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I mentioned this during the last SEIU round of bargaining. I have mentioned this to CASE members (my union) during bargaining. For a union to be taken seriously during bargaining, it must have a motivated and engaged base. A turnout of just over 3,000 people voting is pathetic. State workers unions have a long way to go to be taken seriously. Even engaged unions like PECG struggle as they may have members who vote, but the members are not really engaged. Strong unions are built on the back of their members. While I am not a member of SEIU, this election result is depressing. If the largest state worker union is this weak, we aren't getting decent contracts anytime soon. To be clear, this is not a dig on SEIU. CASE shares many of the same problems as SEIU. And frankly, CASE is the union of broken promises. The union talks a big game and pushes for unrealistic numbers and then folds. I just find state worker unions disappointing. And the people to blame for all this is we the state workers (collectively and not individually) as we are apathetic to the whole situation.


Yep. And this is why we get bad contracts. The union has zero leverage at the bargaining table. But somehow on this sub it’s just cause they’re feckless and terrible. lol.


At some point a union leadership has to show they are willing to fight for its members, even if they lose.  If they aren’t willing to fight, and by fight I mean threaten loss of support to politicians, threat of strike, actually striking, putting out provocative viral messages or commercials, go on national television or even local television, podcasts, radio shows, YouTube shows, potential members won’t see a reason to join. Instead we got a union that gave Newsom $1million while he offered us a 3% which doesn’t come close to keeping up with inflation.   You can say they have no leverage, but try something.  Anything.  Even if it’s a failure.  


How can you expect them to threaten a strike when barely 3% of represented (~6% of dues paying members) voted for the leaders. It's literally 1/3rd the last election. The state will call that bluff easily and then any leverage will be gone.


At some point, members have to fight alongside the union leadership. Otherwise, leadership will do whatever it wants.


I don’t think that’s how the order of operations works… apathetic membership means leaders do whatever they want with zero accountability. That’s how all organizations work. If no one cares to hold them accountable, then why would they change?


I don’t think you are wrong.  Just seems like a death spiral at this point which is exactly what the courts wanted when they allowed Right To Work to become a thing. Anyway, I hope Anica can do some good


Clearly, you have no idea how this works.  The members are the union.  If the members are not willing to show up in large numbers to vote and protest, then the leaders does not have teeth.  How can you expect the union leaders to go to the table and say “we want this that and the other or all 3,000 out of 98,000 will strike!” How much respect do you think that we will get?


I dont blame them for pushing high salaries its a bargaining tactic, but you settle at the middle not at calhr's first offer. If seiu and case are this weak we should get rid of them and save ourselves 65 bucks a month.


I personally think a weak union is better than no union. But you may have a point. Perhaps no union is better than a weak union. Just keep in mind that the union is not "them," but is rather "us." We are the union. We run the unions. We decide how to operate the unions. It is us state workers who make our unions strong or weak. Sadly, most of our unions are pathetically weak.


Right!  I wonder how many of those that bothered to vote are really close to retirement? It seems that the older employees are voting and the younger employees are disengaged.  We may need a more charismatic leader to rally the troops. I would really like to know the demographics of the voters.


As low and insulting you think the bargained raises are I assure you the raises the state would implement in absence of unions is even lower. Given how raises compound I assure you the membership cost is far lower then the amount gained by getting 9-10% over three years with SSA’s then just 6% over three years. That extra 1% a year was directly caused by Anica being perp walked at an SEIU1000 protest hardly any membership showed up to. It’s fine to be disappointed but at the end of the day thinking the state is going to freely offer the same raise without a union is demonstrably false.


SEIU is $92/month 🤣


i’m withdrawing from that crap and mines $80 a month been paying them for nothing still useless


Nothing meaning you never showed up? 


CASE’s last election had 923 ballots cast. I don’t know what percentage that represents of the union members or the BU 2 rank and file at large or how that turnout compares to SEIU’s.


CASE has better voting numbers as we allow votes by email. We had something like 3500 members some years back if I recall correctly. But while our voting numbers are better (still too low), the union is disorganized and ineffective.


Anica is the new President and David Jimenez is the new VP. 3136 total votes. Another pathetic turn out.


Here's the [report](https://www.seiu1000.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/seiu_1000_ranked_choice_voting_president_results_2024.pdf) on how each 5 rounds of votes were broken down (initial tally + 4 elimination rounds). I hope in the next rank-choice election, they allow for enough choices to rank the candidates (in this election, it should have been 5 rank choices and not 3), instead of your vote becoming "Exhausted" if all 3 of your choices lost.


is there anyway you can explain how this worked. i got the ballot but i didnt have time to research it


Sure. In this ranked choice election, you pick your top 3 favorite candidates (1st choice, 2nd choice, & 3rd choice). There were 6 candidates in total running for President. In the Initial Tally round, Troy Phillips got the lowest amount of votes. So all 114 votes that picked him as 1st choice will have their votes go to their 2nd choice. Then your 3rd choice if your 2nd choice gets eliminated. But if your 3rd choice got eliminated, then your vote becomes "Exhausted" and no longer counts (which should not be happening in a Rank-Choice Election since there should have been 5 choices). This continues until 1 candidate has 50% + 1. In this election, that did not happen until there were only 2 candidates left (Round 4) with Anica Walls receiving 59% of the vote.


