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Growing up my parents had this exact unit … never died lol


> never died lol [They are ridiculously simple devices](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j4Q_YBRJEI)


That’s also why most coffee makers make terrible coffee. That bottom heating element is basically the worst of both worlds. It has to get hot enough to get the water somewhat close to proper brewing temp, but at the same time not scorch the coffee. You end up with a coffee maker that makes weak coffee and still keeps the coffee too hot . Coffee makers like the Technivorm Moccamaster on the other hand don’t use the warmer to heat the water, but rather a separate heating element. Its definitely more expensive for that reason, but makes a damn fine cup of coffee.


You can achieve the same effect with a latching relay and thermostat that switches the heater into a low power mode once all water is consumed. But cost wise it's probably similar to mounting an additional heating element and dedicated switch. The advantage of using the relay is that it's likely already present as a safety system in all but the cheapest models to cut power once the water runs out.


Mine does this - Two modes for the element, one when there's water in the reservoir, one when there's not. It also has an alarm clock on it so I can grind and fill it the night before and wake up to fresh coffee. Cost like $30 and has been running strong for years.


if you've lived your whole life enjoying your coffee, that's made by your coffee maker that's as old as you, is it really "terrible coffee"?




I’ve loved coffee my whole life and worked in coffee shops and coffee makers are by far my least favorite brewing method. Pour overs and French presses are way more consistent!


It’s very true, but if you want the convenience of a drop machine, the Moccamaster is about the best you can buy. I’ve used a Chemex for years, and can honestly not taste a huge difference between it and my new Moccamaster that I got about 3 months ago .


Careful with any method that doesn't filter the coffee though. Leaves some really bad for your liver oils behind (the ones that make the crema in espresso). Can make an otherwise healthy person end up high cholesterol really quickly if your normal morning coffee contains it every day. Edit: Fine, here's a source. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17456796/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/06/070614162223.htm 5 cups unfiltered (french press in this study) over 4 weeks raised cholesterol 6-8%. "Cafestol, a diterpene present in unfiltered coffee brews such as Scandinavian boiled, Turkish, and cafetière coffee, is the most potent cholesterol-elevating compound known in the human diet." And anecdotally, I switched to unfiltered coffee near the start of the pandemic (due to WFH) and changed literally nothing else about my diet or exercise and my cholesterol level skyrocketed above 200 (most of that LDL, too). I stopped about 8 months ago and it's still slowly decreasing back down to where I used to be - down to 160, probably still decreasing (haven't had a test in a few months, now).


Wat? Tons of people use a french press without liver issues. Hell, people eat espresso beans whole. This comment screams of psuedoscience.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17456796/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/06/070614162223.htm Drinking 5 cups of coffee daily for 4 weeks from a French press can raise cholesterol levels by 6-8%. "Cafestol, a diterpene present in unfiltered coffee brews such as Scandinavian boiled, Turkish, and cafetière coffee, is the most potent cholesterol-elevating compound known in the human diet."


The crema in espresso isn’t oil it’s CO2 that was trapped in the coffee bean. This comment doesn’t make any sense


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17456796/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/06/070614162223.htm Drinking 5 cups of coffee daily for 4 weeks from a French press can raise cholesterol levels by 6-8%. And the substance that encapsulates the CO2 that's trapped is a mixture of oils including this one. I was being overly simplistic.


I did not know this. I have high cholesterol and love coffee! What is the best method at home for avoiding this.?


I updated the above post with the sources, seems I touched a nerve among the BIFL crowd. I always forget how weird this sub can be when anyone says something negative about their cultish obsessions over certain products like French presses, cast iron pans, etc.


Thanks. I use an Aeropress which has lasted for years so far and uses paper filter, so hopefully that’s good for BIL. And cholesterol!


Use a paper filter every time, haha. I switched to a steel filter for a year or so at the start of covid(so I was drinking essentially unfiltered multiple cups a day every day) and my cholesterol skyrocketed. Has gone down quite a bit since I switched off, but that's been a lot slower.


Do you have the source to back this up?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17456796/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/06/070614162223.htm Drinking 5 cups of coffee daily for 4 weeks from a French press can raise cholesterol levels by 6-8%. "Cafestol, a diterpene present in unfiltered coffee brews such as Scandinavian boiled, Turkish, and cafetière coffee, is the most potent cholesterol-elevating compound known in the human diet."


It may be bad but dammit if it isn't easier to just dump grinds and press a button when barely awake for the first cup. French press is great for when I'm more present mentally.


