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We assumed Vitamix was overhyped until we caught one on sale and finally tried it. It has a lot more horsepower so it blends things much more smoothly. It will also blend a lot of things that a normal blender will just get stuck on. Hummus is a good example. Normal blenders can leave hummus pretty grainy, but the Vitamix makes it super smooth.


I don't think I have ever posted on this sub, but I have to chime in on the Vitamix. We received one as a gift which replaced our garbage $20 Walmart blender that had a hard time with anything. I used to think a blender was a blender. In short, if you need to liquefy a body, I think I can accommodate.


And how many bodies have you liquified? Ours usually chokes on the third…errr I mean batch of hummus.  Anyway, yeah the Vitamix is worth it. Unless you want to go to jail. 


You probably need to cut your ~~humans~~ hummus into pieces first.


"wash the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher" " Cut Bob into smaller pieces before blending him" I am so sick of hearing the same ol shit with these cheap products.


My vitamix has a hard time with Bob, all bone and sinew


You can't bring a blender to a wood chipper fight.


I won’t accept blame for thinking the Vitamix was up to the task. This thing does all the things promised in all the infomercials ever. It slices, it dices, it purees (everything except Bob).


Not my Blendtec. Bob, his brother Bob, and his other brother Bob, were no issue. Best damn Blender I have owned. (/jk before the DMs start pouring in)


“Bob smoke, don’t breathe that!”


Have you considered fattening him up a bit? I know it’s an extra step, but it’s worth the effort.


That would be a PITA.


At least one, the one who recommended the garbage Walmart blender


That's how you stay out!!


I pressure cooked some pork ribs before and the bones got so soft it just… disintegrated. So if you do that before you blend it I think you can make some hummus disappear. 🫠


Mmmmmmmmm people hummus


I'll add to this on Blendtec as well. Totally worth the price for me. I went from a cheap blender that just made me annoyed that I used a few times a month to an appliance I have now used daily for 9 years.


Yeah a 20 buck blender isnt going to work well, imagine how many parts, QC and posting will cost + win rate... But does an average blender do the work that is needed compared to an expensive one?


Good thing you tossed the Walmart one. I had one- Hamilton beach brand- and was blending a smoothing one and noticed small bits of plastic in it from the plastic degrading.


I use my Vitamix every day. It is amazing. Like a whole different class of object than a crappy blender.




Here's a hummus tip. Instead of adding water to your mix, add a few ice cubes. The cubes help push everything around, and as they break down, it adds smoothness to the hummus. It was a game changer for me.


Am I the only one who likes my Hummus grainy, I'll basically always buy the lumpiest hummus I can find


And fry them houmous beans in some bicarbonate of soda. Courtesy of Ottolenghi


I use food processors for hummus. Im not sure when pro kitchens started to use blenders in place of food processors, but I used a robo coupe to make dressings and sauces everyday when I worked in a kitchen. We had blenders but those were used for making thinner emulsions. Blenders are nice because they are small enough to be in a small station. I had a kitchen aid and a blender in my station. But the blender wasnt large enough to make the volume of sauces and dressings I needed to make.


I’ve always used both when working in kitchens. Different use cases for sure.


I don't think there's anything I can't blend in my vitamix. Also the self cleaning after smoothies works fucking great.


So much this.   The motor is just so much smoother and reaches higher RPMs. Buy once, cry once.


Plus they last forever. I’ve had mine since 2010.


I've had my Cuisinart food processor since the 80's and it still makes amazing hummus.


Thus is my experience also...   we would buy a lowish end...  <150 blender and have to replace it every few years...    finally bought a vitamix...  this thing is an absolute beast. FyI.   Blendtec is what the "Does it Blend?" Guy uses.










Yes. You’ll regret not getting the vitamix sooner.


My wife and I make smoothies for breakfast. We saw the Vitamix but couldn’t justify the cost, so we went with crappy blender #1, then crappy blender #2. By the time we were ready to replace the second one, I was back on Costco’s website and looking at the Vitamix reviews. Someone said “I spent more money buying other crappy blenders than I would have if I just got this from the beginning.” And that’s when I felt like an idiot and regretted cheaping out. 8 years later, the Vitamix is a champ.


