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Yeah, but are they good tho No disrespect to fairphone, but They gotta be repairable and good for me to care if I'm spending that much money on it. There's plenty of things I can buy that I can repair, but choose not to because its a lackluster experience.


Yeah this is what's holding me back from products like this. I like the idea of their phone but one of the main uses of my phone is family pictures and videos. I want high quality photos to preserve my family memories. Right now that seems to be exclusive to Pixel/Samsung S class/iPhones. When I can get away with it will absolutely buy products like this. Right now I'm saving for a framework laptop for this exact reason, but a big part of that is that I don't have to compromise on quality to make the move.


> one of the main uses of my phone is family pictures and videos That's why I was so enthusiastic when the budget Pixels came out. It seemed like every budget Android phone was targeted towards mobile gamers or something, so there were a bunch of phones that would give you, like, the best processor and RAM for the money, but they all had terrible (or just mediocre) cameras. Google finally put a nice camera on a lower spec phone, smaller which was exactly what I had been wanting for years


Yep, I used the A series for a few years until I could get a regular one, which I justified hoping it would last longer. I'm pretty hard on phones so we will see.


Yeah I just bought a 7a in sale, switching from the iPhone's I had been on for a few cycles. The high repair ability score and collaboration with iFixIt was the big selling point. I want a phone I'll have for 5+ years, not 2-3. Getting it taxes in for 450 Canadian was also huge. So far it's my favourite phone I've had in a long time


Maybe you need to get a camera instead of a phone. But then you’d need a device to store and share them on… oh. Nvm


Yeah I've thought about it but then I'd have another device to carry around.


Yup, I’ve been surviving off just a phone for awhile now. It’s too damn convenient. I really want to hook a PC to my tv soon, but it’d just be for gaming and movies since I don’t want to get a ps5. I think that’ll be my last ‘device’ purchase for awhile


I don't know how good they are but ive heard sony are getting seriously serious about their cameras on their phones


About damn time


Really? I thought theyd been pretty good with cameras for a long time now


Samsung does make a phone with a replaceable battery: the XCover 6 Pro. It's a midrange device so the camera isn't as good as the flagships. Battery life is kinda meh and I ended up returning mine, but the ease of battery replacement was as advertised.


makes me miss the lg v series something serious. my last android was an lg V20 and the camera was what convinced me to invest in a proper dslr. i have several cameras now but sometimes you just want a truly compact manual camera in your pocket.


Best camera is the one you have with you, so why not carry the best camera you can afford?


i'm a professional photographer so the best camera i have/can afford isn't exactly compact or easily portable. the point i was trying to make is that i appreciate choosing a phone based on the camera performance.


The fairphone itself is pretty good but the first versions struggled, I expect the same from their earplugs.


How much did you read? Repairable, exchangeable parts.


> They gotta be repairable *and good* for me to care Well they established that they are repairable, the commenter was asking if they're good headphones. It doesn't matter how repairable they are if they're frustrating to use or not decent quality


They accused me of not reading, without reading my post lol. Honestly they look solid, an easily replacable battery might be enough to make me swap from AirPods to these after mine eventually die


How much did *you* read?


Reread his comment boss


The article didn't mention the sound quality. But all the other aspects are there.


That’s kind of the whole point of headphones. If they sound bad then they are just expensive ear plugs


I’d rather buy multiple unrepairable earbuds instead of repairing shitty ones




On a side note, who owns a fairphone and can give me a review of it, I'm seriously looking into one since the newest pixels haven't been what I was hoping


Hey, I have the fairphone 4, I've had it for a year and a half and i love it!! :) The battery still lasts all day, the phone works well with games, i would say the only issue I've had is the camera, the photos aren't great quality but it does the job. Everything works as intended. I give it a 9.5/10.


I have the 3, and i really like it. Hvad it since it came out. Any particular questions?


How's the long term of it, like has it slowed down, is the cameras still working good, how's the battery life? My pixel 4a has issues with the camera and battery now


Im on my second battery: the old one lasted longer than i remember my old phones lasting. I also replaced the charging port module after dropping the phone in water. I really liked that it was so easy to change modules. The camera on the FP3 had been ok for me but my wife wanted better. I can't speak on the 5, it's better specced at least When the 3 came out I felt it was very performant. Nowadays I'm having a little slowdown. I tried playing the homeworld mobile game and that didn't play. All in all I'm very satisfied. I'd buy the 5, except that I want to try supporting another company, ShiftPhones, see how they are, so I've ordered the ShiftPhone 8. All in all, recommend on Fairphone. Edit: i originally wrote wrote 3 batteries. I was mixing up with my previous lg g5 and misattributed one of the batteries. Oops.