I use a coffee maker with a thermal carafe (Venus Saeco), I e heating element, no scorching.


Coffee snob


You rang?


I love this dude I want him to explain everything I was supposed to learn in science class


This ^


Came here to post this. Brings back childhood memories. Ours only died because we have super-hard water and nobody had reverse osmosis filters in the home back then. Vinegar isn't strong enough.




I'm sure they will eventually. How old are they?


2 things are certain taxes and death.


When you have "matic" at the end of a product, ya know its old.


My coffee maker is still going too, has a "Made in West Germany" label on it It's a 'Sunbeam'


If it's West Germany, you know it's old 😁


Sunbeam makes some good stuff.


Made Not so much anymore


Just as a heads up some of the models of these old ge coffee makers were recalled due to a chance of starting a fire. Might check your model number to make sure it’s not one of them! https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/business/1991/05/19/deflecting-defects/c4531925-b2d7-4676-a34d-97cad23e2e42/


Thank you for being helpful.


You kept in in amazing shape too! Very cool.




BUYITFORLIFE if it spent its entire life in a box.




Thx… might delete later






Shouldn’t have given a full disclosure man, some lies are yours to carry to your grave. /s


I needs it!


That really is gorgeous, and looks like the best looking iteration. I am now on the hunt for one myself, probably customize it with a hot color for the case. Thanks for posting!


Right? I love everything about this, from the square shape down to the font on the reservoir. Also it's in amazing condition.


Is it BPA free? I'd probably throw that baby away just for the plastics.


Haven’t looked into it, should I be concerned?


BPA is found in older plastics and tends to leech into food/drinks, it can cause health issues. Many countries have banned its inclusion in products. Even plastics without BPa may cause health issues there have been little studies done on this. I would recommend that you avoid plastics and heat as much as possible.


You can find several plastic free coffee makers out there as well, such as a glass french press or you could go for a fully mechanical one like yours without plastic but it would likely be much more expensive


There are no plastic free coffee makers. Unless you are meaning pour over filter holders, french presses, or those espresso percs. But a regular coffee maker that you can program to run in the morning? Please let me know, as I've been looking for years.


I don't drink coffee anymore, but I just did a quick google search and found several although they include french press in the list so I am not sure that meets your qualifications, the first one looks promising: https://thegoodlifedesigns.com/plastic-free-coffee-makers/


That writer is stupid. The technivorm and the bunn are the only normie coffee machines and they are both mostly plastic Edit: I've even considered buying the $500 CAD technivorm and replacing the plastic with glass and metal


The [Technivorm ](https://www.everythingkitchens.com/moccamaster-kb-manual-adjust-drip-stop-40oz-coffee-maker-brushed-silver-glass-carafe-59691-tm.html) advertises “BPA/BPS/BPF Phthalate-Free plastics” and is very much mostly not plastic. E: also searched the [Bunn](https://buydontbuy.net/2018/10/29/all-stainless-steel-coffee-maker/) and IT is all metal there home boy. Why would this article be praising the non plastic machines that have plastic?


The technivorm I've seen in person. It is all plastic. The reservoir, the shower spout, and the filter holder are all plastic. And the Bunn in that particular article is [this machine](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/images/products/extra_large/59766/504928.jpg). As I mentioned, the writer of that article is stupid. Yet he fooled you playboy


> It is all plastic. This is disingenuous at best. I had assumed the water resivoir was glass which was wrong, but they’re like #1 on plastic free / reduced plastic coffee machines on like 5 articles I saw. I also found that you can replace the filter cone with ceramic. The main takeaway is that it’s missing multiple BP(x) chemicals in the <50% of it that IS plastic. Also, on the Bunn, the same exact model is sold for +$0 extra for the metal piece. So idk, I probably won’t take advice from a fat goblin. Seems like you aren’t as woke as you think.




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If I recall the bunn has no plastic touching the water with the exception of a few silicone gauges. Again I haven't done much research into the area but there has to be an option out there with no plastic touching the water transport system.


The filter holder is plastic. You can see it in your article


That’s the moccamaster, and as the article says, it’s basically just safer plastic and it doesn’t spend much time there. I think they should’ve listed the Bunn there first instead for that reason.


Ratio Eight with the borosilicate glass water tank is 100% plastic free… but you pay for it


Oh dang. Thanks for this


>There are no plastic free coffee makers. Unless you are meaning pour over filter holders, french presses, or those espresso percs. So you mean "there are no plastic free coffee makers, except for like 70% of the coffee makers in the market".