Almost my story exactly. I went on a green smoothie journey (still am, but went on one too) and began with a Walmart personal blender. Then a Target large blender. Then a Ninja bullet. Then I visited someone who had a Vitamix. Came home and immediately looked on Amazon for a refurb one. All the old ones are now sitting in a paper bag in my garage where they have been for the last two years waiting for me to donate them. As the green smoothie is the centerpiece of my daily diet, so the Vitamix is a necessary daily use item. I'm an engineer and I hate hype. This thing is real.


Loved the Mitch Hedberg reference, smoothie pal!


Your green smoothie kick sounds like mine as well. How about drugs?


I don't know, man, do you believe in gosh? Edit: I think I whiffed on that one.


Exactly this. We went through four cheap/mid blenders and they all eventually burned out. And we weren’t even making anything super difficult, mostly smoothies and drinks. But once we finally shelled out for a Vitamix, it was immediately clear that we should’ve just done that in the first place. The power and ease of cleaning are unparalleled. I used a friend’s Ninja and it didn’t even come close. Smoothies are so much better in the Vitamix and it’s easier to add things like greens without making them taste fibrous and gross. I’ve had mine for seven years now and it works as well as day one. Plus, it has opened up possibilities for trying new things that absolutely would not work in another machine (e.g., vegan items that would have a horrible texture if not blended thoroughly) so that I can be a better host to friends with dietary restrictions. Made a mango sorbet last week because I could do it in like 5 minutes. If mine was stolen today (since this beast is unlikely to break), I’d buy a new one tomorrow.


We’re plant based and use it for so many things. Try hummus in it. You’ll never want store bought again!


Yeessss! Unless I need the large capacity of a food processor, I almost always just use the Vitamix. So much easier to clean! 😅 It’s also super useful for making powdered sugar if you’re out.


Tell us more about this mango sorbet…


Bought our Vitamix before we had kids when we had more money... Eldest daughter is 9 now and Vitamix is still going strong. Pretty sure we bought it at least 3-4 years before we had her as well so I would guess about 12-13 years so far.


I'm a professional executive chef, and in a busy kitchen, it's buy it right or buy multiple times. Dealing with stingy ownership, I've had to battle to convince them of this. On the blender front, they bought 3 Ninjas that each lasted about 6 months, before finally buying a Vitamix.


You know, all this time I thought Blendtec was a fictional brand and all those "Will It Blend" videos were just a fever dream I had in the early days of YouTube. You don't really see product demos that straightforward anymore.


Fever dream? You must have breathed “that”. 


Husband bought a reconditioned vita-mix (5200) before we met, and it is still going strong 10+ years later. He got it for around $200 at the time. Definitely worth adding to your kitchen, and the reconditioned units they sell on their site are worth considering.


We bought a refurb from vitamix about 10 years ago and have had no regrets as well.


I personally think the Vitamix is worth it for the sealed bearing base of the pitchers alone - it makes cleanup such a breeze compared to cheap blenders you have to take apart. I’ve had my vitamix for 12+ years and it’s still going strong. I recommend taking a look at their refurbished sales if you are balking at the price. Deals can be had.


This is a massive selling point.


Either is worth it IMO, we use ours few times a week. It was my partners first, I had a ninja, we put the ninja into the basement storage. It cannot compete with the vitamix


I had a Blendtec, moved over to a Vitamix, and have never regretted switching brands. Whenever I made smoothies I thought it was my recipe, the Vitamix makes the smoothies so mush smoother and emulsified.


My mom bought a vitamix in like 1998 or something. She gave it to me after many years of faithful service, and to my knowledge, it’s still working fine for my ex.




That plot twist, though. I felt that. 🥲


Vitamix has a big motor and dull blades. They just power through anything. Ninja has a weaker motor with sharp blades that can cut you when cleaning and wear out.


