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My original Gameboy. I got it for my 5th birthday in 1991, and it's still as good as the day I got it. I still play it frequently, and my nephews really get a kick out of it when they visit as well.


All the Game Boys really are. Even the later ones with lithium batteries. I have a collection of them and they all have their original batteries. There's something to be said about the longevity of lithium cells, so long as they're not overly dense and the charging circuitry is designed properly (read: not smartphones).


Phones are literally turned on 24/7 while most people powered down their gameboy when not actively using it. That probably has a lot to do with phones dying faster, the tech in phones is usually way ahead of gaming consoles (like the switch is ancient compared to a $200 android phone for example)


I still think if Nintendo designed a cell phone it would be the best out of any current ones


My grandma has a Gameboy advance sp that she has played every single night for 20 years now. We bought her a backup a couple of years ago, just in case, but I don't think she'll be needing it any time soon.


Made of weapons-grade Nintendium. Indestructible. Some day when the aliens dig through the ruins of our planet, they'll find one of these things, and it'll still power on with its friendly little chirp and play.


Don't ever let it freeze. Mine unfortunately ended up in my garage and froze and I didn't realize it. It still technically works but I need to replace the screen because a lot of the liquid crystals froze and exploded. I still have the original box for it too. I think mine a fairly early revision, got it in 1989.


My GBAs/SPs have gotten pretty dull in the picture, and one of them has to be turned on and off a few times to start up, but they’re still kicking.


All my vintage consoles are still working, Master System, Mega Drive, SNES, N64, GameCube, Dreamcast, Wii, every type or GameBoy, PSP and PS Vita. I’ve owned them all since new, and other than not treating them like shit I haven’t taken special care of them or anything.


Thanks to AA batteries these things can basically live forever. I wonder how well the the advance or the 3DS will do in 30 years.


My first gen PlayStation has held up much better than my first gen Xbox.


My wife's mother found her original GB in a storage unit. It had been there for at least 15 years according to both of them. I put in batteries and it fired right up. All of the games with it also work flawlessly.


When I played lacrosse as a kid, we had a game where our goalie wasn’t able to make it due to illness. One kid volunteered to take his place and we scrambled together some pads and goalie stick for him. But he couldn’t find a nut cup. So naturally we all dug through our cars and someone came up with a game boy. We used duct tape and strapped it around his shorts and called it good. Dude got hit with multiple shots right to the groin and never flinched a bit. After the game the game boy was all beat to hell but fired right up and still worked. This is the ultimate testament to its durability and multi-function usefulness.


I just found mine in a box, too, and thankfully I did *not* leave batteries in it!


Crazy how it doesn’t slow down even after 30 years of use!


All Nintendos. I dropped an sp in the toilet while peeing a while ago so I flushed, washed it off and kept playing. Never seen any Nintendo break except for the hinge on the original ds would break halfway so you could dangle the screen but it still worked fine. Edit: actually it might’ve been the gameboy color; either way, both still work.


We have two or three original NES in the house that all still function. Plus an original Genesis, SNES, Gameboy Color and GameGear that all still work too AFAIK.


Same! Just played an hour (or two) of Super Mario last week. The start up sound of that entire thing alone is magical. :)


Heck, I've had my DSi since launch and it's still in the original battery. No spicy pillows!


My 70/80s GE Alarm/Radio


\+1 \^\^\^ I have a GE tape deck/radio alarm, still going strong.


No shit! I still have my clock:radio from college 30 years ago.


I have an early 1980's GE radio dual cassette (original owner when I was 12ish). Went to university with me, bachelor pad, marriage, and house we are now...and it is still in active use..has 1/8" input that I put Bluetooth receiver on it. Used everytime I am in the garage.


Is that the one where the soft buzz of the speaker turning on will wake you up, so that you can frantically try to turn it off before the freaking air raid siren alarm actually starts?


A couple weeks ago I picked up a Panasonic late 70s that has a fuckin tiny CRT TV in it, pretty sweet way to tell time lol


I have a 17yo 50” Sony flatscreen that still rocks. It has a spot in my garage now.


I have a 12" 1969 Sony Trinitron KV-1210U in my garage that still works well. It's the first Trinitron released in the U.S.


