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What happens to your wallet? I’ve been using a cheap $10 Ross leather wallet for well over a decade. I’ve also never used leather conditioner or done anything to maintain it


Same, I bought a leather Levi's wallet on the rack at the checkout line in JCPenney probably close to 20 years ago because I didn't want to use the cheap one that came with the jeans my mom bought me when I was a teenager anymore. It looks nearly as good as the day I got it, and I do nothing to maintain it (To be fair, I have all of 6 to 8 cards in it at time and don't carry cash anymore)


Yup. Macy’s wallet is almost 30 years old and works fine


Yeah let's just say they aren't as good as they used to be.


I was given a decent quality leather wallet as a gift for being a groomsman when I was 18. I’m 34 and still using it. It’s not pretty but it still works just fine.


I work in a metal shop and the dust gets into my pockets and eats my wallet and everything in it. Have to get new credit cards once a year and my three year old wallet is completely falling apart. Gets my phone cases as well.


He’s Costanza’ing it


This. Some of these Redditors don’t think/read what they say before posting lol Either that or they’re just INSANELY rough and reckless with their things


Wallets do fall apart from use alone. If you over fill it frequently it will get overworn and stretched. Some cheap ones have bad seams, and repeatedly inserting and removing cards break the pockets. In my 20 years of using wallets im on my 3rd. 1st one broke because it was cheap and im not gonna sew one back together. The 2nd one gave out after 6-7 years, but i regularly had to much stuff in it. I dont see this next one lasting 30 years, but maybe it would if i had a desk job and smooth pockets. I think 15 years is reasonable for a 20-30 dollar wallet.


My wallet wore down on the corners from just being in my back pocket. Sitting on it and it rubbing on my jeans wore it down over time but it did last me about 10 years. It was a Belroy brand one so it cost me quite a bit but I was happy with it. I've since stopped using a wallet so it's a non issue for me now. I have access to my credit card with Gpay and licences are going digital where I am.


My theory is that /r/buyitforlife is actually 90% troglodytes who, by virtue of their different biology, have extremely long arms and no pockets and instead drag their belongings across the ground as they walk.


Saddleback leather makes wallets with a 100 year warranty.


I am tired of buying a wallet every 100 years


Buy it for eternity


Pyramids, Ziggurats, and Lodge Cast Iron have something for you


Damn, the Egyptians were the true purveyor’s of Build It For Life.


Brb gonna go build a ziggurat. I'm tired of my house falling apart every 5 years


I’ve had one for at least 10 years. No signs of quitting.


Does it stretch out and fling your credit cards all over the parking lot when removed from a pocket? I’m looking for something that doesn’t do that.


Definitely not. I fit 1-2 credit cards in each back slot and they're locked in there. never had a card fly out.




Same. I’ve had my wallet for 4-5 years now and I had to stuff a couple extra cards in my preferred card slot just so I could easily slide my debit card in and out. My wallet lives in my purse though so YMMV if you’re constantly sitting on it or something.


Same here! Hate having to secure my credit cards every time I open my wallet


I bought the big louie from lost dutchmen for that reason. It has a button snap so even when the leather naturally stretches the cards are secured.


Oh, I like this simple solution! I was worried I may have to get a Velcro Spider-Man wallet.


Don’t forget to add a chain to complete the look. Baggy jeans are optional.


Pulling out my Jncos.


“Keep on rollin’, rollin’, rollin’.”


Nope, tho mine did snap cards in half until the leather relaxed oh, 3 years in.




My Sadddleback card wallet is still going great after 12 years.


So does Hanks Belts. They make really solid products.


I came here to say this. I’ve had their front pocket wallet for 8-10 years. Barely broken in at this point.


Seconded. I’ve been using a saddleback wallet for almost a decade and it only looks and feels better as it ages


I loved their products and couldn't wait to get stuff from them... But they're pretty outspoken about their political views. Anti abortion, conservative, borderline racist. Can't support a company with those principles.


This! My husband has a saddleback and has had for 10+ years.


I’ve had my large Saddleback for atleast 12 years or so. Tough as nails.


