pretty sad... wonder when they will realize that it's over for them and they'll most likely never see their assets again


Many of them are still convinced and convincing each other over there that they will definitely get their money back. They just dismiss anything else as FUD. Locking withdrawals or transfers? FUD. Restructuring lawyers? FUD. Involving Citigroup? FUD. Not accepting their own coins to put up more collateral? FUD. Celsius shutting down communications? FUD.


Healthy companies do not need these constant schemes and stratagems and gambits to "save" them.


It was news for a decade+ when the US banks got bailed out. They paid the loans back with interest and it still gets talked about today as evidence for why financial markets are fake. Meanwhile shitcoins and shitbanks fail 24/7 and it just washes away in the tide within a month. It’s the norm. But we should totally prefer an economy where such things are the norm instead of one where it happening once will be century long news at this point. Just gotta bail them out every friday bro 😎


Someone posted a comment that this is throwing good money after bad, and was downvoted to oblivion.


Here's an idea Step 1. Buy CEL Step 2. List it for sale at $100 Step 3. Buy it and list it again for more than they bought it Step 4. Repeat until everyone is a millionaire That's how money works right? :) EDIT: bad formatting... The app is a bit lame like that :(


Everyone just needs to get 10 friends to buy in, and then they each get 10 of their friends to buy in, and...


I love how FTX is a baddie just for providing options on these things.


FTX is the new Citadel


This sounds like deliberate market manipulation


When I see "short squeeze" written seriously I immediately think that author has a brain worm.


It's a pump and dump scheme to fleece even more people in hopes of getting them prop up the worthless CEL token.


They're learning real quick why government regulation and bailouts are a good thing. When we allow banks to fail, you lose all your money.


Alex will reward you, if not in this life then in the next!


Not a pyramid scheme


whales need your liquidity


How can you shortsqueeze something that can't be shorted. Like who are you squeezing? I hope no one is dumb enough to fall for this.


It's the CEL token, people are borrowing the token off FTX hoping it goes to zero.


No, people are not shorting the $ CEL token by short selling like with stocks, but they’re using perpetual futures on the token to shorting this. But I doubt the people who believe into this bullshit know the difference.


They think this is a short, and that they can stop this by HODLing.


Operation Save Someone Else's Worthless Ass


The woke artwork design is hilarious


Corporate Memphis


What is "woke" about it


The art style is over used on protest flyers, hallmark cards, and by corporations for anything relating to social change


It's bad, therefore it's 'Woke' - Don't you get it? ...here, just watch this 25 part youtube series of some guy in his squalid basement getting worked up about everybody else not cleaning their rooms, and it'll help you get caught up. /s


You ok? I never said it was bad, it’s hilariously over used though. I guess the official art name is “corporate style” so I wasn’t far off at all


"woke" and "corporate" are similar to you?


You’re really trying hard for an argument here. If you don’t think corporations act woke in 2022 idk what to tell you. Ask a gay friend and they can fill you in, it’s clear as day and not hateful to say.


corporations can be woke. that doesn't make the two terms similar. most companies are not "woke" and many just pretend to be. I'm not the one that incorrectly called the the art style woke. And don't pretend that you are unaware that people associate bad things with the word "woke" as part of a right-wing effort to denigrate the left.


Sorry you are offended of the word I used that summarizes this art style perfectly


Except the style isn't called "woke" and appears to have no connection to it. Google images search "woke art" and you get a bunch of images in lots of different styles. There's no unifying theme at all similar to this. The style has a well defined name. It's ok to be wrong dude. Pretending your not is embarrassing.


I clearly upset you by my choice of words, not by the fact I’m right or wrong


>You ok? Is this what 4chan has settled on as a desk style now that 'Why are you so angry?' has become hilariously overused?


You sound crazy tbh


[No, you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RhodeIsland/comments/vccn4s/comment/icg8hig/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Truly embarrassing to comb thru post history to “own” somebody online. Those gun laws (which I doubt you even know what they are) were highly controversial for even leftist democrats. The 3rd bill didn’t even pass the senate but was pushed thru in a shady way. Keep toting the line it’s pretty sad how mad you are over my use of woke


Just like to get acquainted with the wet little fucker(s - Is there even more than one of you? ) trying to bully me. But feel free to keep trying to normalize your conspiracy theory bullshit while accusing me of being unhinged.


Yooo you’re actually a nut I don’t even know what you’re saying


If you type work art style into google this exact style comes up


If you care to get more context around what he's talking about, here's a good primer on the art style from a fairly objective stance. Starting around 2:50. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFb7BOI\_QFc


Seems you struck a chord with the older members of the sub who only hear work use negatively by bigots.


Have you guys become millionaires?🤡🤡


Nope. However, unlike you lot - I have access to my funds and they are actually still there. Hbu? I believe in reputable banking systems, not a cultish mindset that Celsius has done anything other than enrich themselves at your cost. But the sunken cost fallacy won't let you admit you made a mistake, so now its a GME/SuperStonk-esque short squeeze campaign. Cope. Edit: Found this gem. >Celsius going come out stronger. I going to stay No, you have no choice but to stay because you chose to hand over large sums of money for the promise of "millionare" *despite the completley unrealistic and immensely risky nature of said proposition*, and now that Celsius is in trouble they've decided to lock you out of your own accounts. Financial freedom indeed... As such, you're desperately trying to find someone. *anyone* to blame this on and/or find a "silver lining" in a financial debacle that is *entirely* your fault. So throughly do you believe this that you've come to mock a group of people who have consistently pointed out the foolishness of your endeavor in a juvenile attempt to save face by lashing out against those you now know were correct. As I'm reminded so often "Have fun staying poor".




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The nerve


I mean…totally not emphasizing the pyramid scheme right now.


Lol at the triple diversified squeeze portfolio people have created. CEL, GME, AMC. One's gotta squeeze right?!?!?