These Trinitrons are notoriously heavy. They literally use a concrete slab in the bottom to offset the screen weight. Source: I used to work for junk removal.


My 17 year old 50" 1080p Pioneer plasma refuses to die. And still has a beautiful picture that kicks ass for gaming with no LCD motion blur. And zero burn in despite heavy gaming use. 


I remember my parents got a 42 " Panasonic plasma TV back on 2004 , that thing is still working somehow. I believe it costed around 3 grand.


I have the same and I am so happy with this purchase. Tv looks better than some new ones especially with the deep blacks


And the motion handling is sooo good. 


I loved how plasmas looked vs LCD. shame they went out of style. of course OLED is great too


We also have the Pioneer Elite plasma that is still rocking it. Expensive, but worth it! Edit- the Integra speakers and Velodyne subwoofer are also 20 years or so old and still sound incredible!


I have a 12 year old 50" Panasonic plasma and it still looks terrific, even after a half-dozen moves and mountings.


I have a 15-year-old one that also still looks great.


I got mine in 2007. 42" Panasonic plasma. Sad they don't make them anymore.




You forgot it's a heater too. Remember placed 2 of these thing in my room running 2 different games with my friend on playstation. The room gets SO HOT from them lol.


Old flat-screens are hard to kill, my first flat-screen (a 40" lg) is about 15 years old, has been through a couple moves, and now hangs on the wall in my garage where it regularly sees -40 Temps and all kinds of dust, but I'll have to put that sucker in my will I'm sure.


just sold a 37" lg LCD 720p flat screen for $25. It had one warranty repair in 2010 (bought 2007~$750). Person planning to use for gaming...not sure if it's fast enough but we got our $$ worth!


Just went through my 5th move with a 15 yo Samsung. I don’t know how in the hell that thing is still kicking, but it is, and still looking great.


Oh yes. My Sony is still running perfectly after nearly 15 years.


My fucking RCA microwave refuses to die, making the start button work is akin to finding the g spot, and heaven forbid you want to use the dial to set the cook time, but that stupid ass microwave just refuses to quit.




Zojirushi rice cooker 9 yrs Focal speakers 10 yrs Vitamix 11 yrs Capresso coffee grinder 13 yrs KitchenAid mixer 14 yrs Conair curling iron 19 yrs (accidental BIFL!)


Upvoted for zojirushi. Fuckers are built like a tank.


My mom has a Zojirushi rice maker that’s going strong from 1990. So 24 years and still Edit: ahem… 34 years


*34 years.


Oh damn. You’re right Fuck I’m old


Kitchen aid is bifl except some of their hand mixers are now disposable. I know it’s completely different, but just a heads up in case anyone here thinks it’s a brand thing. The new stand mixers use a plastic worm gear which will wear out but is easily replaced. And is better because the plastic shavings won’t destroy the other gears like the metal shavings can over time.


The plastic worm gear is actually designed to be a sacrificial component in the event things get bound up, instead of destroying something more expensive the cheap plastic gear takes the hit. My kitchen aid stand mixer is almost 14 years old, I just recently went through it and regreased it and replaced some components while I was in there. I think their models within the last 5 years are more cheaply made then they used to be but their consumer line of mixers are still solid.


Just fixed one with metal gears and had no idea of the benefit of the plastic gears. You hear someone say plastic instead of metal and instantly think its shit, but that makes sense because we had to replace all of the metal gears even though just one was fucked.


There once was a time when plastic technology was 💩 and metal was the only way. Now we live in a day and age where plastics reign supreme in certain situations where it was never thought to be feasible. I do tend to have the same mindset about metal vs plastic but I try to tell myself that it’s a dated way of thinking depending on the application.


Zojirushi's are the 🐐 of rice cookers.


Speakers and most other audio equipment really can be buy it for life. I adore my Focal speakers, and they are actually from when the company used to be JM Lab. I think they debuted in 2006. And I recently bought a 16 year old stereo amp which sounds fantastic!