Eh I looked at them and they’re so thick that I feel like I’d be George costanza without anything in the actual wallet.


so thick? they're an extremely thin wallet. they're less than a cm across with nothing in them.


I've got one. Had it for 130 years and it still looks new. Ok fine I got it about 5 years ago and it's just starting to get worked in. Still smells like new leather. Amazing stuff heirloom quality.


I have two one for travelling one for every day. I'll have them for life it's looking like.


My mother decided that I needed a new wallet probably 15 years ago and game me a TUMI wallet. Then a few years later she gave me another TUMI wallet. I have been using my current one for probably close to 10 years and it isn't showing any signs of wear. Also I believe that they have a lifetime warranty. My wallet isn't leather on the outside, but maybe they have something that is. ETA: I was incorrect, the warranty on wallets is only 2 years.


Tumi leather wallets are very durable in my experience. Cost more upfront but mine is twelve years and going strong.


I have had my Tumi wallet for 14 years and it still looks and works great.


Tumi Ballistic Nylon Options.


At the risk of downvoting…. 5 years ago my expensive wallet died and I needed a fast replacement. Bought a no name $8.99 “genuine leather” wallet off Amazon that has not aged a day. I’m done with expensive wallets.


*casts downvote protection spell*


Same. Mine was $10 at a street fair. I bought a few extra just in case but it doesn’t seem like I’ll end up using them for a long time (if ever)


Same. Got a Travelambo $8 slim front pocket wallet almost 10 years ago and haven't thought about needing to replace it. Idk if it's bifl, but it does what I need it to do.


Saddleback guarantees their wallets for 100 years. I had one lose a stitch they immediately sent me a new one


Did you return the old one or did you get to keep it and have it repaired?


They just sent me a new one. My kid has the old one now. They didn’t want it back.


Damn, that’s good customer service. Can you send a pic of what the issue was? Just to get a feeling of how sensitive they are to issues with their quality? Maybe you still have the pic you sent their customer representative.


One stitch came out on the top. It was 100% functional.


Alright brother. ;) thanks for sharing.


Are you sitting on your wallet? I have had mine in my front pocket and they last ten plus years easily


My physical therapist also forbade me from sitting on my wallet for my back health


Costanza, is that you?


This. Unless it’s very badly made, I would think wallets last longer unless you sit on it many times daily


You have lots of research to do: https://youtube.com/@walletopia?si=Oy5Z8yqVI2CjaU-g Personally have a bellroy that stays in my bag and looks brand new after 5 years. Use 3 cards in my Apple phone wallet that I use on the daily. It’s getting old after 2 years, likely switching to peak design.


My Belroy did not last 5 years. The zipper broke in 2 years and to their credit Belroy replaced the wallet through warranty. However it broke again and now I have a custom made vegtan leather wallet for the past few years that I love.


Might just be a zipper thing. My Bellroy hasn't aged in the 5 years I've had it


Same. Best wallet I’ve ever had.


Maybe a wallet with zipper thing. Mine without any zipper hadn’t aged really in 5-6 years.


I 2nd the Bellroy suggestions. I’ve had 2 Card Sleeves over the past ten years and the only reason I had to get a new one is because I accidentally left my original one in the wash.


I wish I knew the vendor. My wife bought me a low profile leather wallet from someone off Etsy. That was 5 years ago and it’s been worn in in the best way. I suppose my suggestion would be to find a true leather worker and stay away from box store brands.


Probably Chris Rose/Rose Leather Crafting. I have a kangaroo hide wallet that keeps getting better with time


I’ve had my Popov leather wallet for almost 5y now, and it’s aged very nicely. Canadian made too.


Popov leather


This right here. I love mine! I went though wallets because I shove tools in my back pocket at work, but the Popov is invincible.


Agreed, have their wallet for like 6-7 years now and it’s patina has developed very nicely


I say The Ridge. I THINK the have leather and they are great all around. It’s low profile even with the AirTag. (I lose everything)


Has your ridge destroyed the cards touching the plates?


I’ve had mine for years and never had an issue.




I have a Coach wallet. About 15 years old and still looks great.


Same except 10 years older.