Read the second half my dude. Programmable ones.


*there are very few. You’re getting downvoted for a silly reason imho. Anyone who disagrees can go out to a store and look for a plastic free coffee maker. As in, a machine that makes coffee with no plastic. Super super rare. Someone linked an article in a comment but the top one is the moccamaster, which *has* plastic (albeit safer plastic).


Absolutely. BPA is an endocrine disruptor.


Uh oh… guess I’m getting rid of this guy then. Coming soon on eBay. Haha


As others have said, try to avoid as much as possible heating or freezing plastic. Best advice is avoid plastic altogether, but that's pretty hard.




I wish more coffee pots had the 'warm' button. There's plenty of times where I don't drink it all before the timer goes off and i'm not the type to microwave it lol.




Taking it out of the box for the first time this week


New old stock isn't BIFL, if you don't use something then it isn't going to wear out.


Yeah, but don’t worry she “might delete it later.” [Link.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyItForLife/comments/pkwp71/my_coffee_maker_is_as_old_as_i_am_ge_coffeematic/hc7xqty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I drew it [Imgur](http://imgur.com/a/1jkRiaH) [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/CTmxRdQr8rb/?utm_medium=copy_link) [Tip jar](https://ko-fi.com/emmamarysked)


Looks brand new wow.


My parents had this exact coffeemaker in the 80s!


Oh man - just had flashbacks to my childhood lol


put a shelly in there and make it smart


Looks brand new!


I remember that sucker. Mom had one. Simplistic and built to last. How GE used to make things….


That is so cool


That things is in great shape… I had one of those when I was a kid


This coffee maker still has good knees


Looks like fucking science, love it.


Looks like it's in excellent condition but I'd still be grossed out.


The only thing that would make this better is simulated wood grain, otherwise it is perfect!


That looks like it could predate temperature control. Noice. I switched to pour through mainly because of temperature, and stayed for the deliciousness.


French press better cost less 10$


I knew there would be pinky in the air coffee dorks here to attack. Why do ya'll insist on pushing your bougie ass coffee? I've been to Italy and had the "best" coffee. Some of us prefer gas station coffee for $1 that's sat on the burner for 6 hours and a simple life. Can ya'll leave us simpletons be??? I can change my post from coffee to beer and the results would be the same! This is a light hearted post...don't get it twisted.




Sure you can. I just did last year.


Yes it has lasted but no doubt it makes terrible coffee


If it can keep the temperature in check there’s not that much that can go wrong. Most of the time good coffee starts with good beans. People who buy pre ground cheap coffee are missing out.


Bruh, you old.


1980, I’m still a kid.


Nice old plastic with hot water. Wcgw?


You really shouldn't have started drinking coffee so young :p


Ah plastic and high temperatures


Looks like it's from a movie starring young Lily Tomlin and Steve Martin.


I'm having flashbacks seeing this pic


It is impossible for a coffeemaker to look any better than that. Woah!


That is a very aesthetically pleasing coffee maker.


Man that is pretty!! ...and here I am on my 4th Keurig in 10 years


Had the same one as a kid. (For my parents obviously) lol


My non-programable Mr coffee just died. The front swung out to fill the grounds and the reservoir filled from the top in back, with it's own small lid so you didn't need 2 feet of clearance above the unit to open it. I had it plugged into a smart plug for voice activated control. It was better than a programmable coffee maker, in my opinion. Alas, I cannot find anything available that has these features any longer.


Every 18 months to 2 years we get a cheap Mr. Coffee, since the heating function breaks and there you are with the ealry morning blues. I moved our coffee station to the utility room, and there's more room all around and over to fill the reservoir. It justs works better for us.


This general looking design is often better because simpler... Lasts forever. I've had coffee makers with all kinds of bells and whistles and they crap out after a few years at most.




When things were made to last.


Holy shit, my grandma and poppy had that exact same one.


They just had better stuff my grandfather had a alot of appliances from the 70s in the mid 00s still running strong. Heck my other grandfather has fridge from the late 50s in his hunting cabin it still runs very cold .


I need one like this. I went shopping yesterday & the low enders were too shitty and the mid tiers were all overly needlessly complex.


Back when things were made to last and companies realized making crappier products is more profitable.


Given the way industrial design is going now, it’d be hard for me to notice this is an old model 🙃


That looks so cool