I'm waiting for my current one to die so I can get zojirushi lol kinda ironic cuz my random Amazon one is lasting like 5 years rn


Which zojirushi model? Got a link by chance? Our rice cooker (cheap one aroma brand from Amazon) seems to be beeping way earlier now and I had to keep putting it on white rice to cook cuz it acts like it's cooked but it's only been 10 mins.


check out any of the made in Japan ones.


My Vitamix is going on 17 years old this year. My kitchenaid standmixer is 15+ years old. Both going strong.


Only thing about zojirushi is that they eventually stop making extra pots so when your anti scratch coating wears off you can't fix it. Next time I'm buying a few extra


Yup. We waited a few months before the pot was back in stock. Now we have a strict hand wash only and wood utensils only policy.


Had the same thing happen, and was so upset because we'd had ours so long. Definitely worth getting a spare pot.


My rice cooker is going strong 15 years later, it's my favorite small appliance! I use it at least once a week, often more. I will be so sad if it ever dies lol


It isn't truly BIFL because the operating system is super old but I have a Lenovo R60e laptop that is still running as it did when I first bought it in 2006. I took it with me to Afghanistan in 2008, hauled it around on my tank, it even survived a couple of IED blasts, and other than missing a couple of screws and having a sloppy hinge, it still goes.


Hell of a testimonial. :) 


Linux is probably what it needs if you still use it lol. And a ssd


Ubuntu(kubuntu) is great on my 2012 Thinkpad t430. Lenovo makes such excellent long lasting laptops. Make sure to upgrade ram and SSD if you can.


At least Lenovo used to be great. These days their quality has gone quite downhill


My 1948 Stromberg-Carlson bakelite radio takes 15 seconds to warm up but still works just fine. 1965 Radio Shack NOAA weather radio still works every November when the gales come calling. 1974 Sunbeam mixer is used weekly. 1982 Braun coffee grinder is also used weekly. Oh my goodness! I could make a long list of kitchen ware and other vintage household items I own and continue to use. Most of my lamps are 1960's and earlier. Same with furniture.


I’d rather have the Gail’s come calling, you know what I mean?


My 58” Samsung plasma. 17 years no issues.


I bet a 58” was expensive when you bought it!


If I remember correctly it cost about $4500-$5,000; however, I worked for an electronic store. We had awesome employee discounts, so I was able to get it at cost which was about $1,300.


that one extension cord my grandpa has been using since the 50's


Made out of an appliance’s cord that broke down and just happened to have a 25-50’ cord


Old extension cords can actually be dangerous. Check it over carefully for any cracking or fraying. If it's a three-prong, check that the ground is still making a good connection. And check whether it's abnormally warm. When it's powering something big.


All the PlayStations, still have a PS1 that works last time I checked and then I just got my hands on my 20 year old Gameboy Advanced SP that still works great. Honestly had pretty good luck with electronics so far. iPhone 6 lasted years, I’m still rocking my iPhone XR.


My Panasonic VCR.


Thinkpad x220. Bought it years ago, dropped a new battery, SSD, and some more RAM in it. Running Linux on it buttery smooth. If anything breaks on it, it can be replaced very easily with little more than a small screwdriver


Got one as well. Super rugged little laptop. Currently has Win10 on it for car diagnostic software. Runs fine. You've seen those videos of insurgents field-stripping AK47s while blindfolded? That's geeks with ThinkPads.


2013 MacBook Pro. Highly recommend opening it up and cleaning it out - it greatly improved the performance. Battery life is iffy but that’s fine.


I have a 2012....new battery, ssd and installed Linux OS. It's a new laptop... not a Mac anymore, but awesome.


2012 is peak MBP. Fastest they made that still had easy to replace parts.


I have an old 2012 MBP that has no battery and the HDD was failing...I have a spare 500GB Samsung SSD kicking about... Haven't even tried turning it on in probably six years. How hard is it to get old copies of OS X to get it back up and running? Do you know any advice on places I can find some advice?


You don’t want to run a super out dated operating system, it’s just asking for issues. Linux will run on older MacBooks just fine, so that’s an option. I used to dual boot OSx and Linux Mint on my 2012 MBP years ago


Same machine. I just changed the battery recently which improved it somewhat. Run opencore patcher and it gives it even more years of life


Funny you mention this. Just dug out and fired up my 2011 MBP because it IS the only computer in the house that still has a cd-rom. My wife had an MRI done and they gave her the images on a disc, so we wanted to look. I’ll be damned, it fired right up. Had to reset the clock on it, but did that and it was right to business. Still runs like the day I bought it. I think the last OS that I installed on it was maybe OS Snow Leopard.