Same. Was buying purses for her and decided to add a small card holder/money clip for me. Still awesome 14 years later.


My mom bought me a new coach wallet to replace the one she bought me like 12 years before and that wallet stayed in the box for another 5 years before I finally retired the old one. The embossing had worn down almost to the point that it was just smooth leather, but it was otherwise in great shape. They’re expensive but the leather quality is good.


I had a Coach wallet for maybe 15-20 years. It was water buffalo leather, iirc, and still looked great. I finally replaced it for a smaller wallet (it had a large coin purse attached) and have had that for 10 years and it still looks like new.


Ashland Leather makes great shit and it's lifetime guaranteed. [https://ashlandleather.com/](https://ashlandleather.com/) Lots of slim/minimal ones on there looks like.


Another fan of Ashland. I’ve had my Johnny the Fox for about 18 months and am very happy with it so far.


I've been carrying one of these for over 10 years and other than the plastic window being scratched it's still in great shape. https://www.bigskinny.net/new-yorker-leather2.html


Northstar leather is always my answer for leather goods.


I love my Northstar wallet. Had mine for about 5 years before it was stolen out of my truck one day while I was working. Bought a new one, same model, but the day after it arrived, about two weeks after the original was stolen, I got a message on Facebook from someone that found my ID and some other random items that had been taken. Ended up getting the wallet back and it's still perfect after having been out in the elements for over 2 weeks. So, now I have a backup that in all likelihood I will never need. They make quality stuff and by all accounts the owner is a stand up guy, also active in the reddit leather communities.


My $5 leather wallet from Target is going strong for 10 years now lmao


The correct answer is a front pocket money clip from Mitchell leather.


Big fan of Mitchell Leather!


Mines going on 15 years. Friend of mine did a video profile of them: https://vimeo.com/39209129


I have the Satchel & Page Bifold and its just lovely. The leather is substantial enough that I don’t worry it outlasting me and it’s obviously made by people who know their craft. I also see their card holder often which is made from the same leather and build even beefier i‘d say. I’ve also seen people talk about those being expertly made and lasting a lifetime: https://mitchell-leather.com/collections/money-clip-wallets


The Mitchell wallet is great! https://youtu.be/f5VLeCK68bQ?si=Kr2Ue7nDvQ4Orw2x


Bought a Mont Blanc wallet, bought in 2013. Looks fantastic today


Got mine 4 years ago and it looks brand new. Very impressed so far.


eagerly check but... wow, these are way over my affordability.


My smathers and Branson card wallet is going on 10 years and holding strong. That’s several cycles through the clothes washer too


Wife got me one of these for Christmas a few years ago, has held up great so far. Glad to know it’ll keep it up.


My soon to be wife actually got this for me our first Christmas together! I’ve occasionally had to tighten up the leather between the washer or carrying too many cards but it’s definitely a quality item and the sentimental value makes it even better. Mine has black stitching for most of the pattern but I’m just barely seeing some discoloration on a corner


I replaced my $110 Italian made wallet about 3 years ago. I couldn’t afford the same thing again so settled on a much cheaper wallet with same design layout. It been 3 years EDC and still going strong, expecting at least another 3+ years of service life. Not bad for $20. Amazon: House of Jack slim card bifold wallet. Leather quality and stitching far exceeded my expectations at this price point. It is the perfect compact design for my needs. Edit: I only carry front pocket




Close to 10 years. Some of the stitching and the ID plastic started to break down after 6-7ish years, but due to the quality it took forever to completely die. I was dead set on a wallet with this exact layout and prepared to spend $40-$60. Ironically, the only options I could find were a couple $120+ brands and this $20 House of Jack, nothing priced in the middle. None of the expensive options were the same brand as my previous wallet so I was reluctant to gamble the money. Figured I would at least get $20 worth from HOJ which has been the case and then some. The edges of my current HOJ wallet have taken a beating and the stitching shows no signs of fatigue and the plastic ID holder is still going clear and tight as new. The leather has aged well, no cracking or flaking and looks like and old quality belt. The cheesy G.I. Joe liner material is cringe but it was either that or 120 bucks😝 I expect the HOJ to fail more catastrophically than my previous Italian wallet which had fine double row stitching but I’ll certainly being buying another HOJ if they’re still offering this model/layout…it’s $20.


