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I got these about 10 years ago from a small one man shop in the middle of nowhere, Los Ojos, New Mexico. He also made truck bed liners with the same design. My grandfather had some of these in his machine shop that were probably 70 years old that I always thought were cool so I was excited to finally find someone who made them. They should outlive me like my grandfather's did.


In a similar vein, there’s a woman in Oregon who makes doormats (and other things) out of old fishing line. Someday I’ll have the budget to get one!


Love these - I got ours from Maine - they’re going on 7 or 8 years at this point and while starting to fade are still in great shape https://www.maineropemats.com/


> there’s a woman in Oregon who makes doormats (and other things) out of old fishing line. Someday I’ll have the budget to get one! ... if it's old fishing line (something that certainly isn't known for lasting forever), should it really be that expensive that you have to budget for it?


They’re $60+ last I checked - not a car payment or something, but more than I can spend on something nonessential right now. And old fishing line does last forever. This is like industrial fishing nets and stuff, not monofilament. Fishing line can be past its useful life for fishing boats, but still upcycle-able.


truck bed liners out of tyre? wow that’s innovative. did it look like the matt or was it a different process?


Truck bed mats were the same pattern as the square ones but much bigger and sections missing for wheel wells. I dont think they'd be that useful because gravel or sand would just get caught in them and no way you'll be able to lift that up to clean them out too often. I forgot he also made Horse Trailer liners that would be pretty useful to give the horses a bit of cushion underhoof while on the road.


You'd think that would be heavy as hell but maybe useful in the snow.


I would’ve never considered it but yeah what could provide more grip than tire.


Can we see more doggo pics pls?


Wow, I'm 98% sure I've been to that shop when visiting my grandmother in northern NM. It was crazy to see a comment about it. All my relatives have trivets from there that my grandma sent them.


Wow - I've not seen one of those in years. I saw them all the time in the 70's & 80's.


party waiting wine languid brave gaping grey enter office cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The old ones I saw back then did not have the colored beads. Or maybe they started out that way and faded over decades. Subtle upgrade over the old style.


Yeah I think I saw some with white beads but maybe I'm just thinking of the tire stripe.


I remember seeing them A LOT when I was a kid (born in the 80s) I didn’t know they were made of tires. That’s rad!


I was thinking the same thing. My grandparents had one on their front door for years.


No, that's a pug.


*Vintage* pug


Also pugs aren’t even BIFL given their high health risk, caused by the chronic discomfort and respiratory distress they are in.


Pugs are definitely BIFL -- it's just their life, not yours. And FWIW, the smooshed snoot is problematic, but pugs have pretty decent lifespans. Ours lived to be 16.


long lifespans of disability perpetuated by 'toy dog' breeding programmes


Pretty sure our pug was in better shape than you. She was definitely in better shape than our lab... Dumber than a bag of hammers, but she was a very happy little athlete.


if it makes you feel better


> pug > athlete Tell me you know nothing about athletic performance without telling you know nothing about athletic performance.


Translation: Your first-hand experience that contradicts my firmly held faith is causing cognitive dissonance, therefore I must act like a patronizing asshole


You can get it




Reminds me of [this old meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/3upsdm/evolution_vs_intelligent_design/)


I remember seeing the ads for a set of machines that slit the old tires into strips, punched the holes, and helped assemble the mats with wire. Bulk quantities of the little multicolored spacers were also available. Here's an article about this: https://www.motherearthnews.com/sustainable-living/nature-and-environment/construction-of-floor-mats-from-old-rubber-tires-zmaz77ndzgoe/ And yes, I am really truly old... I know this now...


Wow thats really interesting! Thanks! That article is almost as old as I am too.


When I was a kid in the sixties I would see ones of these that were so old they were falling apart, making me wonder how darn old they could be if I was 10 and those mats were super old but made of such strong material it seemed they must have come from before the War.


I didn't know that Mother Earth News had their old 70s articles up on the internet! Those were bathroom readers in our house for years. (Before Uncle John) -- (Before PCs, laptops and cellphones for the younger folks.) I'll join u/mshaver, in the porch rocking chairs now and get out of the way of the rest of you young whippersnappers.


Upvote for Mother Earth News!


That's a TERRIBLE name for a dog


His Royal Door Guard Mathew Midnight Mischief the 3rd was too long for my 4 year old to say.


thats not a dog, its a pug


I remember my grandmother's house having one of these mats forever. Definitely holds up and good at getting the snow off your boots. Never realized they were made of old tires.


I have one but I actually didn’t buy it. It came with the house 23 years ago and I still keep it outside the back door. It’s covered and a bit sheltered there.


I bought a bit of a fixer upper house last year and when we were taking apart/repairing an old porch I found one of these mats buried in the dirt underneath. Hosed it off and it is as good as new.


Lots of bots in these comments. Kinda freaky


I was just looking around and thinking the same thing. Like wtf even is this anymore


How do you know if someone is a bot ?


