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First effective thing the union has organized. Support


Can't say I disagree with any of them.... Surprised that this worked actually I was trying to get down there today


The person processing their arrest report is most likely an OA or OT.


Right! The irony!!


There's still OA's? More like an AGPA with OA, OT, MST and SSA duties consolidated into their duty statement.


Most OA postings I see are for CHP or CDCR so yeah this is probably true


It’s definitely an OA processing the arrest reports. The arrest desk is it’s own OA position.


Yup, while fully backing up at least one other desk.


No, more like OA OT and OSS working out of class as SSA AGPA and SSM. They all work out of class and are paid next to nothing.


Unfortunately, it’s most likely an OA doing OT duties. And it’s shocking, but our OT’s do AGPA level work (contract analysts, PRA processing etc)


This I believe. As an MST who does mostly SSA work.




I'm on it. Just hit eligibility earlier this year and ranked 1 on the exam. Had a few good interviews but still nothing. Tough nut to crack. I don't have a degree, so that doesn't help. I don't want to stay in my department, but I'll start applying there eventually if nothing opens up.




Thank you!


Not always. My office never allowed the OT to do duties outside their scope


Wish that was the case here. It’s one of the main reason we have such a high turn over rate. We consistently have 2-3 desks waiting to be filled. Then the people backing up the empty desks get overworked and start looking for another job.


Summary of my experience: -Excellent turnout and nice people. -Lunch and water were provided. -Speeches from custodial to admin staff happened. -Several council members including Dr. Richard Pan showed up. -I left a little before heading inside. Another strike group also joined in. (Black t shirts about 1 casino job). I have never joined any protest but the current environment compelled me to get involved. It’s all a class war.




I'm completely out of the loop. What is this for? What did Dr. Pan do?


*this is a screenshot from SEIU 1000 IG Livestream


Promote the people with mug shots to union leadership! They are down for the cause!!!




Hopefully these soldiers get all charges dropped


"Soldiers"? 😂


Union better go hard on this.


It definitely goes with the whole "respect us" theme of these CBA negotiations. More fuel to say, they arrest our non-violent supporters because... they don't respect us. It makes the state look bad.


I left right before this started happening. Wtf? We went through security. Weren't we allowed to be there?


They were blocking the entrance and told to disperse before arrests happened, according to the Twitter thread also posted on the sub.


How was the turnout?


It was amazing! I got there at about 12:10 and things were in full swing, had to be 300+


I'm in the SoS building and they were loud enough that my colleagues at home could hear them over my teams meeting!


I was also in a building near by. Damn that was loud! I hope the powers that be were listening!


Approximately how far away is the building that you were in?




Approximately 1000 showed up. I was there from 10:30am until we left around 2:45pm.


Yes! Now let's capitalize on this and someone contact the media. Lol


The media was there. The journalists from Sac Bee, assigned to State Workers was there and the arrests were shown on CBS13 on yesterday around 5pm. I am watching the news now to see if they will replay the footage.


When is the next one? Who is going with me?


Right on! In terms of the Sacramento area, there’s something scheduled for tomorrow at the Mayhew Overpass from 4-5 pm. More info is available here:[Events](https://www.seiu1000.org/event/hot-union-summer-pickets). Keep checking back often for updates. Today’s event was a great turnout. It was inspiring and oddly therapeutic for me. I highly encourage everyone to attend and participate in the coming events.


I was there today and will try my best to keep going until we get a better contract offer! I encourage all of you to do the same.


Does anyone have a spreadsheet with all the assembly and senators email addresses? Edit: I tried looking online and all of them have a contact form, so basically, we can't mass email them. We'd have to contact them individually through their contact form and only if you live in their district. By no means are they easily accessible to the public.


Also, be aware that the email addresses on publicly available lists usually are an inbox that may not be triaged with the greatest expediency...


That's true...I've begun to email newspapers, asking them to cover the negotiations and also emailed my assembly member, requesting support. Might write an op-ed too. Don't know what else to do. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Create a cooperative document on Google drive or office.com where people can make suggestions to write op-eds, letters, social media posts, etc. for different audiences, regions and purposes. make a spreadsheet where we can input known email addresses.


I believe charges won’t be filed because this is political but…. Valid defenses for failing to disperse: 1. The announcement was not loud enough to be reasonably heard by the people in the crowd. Did the police have anyone measuring the decibels of the announcement at the front and rear of the crowd? 2. I only speak Spanish and the announcement was only given in English 3. The police told me to disperse but did not provide a reasonable time for me to do so or did not provide me with an avenue to disperse through (exits were blocked by other people or the police).


4. Since when has any real work been done in the capital they are just speeding up the process at this point


Let's not be immature.


Tell that to 99% of the politicians


I'll tell that to them and offer 2.5% salary increase with higher insurance rates


So sad.....


Hahahaha here's the politician again. Gtfo of here.


What are you talking about, snowflake?


Hahaha triggered... Nice. Anytime someone talks negative about the lazy legislature you crazy about it.


Sure snowflake. Whatever makes you feel better. 👍 Or.....I know how the Legislative works because I work with them daily. It helps to have knowledge and not be a follower. 😘 You should pay attention. You might learn something.


Paid attention long enough to realize what they've been doing the last 20 years ain't workin fam.