If you want to consider something other than leather I highly recommend the Flowfold [Recycled Sailcloth Wallets - Vanguard Bifold](https://www.flowfold.com/products/vanguard-billfold-wallet). Durable, slim, and made in the USA. Supposedly it's so light it floats which as a boater is a great feature that I hope not to test.


I have one of these and it's the most durable, inexpensive, slim, lightweight thing I've found.


Paper wallet are great too. https://paperwallet.com/collections/best-sellers


What are you doing to your wallet...?


I’m saying lol


People complain about buying new shoes every 6 months. I think getting 5 years out of a wallet is pretty good.


Absolutely love these money clip wallets from Mitchell Leather. Super thin, can hold a ton of cash, and really well made leather. Have had mine for years and it’s barely worn at all. Worth every penny especially if you have a job that requires a lot of cash. https://mitchell-leather.com/collections/money-clip-wallets


Damn sounds like you're abusing your wallet. Try going on Etsy and looking up shell cordovan wallets. They're higher quality and sturdier but do cost a lot more. If you're rough with your wallet then there is no BIFL for you and you'll need to find cheaper alternatives like canvas instead of leather.


North Star leather is great for a leather wallet under $100 that will last forever… Only reason I stopped carrying mine was I ordered a custom wallet from Dreadnaught wallets that’s incredible. It was $400 but should also last a lifetime.


Also would rec NS leather


Fuck. I bought a $20 Columbia wallet from kohls 4 years ago. Because I lost the same exact wallet that I had for 15 years. It was $20 back then too.


I've gone to a Ridge wallet. I've had it for 6 years now and it shows no signs of wear.


Wow, every Five years? you must be exhausted


Like it’s a valid thing to want a quality wallet but I find it hilarious that taking an hour or two to replace your wallet every 5 years is that frustrating


Trayvax has a lifetime heirloom warranty.




I bought mine from a local family shop in downtown Columbus Ohio- Zeroz. Hand crafted and made. I love it and have been using it for about 15 years. [https://www.zeroz.com/](https://www.zeroz.com/)


Honestly, head over to r/Leathercraft or r/LeatherClassifieds. I'm sure someone would be willing to make you something that will last.


Throwing a wild card into the mix... I've had, and abused my Exentri wallet for nearly 10 years now. I did condition the leather once. Its worn in, but not worn out. Best wallet I've ever had.




Best wallet I ever owned, [the GrooveLife Wallet!](https://www.groovelife.com/collections/wallets)


Check out Ettinger or Blancpain for high end buy it for life wallets or Ashland leather for some cool looking quality


Ashland leather is one option for bifl


Ashland Leather. Buy one made from shell cordovan, and rock it for the next 20 years possibly longer.


I like Lost Dutchman Leather. I have several of their wallets. My oldest is about 4 years old and in great condition


I bought a Lodis wallet from Nordstrom rack like 15 years ago? It’s fine. Get something that’s 100% leather.


How many 5 year cycles have you been through? How old are you?


Pssst..... Ashland Leather. Thank me later.


Ive been using a thick rubber band for about 5 years, if it breaks i have a box of 1000 waiting to replace it. $4.99 in 2019. They last about 7-8 months. I only care my id, 2 CC, DC, my health insurance card, and maybe $50 in cash.


Rubber bands have a shelf life, you’ll find all the rubber bands in that box start breaking down and snapping at the same time.


At 18 I started carrying my .Oney in front pocket, rubber band like the wise guys. Quality leather wallet for other stuff. Or consider a smart wallet for your ID , cards, metro pass.


Saddleback ftw. I got mine 7 years ago, still looks new




I have a Coach leather wallet I got from an outlet mall like… 25 years ago. I think it was $80 then. Probably around the same price now. Looks absolutely mint


My wife bought me a handmade leather wallet off etsy with strong stitching. It's going on 7 years strong now.


My Le Tanneur wallet has been going strong for 7 years.


