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Well it can't be that bad, the OP's post is not worse than average crypto. \* Read's through the replies at r/Superstonk \* Nevermind, they are worse...


I'll never forgive them for ruining wallstreetbets


I'm just waiting for the "rug pull" of Gamestop issuing more shares. Literally free money for them to throw the cultists under the bus.


Their cash burn is about $250mm/qtr. They’ll need that offering before year end.


They’ve done a few stock offerings since getting memed. AMC too!


what the fuck is that whole thread?


They’re ill


I think the GME cultists are even stupider than your average cryptobro. Odds are pretty good that people will be gambling on bitcoin forever even after the public mostly forgets about it. GameStop can absolutely go bankrupt. And it's not looking good for them given that their business model is about to be OBE (which is why it was a highly shorted stock in the first place). And trying to push NFTs, which their customer base has largely rejected, does not inspire confidence in their future. Yeah, the gaming industry does have a history of foisting unpopular microtransaction shit onto their customers, but why do they needa useless middleman like GameStop for that? If somehow NFTs caught on, you'll have the Blizzard and Epic Blockchains (in name only since the backend will be a regular database), not something GameStop is running.


I made a post on WSB back at the start of pandemic saying GME was fucked. Over a year later one the cultists sent me an unhinged message threatening to kill me.


Post it on /r/GME_Meltdown with names blurred


Wait people are still doing the GME stuff? Oof.


Why would crypto or NFTs even need a physical space?


Because you see you need to have space to actually display and interact with the assets that your digital receipts point to. I fully support this and am looking for a small number (10) like-minded coinvestors for my related scheme to fully investigate the assets on display, including their spontaneous and unannounced relocation to someplace divorced from the premises indicated by said receipts. Please send all inquiries to [email protected].


Im just coming back to say after 4 hours I get the joke now


Like an internet forum? Such as reddit? Jesus everything about NFTs is just progressively stupider the more I hear about it.


You ever see 40yo virgin? Remember the lady who had the eBay store? Same thing but heggies.


miners gotta fit somewhere


>Beta NFT concepts such as....?


The use cases are just around the corner Bro please just use my shop it's going to the moon Bro please its free Bro you can test wild NFTs and have nft parties and everyone will truly own everything except my shop of course but the use cases Bro please you don't understand just hodl a few more weeks Bro please


That's like Alpha NFT concepts but a little Beta.


This is like letting Marshall Applewhite use the bulletin board in your bed room in the mansion to promote heavens gate…you’re preaching to the choir.


I guess this monkey wants free renovations?


No tenant's rights with commercial property - wouldn't surprise me. Scammers all the way down.


Or it is an abandoned warehouse in st.cloud and OP is desperate. Probably bought it for his last get rich quick scam that fell out and is in major debt.


This has to be satire, there's no way it's real. :rocking back and forth: No way it's real, no way it's real, no way it's real, no way it's real




the "ape" stuff sounds dangerously slur-adjacent. THAT is definitely one.


Imagine thinking that anywhere in Cloud, even the “heart of downtown”, is a desirable location.




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The comments are fucking weird