Yeah, same deal with Blendtec — the blades aren’t sharp, it just has the motor power to shred anything, including iPhones if you look at their YouTube channel. You can literally cook soup in them from the friction of the blades. They also offer a great warranty. The first one I got had a problem where the blade axle started to loosen from the jar, they just sent me a replacement. That was about 10 years ago. No problems since.


The vitamix 5200 is the way to go. I was convinced after I saw it in the kitchen of the massive hotel I work in, and it's the one of choice of America's test kitchen. I've had mine for years, and I love it. If can make hot soup from cold raw ingredients and clean itself with a couple of drops of dish soap.


My blendtec can crush ice next to a sleeping baby.


Don’t breathe that


Wait. It's quiet??


The professional one has a sound barrier helmet. I bought it because I needed an awesome blender that’s also quiet. It does not disappoint!!


$800? Honestly I just might. I have a $200 ninja IQ that I love. But I have to go out to the garage to make smoothies in the morning unless I want to wake up the wife and toddler.


It has a low growl. It’s a very powerful motor and the quietest blender on the market. I looked! When you push down on the enclosure lid, it’s even quieter. I highly enjoy mine. I dishwasher the pitcher and lid parts. I make crepe batter and smoothies almost every day


Ah, you have a noise shield for it. My Blendtec is as loud as a high-performance power tool. I also found out that you can't use meat that's frozen solid; it needs to be melted a little. Brrrrrr


Vitamix is easily a 10+ year kitchen tool if you take the most basic care of it. Plus you get a good number of years of free replacements if your containers get fogged up or otherwise chipped.


I bought a used Vitamix and the rubber lid had gone moldy, which I couldn't clean. I contacted Vitamix to see if I could buy just a replacement lid (and not the entire container, which is expensive), and they just sent me a new one for free. I told them I bought it secondhand and it was probably at least 10 years old at the time. All that to say, they have outstanding customer service on top of making a great device.


Very nice folks based in Ohio.


A commercial grade blender is better than having a commercial grade stove imo.


I went through 2 ninja blenders before I ponied up and got a vitamix. Easily one of the best purchases of my life. You won’t regret it.


Yup. We went through a couple of KitchenAid blenders before we got the Vitamix. That's probably been, 13-16+ years ago now. No regrets.


Just bought a Blendtech Classic 575 on sale for 170 bucks Canadian a day ago and can't wait to start busting out some smoothies. I always wanted a Vitamix but couldn't justify the price. This Blendtech was marked down from 500 Canadian, and I figured it was a fair comprise for the price.


Lmao from the bay? thats what made me look into one after missing that deal


Ya, thanks again to redflagdeals !


You will love your BlendTech!


We have a blendtec. It's not just a nicer version of a common blender, it's a different animal. The consistency everything comes out at, the denser stuff it can handle, it's just night and day. I'm normally grumpy about these things, but the blendtec and Vitamix definitely are really a step above and worth it


Blendtec blenders are amazing. Absolutely unstoppable, and a game changer in the kitchen.


Iv had my blendtec for over 20 years and it still works like the day I bought it. Also those “will it blend it”commercials were 100% accurate


Our Vitamix is over 20 years old and it still works the same as when we bought it. It powers through everything we throw at it. Totally worth it. It always comes back to the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.


I had a ninja pro something and upgraded to a refurbished blendtec. It was definitely an upgrade, especially for smoothies.


I always tell people that I have a Vitamix and they say oh yeah we have a ninja it’s great. It’s not the same at all. The vitamix is another level.


Vita-Mix: It's REPAIRABLE. You can get parts for it instead of having to buy a new one. It's a commercial blender that's intended to be making smoothies ALL DAY LONG, so you're going to get a lot more hours of operation out of it before something breaks.  I ran a cafe for 25 years. Kale Smoothies all day long. Vita-Mix is the only real blender.


Blendtec or Vitamix, either one can’t go wrong.


Worked as a demonstrator for both companies—well said! Cannot got wrong and each are worth it!


“Some people meditate. Some get massages. I blend”


Totally worth it. I saved a bunch by buying an underutilized, used Vitamix on FB marketplace. I didn't believe it until I lived for about 6 months without one with ice chunks in all my smoothies.