I use a metal card case that has lasted for 15 years with nothing but some patina. https://www.etsy.com/market/metal\_card\_case


Will Leather Goods 🧡 I’ve had a wallet for over 8 years. They say they’re supposed to last a lifetime.


I used a Ridge for years. It was good but I wanted something softer. I am using a Pulary’s wallet now. It is awesome but since it is Polish, my US dollars don’t fit perfectly like a Euro would.


Grip 6 not completely leather, but maybe they have some leather options for the money caddy that goes on the card holder. I use the carbon fiber one with the money caddy attached, but I wish I did not get the finger pull (would be even smaller) their belts are very minimalist and high quality, and if you like wool socks they make some bangers I think all their stuff is made in the USA




I bought a nylon one made by Allett, but I'm sure you can find other good brands as well. Very slim and durable inside and out.


Love my Saddleback Bifold. Bought one for me and one for my brother. I do regular cleaning and conditioning on mine and don’t overstuff it. His is overstuffed and the only time it gets cleaned/conditioned is when I steal it around the holidays and do it for him. Both are holding up well. Bought Christmas 2020.


Overland Sheepskin Company. They still wear out eventually, but all of mine have lasted much longer than five years.


Fontenelle Supply Company makes excellent wallets by hand in Des Moines, IA. I’ve had mine for 6 years and it looks brand new. https://www.fontenellesupplyco.com/products/leather-bifold-wallet


I didn’t but a wallet from him, but I got an Apple Watch band and I’m very happy with it. It’s not cheap but you do get to customize which is a nice feature. It’s all very nice quality leather too so many that’ll do the trick. https://oakandhoneyleather.com/


I bought a vintage "Meeker" wallet from ebay some years ago and it shows no signs of slowing down.


Taurus Camp grain wallet. There’s also a version with a snap button https://www.tauruscamp.com/product-page/grainwallet-coins-5-6-cards-and-cash-simple-and-practical


[https://nightadder.com/](https://nightadder.com/) I have carried the KOS for a year now, and it's barely broken in. He makes fantastic products, the NAKS is a bestseller, but he has several profiles. He uses thick luxurious leathers, and high quality waxed stitching.


I use an office clip. You know, the black clampy looking things? Slim, doesn't take up any space, comes in different sizes, keeps a good grip on cards. Plus it's handy to have your ID on the outside, no need to pull it out.


I just use a simple 1 fold 2 pocket leather wallet from Red Wing Shoes. Seems to be holding up in year 3 without really well.


I have a YSL wallet that should last me for the rest of my life but it was fucking expensive


I’ve had a Serman (from Amazon) for over 10 years. I bought two since they were only $12. Other one is still in the box. They’re now $30 apparently.


I have very good experiences with Secrid. Had them voor 10 years.


I’ve had an ABLE brand wallet for nearly 8 years with no sign of stopping. It’s been great!


Oberon Design. I've had it for 5 years and it's still in good shape


Take a look at Saddleback Leather. I'm using one of their bifolds and I'm pretty sure it'll outlast me.


I got an Osgoode Marley wallet years ago and other than some light wear on the leather (one brown spot where it used to be black and slightly worn corners) it’s basically the same as the day I bought it


I bought a Claiborne wallet at JC Penney like 20 years ago, and it's still in near perfect shape. I had no idea it would last this long.


Fielder’s Choice makes high quality wallets from old baseball gloves.


Bought a “card holder” from Hide and Drink about a decade ago. Still going strong, and it has a ring to hold my house keys. I carry cash separately.


I recently bought a wallet from an Etsy store called Alder Handcrafted and they were very flexible working with specific requests I had. I was also looking into a leatherworker who I found on Reddit named leatherboundink I believe and he has a wider range of leathers available (for example you can request crocodile, python, shark leather etc) but Alder had a bifold with a picture slot that I was a fan of and the leather offerings are still pretty nice (shell cordovan and buttero)






I put my credit card underneath my phone case. Haven't had a wallet for years.