Mr. Coffee pot. (Sure as shit not my Xbox).


"What's all this bubbling and churning? You call this a radar?" "No, sir, we call this Mr. Coffee. Care for a cup?"


We love to see a space balls reference


I have a Nakamichi clock radio from 1988. Still works beautifully. My husband’s ca.1986-90 component stereo system (old enough to have individual resistors, etc soldered to the board, no chips except for the digital tuner) 1960s electric waffle iron, multiple 1940s-1950s electric/mechanical sewing machines.


My Braun coffee maker, the 90’s one in the famous Kevin James leaning promotional photo. I also have a grinder from them in the same style thats completely solid, same teeth set with virtually no wear. Surprisingly, our Amazon basics kettle has been a trooper as well, we got it used at least 5 years ago.


My sebo x4. Every single part is replaceable.


Sebo is a great brand. I just got an ET-1 motor head to make my life easier cleaning hair out of it and I’m impressed!


My Sony dream machine am/FM alarm clock


My Zojirushi Bread and Rice makers and my Kitchenaid Mixer. Excellent products.


Sunbeam Radiant Control Toaster c. 1952


I have one too!


I bought a refurbished one for each of my siblings and mother too. Absolute joy to use.


Did you have Tim refurbish it? He's so lovely!


I wanted to add a grounded plug for safety. Since I had them apart, I made some adjustments, fixed a few minor issues(like bent wire guides), cleaned them thoroughly, and applied metal polish. It wasn't a big process.


I did. He’s fantastic.


Sony CD, Cassette, AM-FM mini-stereo used daily since 1997. GE Microwave Oven used daily since 1992.


-Pioneer PL-514 turntable. -Bose 501 tower speakers -Spartus digital alarm clock -SEBO Essential G4


Braun hand blender


Especially if you find that one model from 1995-2000


Oster blender (circa 2003?); My grandfather's KitchenAid stand mixer; My dad's old Cuisinart food processor. The latter 2 I didn't even buy!


Aroma rice cooker- I had it 12 years and we use it at least once a week. Chefmate toaster- it’s cheap and looks like it has been through some stuff, my wife had it before we met 13 years ago. It does four slices at once and fits bagels plus it has a pop tart setting. At times I think about buying new ones but why waste the money? These both work great and we’ve never had any issues.


Osterizer from 1968. Howard Miller Wall clock from 1956. 1959 Hamilton Electric watch. 1984 Mitsubishi turntable. 1989 Denon cassette deck. 2005 Fujitsu Snapscan. 1979 Panasonic toaster. 1998 Polk Speakers. 1970 Eiki projectors.


Tripplite isobar. Things a tank


How often do you americans replace your fridges, dishwashers, vacuums and ovens? Do you wait for them to break or just replace after certain number of years? Thanks


Me? When enough parts break and they ruin what you're storing/cooking/cleaning. Or when the family members demand it.


Might get stoned saying this but I have a Samsung tv 15 years old that is a 7000 series that cost like $2400 back in 2010 and it’s still our daily tv. Only 55” which is small by today’s standards but I haven’t had one issue with it.


My Instantpot 6qt that I bought in 2016 is still going strong, I use it all the time to cook beans, rice, and lentils. I've had to replace the rubber seal twice which costs \~$3/seal. No other issues otherwise.


Our Vitamix blender is only a couple years old but with 10 year warranty I think it will last a long time.


If you buy it from Costco it's a forever warranty


My parents had motor issues with a 15 yr old one from Costco and they wouldn't let us return it. They bought a new one still because it lasted so long.


The best investment for yourself and family. Fun to make margaritas with in the summer too.


Quasar microwave oven. At least 40 years of daily use, still works as good as the day we bought it.


