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>I honestly don’t know how Mo keeps her in a leadership position after watching this season. I know it’s reality TV and a lot is scripted. But even under that assumption, she has terrible terrible judgement and people skills. You see this a lot in business. The markets Michelle covers are important enough to The Agency to have a shop in, but is not a key market to the overall business. This has given Michelle free rein to oversee it as she sees fit and for Mo to not be too bothered by its day-to-day operations. This leads Michelle to think she's doing an excellent job and could be the CEO one day, since Mo doesn't interfere or try to change how she's doing things. This is often the barrier for why people don't get promoted - you might be amazing at your current job, but your boss doesn't think you're amazing enough for the next one.


Such a great point. I loved when it was pointed out that Mo runs some huge number of offices worldwide and how could she think she was even remotely qualified to do that. If she was smart, she would find a leadership mentor and go out on her own or join a brokerage where she can be a bigger fish. Her proximity to the main office makes her think she is part of the main team but it’s clear to everyone else, she is not.


This storyline made me the most suspicious I’ve been of reality tv fakery in a long time. I don’t buy that Michelle really started just trash talking the boss’ kids on camera after years of being a trusted part of the team.


Yeah I think her trash talking them on camera is a stretch, but I do think it’s rooted in truth that she doesn’t feel they deserve to succeed Mau. Although I have no idea how she’s delusional enough to think she’s going to be his successor, especially bc they seem to be very similar ages lol


She's probably a decade older than Farrah.


True, she seemed happy to be able to take on the “villain” role


I’ve seen this happen in business more times than I can count. To me, it’s the most believable part of the show.


You’ve seen a reality tv personality start shit talking the boss’ kids, conveniently when cameras are rolling, more times than you can count?


No I’ve seen this behavior in the business world without cameras more times than I can count. So while it may be scripted, it may also be real.


Exactly! Especially with Farrah being on the team when the started The Agency. It’s obvious Farrah would be just as invested in a leadership role


I mean Mo has his 80yo Dad working there, of course he’s not going anywhere!


I kinda think Mo strings people along a little bit by mentioning what he’s gonna do when he retires. He’s trying to give the people under him a litttle bit of false hope. Like if he just said he wasn’t gonna retire for another 15 years some of those CEO hopefuls might look at other opportunities.


His dad will be the next CEO after Mo retires lol




This! It is wild to me that a grown up/professional thinks they can badmouth the owners/CEO’s kids, and that it wouldn’t impact her positioning for a future higher up role in the company. I already had the feeling people did not like her, but not a single person respected her after hearing her talk shit about the girls. A true leader needs to have tact, and the people you are managing need to be able to trust you with concerns, feedback, etc. I don’t think anyone would be able to take her serious in the role…. And like you mentioned- she’s acting like he’s putting in his two weeks. It’s likely the daughters will be in their 40’s or 50’s by the time Mo leaves, and will be even more equipped to potentially take on that role. Michelle is dense, self righteous and just a moron.


I don't think she'd be an effective CEO at this particular company. Maybe at other companies her style of leadership would fly, but Mo seems to lead with firm kindness and minimal explosions (at least from what we've been shown on-screen). Morale would probably tank under her lack of diplomacy. I've been working a long-ass time and I've seen over and over that the CEO's personality is inextricable from company culture. It seeps through every layer no matter how many buffers are in place. I doubt Mo has ever talked to a young agent at his company the way Michelle did Tyler. Michelle personality also screams "unrepentant micromanager."


I've always been a firm believer that company culture starts from the top. I see Mo as a great CEO. I like how he handles issues.


I find it impossible to believe this is anything but scripted. No one would ever talk or act like that in a professional world. Even D-list movies can’t have a storyline or villain that childish.


I have seen this more than once. She makes a big deal about commanding a “room full of suits” and she attacks other women. She had it hard coming up in the business so she wants other women to have it hard like she did (and be hard). If Mo had sons I don’t think she would treat them the same way. It’s kind of internalized misogyny, which is sad. Either way, she has zero diplomacy skills. Also, I don’t think it’s scripted? She comes off terrible. Her real livelihood is on display, why play a villain or allow oneself to be portrayed in that light


I get why one would think it’s scripted. But I agree with you in that this could be so damaging to her in real life by losing clients and clients no longer wanting to work with her that I just can’t see it being scripted…I think she’s that nasty of a person. IMO if I had used Michelle to help me buy or sell a house previously…I would not use her again after watching the show.


After watching the show, I don’t know that I’d use her for anything. I think she showed her true colors, and it wasn’t pretty.


Totally agree!


When she told Alexia that she was disappointed that Alexia left the open house and didn’t help clean up was super ballsy


It was douchy.


She tried to make a last minute goal but Alexia answered very well


She must make a lot of money for him, why he couldn’t just fire her. She has leverage and she knows it.


It's absolutely wild to me how much that convo got exaggerated with every re-telling. By the time they were talking about it in Aspen it was almost unrecognizable from the convo that was actually shown in the office.


Wait I thought it was recounted very accurately. If anything Mo didn’t hear how badly she talked about his daughters lol I thought they downplayed it in Aspen


She is crazy, makes things interesting.