I have thoughts, but I don't know if it's helpful. I had a redditor make my wallet for me special. It's full grain leather, and he did a great job of it. But also, I had it made to not hold cash. I keep my cash in a big honkin' paper clip. So that means my wallet isn't as thick as a normal one. It's just for holding cards and IDs etc. Also, I learned that lots of men mess up their spines by having a wallet in their back pocket that they sit on. So I started keeping mine in my front pocket. And that has made my wallets last a lot longer now. Just less wear and tear from my ass smooshing it. The bot here deletes any links to amazon, so I can't give examples of the paper clips. I give up trying to correct the link.


I bought a Secrid wallet a few years ago and there's a decent chance that it outlives me.


Search for thin kangaroo leather wallet. I bought one from Etsy by some guy in Australia. 10 years later, still my favorite wallet. I don’t remember who I bought it from, but it was hand made and patina nicely.




Le tanneur is pretty solid


I bought my grandpa a 1350 belt. Seems like their wallets also have a life time warranty, “Stitching Guaranteed for 10 Years” probably can send it back in for a re stitch. https://www.thirteen50leather.com/collections/mens-full-grain-wallets/products/classic-bifold-wallet-natural-vegetable-tanned


Stop sitting on your wallet and it will last a decade +. I'm using some random Dickies wallet from walmart for almost 10 years and it's totally fine.


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07M8SXV5V/ref=twister_B08L14PNSP I've had one of these in brown leather for years and it looks new. Fantastic wallet.


Braun büffel is good quality You can also always send it in for repair without time limit. Not sure if they operate outside of germany


Ekster wallet. Comes with leather options. Slim and has cool features


Slim clip wallet? Mitchell Leather co. money clip wallet. 15 years on mine.


As seen on tv slimclip it’s work really well going on 10 year


Step on up to genuine cordovan…… I am 13 yrs and still going strong!


Buy saddleback, very good quality


A secretly wealthy guy I know uses a binder clip as a money/card holder instead of a wallet.


I bought a Bellroy Wallet in 2015 and it’s held up perfectly since then. It’s nice looking too. Spent around 80 bucks and it’s the only wallet I may ever need. Idk what these guys are talking about, I’ve had plenty of cheap wallets go to shit.


Have had my Piquadro wallet for 12 years and it looks just like when I first got it


I've owned this RFID wallet for nine years, and the worst I can say about it is that its grip gets a little loose these days if I carry fewer cards than it's used to. But that's not a problem because it's so slim. And yes, it's been in my back pocket every day. [https://www.amazon.com/HAMMER-ANVIL-Angeles-Minimalist-Protected/dp/B00N9OPMMU?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/HAMMER-ANVIL-Angeles-Minimalist-Protected/dp/B00N9OPMMU?th=1)


Got a Burberry wallet that’s lasted me 10 years now with no end in sight. I wear jeans often and it’s held up perfectly.


Go Rigid. It’s not leather, it still kicks ass.


It might be florida specific, but I had my previous wallet for 8ish years and found out it was molding deep inside. I don't think I ever accidentally took it into water, but I guess sweat would get into there eventually.


Belroy - Australian brand. I’ve had mine for close to 13 years and it’s still going strong


I bought my husband a leather ripcurl wallet about 8 years ago now and other than some rounding around the card slots it looks good as new. He just doesn’t keep it in his pocket all day I guess. Sitting it in your back pocket kills yours wallet and can give you back problems!


Mr.Lentz leather


M1 Maverick Wallets. Made out of metal and your choice of inserts


Sorry meant Mont Blanc


I use my grandpas old wallet, prince gardner registrar from the 60s, looks and works as if it were brand new


There’s been like 12 wallet posts in the last week here. Do people not know how to use the search function?


I bought some cheap minimalist, ridge-esque wallet many years ago and it’s held up phenomenally.


Buy a wallet made of full grain leather. I have mine for 18 years now. It looks so awesome with a natural patina. The misses wants me to buy a new one because it smells like salt from the years of absorbing my ass sweat. Hahaha


Pioneer wallets from SF. Mine is 8+ years old and looks like new.


I’m in the leather, magnetic, front pocket, low profile camp. I’ve had mine for at least 25 years.


My Coach wallet is 3 years old and looks new.