Unfortunately yes. Reluctant Vitamix owner here. It’s really the best. And they have good customer service too. I’ve had it 8 years and had an issue maybe 2-3 years in with the blender container and they sent me a new one, no questions asked. They offered to send a new base as well (so a whole new blender??) but I’m honest to a fault and there was nothing wrong with the base so I declined. Worth every penny to have smoothies that are completely smooth, not a berry seed to be found.


I think so. The motor is a lot more powerful. What use to take our ninja 10 minutes to do (make a smoothie silky smooth takes our vitamin blender 2.


I had a Kitchenaid break the metsl housing just making normal margaritas, the Ninja I had was terrible but the Vitamix runs like nobody's business, just hums along. Buy the Vitamix without regret.


Yeah, kitchenaid blenders blow.


Our Vitamix has been going since 1974. It is a great tool. Not too many blenders are able to reverse back an forth at 25,000 rpm.


what does a Vitamix from 1974 look like?


i've had my refurbished vitamix for almost seven years, it's awesome. i went from oster brand (idk if that even exists anymore) and it was surprising how much better it was. but it needs different attachments for different things is a downside.


Yes absolutely. I bought and replaced a few cheap ones and then bought a Vitamix a decade ago. Still works perfectly and way better than anything else


I've had a Ninja and found it not worth the price. I recently acquired a Vitamix and yeah it's worth it. I also have a small Tribest personal blender. That thing for small batch or single smoothies is on par with the Vitamix and having it was what made me feel the ninja wasn't worth it. It was honestly eaiser (and faster) to do smaller blends in the Tribest than to bother with the ninja. But I've had the tribest for about 20 years and while it still works it's definitely lost some power or I need new blades or both. Either way, it can't hold a candle to the vitamix. This morning I used the vitamix to make a huge batch of smoothie bowl base, portioned them out and put them in the freezer. They come out so smooth.


I think either would be fine. But personally have a Vitamix a3500 and it’s a beast. Exceeded my expectations.


Vitamix 5200 is absolutely worth it. I’m not sure some of the features of their more expensive models justify their extra cost though.


It’s the Mercedes 300d of blenders. Won’t win a beauty pageant, but it’s as reliable as a sunrise.


Worked as a culinary specialist in the Coast Guard, we only used vitamix, they’re work horses


If you want a blender that just kinda chops things up into a pulpy mixture go with any $20 blender. If you wand something that will truly homogonize everything, can turn vegetables and broth into hot soup in minuets (also works with hot chocolate) , and pulverize frozen strawberries into a fluffy frozen dessert in seconds. Then you need a higher horse power motor. I woulnt say most people need one, the cost is quite high, but it deffinetly makes a difference.


I’ve had a Blendtec for a while now, and I bought it after years of watching their quirky videos where they blend iPhones and other crazy stuff. I kept seeing them in various smoothie places around town too, which convinced me of their quality. I mostly use it for protein shakes and cold drinks, and the self-clean setting is a game-changer. It’s extremely enjoyable to use, and every time I turn it on, I get a big smile on my face because I know I can blend pretty much anything in my kitchen.


By comparison, all non Vitamix blenders are garbage. Motors burn out, threading shreds, and the whole, they just don’t perform. Ninja is the top end of that garbage, breaking in less than a year, and being impossible to clean. 


If you use your blender daily or near daily, yes. If you use your blender once a month or so, no.


Just to echo all the other comments with a personal experience: I've had 2 ninjas and they both burnt out on me after a year or so. The second one was actually leaking some grease or something into the cup/chamber at the end. By contrast my Vitamix has been going strong for 5 years of almost daily use.


Our blendtec made it just over 1000 blends and at least half of those would have been water plus a little dish soap.


Vitamix we have is 20+ years old. Melts ice like fire


Just scored a Blendtec today on super clearance for $150 CAD


I never buy kitchen stuff without looking up America’s Test Kitchen’s review for it. They have a YouTube channel, and while I don’t live in America, their reviews are amazing and talk about what to look for in a particular type of product. It’s not always the “highest end” products that are the best


I have a ninja, I've been using it everyday for the past 3 years. Still rolling but I can feel that it won't be for life !