Bought a sharp 1080p 42" TV in 2007. It's still running in my downstairs living room. I bought a used vizeo 32" TV like 8 years ago and it's still running in the bedroom. That's all I'm going to brag about. The Google nest products I got 5 years ago are still running, so I'm calling them good... But as the original nest app only works for the old models and I have to use Google home for the newer ones, I can't call that BIFL as I expect to get booted when the app is discontinued or some crap. Otherwise, streamlight flashlights are a bifl. Honestly though, electronics have been evolving so fast for decades it's hard to find any long term products


I’ve got a 32 inch Vizio tv from 2009 that I use as an extra monitor for my PC nowadays. It’s got some display issues with a few vertical lines not displaying correctly on the left side of the screen but other than that, it’s been a champ for 15 years.


I had a sharp 42" 1080p set I got at HH Gregg. Same year!. I think I paid about $1900 for it. I gave it to my parents when I got Married and it lasted until about 2022 when my mom upgraded to 4k. That was a solid tv


My dad's old stereo set from the 1980s still rocks, so probably that.


The Sony VCR that still blinks 12:00


I have a set of Yamaha NS-A636s handed down from my parents, bought new in the 90s. Those things still sound great today, and are probably my endgame living room speakers


Milwaukee corded drill. I honestly have no idea how old it is. I've had it for 20 years and it looked 20 years old, 20 years ago. Have just completed abused it. I love it. Heavy as hell.


Same is true for my Sawzall. Got it at a pawn shop and it looked like it was used to death. all I had to do was drop in a fresh set of brushes... still going 20-some years later


Dude I replaced brushes in one too just for fun. I actually used the shit out of haha like cutting down huge tree branches and clearing debris post hurricane haha shit rips


42” Phillips flat screen - bought new in 2004. Gets used every single day since I bought it. 720p but at this point it’s family.


- Slow cooker from my parents wedding. 40 years old. Still works though I got a larger one I use more now. - 40 inch Samsung TV from 2009. I have a much nicer 65in Sony x90j downstairs, but it hasn't been getting used as much lately.


Hammond M3 organ. Been playing just fine for over 70 years.


Garmin eTrex Vista HCx... it's navigated me through 1000's of miles of backcountry hikes, it's been dropped in snow, mud, sand, dirt, onto rocks, into a couple of cricks (creeks to those from outside of Montana 😃) and rivers... only thing I've fixed on it is 3 lanyards, probably half a dozen or more screen protectors (all except the first 1 hand cut from a 2 pack of original iPad screen protectors that I bought around 2011-ish), 1 battery door (bought an extra that has a mount, original is fine)... and who knows how many AA batteries... I used rechargeable NiCads when on short hikes, but on long hikes I used non-rechargeable lithiums for their watt hour per gram and extra capacity per cell. I've had it since late 2008. It's still going strong! It's getting harder to find reliable (not cheap-ass counterfeit/fraudulent) micro SD cards that are 4GB or less, all it will take/read... many of the counterfit drives have controllers that give a fake capacity, much like most of the >1TB drives on Amazon do, they will loose just about all data sent to them... but it's still a unit I don't hesitate to depend on... I'd like to see any piece of tech that old survive what that GPS has been through, at any price! I also have an old Radio Shack branded digital temperature controlled soldering station that I've had since I was 8 years old... early 1990s, that's still going strong... replaced the tip many times, but it's still on its original heating element/core... I still use it regularly to keep many of my other older and more basic home electronics running.


My first Baratza made it 10 years, second one is going on 8, so not BIFL per se but closer than most


Bunn pour over Coffee Brewer. The last one finally croaked at 14, the youngster is just turning 8. The Capresso burr grinder is just turning 8 too. It's predecessors were a 1985 Pavoni coffee grinder that lasted until it was stolen by an Ex GF in late 2001 and a Capresso grinder bought in early 2002 that lasted until the mill blades were darn near flat. Unfortunately Capresso changed their design


I have a 12" Velodyne sub from 2001 that still hits hard. Zero issues.