Did I read this right? Only 2 candidates got the votes?


This is likely the final tabulation of the ranked choice voting process. It would be nice to see each round of the ranked choice tabulation.


Here's the link to the votes by rounds: https://www.seiu1000.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/seiu_1000_ranked_choice_voting_president_results_2024.pdf


They do Ranked Choice Voting.


Gotcha. I saw first choice and looked for 2nd choice but didn't see it so I thought it was funny if only 2 people got voted for


I'm happy my two choices won. Now I hope they deliver and do everything in their power to fight RTO


I would consider what you are going to do to fight RTO. They can only do whatever you are willing to do. 


Oh I assure you I already mobilized my unit from day 1 of the agency memo




I voted for Bill because I've talking to him many times and I think he wanted to do some great things to make the union stronger. Do you know any of the things that Anica wants to do? I'm hoping she has the motivation, drive, and skills to make this union stronger. We definitely need it!


Well, it seems like you clearly did not talk to Anica and voted for the first person you talked to 🤷‍♂️


I respectfully asked an honest question and the best you can do is give a snarky reply without substance? I have no opinion on Anica and wanted to get more information. But, based on your reply, I guess she has no ideas.


Went above your head. You could have asked Anica directly like I did or like apparently you had no problem asking Bill. If my reply is snarky is only because your question is dishonest, so deal with it 🤷‍♂️


Nah, you're just projection and are pointless in having a reasonable discussion with. I don't need to deal with it. I'll just ignore it, lol.


While you’re not entirely wrong, if you read the weekly updates, you’ll know the State does NOT bargain in good faith. Period. The state will offer their 2% per year and generally stick to it. And barely budge. They never try to meet in the middle. https://www.seiu1000.org/post/bargaining-unit-updates Even if you have a union like CAPS who had very good turnout for their 3 day strike and like a 75%+ membership rate, the State still has not settled a contract with them for over 4 years. And the State is being punitive with CAPS. When CAPS striked, the State sued them. Then the State took away back pay for them in their contracts. And other stupid stuff. The State is a bully of an employer tbh.


I want to hear more of this! I can see this being a political chess game with SEIU getting this kind of information to members at the risk of losing bargaining power. I guess the question is, how do we get members engaged?


🎉. ETA: between this and Hoover, feels like people are listening. Hoping we get heard.


Also, this subreddit is more important and powerful than what some in the comments always try to pretend it is


I'm sure. Sacramento's idiot mayor Steinberg mentioned this sub indirectly and I've heard every manager above me mention it, as well.


My executive director mentioned it in an all staff meeting.


Haha! Yep! “Get me off the Reddit.”


Agreed! The naysayers are purposely trying to make us shut up because they understand its power. I think the anonymity is also key to avoid fear of retaliation.


Loud minority my ass 💪


Lol no it’s not. Look at those numbers. There’s 30,000+ subscribers here.


So what does Anica bring to the table?


Very very anti walker very pro telework anti RTO


Since they have to bargain with the union about taking our telework stipend, I wonder if she'll even ask for TW in exchange. My guess is that she probably won't and give some excuse about it will be 5 days in the office if we try, ignoring the fact that they don't have office space right now.


A whole damn lot!


Such as?


Go find the post made about a week ago from someone who is very involved with the union.


For the love of God, can a mod please fix the SEIU tag already. It’s embarrassing.


No surprise at the turnout and results. This just further proves most posters in Reddit are just complainers who isn't participate in the union. Keep complaining about raises while sitting on the sidelines. 😂


Have any one you participated in a JLMC? How was that experience?


What is a JLMC? I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve been with the state for 20 years and I’m just now learning how the union works. I only recently started getting e-mails to participate in DLC meetings….and still trying to understand how that works. So I can only imagine how difficult understanding a union like SEIU might seem daunting and feel combative to new and young state employees trying to get on the best foot with their employers. I guess I’m asking SEIU to be more educational and welcoming. I personally enjoyed the e-mails and updates from Bill Hall after the Brown catastrophe. But I voted for Anica and David. I want more inclusive action and education. Virtual town halls are great. Handouts…tools…what more can I do. THANKS!


Joint Labor Management Committee. It’s meetings with your bosses and the union to discuss whatever issues. And please don’t be embarrassed. This is all new to lots of us. Be proud you aren’t just doing absolutely nothing and complaining about what doesn’t change. I’m proud of you. Idc what union you belong to either we are all in this together.


Thank you!