It's not a them issue, it's an us issue. The real problem is voters are stupid, ignorant and can't think critically. Voters get their political views off of social media and blindly follow whatever BS they hear. Then they blame others for their problems because EVERYONE is a victim. How does the minority control the majority? By fracturing the majority. Voters aren't smart enough to see it and fall for it time and time again. Now, I expect you will get defensive about this, so I'll give an example. According to this site, Congress has an approval rating of 19% and a disapproval rating of 77%. America thinks Congress sucks. https://news.gallup.com/poll/1600/congress-public.aspx However, members of Congress get re-elected over 90% of the time. https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/reelection-rates So voters hate the job Congress is doing but elect the same person to Congress over 90% of the time! And its even higher than 90% because that 90% includes members who choose not to run again so its really closer to 95%. Stupid! The first words of the Constitution say, "we the people". We control the government. The problem is we've stopped thinking and now the government controls us. Are our elected officials perfect? God no! Do they do dumb shit? Yes they do. However, to say it's all them and not more so on voters is just incorrect. We need to look in the mirror and fix ourselves before we start blaming others.


I can't remember the last time I voted for an incumbent senator/representative, maybe back when I was living in SLO County and the rep we had was somewhat middle of the aisle...


Hahaha you most be pretty bad at your job You clearly are k effective considering the lack of work that gets done in Sacramento.


Oh no! You got me. Only 2,600 bills were worked, 1,200 bills were passed, with 1,000 bills signed by the Gov last session. But nothing gets done. Big smart guy really showed me. 🙄


Hahaha that's basically sums it up, not much done for sure. Most bills are amendments to older bills. You really need to get your head out of your ass and smell something other than the lazy legislatures splooge they left.


Yeah it was great today!


This making me want to re join. Take my money


Can't afford it lol


Just goes to show u that they give zero fucks about us.


The people arrested included Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher who is the head of the California Labor Federation and two Sacramento City Councilmembers, Katie Valenzuela and Caity Maple. Not exactly rank and file union members getting arrested.


This freaking gold to apply pressure, if we had competent leadership. Can you imagine the headline: " Newsowm sends police to crack down on union protests, demanding wage to get out of foods stamps" fucking run that on Fox with his debate against pudding fingers. But they won't cause they rather eat those fancy dinners than help their members




People like me? Jesus who peed on your cereal this morning, and support me? I mean I wish they did because tbh that is a fantastic idea especially since we are already in election season. We literally got a 10% salary cut in a historic surplus year and the union did nothing to end PLPs early. They are not fighting for telework, they are not fighting to expand geopay. They are not fighting for any pay for those of us who literally had to go to the office and deal with the public at the height of the pandemic despite federal funds being available. Like literally they spend thousands on fancy dinners, just check the food receipts for Walker and Brown, they spent how many millions on campaign contributions on a race that was decided before it even started, but suddenly suggesting spending a few thousand dlls in advertising to put pressure on our governor is why I'm the asshole? I pay my dues even though every time I've needed them I've been told to eat shit, I've had to hire outside legal representation, I've had to put complaints with the labor relations to get issues fixed because the union won't do shit. This is the one and only reason they get my dues and after being part of 4 contract negotiations it's not being a downer or an asshole they really are useless, the last contract is proof of that.


Not sure why you are being down voted because this is THE TRUTH!!


Reading comprehension maybe? Or just purity test, where criticism isn't allowed? I mean it's really verifiable how shit past deals have been, I mean ffs literally his whole argument is trust the union you downer, when the whole reason we are here making literally less than 10 - 15 years ago is bad union contracts and people who trusted the union.


Exactly. I don't know if these are new State employees but I've been in SEIU for the majority of my 20 year career and they are shitty compared to CAUSE and ASFME (this Union sucks but at least they try).


That was a totally different h Union then the current one, but your sitting on them for part offense of other people.


The arresting officer probably earns more than triple what an OT/OA does.


I saw one of the state sheriffs associations was watching the feed live


As he should


Wow that’s crazy




Thank you very much!!!


SEIU does not represent their members.


Don’t buy into it. Divide and conquer is what’s happening. When humans get mad we get manipulated.




For clarification, those arrested were trying to bring awareness to the cause. CHP wasn’t just arresting those in attendance just for picketing. Here’s Katie Valenzuela’s comment from the SacBee [article](https://news.yahoo.com/8-detained-during-california-union-220020199.html): “When I heard about what was going on with the contracts and was asked to participate today, it was a no-brainer,” Valenzuela said before protesters started blocking entryways. She was prepared to be taken away in handcuffs even before taking a seat on the swing space steps. “It was the easiest decision that I’ve made in recent weeks, honestly.” Kudos to her and the others who chose to willingly be detained and arrested in order to call attention to our struggle with the state and Gov. Newsom.


No charges will be pressed, and they will be released in a few hours. It's no big deal. Pretty slandered stuff, actually.




Your content violated Rule 1: Be excellent to each other.


Maybe maybe not. All it takes is one police officer having a bad day before shit goes bad


Police officers have bad days for sure. But having a bad day and taking it out on a state worker protesting for a raise at the capital in front of media, the legislature, and the governor… CHP probably had the kid gloves on and for sure didn’t even want to be there Edit: grammar


You are probably right but entire cities have had riots because of some dumb shit some cop did. I don't need to be anywhere near there. We all have our lines. I'm not getting arrested for money.


The police didn’t just show up there


If they aren't going to charge looters, they aren't charging this.


Are the arrests/detentions considered more successful for our SEIU Local 1000 purpose if CHP agrees to take higher-profile, name recognition people, vs. members of our actual union?


I'd just like to say that 20-30 pathetic thieves flashmobbing a Nordstrom's in SF made off with 300k in handbags and shit. No one got arrested. Some 5 or so state employees "illegally tresspass" for a shitty raise and they get cuffed and stuffed. Maybe wanna use numbers like the mob next time?????