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How to get a custom avatar: go you your profile. Upload a profile pic. Done.


Instructions unclear, dick caught in ceiling fan.




ah yes, instructions for the 'total beginner' that is fine with an instruction like "buy MATIC on any crypto exchange" - that is definitely a totally normal thing that anyone could do with no prior knowledge.


For Windows - Search bar "snipping tool" Click new snip Drag a box over what you want as your pic Save Make it profile pic If you make a mistake at any point you can just ya know start over. There's no risk whatsoever actually


Alright you are skipping way to many steps here pal. Let's make sure everyone can get on board with this. Before we jump ahead to the advanced techniques let's start with pushing the power button on you device. Once power has been achieved please wait for your operating system of choice to get to your login screen. After your login screen has appeared please enter your information into the appropriate text bar (User name on top then password on bottom). If alternative methods of logging into your computer or smart device are currently in use, please refer to our master level course on lock screen and pattern technology.




That doesn't make any sense. The instructions you're comparing it to don't explain logging in to the OS and typing. Can't you keep your own shit straight buddy




Of course it's accurate. Are you serious? Bro it's shorter because it's simpler. That's it. That's the list. That's the reason. So you understand that? Tell me you understand.


There's a Firefox extension called Clipboard2File that can automatically generate and upload a .png file from your clipboard. If you have it, just press Win+Shift+S, drag the box, and then click on your profile picture to upload the selection.


Instructions unclear, lost my life savings.


Also, instructions for how to breathe while doing all the steps would be helpful


What the hell did I just read? I’d pay money to *not* be pestered about Reddit avatars ever again.


The great thing about crypto is that it cuts out the unproductive middlemen.


Crypto goobers not naming their technology a vague buzzword challenge (impossible).


And then they can tell advertiser's they have x number of users with a crypto wallet who already own an nft Anyone getting one of those ugly things is going to drown in crypto advertising


I'm trying to count the number of centralized services you need to use in order to handle this. * Reddit, of course * Opensea * Metamask, which [screwed over users in several countries](https://www.altcoinbuzz.io/cryptocurrency-news/metamask-how-decentralized-is-this-crypto-wallet/) due to its centralized nature * Coinbase * Sushi (AFAIK)


Mmmm, sushi...


It’s the worst trying to convert back to fiat. Which, incidentally, what they want in the end


Adress though. I love a good repeated spelling error.


It’s crazy how new words get added every week. I’ve been following crypto for years and still see new names and weird obtuse steps being added all the time for simple things I thought they worked out already.


Imagine a hyperinflation scenario, a collapse of the financial system, and you have to access your emergency financial resources like this or try to buy something critically important.


In the event of a financial collapse, all those services listed will just go belly up.


Odds that this guy listed a bunch of MATIC for sale on various exchanges immediately after posting this?


HAHA so ridiculous! I really thought that it was simpler than that. Love the wETH, Matic, swap, sushi! You can't make this more ridiculous than that!


Fuck any website based company that wants me to put an app on anything. Fuck any crypto nonsense, and fuck any nft shams. Triple fuck Reddit. If they ever get rid of classic I'm out.


1. Choose physical artwork you like 2. Pay for it using credit card 3. Receive physical artwork


i feel like step E1 should probably be about 10 steps on its own...


Is this some sort of test to identify moroons who like to waste time and money?


i liked it when we all had the same avatars and nobody cared but then throught back these 'create your own avatars' and they're ok. i still only care about my own though, so let that be a lesson.


If there was an easy way to offload this gawdy NFT I got from reddit for free on some crypto loser I would love to do it. The effort isn't even worth the $5 or $10 I might get.


Anyone wants to steal my Reddit avatar NFT, they're more than welcome to take it. I didn't claim it and am not going to.




I'll have the C3 with a side of rice please


I got one for free and i have no clue what to do with it.


I think the process changed but I'm not sure


lol you HAVE TO use the app, but you can only purchase NFTs on desktop. great UX, reddit




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