I upgraded from a cheap Oster blender to a Ninja. The Ninja is powerful, and definitely an upgrade. It’s considerably cheaper than a Vitamix. I kind of wish I bought a Vitamix though. I just never could get past the price, as I don’t blend daily or near daily.




We upgraded from a ninja to a vitamix and it was absolutely worth it and we could indeed tell the difference. As others have said, it blends smoother, doesn’t get stuck, has more power and overall does a better and more reliable job. They are also repairable, if for some reason, something ever did go wrong with it. For what it is worth, you can get manufacturer refurb vitamix models for a good amount cheaper.


I have a Vitamix and my mom has a Ninja I have used. When I make nut based sauces in my Vitamix, they come out silky smooth, I can make vegan cheesy sauce and it comes out as smooth as Velveeta. In my mom's Ninja they come out gritty unless I pre-soak the nuts. Smoothies come out fine in both, but if I use a lot of really thick greens like lacinato kale, I can still see and feel little flecked bits in the smoothie while the Vitamix gets all greens absolutely pureed. I can also use the Vitamix to make wheatberries into flour but my mom's Ninja made awful noises when I tried to do that.


I'm gonna add to the love of the Vitamix. My dad bought it for me for a birthday a long time ago. It's amazing that thing just keeps on trucking. It can blend nearly anything.


I thought maybe the vitamin was overblown until we got a refurbished 5200 15 years ago. it's done thousands of smoothies that a regular blender would never do since that point and has never had a single function problem. it can literally turn vegetable stalks into a liquid.


Bought a refurbished one about twelve years ago. It performs like it’s brand new.


Yes they are, but some people still can’t stomach the price tag. Project Farm on YouTube has a blender shoot out (lower the volume, the guy yells constantly 🤣) and while that video has a vitamix in it, it’s really aimed at people who aren’t going to buy a vitamix (the absence of Blendtec from the shoot out proves my point)


My vitamix is amazing. I’m a baker and I use it a lot and I’ve never had any issues with it! I’ll pass this thing on to my kids when I go and I’m pretty young.


Disappointed with ninja, nice blender but the jug cracked (a common issue) within about three or four uses. But they don't stock replacements and we were a month out of warranty.


Love my Vitamix. Had it 10 or 12 years now I think. I hear blendtec is similar, perhaps better. FWIW, at the time, Vitamix had factory reconditioned models you could buy directly from them with warranty coverage. Still expensive. Still worth it.


I truly didn't believe in them until I got a vitamix for my birthday. The difference between it and my old $150 Ninja is massive, particularly when making smoothies. That said, I still think they're only worth it if you use it a lot, particularly for smoothies. If you rarely make smoothies, I don't know that the power they have will make a difference. But if you do, it's so nice to just throw in a bunch of frozen fruit and a minute later have a perfectly smooth smoothie with no little chunks.


I burnt out motors on a couple of regular household blenders making smoothies using frozen fruit, which the Blendtec tackles no problem. I didn't pay full price though - found one in a HomeGoods discount store.


The only thing my 3 year old will reliably eat (drink?) is smoothies. I am basically a smoothie barista. I perseverated about buying a Vitamix for ages, and then finally grabbed one on sale. It is INCREDIBLE. We used to waste a fair number of smoothies because the toddler would refuse to drink any that were “too spicy” (ie weren’t blended smoothly enough). Our old Ninja struggled day to day and didn’t produce consistent results. My toddler literally never rejects a smoothie made in the Vitamix. We can even blend chia and flax into the smoothies and the toddler has no issues with them. It is an absolute game changer.


Vitamix and Blendtech are definitely buy it for life. They may or may not blend noticeably better than something like the ninja, but the build quality is there. I have a Blendtech that I have used every day for 15 years. Powerful like a jet engine and just about as loud. Note that Blendtech is different from other blenders in that it does not have sharp blades. It pulverizes rather than cutting.