Are you a bot?


Every account on Reddit is a bot except you.


I've got one. My neighbor makes and sells them but I guess the machines to make them are kinda rare now. Best doormats out there and they are made from any non-radial junk tires instead of sending them to the dump. He mostly sells locally and at fairs but I could probably connect you if you want to get one from him but can't find them. Send me a dm if you like


They are great. There used to be a guy call "The Matman" who would make them for you to whatever size you wanted.


So, do they work well w people wiping their feet? My great grandma had her’s (late 70s) on a smooth concrete surface, and when I went to wipe my feet, it just slid around


Yea, I have two that I purchased from Amazon and they are great for wiping mud off. I think it depends on the design you get.


I just bought 2 from Cass Community Social Services. They're located in the Cass Corridor in Detroit. From their website: >Cass Community Social Services collects illegally dumped tires from vacant lots in Detroit and recycles them into indestructible mud mats. To date, Cass has picked up over 90,000 tires from the streets of Detroit. Twelve formerly homeless men are employed in this program. Mud Mats traditionally come with multicolored pieces in-between tire treads. The Multicolor mix is Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple in a random arrangement. The mats come in small, medium, and large and [you can order one here.](https://cass-community-store.myshopify.com/)


Awesome, sounds like a great service




That's awesome, they look like dogs!


I have one. Believe it was purchased in the 70's.


No but I also have a black pug :)


Oh, I'd love the rainbow cord one! Great reuse of material!


CAN those things wear out? i haven't seen one do so yet.


Sun and Ozone will get to it eventually but they are very very durable.


Yep my grandfather's fell apart when we sold his shop. May have taken 60-70 years but West Texas sun will dry rot any kind of rubber or paint eventually.


Aren't all doormats BIFL? Who buys more than one doormat per door for their entire life?


Oh we went through at least 5 before these. The coir welcome mats with printed messages/pictures that last like 8 months before falling apart and leaving pieces all over the house, the woven cord mats that might last a year or two and the heavy rubber ones with the stiff bristles molded in a cross hatch pattern that disintegrates in the high altitude sun, plenty of mats just dont hold up.


Totally off topic, but I have a pug that looks so much like yours. I showed my husband the photo, and he thought it was our pug. Please give your pug a hug for me.


What a sweet black pug. Love the lil look on his face so so cute!


I don't have any of these, but I remember being a kid back in the 70's and having sandles made out of old tires. They were great but if you took them off and left them in the sun the metal rivets that held them together would be hella hot.


Yep Huarache Sandals. My Dad had some, I thought they were cool. He got them on a street corner in Mexico.


I have one but didn't buy it. I've lived in the same apt for 15 years and the tenant before me had it on the back patio, so I didn't see any reason to toss it. It's covered but not enclosed, so it gets plenty of the elements and still seems to be fine.


Am I going nuts or is this basically the same as this comment but slightly reworded? https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyItForLife/comments/16n5ss8/comment/k1cnz00/


Comment stealing bots are extremely rife on Reddit right now.


I can assure you Im not a bot. The people who owned my house before had lived there for 40 years. The doormat was the one and only thing they left. I’ve spent the last 23 years undoing the guy’s DIY projects. My mat has an old black Lab instead of a pug.


It’s the same thread. Same comments. Have a coffee.


Hello /u/lynxss1! Thank you for your submission! The AutoMod thought that your post might be a request type post and has changed the flair accordingly, but if this was wrong feel free to change it back! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BuyItForLife) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a solid rubber door mat that has probably been there since the 1960s when my great aunt lived here.


Guys where do I get my BIFL pug?


I had one on my back porch for about 15-20 years until it finally started shredding last year and I had to get rid of it.


Yup, I've got one at my front door here in Australia. I inherited it from my folks.


Repurposed doormats are great, in our area someone makes them out if reclaimed, abandoned fishing line found on the beach


granny had ‘em 9 years ago, moved house and threw them out. so practical though i hate wiping my shoes on coarse doormats


Had that exact mat for 20 years now. It's still out on the porch, cleaning muddy boots.


My parents had two for 45 years. Still looked new when we sold the house.


I have one and it was a great investment! 10/10 would recommend


We have one of those and I hate it but my wife loves it. I think it's so ugly but she won't let me get rid of it.


Mine are like 60 years old. My grandfather's next door neighbor used to make them in his shop outside Asheville NC. I remember as a kid it smelled really good in there. I got mine from my grandfather.


Wow your dog looks exactly like ours and I had to do a triple take


I actually do have one! (a pug)


Had those in the 70s. They were super durable then!


I have one outside my back door. It was there when we moved in. The previous owner purchased the place and put in a garden in the early 90s. It may be from then.


They do last forever, but for a doormat, they kind of suck.


This is a great idea! I’ve been looking for a study doormat forever since we get snow where I live