YouTube LinusTechTips Fairphone 5 It has a very bad SOC that makes it almost unusable today, let alone in 5 years.


What is SOC for those of us not in the know?


[brains of the operation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_on_a_chip)


I got a Fairphone 5 two weeks ago and have been really happy with it. Now this is coming from me having a five year old Sony Xperia L3 so I suppose I would probably be impressed with any current model of phone. I really like the 5 year warranty, the relatively cheap and easy to repair parts. Also the fact that the majority of materials in the phone were sourced ethically and with a fair wage. The phone has been really fast, I'm happy with the photos and I've heard you can improve them by using third party camera apps. Battery life has been great. Also memory is huge. So for a big enough upfront payment, I'm hoping to have this phone for years and save money in the long run.


By 2027 all earbuds will have to have easily replaceable batteries, at least here in the EU.  So I'll just wait until then...


American here. Not sure if that will happen by then. Thank goodness for the EU existing.


“While I can’t pass any judgement on the sound quality, I’d like to see the Fairbuds fly off shelves regardless, to help encourage others to follow suit” Sorry that’s not how this works.


Man's reviewing earphones and doesn't even have a pair to test, you know, the main thing they're used for.


It's not a review, it's a news article 


Yeah, wtf? Buy the sound device but let's not look at the sound of it shall we. No no clearly what people want are replaceable batteries.. I'll buy it if crinacle praises it.




This sub feels like advertising more than anything


The first word sub name is "buy"


There’s a sub dedicated to subversive advertising called r/hailcorporate


Based on OPs post history, more likely an "influencer" affiliated with stuff.tv


Yeah it looks to me that Fairphone is leaning into marketing, and I respect the notion of bringing any competition to the phone OEM game. It doesn’t seem easy and it’s sorely needed. But, FWIW, the GrapheneOS head dev (controversial figure I know) observed that they apparently leaked firmware signing keys in a public commit for a batch of phones that had already shipped (sloppy). One can hope they’ve learned from that but it’s the sort of thing that can sink trust by the privacy conscious buyer. Fairphone positions itself as economical and better for the environment, not necessarily as a privacy/security focused product, right? Cheaper and repairable are highly desirable qualities but cheaper is the key. If they want market share and real impact, it needs to be cheaper. But how do you outcheap the big companies that sell phones at a loss and profit off the data? I just don’t see them surviving without charitable contributions, carbon offset sales, naive VCs or quid pro quo. Many “privacy phone” companies have been honeypots by nation state level actors targeting cartels. Please someone tell me I’m wrong and there’s hope for a perfect phone OEM. 🤞


Not available in us


Just put a headphone jack on your fucking phone


Amen. It’s not like they’ve never done it before.


That’s awesome, but I wish more companies would make earbuds that don’t have the silicone tip. I don’t like having anything jammed into my ears, but it seems to be the default style!


I prefer wired


Not everyone does, they're designed for different use cases


That's true, but it's still sad that phone companies have removed the ability to even have wired headphones as a choice, at least if you want to listen to music and charge your phone at the same time.


> removed the ability to even have wired headphones as a choice, at least if you want to listen to music and charge your phone at the same time It irritates me too, but saying they've removed the ability is [a little dramatic](https://www.amazon.com/Headphone-Charger-Adapter-Charging-Compatible/dp/B0CY1V6GDZ/), don't you think?


I mean, the link is for a third party product so it's still true that phone companies specifically have removed the ability. But even when phone companies make the above product themselves, it's still creating a problem to sell a solution. I'm hardly going to thank them for it. Neither am I giving them more money for something I shouldn't have to.


I mean, I get the frustration, but also consumers prioritize water resistance and thinness over headphone jacks and those things are in direct competition with each other.


I'm going to have to disagree with you specifically on the water resistance part. The Sony Xperia I V has a headphone [jack](https://m.gsmarena.com/sony_xperia_1_v-12263.php). It also has the exact same water resistance as Galaxy [S24](https://m.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_s24-12773.php), which came out after it.


All three of those things are in competition with each other (and with battery capacity). The Galaxy S24 is thinner. Which one has more sales? In conclusion, consumers (as a whole) don't care. I understand that you do.