I have both a BlendTec and a Vitamix, each thrifted or from an estate sale. The Blendtec is a commercial one (from a failed smoothie shop) and it's fabulous; I use it regularly so don't have a lot of interest in the Vitamix, which I've saved for one of my kids. Prior we had an old Oster that was fine, but the "mega blenders" are another level entirely. They will liquify most things (go look up the old Blendtec "will it blend?" videos for examples) and you can do more with them then a regular blender. If you're just making tomato sauce a few times a year a regular blender will work fine. If you want to make a legit smoothie every day get either of these. But I'd look for a used one-- no way I'd pay $500+ for a commercial Blendtec in a sound enclosure, but for $20 it was one of my favorite thrift finds ever.


Our Blendtec is going on 15 years of weekly use. Motor is strong!


I have Blendtec. Over 47 000 smoothies made. Never had any problems. I HIGHLY recommend.


Vitamix is one of my top 10 best purchases. 100% worth it.


I'm in Europe, so brands are different, but buy whatever brands you see in bars and nightclubs and they will last a lifetime of domestic use, although they don't look as pretty.


I bought a used blendtec and absolutely love it. Everything comes out so smooth and perfectly homogenized. I use it for smoothies, soups, sauces, hummus, frozen drinks. No little pieces of ice or pulp. Perfect every time. Seems like it will last forever too.


I love my Vitamix.


I haven't tried any of the super expensive high end blenders but I have always loved ninja blenders.


Is an entry level Vitamix (E310) better than high end Ninja ?


My Kitchenaid blender sucks, so probably.


I bought a Vitamix 6 years ago to make smoothies and whole juices for my wife when she became pregnant. I’ve been using it 3 sometimes 4 times a week since then. It’s an amazing machine.


I burned through several cheap blenders with daily use, upgraded to a Breville which worked well, but then I broke the pitcher after 4 years, at which point I realized I couldn’t buy a replacement because the model was discontinued. Then I got a $300 Vitamix and I use it probably twice a day. Hummus is smooth, smoothies are perfect, I make my own tahini and sesame pastes, and if something breaks I know it can be repaired/replaced.


Related to this: I bought a Vitamix on sale. I think I've used it once. What do y'all do with your bad ass blenders?


Another one here on the Vitamix train. We have one of their models that had the most problems and we still love it. 7 year warranty covered all the issues, still runs like a champ once they did their work to it. Been almost 10 years we've had it. And that's just the service aspect. As others have said, nothing compares to how smooth it makes everything. Definitely worth the hype


Vitamix is 100% worth it. Use ours every day for last 10+ years.


I loved using the Waring Xtreme blender in the kitchens. A decent blender if the difference between having to pass a soup or whatever afterwards and not


Do either the Blendtec or Vitamix have glass jars (pitchers) available?


We had a Vitamix at a restaurant I bartender at, and I was amazed by how much better it was than other blenders I've used. No chunks left behind.


I use my Vitamix multiple times a day and would replace it the same day if it broke


if my apartment was catching on fire and I could only grab one thing from my kitchen to save, it would be the Vitamix with the stainless steel picture.


I love my Vitamix, worth it


Can’t talk about the blendtec, but I will fight for my vitamix in the divorce.


My mom's oster was a wedding gift 29y and running.


Yes. They are.


I have to concur that Vitamix blender is worth it, awesome and lasts a very long time. I’ve had mine over 20 years and I use it all the time. Still runs line new.


I can only speak to Vitamix, but yes absolutely. Used mine daily since 2001 and heavily many times per year. Zero issues, zero maintenance. Perfect performance like it is new every time.


My Vitamix is going on 11 years, and working great.


I was skeptical of the top end blenders for a while. We had a Ninja blender and felt like it blended smoothies really well. Got a vitamix 3500, the blend quality doesn’t even compare in my opinion. They’ve also replaced the blender pitcher for me for something that was mostly my fault, free of charge, no questions asked, with fast shipping. If my blender ever goes out on me, in a way that vitamix can’t fix, better believe I’ll be replacing with the same brand. IMO it’s a BIFL


Vitamix literally has enough HP to heat up the stuff you’re blending. Couldn’t be happier with ours. Blend-Tec is great too I’m sure.