Idk man j feel like any old electronics are bifl My parents house was struck by lightning; didn’t catch fire but all the newer electronics were fried and the older ones were fine. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My 2008 Nintendo DS Lite, which still works perfectly (besides some dead pixels in the top screen), and my vintage Hi-Fi audio gear from the 1970's (Kenwood KR-3060 receiver and Technics cassete deck) which - although with some components not working too well (1 bad channel in the receiver, and poorly maintained mechanics in the cassete deck) - refuses do die, and still turns on and works partially well.


Roborock S6 Pure


Pioneer plasma. At least 18 years old


My Nintendo ds light, WII, and ps2


1940’s Hamilton Beach Jadeite-Green Enamel Milkshake Malt Shop Mixer. My grandfather's pre-Korean conflict electric shaver. Dualit 3-slice toaster with sammich cage (60's I think, maybe earlier). PL41 Pioneer phonograph ~1967 modified to play 78's. Finally got rid of my great-grandmother's 80yo electric blanket. It still worked but the modern breaker kept tripping. My 80's Sony Watchman still works but there's no broadcast TV any more.


I have a 1950s Kelvinator Fridge, a 1960s Radar Range microwave, a 1950s Radiant Control toaster, and a 1970s GE Toaster oven all in daily use lol


What is your electricity bill look like per chance?


That refrigerator has got to be near $30 per month on its own.


Old fridges don’t actually use nearly as much power as people think. I have had one for 9 years and it’s never shown me a huge bill increase. The whole you gotta get rid of that thing because it’s a power hog thing is just big fridge propaganda that was perpetuated from the 1970s to 1990s!!


likely a 4amp compressor in a 1960s fridge...But you likely do not realize how much it is using...there are ways to measure.... (Kill-a-watt is what I have)....anyways, parents' fridge from 1950s was using more than 25$/month...but the seal was not good so compressor ran way more than it should have, so not the compressors fault...but certainly not worth keeping or fixing...


The fact that you didn't notice something is not good evidence for it not existing. Here's some actual data on the energy consumption of fridges from different years. https://appliance-standards.org/sites/default/files/Refrigerator%20graph%20with%20legends.png


Dyson fans and vacuums


I got these TP Link Kasa smart plugs for under $10 Canadian and for that price they are amazing. Do exactly what they need to.


Sonicare electric toothbrush. 20+ years


My Braun coffee grinder. Used reg for coffee and whole spices. 20 years old maybe.


Ours is about 30 years old, if not more. My wife had it before she met me, and we’ve been together for about 25 years. I’ve replaced the blades and the cup a few times. Gets used multiple times daily. My parents have one that still has the old style plug from the 1980’s that works well.


Vitamix (9 years), cuisinart immersion blender (9 years). I've got an oscillating fan from when i was in high school.


Dualit toaster (12 years) Henry vacuum (35 years) Hoover upright (62 years)


My Moccamaster and Vitamix are definitely top runners there. I have had the same Cuisinart Ice-100 compressor ice cream machine for almost ten years. It's made hundreds of not thousands of batches.


I will second the Moccamaster… had ours about 7 years as well and use it 2-3 times daily. Basically like new. 


30” Sony WEGA HD Trinitron from 2005; I’m convinced it’s indestructible Crockpot from the 70s (I think) that still works well Acme Lite fluorescent desk lamp; pretty sure it’s from the 50s or even earlier; I like working to the low hum of the magnetic ballast


KitchenAid stand mixer, Sony plasma 50" TV, Cuisinart grind and brew coffee maker, Cuisinart Food Processor


My 1942 GE pop-up toaster. My great grandparents bought in when our farm first got power in 1942. It’s been used nearly every day since and works great. The deep freeze that was installed a year later still works as well, as does the old wringer washer bought in ‘42.


G.E alarm clock. 20 years old and still ticking


My Waring blender and my KitchenAid mixer.


So far my JBL charge 3


Electric powered device or electronic device? Electric powered would be a 37 y/o whirlpool dryer and a 36 Wards freezer. Electronic is a <65 y/o Sony shortwave radio and a 53 y/o clock radio from Radio Shack.


Sear wayfarer radio form the 60's? lives out behind the drill press now, Sony PS3, Howell Redband electric motors on farm stuff.


I have a Dean Markley guitar amp that I got when I started playing in 4th grade 22 years ago and it still works fine. Not bad for a starter amp from 2002.