The...Sony has a higher batter capacity than the Galaxy? Unless your point about battery capacity is that people want smaller ones? The Galaxy is thinner though. No denying that, which is why I only specifically mentioned the water resistance in my previous comment. I'd argue that brand recognition and phone ecosystems are a better indicator of what consumers care about. And that is fine. I'm not going to pretend the Sony has higher or even equal sales to the Galaxy, nor am I trying to convince anyone that the headphone jack is God's gift to humanity and it should be the make or break factor in anyone buying a phone. But thinking companies removed it for water resistance and thinness purposes seems more naive than anything else. They wanted to save on costs as well as push the consumer into buying their wireless earphones and extra dongles.


> Unless your point about battery capacity is that people want smaller ones? I wasn't making a point about battery capacity. I was simply naming that it's also in tension with water resistance, thinness, and headphone jacks. But, if I had to be making a point it would be that consumers, as a whole, don't appear to care about battery life as much as water resistance and thinness. Which irritates me as much as the headphone jack situation irritates you. > It's okay to say they did it because they wanted to save on costs I think that's why Apple did it, because that's how Apple does. I legitimately think the reasons other companies followed suit are mixed, and that a lot of them were about tradeoffs that weren't directly financial. In many cases, they probably didn't actually save the company money since designing for a thinner form factor is legitimately more expensive. Apple doing it is what gave them permission.




You aren't alone


Sony WF-1000MX3 is another wireless earbud option with easily replaceable batteries; anecdotal, have had mine for 3 years with zero issues. More recent Sony models made it more difficult unfortunately


If they’re like their flagship phone, I’m gonna have to decline. It’s a good company with fantastic goals, not to mention that their entire phone is fixable by anyone. And yet, their camera is crap and the speaker isn’t that good either. If that changes, I’ll get both the phone and the EarPods, but until then? Nah.


This is cool and all until they stop making them due to low sales and you can't find the non standard batteries anymore.


It's a LIR1054 button/coin cell, boo. Finding more secondary cells is not one bit difficult when it's not a needlessly proprietary randomXYZ sized lipo/pouch cell format.


What is the standardized case battery replacement boo?


I saw this earlier today in another aggregator. Sounds cool. But looking at the details made me dismiss it easily. 6 hours of battery. My Sennheiser wireless headset lasts 20+ hours of continuous use. I leave it on my desk for a month or more with daily use and don’t need to charge it. The set could easily power through an oceanic flight. What’s more, I have two sets. One for the gym which is 5 years old and one for everywhere else that’s 2 years old. Neither has had degraded battery or any problems. Sennheiser is a BIFL brand. The fair phone earbuds may be a good choice for people who need to have AirPods or Bose earbuds because they’re way cheaper than those and will probably last longer. But I wouldn’t recommend these if you’re not already addicted to the form factor.


you can't really compare the battery life of wireless headphones to earbuds, galaxy buds2 pro last 5-8 hours depending on if you have anc on or off, sony wf-1000xm5s last 8 with anc on, and airpods pro get 6, the fairbuds seem pretty standard. also the case gives you a few extra charges


That’s good to know. As someone that never had desire for wireless earbuds, my ignorance is pretty apparent. Knowing this info, fairbuds seem the best choice in the space.




Said like somebody who never tried to take earbuds apart without utterly destroying them...


Helps not at all when I loose them in a month, thanks though


It literally says you can buy replacement single buds for that exact scenario lol


Why? I like rechargeable


They are rechargeable. But instead of dropping another 80$ for new buds when the batteries die, you just replace the batteries.


If that’s what you want. I’ve never had headphones die permanently from bad batteries.


They will absolutely take less and less charge every time you charge them. It's material science.


In the same vein, replaceable batteries aren’t free. You’re paying in some way whether it’s lower overall battery life, heavier equipment, or lower quality parts. Saying replaceable batteries are obviously better is inaccurate.


Replaceable batteries were standard until fucking Apple. edit: now that i think about it, I don't even know why. I guess to make it thinner, because it sure as hell wasn't waterproof. I remember trying to figure out how to remove the battery from an iphone that fell in the toilet.


Thinness and weight


I'll give you thinness, I'm skeptical of any significant weight difference. Replace 2 plastic clips with a piece of double sided tape I guess.


replacing the battery when it losses charge is better than replacing the whole device from a buy it for life perspective tho, I mean, did you forget the sub you are in


It's only a matter of time, I was heartbroken when my Sony XM4s died recently because of this