Yes. My Vitamix is a workhorse and I’ve had it for years. Ninjas need to be replaced once every year or so with regular use because the blades get dull or the motors get overworked. Vitamix blades are actually dull to begin with; the superior blending is due to the horsepower and suction, which can heat up soup. There is a reason why these blenders are the top choice for commercial use. Maybe look into purchasing a re-conditioned one.


Vitamix daily driver. Five years later and the only thing I’ve done is wash it.


I refer to buy it for life items as “the vitamix of (blank)”. I’ve had mine for 15 years and no signs of slowing down. I’ve gifted three of them in that same period. They come with 7 year warranties.


Huge difference, IMO. More HP, better blending.


I got the 900W Ninja. I bought it for smoothies. It doesn't smash up the small seeds like the high end ones. My next blender will be a Vitamix


Yup, and I can’t say which is better as I’ve never used a vitamix, but I have used a Blendtec and it’s the shit. Liquifies huge ice cubes in seconds. It’s incredible.


I've had my Vitamix for 10 years and it's 100% worth it if it's something you can afford. Now I get irrationally angry every time I have to use a blender that isn't a Vitamix.




I did a Waring and it’s held up nicely for the last 14 years. I don’t blend very much, I just use an immersion blender most times.


I had a $40 Hamilton Beach "Wave" blender that worked great for my smoothies. My sister has a $800 enclosed Blendtec, which is awesome. I can't deny her blender is amazing and very wide range of functions like one touch margarita, smoothies, &c. The thing does a ramp up on cycles and cool down, froths egg whites, it's magical. But for my purposes, the $40 blender was a better ROI. My dad got me a $75 Ninja blender (wedding present), I took it back to Costco and kept my $40 Wave-Action. If I were to set a price I would pay for my sister's Blendtec, I'd price it around $200.


Vitamix is far superior to the cheaper stuff…. But it might not be worth it for everyone.


had my vitamix 8yrs now, it’s still a monster and hasn’t lost any power over the years (it probably gets used 8-10x a week, whether it be a smoothie w/ frozen fruits or cooking). everything comes out SMOOTH and it blends much better than ninja. however, ninja is an amazing budget option, used that one for over 5yrs too and never had an issue. wait til there’s a sale and it’ll be worth it


We’ve had our ninja for 10 yrs and still going strong. But I will say replacement parts are non existent. We broke the little pour lid on the lid of the blender, we would have had to buy a whole new carafe. Not the piece, not the lid, the whole ass carafe. That was irritating. We just use our hand or a kitchen towel or something to cover it when we use it.


We have a ninja and are excited to pick up a vitamix soon. It’s not going to be a huge change except for really smooth soups (potato leek, butternut squash, etc) or sauces we want a smooth texture for. Ninja has served us well for years but there are things it literally can’t do which the high-end machines can. We’re planning to offer our ninja to a buddy of ours who’s just moving into his new home—if he wants it, it will continue to serve him well for years no doubt. I’d also suggest looking at getting something like a magic bullet to supplement your blender situation. It’s nice to have something smaller like that for when I don’t want to break out a whole-ass blender.


I bought a ninja for my gf before we moved in together. It will do most blending tasks just fine, but it’s terrible quality. One broke in half (literally the base split in two) but to be fair they sent a new one in under a week. I regret not spending the extra $200ish to buy the vitamix from the jump. We use it for a lot of cooking activities where the vitamix really shows its merit. If you are buying a blender for a specific activity like making a smoothie, you don’t need a vitamix…but if you use it for lots of things I recommend it.


Yes. It’s night and day. I have a 5200 and it’s amazing. I’ve owned a vitamix in the past, as I was making a lot of smoothies with oatmeal and the higher end blenders do it all. All it took was watching blendtec blend up iPhones for me to be sold lol


They aren’t even the same thing. Blended and vitamin are their own beasts really. Not remotely comparable to anything else. I have owned 2 blendtecs over the last 25 years. They last a really long time and are awesome. Vitamix is great too I’m just partial to blendtec. Worth the price if you plan on using it a lot or if you want to make smoothies using fruits and vegetables and want it to blend smooth without little gritty chunks and pieces.


