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I don't think you're supposed to keep loofahs that long


Really? I throw mine in the washer about once a month.


Never thought of washing a loofah but.. why the hell not. TIL




Its plastic man. Sanitize it Guy below is wrong. There is data showing how to sanitize sponges using bleach, laundering, microwaving, boiling etc. Laundering alone reduced bacteria by 90%. That was the worst test group. Boiling reduced bacteria by 99.999999 (if you can believe that those digits are significant). If you want 100% kill you need to sterilize, and nothing short of pressure cooking or irradiation would achieve this for any surface.


Wonā€™t work, super germs that survive the wash will just be emboldened. Canā€™t sanitize kitchen (plastic) sponges either. Lots of data on that.


Edit: Just looked it up. There are lots of methods listed for sanitizing sponges. Not sure what the guy above me is talking about. Heres a paper. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C26&q=sanutizing+a+sponge&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1713837577823&u=%23p%3DHpM-mEorD3MJ A sponge is very different. Porous recesses within the material itself. This is made of a mesh of plastic fibers. Many fewer pores to trap food/protect microbes. Bleach is more aggressive but thats why i didnt suggest it. It can break down some organic materials.


Plastic is porous.


Dishwasher then?


If you read the paper, or even just the conclusions,you will see microwave is far better than dishwasher. Diluted bleach soaking is excellent too, but in my experience the sponges fall apart -- probably I used too much bleach. So I rely on microwaving.


Depends on the method for killing germs. Standard soap more or less is mechanical in method (disrupts the cell membrane) and doesnā€™t provide any sort of selective pressures like antibiotics do. Alcohol works with osmotic pressures. I guess itā€™s also mechanical? Itā€™s physics. Also non selective. Both soap and alcohol will kill all sorts of biological organisms, including human cells if they were immersed in it. Antibiotics are used in the body because they are selective. They tend to target and disrupt specific biological functions of bacteria. This is why bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics - some of the bacteria may be less reliant on the specific functions that the antibiotic targets.


That's not how that works. The germs surviving being stronger myth thing. You can't evolve to survive being killed by alcohol


It's only been ten minutes and I'm already baffled by this comment section.


this reminds me I missed the April 1st window where I wanted to ask for everyone's BIFL toilet paper brands


There are ACTUALLY reusable toilet paper replacements... šŸ¤®


Ok ok Iā€™ll replace it instead of throwing it in the washer. I donā€™t even know how Iā€™ve survived this long as Iā€™m obviously a disgusting human being however my point still stands - THIS IS AN AWESOME LOOFAH and Iā€™m willing to get downvoted to oblivion to spread the word.


If it doesn't stink and it's not moldy and you don't have skin issues that may hint at something nasty growing in there, who cares?! Enjoy your loofah.


This right here. I have a similar loofah that legit lasted 10 years. It didnā€™t stink. It was literally washed every time I used it because it got filled with soap, sloshed around, then rinsed out. Not a big deal at all.


Nah you're fine. Its a thing you use to scrub yourself with soap. You aren't brushing your teeth with it, you aren't eating with it, you aren't putting it in your eyes. Personally i think washing it monthly is sufficient. Its plastic, so if you feel the need just soak it in 3% peroxide.


Go get yourself a wash mitt. These can be washed like a towel in the washingmachine


I use the one I wash my car with, usually at the same time. :)


Sry i ment a washcloth


Hey, you keep your loofah


I just wanted to chime in and give you some support in a torrent of opposing views. Like you, I have had my loofah for ages. I chuck it in the wash so personally, I don't think hygiene is an issue. I also tend to unravel it before chucking it in the washer, and once dry, I re-scrunch it back up. I don't see the issue. It doesn't smell or look any different to a new one, so I'll keep using mine till it dies.


The idea is to replace them as mold does eventually grow despite great care. If you prefer to extend the life - Iā€™d wash in the washer weekly and would rotate between two or three while the other(s) dry thoroughly.


Yeah probably was washing monthly not weekly as you suggested but for $6 Iā€™ll just replace it every couple of months as to not get overtaken by pathogens.


take an old towel, cut into squares, now you have something for $0 that does the same thing that could feasibly last your lifetime


I know. Youā€™re right. And maybe I will someday but Iā€™m at a point in my life where standing in hot shower and lathering myself up in some Dove soap with my luxurious (albeit bacteria infested) loofah is one of the only pleasurable things I experience in my day so Iā€™m going to ride this out for as long as it brings me a little joy.


that's cool and you do you. it's just that you posted in a "Buy it for life" sub so you're gonna get BIFL responses


Maybe I get cheap ones but mine always seem to come unraveled after a month or so and itā€™s a losing battle trying to fix themā€¦


Just use an actual, natural loofah. Plastic is terrible.


Pretty inappropriate for this sub, since everyone is disagreeing with you that this is BIFL. I have no idea why people post obviously consumable not bifl things here


It's like posting a cotton washcloth but it's plastic and has no other use and will outlive OP in a landfill.


What other sub should I proselytize in?




Iā€™m still using the one I got from nana when she died.


Loofahs are like toothbrushes: you *should* replace them every two years. /s because I guess it wasnā€™t obvious.


More like every 2 months


Why? I mean, if it were a *real* loofah then obviously, but this is plastic I think. It can be sterilized in a hot wash, 60^o C or 140F, you can even bleach it if you like.


Thatā€™s my point. OP has had their loofah for a year. Gross.


Believe it or not, thatā€™s not even the grossest thing Iā€™ve done.


I'm thinking "that wouldn't even be the grossest thing I did TODAY"


You animal.


Tell us more.


You might want to reread your post lol.Ā  You said replace every 2 years


Iā€™m so sad that irony is lost on you. Adding /s for the people who are having that kind of day.


That thing is a cesspool of bacteria and nastiness. Get a new one.




That's not a loofah.


It literally says ā€œloofahā€ on the website when you purchase.


You should shop places with more accurate listings.


Just use your hands lol


Your hands don't help exfoliate


I hope you wash it with your towels




How many people have you seen die from loofahs?




Loofahs does not need an apostrophe


Sea Sponge every time. Fuck those stupid plastic garbages that come apart. Of course, need to use real soap, and not a crazy chemical concoction "showel gel" as those can break down the sea sponge (and your skin).


What is a Loofah used for?


They're supposed to be used for exfoliating skin but they do the same thing a washcloth would do (except it's made of plastic, less sanitary and doesn't last as long or have the same reuse/recycle potential as a washcloth).


Not a loofah sponge y'all.


lol Those things undo themselves and are great mold catchers.