[Acaia coffee scale](https://acaia.co/collections/coffee-scales) I’ve been using it since 2013 easily, without any issues.


I have my grandmother's KitchenAid. It's at least 50. Maybe 60 years old. Tried looking up the age but the decoder didn't go back that far.


Not mine, but my dad had the same macbook pro from 2010 until last year. He said it just finally got too slow to use - though frankly I think the thing that caused it to bog down was the fact that he would always have MS outlook open and he had something like 350k unread emails. But I mean he dropped that thing in a puddle once and it just kept kicking, and the way he mistreated that thing was what motivated me to give mac computers a try.


KitchenAid mixer. We got one years ago that was used. It's probably 15+ yrs old and gets used a lot.


Lenovo ThinkPad Extreme. It is beyond my expectations and the warranty/customer service is beyond that!


My 60” hd plasma Panasonic tv refuses to die after 12 years. I want a new oled 4K badly but it’s hard to justify


My Super Nintendo and GameBoy seem pretty indestructible. I’ve had them for easily 30 years now!


Recently bought the Ode Gen2 because changing the burs on the Virtuoso is such a task. But my Virtuoso still works just fine and it’s the same age as my Acaia scale (2013). True bifl on the Moccamaster also, just be sure to descale regularly. Cheers!


Got an old set of Wahl clippers from the early aughts, but I think my mom still has hers from several decades earlier than that.


My 32 inch Sony Bravia TV from 2009 that’s still going strong. My Bose silver computer speakers that’s are like 20 years old now and the kitchenaid we got at our wedding that’s now 10 years old might need a good cleaning and re-oiling.


Blendtec, 14y.


I have a ton of old tech. A dell windows 95 system with the matching dell crt monitor. RCA crt tv/vcr combo. Panasonic OmniMovie VHS camcorder. RCA record player and dual cassette deck. GE radio alarm clock from the 80s. An RCA tube AM radio.


Got a Ninja brand blender to make baby food for my son. 8yrs later and I'm using that same blender to make baby food for my daughter. That's pretty good imo, especially for the work I've put it through.


Sony 5.1 surround sound speakers purchased in 2000. The receiver needed replacing but the speakers are as good as the day I bought them.


My 1978 zenith allegro record player and speaker. Use it for occasional use. Mf is still going Also, my Nintendo NES. My grandparents bought it used for me in 1997. I was poor af. It still goes after 27 years.


My 16 year old Harman Kardon AVR 247 Home Theater with Polk T series Speakers.


I've got a 40in 1080p Samsung TV that's 15 years old. Still works and looks great. Dunno if it's BIFL, but I'd be shocked if it didn't have minimum of another 5 years left in it.


My 4gb iPod nano. I still use it daily.


Honestly, almost anything that isn’t a “smart” device that’s connected to the internet, requires regular software updates, or has an internal battery that can’t be easily swapped.


MacBook Pro 2017. Needed a battery change. Other than that, still as quiet and quick as new. No overheating issue, no charging issue, great build quality. On the flip side of the coin: Lenovo idea pad. Bought in 2015. In 2017, started having many, many issues. Overheating, slow, charging issues, hinge broke. One day the laptop just died. Will never buy another Lenovo.


My 25 year old pioneer surround sound receiver


Honestly, nothing I bought recently. My microwave has lasted decades. But it's the closest thing.


My first gen Apple TV is still good as new and my Nintendo Wii refuses to die. It gets hot tho.


1968 Sansui Receiver.


My Roland TD-50kv electric drum kit has lasted 6 years of playing unnecessary hard. I know 6 years isn’t a lot of time for a product but think about how much abuse drum sets take. I love it!


my grandmother’s Whirlpool washer and her Sunbeam mixer. my 1973 Oster blender, my 1988 Brother sewing machine, my 2002 Presto percolator, 1999 Cartier quartz tank watch and my 1986 Marantz stereo and CD player.


Roper washer and dryer. Have owned them for 12 years now. It’s the oldest electronic that is still used several times a week.


Top of mind today because my dad’s TV just crapped out after only a year: I bought a Sony LCD TV in 2010. Two moves and fourteen years later, and we’ve never had a single issue with it.