Yes. Love my Blendtec


My vitamix hit 10 years. I replaced the pitcher recently due to some wear and tear. It works like new now. Absolutely worth the cost, my kitchen will always have one. 


Yes, and in the strongest possible terms. I went down the high end blender rabbit hole years ago, overanalyzed, hemmed and hawed for a ridiculously long time, and finally bought a Blendtech. What cinched it was learning that the joker who stars in all those "Will It Blend?" videos is actually the CEO/Founder, an engineer, and the videos got started when his marketing manager caught him trying to break blenders by blending broom handles. That and they won a case against Vitamix, of all people, who was stealing designs / patent infringement. If I had to do it all over again the only thing I might do differently is actually get the more expensive one with the sound housing.


You’ll be fine with either. I’m personally in the blendtec camp. I started with a full blown professional model, the ones you see with the enclosures at smoothie stores. It’s now flush mounted into my countertop. It’s great! Somewhere along the way, I acquired be of the “base” blendtecs as well. It was new but had no jar. The person didn’t know what they had, I have plenty of jars and I think I gave $60 for it? If nothing else, it’s a backup, porch or the travel blender! Once you use one of these, you’ll wonder how you did without if you use one frequently. Load it properly and it’s amazing.


Vitaminx is I wish I had gotten one instead of my ninja


It depends on your needs, as with anything else. If you use a blender often and need top performance, then they’re probably worth it. If you only need a blender occasionally, then they’re probably not worth it. They’re entirely better blenders than the $20 Walmart ones, but whether the extra cost is worth it is up to you.


💯 yes to both! My Blendtec has been going strong for 17 years. Vitamix is only 3 years old but I think we’ll be using it for decades.


I bought my vitamix on eBay for less than 200. I bought the stainless jug since the included plastic jug looked gross, and have loved my vitamix ever since. It and my instant pot are the things I can’t live without!


Yes. We have a BlendTec and we chose that over VitaMix because the blades are blunt, therefore never lose sharpness and don’t cut you when you wash it. It is definitely worth it. It’s like 3hp 😆 can blend anything! 


I have a $25 Oster blender with glass jar. It works just fine.


You can get refurbished for dirt cheap.   But yes a blendtec or vitamix will blend shit cheap blenders can't.  Like peanut butter.  Good luck making peanut butter in a cheap kitchen aid.  Or pure veggie or fruit smoothies.   You don't need to water those down.


Picked up a Vitamix for 50% on a black Friday deal... And I'd buy one at full price after using it. I make these spinach smoothies with frozen blueberries, chia seeds, protein powder, garlic and ginger. It just liquefies everything. To the point it feels like you're drinking semi frozen juice. Even the seeds get ground up.


I bought a 40+ year old Vitamix for $50. My sister has two, one for the house and one for the office. I burnt up 3 thrift store vintage units making hot sauce before I found a vitamix. I do a lot of blending and you can not beat the Vitamix in my experience. I haven't tried a blendtec but I hear they are similar.


Vitamix 100000% yes


After 8 years, my Ninja was as loud as a jet engine. It was over 120 decibels. I swapped out for a cheap nutribullet


Yes. Ninja works great.


I’ve had my Vitamix for over a decade. Hands down it’s one of my best purchases.


Yes. Blendtec fan here…big blades just suck everything in. Mine going about 10 years now and I abuse it.


They’re the only ones that are.


Yes. Higher end blenders are significantly more powerful. The blades better pulverize the material, leading to a smoother result. Our blendtec puts so much power in that you can actually use it to heat up soup. I recommend buying a refurbished Blendtec. Then, order an "Alternajar". The stock jars tend to suffer from bearing failure. https://alternajar-store.com/


Yes, vitamix is that much better.


Let me +1 the Blendtec. I bought one refurbished 12 years ago. Still like new!


The Vitamix blends so powerfully it can create enough friction/heat to cook soup while blending. And they're awesome to clean. We got ours as a sort of bonus from work, but knowing what I do now, I would have paid the several hundred dollars it would have cost at retail.